423 research outputs found

    Feasibility Study for Clean Energy Backup Power in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico

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    The Client provides clean energy backup power products enabling optimized power systems for a range of applications. Products deliver incomparable performance, durability and versatility. Clean energy systems can provide backup power solutions for wireless telecommunication (telco) providers, and other vertical industries, delivering solid reliability at an attractive lifecycle cost. The Client offers a comprehensive portfolio of clean energy generation products for backup – as well as continuous power – applications. The Client provides complete, proven solutions that can be implemented rapidly and easily, providing end-to-end support for a range of application requirements. The Client is active in many regions of the world and has two years’ experience in Mexico. Brazil and Argentina present new opportunities that the Client has not fully explored. The Client is considering entering Brazil and Mexico; in addition, the Client would like to further explore potential new opportunities in Mexico. By understanding the competitive situation and contextual conditions in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, the company can better evaluate if it should enter or remain (as in the case for Mexico) in these markets. Major growth in mobile usage in Latin America is driving telecommunication service providers to invest in infrastructure in order to meet increased demand for smartphones and tablets. Telecom providers, however, are not necessarily the ones investing in infrastructure but are partnering with third party providers to build and maintain towers and base stations. In addition, new regulation in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico are changing the way telecom providers utilize this infrastructure, forcing many to consider a shared or co-located model for use of tower space and base station equipment, including backup power solutions. Despite its very poor macroeconomic climate, Argentina appears to be the most attractive market, driven by government regulation and extremely high mobile penetration, for the Client to enter as a provider of clean energy backup power. In contrast, Mexico and the developed areas of Brazil do not have drivers for adoption of extended back-up power. Where demand for extended back-up products proves real, the use of a local distributor is recommended, and if traction is gained, a local sales agent further recommended to the Client

    The influence of cultural dimensions on consumer brand personality perception in Finland, Serbia and Vietnam

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    The 21st century is the age of globalisation and deepened integration of nations. International trade is facilitated by easier transfer of money, goods, and ideas. This in turn encourages companies to expand internationally and to offer their products or services abroad. Growing competition brings challenges concerning the ability to stand out from the wide selection of competing products. Distinctive brands that consumers perceive as relevant is an effective method of differentiation. Subsequently there is a need to have an understanding of the target culture’s values and traditions. Consumer perception of brand personalities, otherwise known as human personality traits that can be applied to brands, helps to understand the attitudes of consumers towards brands. This information is crucial for creating relevant brands and marketing. This study examines the connection between cultural dimensions, and brand personality preference of consumers. In addition, it examines the connection of product category and consumer brand perception. The theories used are Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory and brand personality scale by Geuens et al. (2009). There are three case countries: Finland, Vietnam, and Serbia. The study adopts a deductive and explanatory research approach. Data collection was done through self-administered online questionnaires and the final number of responses is 228. Data analysis was conducted through SPSS 28. The results show that for the most part connection between culture and consumer brand personality perception exists. Also, the product category of brands triggers brand personality associations most typical for the category. Non typical personalities are rejected. The study contributes by adding research data concerning Finland and Serbia, as well as data involving the impact of all six Hofstede’s cultural dimensions on consumer brand personality perception

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Authority, Meaning and Legal Nature

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    Por muitos anos vigeu a idéia de que somente os Estados são sujeitos de Direito internacional. Atualmente é inegável a existência de outros sujeitos, dentre os quais a pessoa humana. Este artigo trata do movimento que consagra o ser humano como sujeito de direitos e analisa o principal instrumento declarativo desses direitos da sociedade internacional: a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos (1948). Trata-se de documento incomparável na História da Humanidade, porque é um documento revolucionário que provoca mudanças profundas de mentalidade e de atitude no mundo.The idea that only the State is subject to International Law lingered for many years. At present it is undeniable the existence of other subjects, among which, the human being. This article deals with the movement which acclaims the human being as subject to rights and analyses the main declarative instrument of these rights in the international society: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). It is an incomparable document in the History of Mankind, for it is a revolutionary document that causes profound changes of mentality and attitude in the world

    Procedimiento incorrecto del ajuste de prestaciones a pensionados en el ISSS

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la práctica adoptada por los Institutos Previsionales de nuestro país, de ajustar las prestaciones otorgadas a sus afiliados, al descubrir posteriormente que los encargados de establecer el monto de beneficios correspondientes a sus derechos, se equivocaron o dieron por válida información falsa presentada por ellos para acreditar tiempos y salarios devengados en su oportunidad. Si bien es cierto que algunos de estos beneficios reconocidos originaron ingresos sin justa causa, el procedimiento seguido para corregir el problema, ignora la naturaleza de los actos administrativos, que engendraron tales derechos a favor de terceros, los cuales no pueden ser reducidos o eliminados, mediante resoluciones posteriores emitidas por la misma entidad, y menos, hacerlo de hecho, como parece suceder, en algunas ocasiones. Este tipo de procedimientos entra en conflicto con las garantías constitucionales de los salvadoreños, ya que tales acciones pueden considerarse confiscatorias. Cabe aclarar que este trabajo no constituye una apología del fraude, ni pretende justificar el enriquecimiento sin justa causa; el interes de esta breve investigación es ilustrar al lector, sobre los procedimientos jurisdiccionales que se deben seguir para revocar derechos adquiridos mediante actos administrativos.Revista Akademos disponible en Librería Delgad

    Technological change and educational training processes

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    Con la consolidación de la era digital en todas las actividades económicas y sociales a nivel mundial, se han experimentado cambios significativos en los procesos de aprendizaje, en general y de los estudiantes en particular, especialmente como consecuencia de las dificultades que enfrentan hoy las personas para concentrarse en tareas concretas; esto puede evidenciarse fácilmente al tomar en cuenta los múltiples distractores a que estamos expuestos cotidianamente al estar conectados a la red, inclusive cuando realizamos actividades intelectuale

    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and The Role of Public Participation

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    This dissertation analyzes the role of public participation and the implementation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) funded developments in higher socio-economic communities. Using archival research, participant observation, and in-depth interviews, the dissertation examines the placement of North Court Villas, Frisco, Texas and 2640 Fountain View, Houston, Texas. The literature shows that the placement of LIHTC-funded developments continues to be distributed in low-income communities. Housing policies have not been able to resolve these imbalances, which has resulted in multiple court interventions. However, court rulings have not sufficiently addressed the aspects of public participation of these developments. Research shows that these developments are normally met in higher socio-economic communities with the same level of public resistance as any development associated with Not In MyBack Yard (NIMBY). Little is known about how local institutional actions on public participation have positively skewed the supply of LIHTC-funded developments in communities with higher economic opportunities. This dissertation uses archival research as an initial assessment to pinpoint the stakeholders who were actively engaged within the studied areas. Individual contact with stakeholders for an interview was initiated via e-mail, telephone, and various social media platforms. Following each interview, a snowball sampling took place where each participant was encouraged to refer other members within their community for an interview. 25 community stakeholders agreed to an in-person or virtual meeting. In addition, public hearings were used to corroborate and enhance the data was the collected from the interviews. The usage of three data collection methods resulted in the discovery of three themes: communication, space (location) and time. The data shows that the three themes serve as a crucial component to the way local stakeholders effectively utilize public participation to implement LIHTC-funded developments in higher socio-economic communities. Lastly, the themes show that greater public participation of residents in the decision-making process will lead to a greater probability of acceptance of LIHTC-funded development in higher socio-economic communities than in similar communities where public participation is minimal

    Evaluación del aprendizaje

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    Tradicionalmente hemos circunscrito la evaluación educativa al ámbito del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, dado que su formación constituye la esencia del Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje (PEA), a pesar de que en dicho proceso deberíamos valorar también el currículum institucional, la pertinencia de los objetivos formativos, la actualización de los programas de estudio y sobre todo, la utilidad práctica de los contenidos estudiados

    Higher education and andragogy

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    Ante el desafío que implica preservar la vigencia de los programas de especialización, en general y de maestría en gestión de negocios, en particular y con el ánimo de contribuir efectivamente al desarrollo profesional de ejecutivos del entorno empresarial salvadoreño, el Instituto Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas(ISEADE-FEPADE) contrató a principios del año 2018, los servicios de una firma de consultoría domiciliada en Barcelona para revisar las tendencias de la formación superior y el peso relevante que tiene actualmente la tecnología en los Procesos de Enseñanza Aprendizaje (PEA)

    Tasa de crecimiento sostenible, fuentes y usos de efectivo y valor de mercado de una empresa

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    El presente artículo pretende ilustrar la relación que existe entre la Tasa de Crecimiento sostenida de una Empresa, el estado de Fuentes y Usos de Efectivo y el valor de mercado de la misma. De igual manera se destaca la relación existente entre la tasa de crecimiento de la empresa, su política de distribución de dividendos, la estructura de capital adoptada por ésta y la calidad de las inversiones que realiza


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    I began this project as an inquiry about the wisdom of children. I began by centering their experience because I’ve always been inspired and shaped by it. Understanding how we show up to their experience, reveals a body of knowledge that represents who we are and where we are in our development as leaders, mentors, and role models. I observed my teaching practices closely and found new ways of listening to my internal practices. I found that being in relationship with the natural world, being in relationship with my body and my creativity, were essential in strengthening my teaching practices. Most importantly, developing these relationships allowed me to name love as a fundamental part of my work and practice. Being able to name this, has allowed me to confront my own habits rooted in patriarchy, specialness, and systems of domination. Love is the way inward and forward, at the sight of oppression or as a witness of inspiration
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