289 research outputs found

    Predicting risk of school refusal: examining the incremental role of trait EI beyond personality and emotion regulation

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    Research has not yet been deepened in the link between personality factors and risk of school refusal. Furthermore, previous studies fail to verify the direct relation between trait EI and the risk of school refusal. The present study examined personality traits, emotion regulation and trait EI for the contributory role they may play in predicting the risk of school refusal. The sample consisted of 311 participants, 112 males (36%) and 199 females (64%) with an average age of 14.19 (SD = .60), from a high school in the city of Messina (Sicily, Italy). Results show that the risk of school refusal is positively related to neuroticism and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, while it is negatively related to the extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness and trait EI. Moreover, trait EI can be considered as a strong incremental negative predictor of risk of school refusal over and above personality traits and emotion regulation

    Pharmacogenomic characterization in bipolar spectrum disorders

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    The holistic approach of personalized medicine, merging clinical and molecular characteristics to tailor the diagnostic and therapeutic path to each individual, is steadily spreading in clinical practice. Psychiatric disorders represent one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges, given their frequent mixed nature and intrinsic variability, as in bipolar disorders and depression. Patients misdiagnosed as depressed are often initially prescribed serotonergic antidepressants, a treatment that can exacerbate a previously unrecognized bipolar condition. Thanks to the use of the patient\u2019s genomic profile, it is possible to recognize such risk and at the same time characterize specific genetic assets specifically associated with bipolar spectrum disorder, as well as with the individual response to the various therapeutic options. This provides the basis for molecular diagnosis and the definition of pharmacogenomic profiles, thus guiding therapeutic choices and allowing a safer and more effective use of psychotropic drugs. Here, we report the pharmacogenomics state of the art in bipolar disorders and suggest an algorithm for therapeutic regimen choice

    Should the host reaction to anisakiasis influence the treatment? Different clinical presentations in two cases

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    Gastrointestinal anisakiasis is a parasitic infection occurring in people that consume raw or inadequately cooked fish or squid. It is frequently characterized by severe epigastric pain, nausea and vom iting caused by the penetration of the larvae into the gastric wall. Acute gastric anisakiasis with severe chest discomfort is rarely report ed in Italy. On the other hand, gastro-allergic anisakiasis with rash, urticaria and isolated angioedema or anaphylaxis is a clinical entity that has been described only recently. Also, if patients usually develop symptoms within 12 hours after raw seafood ingestion, not always endoscopic exploration can promptly identify the Anisakis larvae. Moreover, some authors consider the prevailing allergic reaction as a natural and effective defense against the parasitic attack. We report two cases of peculiar manifestations of anisakiasis in both acute and chronic forms (severe chest discomfort and anaphylactoid reaction)

    Management of surgical diseases of thyroid gland indications of the United Italian Society of Endocrine Surgery (SIUEC)

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    A task force of the United Italian society of Endocrine Surgery (SIUEC) was commissioned to review the position statement on diagnostic, therapeutic and health‑care management protocol in thyroid surgery published in 2016, at the light of new technologies, recent oncological concepts, and tailored approaches. The objective of this publication was to support surgeons with modern rational protocols of treatment that can be shared by health-care professionals, taking into account important clinical, healthcare and therapeutic aspects, as well as potential sequelae and complications. The task force consists of 13 members of the SIUEC highly trained and experienced in thyroid surgery. The main topics concern clinical evaluation and preoperative workup, patient preparation for surgery, surgical treatment, non-surgical options, postoperative management, prevention and management of major complications, outpatient care and follow-up

    Artificial Intelligence for Thyroid Nodule Characterization: Where Are We Standing?

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    Machine learning (ML) is an interdisciplinary sector in the subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that creates systems to set up logical connections using algorithms, and thus offers predictions for complex data analysis. In the present review, an up-to-date summary of the current state of the art regarding ML and AI implementation for thyroid nodule ultrasound characterization and cancer is provided, highlighting controversies over AI application as well as possible benefits of ML, such as, for example, training purposes. There is evidence that AI increases diagnostic accuracy and significantly limits inter-observer variability by using standardized mathematical algorithms. It could also be of aid in practice settings with limited sub-specialty expertise, offering a second opinion by means of radiomics and computer-assisted diagnosis. The introduction of AI represents a revolutionary event in thyroid nodule evaluation, but key issues for further implementation include integration with radiologist expertise, impact on workflow and efficiency, and performance monitoring

    Equine mesenchymal stem/stromal cells freeze-dried secretome (Lyosecretome) for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases: Production process validation and batch release test for clinical use

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    In the last decades, it has been demonstrated that the regenerative therapeutic efficacy of mesenchymal stromal cells is primarily due to the secretion of soluble factors and extracellular vesicles, collectively known as secretome. In this context, our work described the preparation and characterization of a freeze-dried secretome (Lyosecretome) from adipose tissue-derived mesenchy-mal stromal cells for the therapy of equine musculoskeletal disorder. An intraarticular injectable pharmaceutical powder has been formulated, and the technological process has been validated in an authorized facility for veterinary clinical-use medicinal production. Critical parameters for quality control and batch release have been identified regarding (i) physicochemical properties; (ii) extracellular vesicle morphology, size distribution, and surface biomarker; (iii) protein and lipid content; (iv) requirements for injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms such as sterility, bacterial endotoxin, and Mycoplasma; and (v) in vitro potency tests, as anti-elastase activity and proliferative activity on musculoskeletal cell lines (tenocytes and chondrocytes) and mesenchymal stromal cells. Finally, proteins putatively responsible for the biological effects have been identified by Lyosecretome pro-teomic investigation: IL10RA, MXRA5, RARRES2, and ANXA1 modulate the inflammatory process RARRES2, NOD1, SERPINE1, and SERPINB9 with antibacterial activity. The work provides a proof-of-concept for the manufacturing of clinical-grade equine freeze-dried secretome, and prototypes are now available for safety and efficacy clinical trials in the treatment of equine musculoskeletal diseases

    Anesthesia in Treacher Collins Syndrome for bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) surgery.

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    Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disor- der characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face, affecting about one child in every 50000. Ab- normalities such micrognathia, cleft palate and cervical spine alterations are common and may represent an addi- tional risk in airway management for general anesthesia. As a matter of fact, difficult OTI prevalence in paediatric surgery rises from 1-2% to 50% when considering the subpopulation of paediatric patients with cervical spine diseases, as TCS ones. This article describes a case report of our anesthesiological management in bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) implant surgery in a 7-year-old fe- male Treacher Collins Syndrome patient born without the long process of the incus, the stapes and with hypoplasia of the oval window bilaterally. A careful preoperative evaluation and anesthesiological plan based on the use of videolaryngoscopy, routine practice in our centre, granted a successful outcome and no complications

    The ruptured Achilles tendon: operative and non-operative treatment options

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    The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body. Like any other tendon in the body, however, it is susceptible to rupture. Many surgeons advocate early operative repair of the ruptured Achilles tendon, citing decreased re-rupture rates and improved functional outcome. Waiting for surgical repair for longer than one month may lead to inferior functional results postoperatively. Non-operative treatment has higher re-rupture rates as compared to surgically repaired tendons, but may be the treatment of choice in some patients. While for many years, patients were rigidly immobilized in a non-weightbearing cast for 6–8 weeks postoperatively, newer studies have shown excellent results with early weightbearing, and this is quickly becoming the standard of care amongst many physicians
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