343 research outputs found

    Electronic Systems : Noteboook of Lab Activities

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    Notebook of Lab Activities in english.Dossier de pràctiques en català.2015/201

    Introducció : generalitats sobre amplificadors

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    Electrónica analógica : dosier de prácticas

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    Compendio de prácticas de la asignatura.2016/201

    Instrumentació bàsica : dossier de pràctiques

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    Conceptes bàsics sobre processat digital

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    Quadern d’activitats de filtres digitals

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    Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente en España. Estudio de caso: Los problemas medioambientales y

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    Les indicateurs métaboliques de la durabilité environnementale, sont devenus bien connus ces dernières années, particulièrement l’indicateur de l’empreinte écologique. Celui-ci a déja demontré être un outil efficace a l´heure de comparer la surface géographique occupée par une population avec la superficie biologiquement productive qui est nécessaire pour assurer la fourniture des ressources dont elle a besoin pour son développement. Des études récents montrent que, généralement, dans les pays développés la localisation écologique des établissements humains ne coïncide plus avec leur situation géographique. Cet article analyse le calcul de l’empreinte écologique à différentes échelles, dans la communauté autonome de Castille-et-Léon.The metabolic index of environmental sustainability has become well known in recent years. Especially the Ecological Footprint index, since it has proven to be a very useful tool for comparing the geographical area occupied by a population with the natural area that is necessary to sustain that population indefinitely. Recent studies indicate that in general, in developed countries the ecological location of human settlements does not coincide with their geographic location. This article analyzes the Ecological Footprint calculation at different scales, within the Autonomous District of Castilla and Leon.Los índices metabólicos de sostenibilidad ambiental, se han hecho muy conocidos durante los últimos años. Especialmente el índice de Huella Ecológica, ya que ha demostrado ser un instrumento muy útil para comparar el área geográfica ocupada por una población, con el área natural necesaria para mantener dicha población indefinidamente. Los últimos estudios al respecto, señalan que generalmente en los países desarrollados la localización ecológica de los asentamientos humanos, ya no coincide con su localización geográfica. En el presente artículo se analiza el cálculo de Huella Ecológica a diferentes escalas, dentro de la comunidad autónoma de Castilla y León

    Periodicidad climática y datación astrocronológica del Grupo Enciso en la cuenca oriental de Cameros (N de España)

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    This study presents the cyclostratigraphic analysis of a detailed, 1,371 m-thick stratigraphic section logged in the Lower Cretaceous syn-rift lacustrine and alluvial deposits of the Enciso Group, in the eastern Cameros Basin. The spectral analysis of a time series based on lithology reveals periodic sedimentary cycles attributable to variations in the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (131.8 and 39.9 m-thick sedimentary cycles for the long and short orbital eccentricity cycle) and to changes in the obliquity (12.6 m-thick cycle) and the two precession modes (7.7-5.5 m-thick cycles) of the Earth’s rotation axis. We have constructed a floating astrochronological time scale based on the spectral analysis allowing us to propose that the time interval registered in the studied series is ca. 5.4-5.7 Ma, and to estimate an average sedimentation rate of ~255-239 m/Ma. The presence of cycles representing a similar time span but having different thickness, reveals a higher influence of tectonic activity in the central and upper parts of the succession, and discriminate tectonic from climatic signal, the latter being significant throughout the succession. The sedimentary facies and paleontological content of the studied profile, deposited very close to the coastline, have allowed us to interpret a deepening-shallowing cycle that it is proposed to be eustasy- related (transgressive-regressive cycle). The anchoring of this cycle with the sea level curve in combination with the scarce paleontological dates permit the Enciso Group to be located in the Hauterivian-Barremian, that was approximately deposited between 132.5-126.8 or 132.3-126.9 Ma, depending on whether the short or long eccentricity cycle is considered, respectively