189 research outputs found

    Le Jeu dans l'oeuvre de Henry de Montherlant

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    Many a time has play fooled Montherlant if we are to believe comments accusing the author of hiding his hand and deceiving his readers. Montherlant’s character continues to overshadow his protean works which span approximately fifty years. However, the playful construction of the writer’s image cannot be separated from the aspect of play stemming from his texts. Studying the element of play in his works as a whole, including the overwhelming paratext which accompanies them, offers a privileged point of view and allows us to take the heat out of our relationship to the author and question the assumed obsolescence of his works. This effort of contextualisation, which invites us to put the texts of this versatile writer in relation to those of other authors, draws on historical and sociological tools allowing us to shed light on the writer’s conception of play. Play, a malleable term which the author construes in the light of his own athletic and bullfighting experiences, presents itself as an initiatory space. Montherlant asserts his aristocratic background and sets himself up as an arbiter of taste. If his choices are partly induced by an aristocratic logic, they sometimes deceive the reader’s expectations. The existential playfulness asserted by the author not only influences his way of writing but his conception of the writer’s role as well, a role whose weakness has been revealed to the full during the Occupation. Studying the impact of play on the reception of his works hereby leads us to unveil the flaws of the strategies adopted by the author, flaws in which critics and readers are sometimes swallowed up.Le jeu a joué bien des tours à Montherlant, si l’on en croit les jugements proférés à l’encontre d’un auteur accusé de cacher son jeu et de duper son lectorat. Le personnage Montherlant continue à éclipser une œuvre multiforme, s’étalant sur une cinquantaine d’années. Mais la part du jeu dans l’élaboration de l’image de l’écrivain ne peut être envisagée indépendamment de la vision des pratiques ludiques qui émane de ses écrits. L’étude du jeu dans l’ensemble de l’œuvre, y compris dans le paratexte envahissant qui l’accompagne, offre un angle d’approche privilégié pour dépassionner notre rapport à l’auteur et interroger l’inactualité supposée de son œuvre. Ce travail de contextualisation, qui invite à faire dialoguer les écrits de ce polygraphe avec ceux d’autres auteurs, mobilise des outils historiques et sociologiques, à même d’éclairer la conception du jeu de l’écrivain. Notion malléable que l’auteur interprète à l’aune de ses expériences sportives et tauromachiques, le jeu se présente comme un espace initiatique. Revendiquant son appartenance au milieu nobiliaire, Montherlant s’érige en arbitre du goût. S’ils se conforment pour une part à une logique aristocratique, les choix de cet homme de loisir déjouent parfois les attentes du lecteur. Le ludisme existentiel qu’affiche l’auteur informe non seulement ses pratiques d’écriture mais aussi sa conception du rôle de l’écrivain, laquelle révèle toute sa fragilité durant la période de l’Occupation. Rendre compte de l’impact du jeu sur la réception de l’œuvre conduit ainsi à faire apparaître les failles des stratégies adoptées par l’auteur, failles dans lesquelles s’engouffrent parfois la critique et les lecteurs

    ICTs Click! : stimulating student's interest through the integration of ICTs in the classroom /

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    La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie (MESRST) du gouvernement du Québec dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA).Article en anglais. -- Article en espagnol

    Le partenariat entre les parents et les intervenants: des perceptions aux réalisations

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    La nozione di «partenariato» è oggi al centro dell’attenzione degli addetti ai lavori per quanto riguarda le relazioni tra genitori e educatori. Da anni i genitori non sono più considerati come osservatori passivi dei processi educativi dei loro figli, ma sono invece indotti ad assumere un ruolo attivo e collaborativo e a mettere a disposizione degli educatori le proprie conoscenze. Nel medesimo tempo, questi ultimi hanno sviluppato competenze relazionali e comunicative atte a favorire il rapporto con i genitori. Sul piano pedagogico si tratta di progettare interventi che valorizzino i principi di empowerment, enabling e collaborazione reciproca. Oltre a fornire un inquadramento concettuale di questa tematica, il contributo esamina alcuni interventi condotti presso strutture educative rivolte a bambini disabili in Québec nel quadro della formazione di giovani universitari tirocinanti e pure nell’ambito delle attività di valutazione dei propri figli da parte dei genitori

    Intégration des TIC et motivation en français : rapport de recherche /

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    La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie (MESRST) du gouvernement du Québec dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)

    On-chip generation of adjustable cylindrical vector beams

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    Cylindrical vector (CV) beams have sparked considerable interest due to their extraordinary vectorial properties, desirable for applications ranging from microscopy to high energy physics. Increasing demand for cost-effective, small-footprint photonics has fueled the development of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) capable of generating structured light beams in recent years. This technology however suffers from low reconfigurability, limiting the variety of CV beams that can be generated from these devices. In this article, we propose a novel design to overcome this limitation, which exploits the polarization-dependent response of annular gratings embedded into a microring resonator to generate re-configurable CV beams. We demonstrate the viability of the device in a proof-of-principle experiment including spatially resolved Stokes measurements

    Metasurface-enhanced Light Detection and Ranging Technology

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    Deploying advanced imaging solutions to robotic and autonomous systems by mimicking human vision requires simultaneous acquisition of multiple fields of views, named the peripheral and fovea regions. Low-resolution peripheral field provides coarse scene exploration to direct the eye to focus to a highly resolved fovea region for sharp imaging. Among 3D computer vision techniques, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is currently considered at the industrial level for robotic vision. LiDAR is an imaging technique that monitors pulses of light at optical frequencies to sense the space and to recover three-dimensional ranging information. Notwithstanding the efforts on LiDAR integration and optimization, commercially available devices have slow frame rate and low image resolution, notably limited by the performance of mechanical or slow solid-state deflection systems. Metasurfaces (MS) are versatile optical components that can distribute the optical power in desired regions of space. Here, we report on an advanced LiDAR technology that uses ultrafast low FoV deflectors cascaded with large area metasurfaces to achieve large FoV and simultaneous peripheral and central imaging zones. This technology achieves MHz frame rate for 2D imaging, and up to KHz for 3D imaging, with extremely large FoV (up to 150{\deg}deg. on both vertical and horizontal scanning axes). The use of this disruptive LiDAR technology with advanced learning algorithms offers perspectives to improve further the perception capabilities and decision-making process of autonomous vehicles and robotic systems.Comment: 25pages, 18 figures. Including supplementary material

    Modeling and Flowsheet Design of an Am Separation Process Using TODGA and Hâ‚„TPAEN

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    Recycling americium from spent fuels is an important consideration for the future nuclear fuel cycle, as americium is the main contributor to the long-term radiotoxicity and heat power of the final waste, after separation of uranium and plutonium using the PUREX process. The separation of americium alone from a PUREX raffinate can be achieved by co-extracting lanthanide (Ln(III)) and actinide (An(III)) cations into an organic phase containing the diglycolamide extractant TODGA, and then stripping Am(III) with selectivity towards Cm(III) and lanthanides. The water soluble ligand H4TPAEN was tested to selectively strip Am from a loaded organic phase. Based on experimental data obtained by Jülich, NNL and CEA laboratories since 2013, a phenomenological model has been developed to simulate the behavior of americium, curium and lanthanides during their extraction by TODGA and their complexation by H4TPAEN (complex stoichiometry, extraction and complexation constants, kinetics). The model was gradually implemented in the PAREX code and helped to narrow down the best operating conditions. Thus, the following modifications of initial operating conditions were proposed: • An increase in the concentration of TPAEN as much as the solubility limit allows. • An improvement of the lanthanide scrubbing from the americium flow by adding nitrates to the aqueous phase. A qualification of the model was begun by comparing on the one hand constants determined with the model to those measured experimentally, and on the other hand, simulation results and experimental data on new independent batch experiments. A first sensitivity analysis identified which parameter has the most dominant effect on the process. A flowsheet was proposed for a spiked test in centrifugal contactors performed with a simulated PUREX raffinate with trace amounts of Am and Cm. If the feasibility of the process is confirmed, the results of this test will be used to consolidate the model and to design a flowsheet for a test on a genuine PUREX raffinate. This work is the result of collaborations in the framework of the SACSESS European Project

    Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology

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    : Deploying advanced imaging solutions to robotic and autonomous systems by mimicking human vision requires simultaneous acquisition of multiple fields of views, named the peripheral and fovea regions. Among 3D computer vision techniques, LiDAR is currently considered at the industrial level for robotic vision. Notwithstanding the efforts on LiDAR integration and optimization, commercially available devices have slow frame rate and low resolution, notably limited by the performance of mechanical or solid-state deflection systems. Metasurfaces are versatile optical components that can distribute the optical power in desired regions of space. Here, we report on an advanced LiDAR technology that leverages from ultrafast low FoV deflectors cascaded with large area metasurfaces to achieve large FoV (150°) and high framerate (kHz) which can provide simultaneous peripheral and central imaging zones. The use of our disruptive LiDAR technology with advanced learning algorithms offers perspectives to improve perception and decision-making process of ADAS and robotic systems

    Modeling and Flowsheet Design of an Am Separation Process Using TODGA and Hâ‚„TPAEN

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    Recycling americium from spent fuels is an important consideration for the future nuclear fuel cycle, as americium is the main contributor to the long-term radiotoxicity and heat power of the final waste, after separation of uranium and plutonium using the PUREX process. The separation of americium alone from a PUREX raffinate can be achieved by co-extracting lanthanide (Ln(III)) and actinide (An(III)) cations into an organic phase containing the diglycolamide extractant TODGA, and then stripping Am(III) with selectivity towards Cm(III) and lanthanides. The water soluble ligand H4TPAEN was tested to selectively strip Am from a loaded organic phase. Based on experimental data obtained by Jülich, NNL and CEA laboratories since 2013, a phenomenological model has been developed to simulate the behavior of americium, curium and lanthanides during their extraction by TODGA and their complexation by H4TPAEN (complex stoichiometry, extraction and complexation constants, kinetics). The model was gradually implemented in the PAREX code and helped to narrow down the best operating conditions. Thus, the following modifications of initial operating conditions were proposed: • An increase in the concentration of TPAEN as much as the solubility limit allows. • An improvement of the lanthanide scrubbing from the americium flow by adding nitrates to the aqueous phase. A qualification of the model was begun by comparing on the one hand constants determined with the model to those measured experimentally, and on the other hand, simulation results and experimental data on new independent batch experiments. A first sensitivity analysis identified which parameter has the most dominant effect on the process. A flowsheet was proposed for a spiked test in centrifugal contactors performed with a simulated PUREX raffinate with trace amounts of Am and Cm. If the feasibility of the process is confirmed, the results of this test will be used to consolidate the model and to design a flowsheet for a test on a genuine PUREX raffinate. This work is the result of collaborations in the framework of the SACSESS European Project

    Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology

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    Deploying advanced imaging solutions to robotic and autonomous systems by mimicking human vision requires simultaneous acquisition of multiple fields of views, named the peripheral and fovea regions. Among 3D computer vision techniques, LiDAR is currently considered at the industrial level for robotic vision. Notwithstanding the efforts on LiDAR integration and optimization, commercially available devices have slow frame rate and low resolution, notably limited by the performance of mechanical or solid-state deflection systems. Metasurfaces are versatile optical components that can distribute the optical power in desired regions of space. Here, we report on an advanced LiDAR technology that leverages from ultrafast low FoV deflectors cascaded with large area metasurfaces to achieve large FoV (150°) and high framerate (kHz) which can provide simultaneous peripheral and central imaging zones. The use of our disruptive LiDAR technology with advanced learning algorithms offers perspectives to improve perception and decision-making process of ADAS and robotic systems
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