211 research outputs found

    Analytical Solutions for a 1D Scale Inhibitor Transport Model with Coupled Adsorption and Precipitation

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    The Effect of Music on Running Pace, Heart Rate and Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate how music affects different exercise variables. The variables that are being compared are running pace, heart rate, and the rate of perceived exertion. These variables will be compared when the subjects listen to music and when they do not listen to music during exercise. The goal of this study is to find out if music has a profound effect on overall athletic performance. This investigation is important for people who currently exercise often, those who are looking to lose weight as well as those who are looking to begin exercise programs for the first time. By comparing the effect of listening to music to the effect of not listening to any music on running pace, RPE and heart rate, both the benefits and setbacks of running with or without music will be presented. This, in turn, will allow us to find improvements for exercise/training and ways to improve running pace while keeping RPE low. In order to carry out this investigation, 20 students will run ½ mile while listening to Call on Me - Ryan Riback Remix on one day and run ½ mile without any music on a different day. Their ½ mile times, heart rate and RPE will be recorded each day following the run. The data will be collected from college students and the results will be compared. Once the data is compiled and analyzed, it will either confirm or deny the hypothesis that music will have a positive effect on running pace, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/stander_posters/2240/thumbnail.jp

    On the Modelling of Immiscible Viscous Fingering in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media

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    Search for Insect Neuroactive Substances Using an Electrophysiolofical Method

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    A simple and rapid bioassay was developed to search for novel insect neuroactive substances.This method was based on the electrophysiological response of the metathoracic legnerve of Periplaneta americana.Using this assay,41 methanol extracts of Kenyan plant and 15 methanol extracts of Indonesia plants were tested to show various activities.Several compounds were isolated from these methanol extracts with the guidance of the activity increasing spontaneous-impulse frequencies.地球規模での環境問題に関心が高まりつつある現在、病害虫防除のための薬剤に求められているのは、ターゲットに対する強力な効果はもちろんのこと、高い選択性と適度な生分解性である。そのような優れた特性をもつ薬剤のリード化合物となる生理活性物質を自然界から見出そうと、これまでに数多くの試みがなされてきた。その手段となるのが生物試験であり、新たな生物試験の開発が新規の活性化合物の発見につながることもある。そこで著者は、昆虫の神経を作用点とする天然生理活性物質を探索するための新たな生物試験法の開発を試みた。昆虫神経作用物質は、その効果が強力かつ速効性であることが多い点、また、植物や微生物に対し影響を及ぼしにくい点で有効なリード化合物として期待される。さらに、昆虫と哺乳動物とでは代謝に多くの違いがあるため、昆虫には強力な毒性を示しても人畜への毒性は低いことが多い。天然ピレスロイドは、このような昆虫神経作用物質の長所を合わせ持つ、理想的な例であった。自然界には、ピレスロイドと同等、またはそれ以上に優れた防除剤となりうる昆虫神経作用物質が存在するはずである。しかし、昆虫神経作用物質探索のための生物試験法はまだ一般的ではない。神経活動の観察には通常、電気生理学的手法が用いられているが、細かい作業と長い時間を要すものが多く、薬剤の作用機構の解明など、生理学的研究の手段とはなっても、スクリーニングのための生物試験として確立されたものはほどんど知られていない。著者はワモンゴキブリ(Periplanata americana)の後肢神経系を用いて、昆虫神経作用物質探索のための簡便で迅速な生物試験法を開発した。また、この試験を指標としてケニヤ産植物およびインドネシア産植物のメタノール抽出物から、いくつかの活性化合物を単離した


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    ABSTRACT Better understanding of single-/multi-phase flow through reservoir rocks largely relies on the characterisation of the pore system. For homogeneous rock materials, a complete description of the real pore structure can be obtained from the network extracted from a rock image at a single resolution. However, for complex rocks (e.g., carbonates, heterogeneous sandstones, deformed rocks etc.), a comprehensive description of the real pore structure may involve many decades of length-scales (e.g., from sub-micron to cm), which cannot be captured by a single-resolution image. Hence, the creation of a 3D multiple-scale model of a porous medium is an important step in quantitatively characterising such heterogeneous rocks and predicting their multi-phase flow properties using pore -scale network modelling. In this paper, we describe a series of pore architecture models (PAMs) to reconstruct 3D reservoir rocks from 2D thin section images along with a set of pore analysis tools (PATs) to extract the corresponding pore network systems. Specifically, we created the multiple scale pore structure through "multiple scale reconstruction". We present a methodology to construct multi-scale (or combined) networks based on the statistical description of pore-networks of 3D rock images at multiple resolutions. Using such networks, two-phase network modeling results are presented for carbonate samples to illustrate the importance of topology in the hierarchical pore structure. We show examples where isolated large-scale pores (e.g. vugs) are connected by small-scale pores, thus determining the combined effective petrophysical properties (capillary pressure, absolute and relative permeability). Finally, we indicate how the stochastic network generation method can be used to combine information from multiple images at the same resolution but obtained at different locations

    Polymer Flow Through Porous Media: Numerical Prediction of the Contribution of Slip to the Apparent Viscosity.

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    The flow of polymer solutions in porous media is often described using Darcy’s law with an apparent viscosity capturing the observed thinning or thickening effects. While the macroscale form is well accepted, the fundamentals of the pore-scale mechanisms, their link with the apparent viscosity, and their relative influence are still a matter of debate. Besides the complex effects associated with the rheology of the bulk fluid, the flow is also deeply influenced by the mechanisms occurring close to the solid/liquid interface, where polymer molecules can arrange and interact in a complex manner. In this paper, we focus on a repulsive mechanism, where polymer molecules are pushed away from the interface, yielding a so-called depletion layer in the vicinity of the wall. This depletion layer acts as a lubricating film that may be represented by an effective slip boundary condition. Here, our goal is to provide a simple mean to evaluate the contribution of this slip effect to the apparent viscosity. To do so, we solve the pore-scale flow numerically in idealized porous media with a slip length evaluated analytically in a tube. Besides its simplicity, the advantage of our approach is also that it captures relatively well the apparent viscosity obtained from core-flood experiments, using only a limited number of inputs. Therefore, it may be useful in many applications to rapidly estimate the influence of the depletion layer effect over the macroscale flow and its relative contribution compared to other phenomena, such as non-Newtonian effects

    Stochastic Pore Network Generation from 3D Rock Images

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