653 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pembiayaan Pendidikan oleh Orang Tua terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri

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    This research aimed to determine the effect of education funding by parents on student achievement class X SMA Negeri 1 Ambawang River. The research method used is associative. The sample of this research are 93 students. The results showed that there are significant funding of education by parents on student achievement class X SMA Negeri 1 Ambawang River seen from the value of t count> t table (13,307> 1,662) so that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Calculation of simple linear regression equation Y = 68,181 +0,205 X, meaning the value of the constant is 68,181, if the financing of education by parents is 0, then student achievement is worth 68,181. Regression coefficient values ??education funding by parents that 0,205. It means that any increase in education funding by parents 1, then student achievement will increase by 0,205. While the coefficient of determination in this study showed the influence of education funding contribution by parents to the learning achievement of 66,1%

    Implementasi Program Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Eksklusif di Kota Salatiga

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    Based on the high infant mortality rate and low coverage of infants who were exclusively breastfed in Indonesia, the government makes Government Regulation No. 33 2012 on Exclusive Breastfeeding.This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research method. The location was focused in Puskesmas Sidorejo Kidul and Puskesmas Tegalrejo Salatiga. The selection of informants using purposive sampling. Triangulation techniques used to test the quality of the obtained data.The implementation of this program observed through the implementation stages, goals accuracy, and program performance. Based on the synthesis of Implementation Models of Mazmanian and Sabatier, Hoogwood and Gunn, as well as Merilee S. Grindle, the chosen decisive factors in the program implementation were a power, interests, and strategies of the actors involved; resources deployed; behavior diversity of the target group; as well as compliance and responsiveness.So far, the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding program in Salatiga was not running well because there are still many shortcomings in the implementation stages, goals accuracy, and program performance. Determinant factors in this program implementation can be motivating factor, but also has a potential to be a limiting factos.Recommendations are: (1) dissemination and advocacy on public and private facilities, (2) increase the number of midwives and breastfeeding counselors with the spread arrangements; (3) refer the mother after giving birth to KP ASI ; (4) stronger to supervision against the manufacturer or distributor of infant formula milk; (5) socialized program objectives of exclusive breastfeeding to health professionals and the society , as well as (6) advocacy in the workplace and public facilities with no lactation rooms

    Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Cakalang Di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (Skipjack Tuna Fisheries Development Strategy at East Lombok District West Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    East Lombok District has marine waters area that is transversed by skipjack tuna. This condition makes its production to be the third highest after yellow fin and black marlin. However, there are some conditions related to skipjack tuna fishery in east Lombok District that are necessary to be concerned for its development. Therefore, research on skipjack tuna development strategy in East Lombok District according to its condition in that area is needed to conduct. This research is aimed to formulate skipjack tuna fishing development strategy in East Lombok District. The methodology used in this research are descriptive and SWOT analysis. This study resulting to 7 (seven) alternative strategis for skipjack tuna fisheries development in East Lombok District that are optimizing skipjack tuna utilization, rationalizing the number of skipjack tuna fishing unit, training the fishermen about catch handling, improving fishermen institutional to raise their bargaining position, maximizing market potential for skipjack tuna commodity, and diversifying skipjack tuna processing types

    Kelayakan Finansial USAha Perikanan Pancing Tonda di Ppp Labuhan Lombok Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Pancing tonda merupakan alat tangkap yang banyak digunakan oleh nelayan di PPP Labuhan Lombok. Usaha perikanan pancing tonda tersebut perlu dihitung kelayakan finan-sialnya untuk mengetahui keberlangsungannya di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini bertu-juan untuk mengetahui modal awal, biaya produksi, pendapatan serta kelayakan finansial dari USAha perikanan pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis USAha dan analisis investasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok dioperasikan dengan kapal kayu yang berukuran antara 12-18 GT. Jumlah nelayan dalam satu unit penangkapan pancing tonda tersebut adalah 4-6 orang. Nelayan mengoperasikan pancing tonda di sekitar rumpon. Modal awal yang dibutuhkan untuk USAha pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok adalah Rp 222.250.000. Biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan untuk setiap trip penangkapan yaitu Rp 58.525.000 per tahun untuk biaya tetap dan Rp 114.889.500 per tahun untuk biaya tidak tetap. Adapun pendapatan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan penangkapan dengan pancing tonda tersebut yaitu Rp 1.242.600.000 per tahun. Usaha perikanan pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok merupakan USAha perikanan tangkap yang layak untuk dilakukan hingga 10 tahun ke depan

    Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Fasilitas Dengan Pendekatan Cellular Manufacturing System (Studi Kasus Di PT. Malang Indah)

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    PT. Malang Indah merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak di industri pembuatan material bangunan seperti Genteng, Batako, dan Paving. PT. Malang Indah memiliki mesin-mesin khusus dalam proses produksi material-material tersebut. Tipe produksi pada Perusahaan ini adalah Make to Order (MTO) dan Make to Stock (MTS). Tetapi PT. Malang Indah lebih menekankan pada tipe Make to Stock (MTS), hal ini bertujuan agar PT. Malang Indah tidak kehilangan pelanggan yang dikarenakan tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan setiap saat.Dalam pengamatan yang dilakukan di bagian produksi PT. Malang Indah, terdapat fasilitas berupa mesin-mesin produksi yang belum dikelompokkan berdasarkan tipe proses produksi dan jenis produk yang dihasilkan. Tata letak fasilitas seperti ini tentunya akan menghambat kelancaran proses produksi dan mengakibatkan besarnya jarak dan waktu pemindahan bahan atau material handling. Waktu pemindahan bahan untuk proses produksi seluruh produk pada saat ini juga cukup signifikan. Pada penelitian ini, mesin-mesin produksi dikelompokkan berdasarkan proses produksi dan produknya kedalam sel manufaktur atau disebut juga “manufacturing cell” dengan menggunakan Algoritma Genetik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pengelompokan mesin dengan pendekatan Cellular Manufacturing System berdasarkan Algoritma Genetik, dan menghasilkan 3 buah sel manufaktur. Dari pengelompokan tersebut dihasilkan 3 buah layout alternatif, dan dipilih layout 3 karena secara keseluruhan memiliki total jarak terpendek

    Representasi Warna Hitam Putih dalam Kampanye Iklan Luar Ruang Dji Sam Soe Magnum Filter

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    Iklan tergolong sebagai bahasa, yang tentunya mengandung berbagai makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Terdapat dua pendekatan dalam memahami makna, yaitu pendekatan denotatif dan konotatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemaknaan warna hitam putih baik secara denotatif maupun konotatif yang muncul dalam kampanye Iklan Luar Ruang (ILR) Dji Sam Soe Magnum Filter versi ‘Inspirasi Tanpa Batas', juga mengetahui mitos apa yang direpresentasikan dari warna hitam dan putih tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika strukturalis. Analisis semiotika dilakukan dengan model semiotika Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dji Sam Soe Magnum Filter menggunakan warna hitam dan putih dalam kampanye ILR-nya untuk merepresentasikan mitos yang mereka bangun, yaitu kesuksesan, kemewahan, kepahlawanan, dan juga keteraturan. Pengambilan keputusan untuk menggunakan kedua warna tersebut berkaitan dengan makna konotatif yang diusung oleh kedua warna tersebut, terutama yang terpancar dari wacana merek selama ini

    Aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss: South Africans at risk

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    South Africa is currently experiencing a TB epidemic with an estimated incidence of 940/100 000 population/year, and the country has been ranked 4th among the 22 high-burden TB countries worldwide by the World Health Organization (WHO). A potentially devastating threat to TB control is the emergence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and, more recently, extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), mainly as a result of poor drug adherence by TB patients and incorrect management or treatment regimens by health providers; however, direct transmission of drug-resistant strains also plays an important role. The MDR/XDR-TB strains necessitate prolonged chemotherapy for up to 2 years or more, and the use of more toxic second-line drugs including the aminoglycoside (streptomycin, kanamycin and amikacin) and polypeptide (capreomycin) antibiotics. In South Africa, in accordance with WHO guidelines, streptomycin is used for retreatment of TB while kanamycin, amikacin and capreomycin are used to treat MDR/XDR-TB

    Palm oil: features and applications

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    Palm fruits are the source of two distinct but related vegetable oils, namely palm oil and palm kernel oil. Palm oil has many food and industrial applications. Ever-increasing demands for palm oil have substantially impacted its industry, creating some environmental concerns. Both types of oil are high in saturated fatty acids with potential cardiovascular risks. Several attempts have been made to reduce undesirable health and environmental impacts. However, additional research and development activities are needed to meet the concerns of the medical professionals and environmental activists

    Residues: Rethinking Chemical Environments

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    Boudia S, Creager ANH, Frickel S, et al. Residues: Rethinking Chemical Environments. ENGAGING SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY. 2018;4:165-178.This essay offers a new approach for conceptualizing the environmental impact of chemicals production, consumption, disposal, and regulation. Environmental protection regimes tend to be highly segmented according to place, media, substance, and effect. Existing scholarship often reflects this same segmentation, by focusing on a locality, specific chemical, social movement, or regulatory body. In turn, as new environmental measures are introduced to deal with pollution and toxicity, they tend to focus on controlling future effects rather than dealing with the accumulated contamination from past industrial activity and waste. In chemical substances we encounter phenomena that are at the same time voluminous and miniscule, regulated yet unruly. Inspired by recent work on materiality and infrastructures, we focus on the concept of residues as both material and political entities. Following residues, we argue, helps us see how the past has been built into our chemical environments and regulatory systems, and why contaminants seem to always evade control