14 research outputs found

    The Effects of Scallop Dredge Fishing Practices on Physical, Behavioral, and Physiological Stress in Discarded Yellowtail Flounder, Windowpane, and Fourspot Flounder

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    The Atlantic sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus dredge fishery is one of the most lucrative commercial fishing industries in the northeastern United States, and fish bycatch can comprise up to ~42% of the total catch. Benthic species, such as flatfish, are particularly susceptible to unintended capture in scallop dredge gear, and mitigating bycatch and associated mortality has been mandated a priority for fisheries management. Based on this management need, the present study evaluated the physical, physiological, and behavioral stress responses of Yellowtail Flounder Limanda ferruginea, Windowpane Scophthalmus aquosus, and Fourspot Flounder Paralichthys oblongus to capture in the scallop dredge fishery. More specifically, we used generalized additive models and linear regression models to assess the influence of various fishing practices, environmental conditions, and biological factors on injury condition, physiological parameters, and reflex indicators. Although these flatfish species appeared to be physically resilient to capture based on an observable injury assessment, dredge capture and handling factors proved stressful, with the degree of immediate mortality, physiological disturbances, and reflex impairment varying by species. While multiple factors influenced the degree of stress in these species, based on our results the reduction of tow duration and limiting air exposure/sorting duration would likely be the most effective strategies to mitigate the impact of scallop dredge fishing on these flatfish specie

    Glucocorticoids in fish eggs: Variation, interactions with the environment, and the potential to shape offspring fitness

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    Wild and captive vertebrates face multiple stressors that all have the potential to induce chronic maternal stress (i.e., sustained, elevated plasma glucocorticoids), resulting in embryo exposure to elevated maternally derived glucocorticoids. In oviparous taxa such as fish, maternally derived glucocorticoids in eggs are known for their capacity to shape offspring phenotype. Using a variety of methodologies, scientists have quantified maternally derived levels of egg cortisol, the primary glucocorticoid in fishes, and examined the cascading effects of egg cortisol on progeny phenotype. Here we summarize and interpret the current state of knowledge on egg cortisol in fishes and the relationships linking maternal stress/state to egg cortisol and offspring phenotype/fitness. Considerable variation in levels of egg cortisol exists across species and among females within a species; this variation is hypothesized to be due to interspecific differences in reproductive life history and intraspecific differences in female condition. Outcomes of experimental studies manipulating egg cortisol vary both inter- and intraspecifically. Moreover, while exogenous elevation of egg cortisol (as a proxy for maternal stress) induces phenotypic changes commonly considered to be maladaptive (e.g., smaller offspring size), emerging work in other taxa suggests that there can be positive effects on fitness when the offspring’s environment is taken into account. Investigations into (i) mechanisms by which egg cortisol elicits phenotypic change in offspring (e.g., epigenetics), (ii) maternal and offspring buffering capacity of cortisol, and (iii) factors driving natural variation in egg cortisol and how this variation affects offspring phenotype and fitness are all germane to discussions on egg glucocorticoids as signals of maternal stress

    Glucocorticoids in Fish Eggs: Variation, Interactions with the Environment, and the Potential to Shape Offspring Fitness

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    Wild and captive vertebrates face multiple stressors that all have the potential to induce chronic maternal stress (i.e., sustained, elevated plasma glucocorticoids), resulting in embryo exposure to elevated maternally derived glucocorticoids. In oviparous taxa such as fish, maternally derived glucocorticoids in eggs are known for their capacity to shape offspring phenotype. Using a variety of methodologies, scientists have quantified maternally derived levels of egg cortisol, the primary glucocorticoid in fishes, and examined the cascading effects of egg cortisol on progeny phenotype. Here we summarize and interpret the current state of knowledge on egg cortisol in fishes and the relationships linking maternal stress/state to egg cortisol and offspring phenotype/fitness. Considerable variation in levels of egg cortisol exists across species and among females within a species; this variation is hypothesized to be due to interspecific differences in reproductive life history and intraspecific differences in female condition. Outcomes of experimental studies manipulating egg cortisol vary both inter- and intraspecifically. Moreover, while exogenous elevation of egg cortisol (as a proxy for maternal stress) induces phenotypic changes commonly considered to be maladaptive (e.g., smaller offspring size), emerging work in other taxa suggests that there can be positive effects on fitness when the offspring’s environment is taken into account. Investigations into (i) mechanisms by which egg cortisol elicits phenotypic change in offspring (e.g., epigenetics), (ii) maternal and offspring buffering capacity of cortisol, and (iii) factors driving natural variation in egg cortisol and how this variation affects offspring phenotype and fitness are all germane to discussions on egg glucocorticoids as signals of maternal stress

    Singing above the chorus: cooperative Princess cichlid fish (Neolamprologus pulcher) has high pitch

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    Teleost fishes not only communicate with well-known visual cues, but also olfactory and acoustic signals. Communicating with sound has advantages, as acoustic signals propagate fast, omnidirectionally, around obstacles and over long distances. Heterogeneous environments might favour multimodal communication, especially in socially complex species, as the combination of modalities’ strengths helps overcome their individual limitations. Fishes of the ecologically and morphologically diverse family Cichlidae are known to be vocal. Here we investigated sound production in the socially complex Princess cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher from Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. We show that wild and captive N. pulcher produce only short-duration, broadband high-frequency sounds (mean: 12 kHz), when stimulated by mirror images. The evolutionary reasons for this “low frequency silencing” are still unclear. In laboratory experiments, N. pulcher produced distinct two-pulsed calls mostly, but not exclusively, associated with agonistic displays. Princess cichlids produce these high-frequency sounds both in combination with and independent from visual displays, suggesting that sounds are not a by-product of behavioural displays. Further studies on the hearing abilities of N. pulcher are needed to clarify whether the high-frequency sounds are used in intra- or inter-specific communication

    Energy Allocation in Juveniles of a Warm-temperate Reef Fish

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    During the first year of life, organisms are faced with competing demands for energy between growth and storage. Most research on energy allocation in young fishes has focused on cold-temperate species which are subjected to strong seasonal fluctuations in productivity, while few studies have considered those at lower latitudes where seasonality is less pronounced. Gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico settle in coastal seagrass beds in the spring as juveniles and emigrate to offshore reefs in the fall. Upon settlement, these young fish grow at remarkably fast rates, but their growth slows considerably before emigration. Slowed growth can be explained by one of three hypotheses: (1) size-specific emigration times; (2) reduced feeding efficiency associated with declines in primary and secondary productivity; or (3) energetic shifts in allocation from growth to storage. Gag emigrate essentially as a cohort, so slowed growth does not result from differential emigration patterns based on fish size. They also emigrate before seasonal declines in primary and secondary productivity; thus, food remains abundant and feeding efficiency constant. The more plausible hypothesis is that there is an energetic shift from growth to storage. The liver serves as the primary site of lipid storage and the hepatosomatic index of juvenile gag increases coincident with reduced growth. The overall effect of increased energy stores is presumably for use during offshore migration and/or for overwinter survival