10 research outputs found

    Évaluation de la qualité de vie et du bien-être sexuel des patientes atteintes de pathologies vulvaires

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    La pathologie vulvaire est complexe, diversifiée et souvent méconnue. Le but de ce travail prospectif était l étude des caractéristiques des patientes présentant ce type de pathologies et des répercussions en termes de qualité de vie et de bien être sexuel des différents groupes de pathologies vulvaires. Devant le manque d instrument d évaluation de la fonction sexuelle féminine, il a fallu, dans un premier temps, valider un outil fiable pour mesurer celle-ci. Une version française du FSFI, score reconnu au niveau international, a donc été validée. Une fois les qualités psychométriques de ce questionnaire confirmées, la qualité de vie des patientes atteintes de pathologies vulvaires a été étudiée grâce aux scores DLQI et FSFI. Si les résultats montraient peu d atteinte de la qualité de vie globale, le bien être sexuel semblait altéré chez ces patientes et tout particulièrement chez celles présentant une pathologie pré cancéreuse ou cancéreuse.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Women’s country of birth and failure to catch up an overdue cervical cancer cytological screening participation during pregnancy in France, an observational study based on survey sources

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    Abstract Background Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide, both for incidence and mortality. Prevention relies on screening with a Pap test to detect precancerous lesions, which can then be treated. Access to this screening is currently both improvable and inequitable. Pregnancy may be an ideal moment for women to catch up on their overdue cervical cancer screening. In the general population, women's risk of not being screened is associated with their place of birth and other social factors; this may be true as well among pregnant women. Our objective was to study the association between women's place of birth and their failure to catch up with this screening during pregnancy. Methods The 2016 French National Perinatal Survey included 13,147 women who gave birth after 21 weeks of gestation. The association between their place of birth and failure to catch up on this screening (defined by the absence of a Pap test during pregnancy for women overdue for it) was adjusted for age, parity, education level, health insurance, and when they began prenatal care with logistic regression models. Results Among the women for whom screening was then recommended, 49% were not up to date at the start of pregnancy, and of these, 53% were not caught up before delivery. After adjustment for other risk factors, maternal place of birth was not associated with a higher risk of failure to catch up with this screening during pregnancy. However, factors identified as associated with this risk included a low education level and late start of prenatal care. Conclusion About half of women overdue for cervical cancer screening did not catch up with it during their pregnancy. Professionals should pay special attention to women with lower education levels and late initiation of prenatal care, who constitute a group at high risk of not catching up on this screening during pregnancy

    Sexual well-being in patients with vulvar disease: Results from a preliminary prospective matched case-control study

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    International audienceIntroduction Only a few studies have focused on the description of sexual well-being in patients with vulvar disease (VD). The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that VD patients have an overall impaired sexual well-being that varies depending on the type of VD. Study design An observational, prospective, single center and 1:1 matched case-control study was conducted in Nantes University Hospital (France). All new patients attending the specific consultation for VD between June 2011 and January 2013 were included. A control group was randomly selected from women who had a scheduled consultation for gynecologic follow-up. A validated French version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was used. This self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all case and control women. VD was classified into 4 groups: inflammatory, (pre)malignant, infectious, and other VD. Descriptive statistics and multivariate mixed analyses were performed. Results Seventy-two VD patients and seventy-two control women completed the FSFI questionnaire. The median FSFI score was 21.1 in the VD patients versus 28.1 in the control patients. In the multivariate analysis, the FSFI score was significantly decreased by an average of 4.5 points (p = 0.003) in the VD patients. On the FSFI subscores, VD had significant impacts on items related to "arousal", "pain", "lubrication", "satisfaction", and "desire". When comparing the VD groups, the total FSFI score seemed lower for (pre)malignant VD. Conclusion This preliminary study showed that VD patients had an impaired sexual well-being

    BRAF mutations might be more common than supposed in vulvar melanomas

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    International audienceData on BRAF, NRAS and KIT mutations are scarce in patients with vulvo-vaginal melanomas and are associated with important therapeutic issues. We investigated their prevalence in a cohort of patients with female lower genital tract melanomas between 2003 and 2017. Of the 22 patients, 5 (22.7 %) harbored a BRAF mutation which was much higher than the rate of 5% reported in the literature. One patient, who was tested negative on the primary melanoma, had a NRAS mutation in a cutaneous metastasis. Our data provides a rationale for prospective and repeated mutations testing in female lower genital tract melanomas

    Elective abortion: Clinical practice guidelines from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF).

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    International audienceThe number of elective abortions has been stable for several decades. Many factors explain women's choice of abortion in cases of unplanned pregnancies. Early initiation of contraceptive use and a choice of contraceptive choices appropriate to the woman's life are associated with lower rates of unplanned pregnancies. Reversible long-acting contraceptives should be favored as first-line methods for adolescents because of their effectiveness (grade C). Ultrasound scan before an elective abortion must be encouraged but should not be obligatory (professional consensus). As soon as the embryo appears on the ultrasound scan, the date of pregnancy is estimated by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL) or, from 11 weeks on, by measuring the biparietal diameter (BPD) (grade A). Because reliability of these parameters is ±5 days, the abortion may be done if measurements are respectively less than 90 mm for CRL and less than 30 mm for BPD (professional consensus). A medically induced abortion, performed with a dose of 200 mg mifepristone combined with misoprostol, is effective at any gestational age (Level of Evidence (LE) 1). Before 7 weeks, mifepristone should be followed 24-48 h later by misoprostol, administered orally, buccally, sublingually, or even vaginally followed if needed by a further dose of 400 μg after 3 h, to be renewed if needed after 3 h (LE 1, grade A). After 7 weeks, administration of misoprostol by the vaginal, sublingual, or buccal routes is more effective and better tolerated than by the oral route (LE 1). Cervical preparation is recommended for systematic use in surgical abortions (professional consensus). Misoprostol is a first-line agent for cervical preparation at a dose of 400 μg (grade A). Vacuum aspiration is preferable to curettage (grade B). A uterus perforated during surgical aspiration should not routinely be considered to be scarred (professional consensus). An elective abortion is not associated with a higher risk of subsequent infertility or ectopic pregnancy (LE 2). The medical consultation before an elective abortion generally does not affect the decision to end or continue the pregnancy, and most women are sufficiently certain about their choice at this time. Women appear to find the method used most acceptable and to be most satisfied when they were able to choose the method (grade B). Elective abortions are not associated with an increased rate of psychiatric disorders (LE 2). However, women with psychiatric histories are at a higher risk of psychological disorders after the occurrence of an unplanned pregnancy than women with such a history (LE 2). For surgical abortions, combined hormonal contraceptives - oral or transdermal - should be started on the day of the abortion, while the vaginal ring should be inserted 5 days afterwards (grade B). For medical abortions, the vaginal ring should be inserted in the week after mifepristone administration, while the combined contraceptives should begin the same day as the misoprostol or the day after (grade C). Contraceptive implants should be inserted on the same day as a surgical abortion, and may be inserted the day the mifepristone is administered for medical abortions (grade B and C respectively). In case of medical abortion, the implant can be inserted the same day the mifepristone is administered (grade C). Both the copper IUDs and levonorgestrel intrauterine system should be inserted on the day of the surgical abortion (grade A). After medical abortions, an IUD can be inserted in 10 days after mifepristone administration, after ultrasound scan verification of the absence of an intrauterine pregnancy (grade C)

    Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: sharing data and experiences to accelerate eradication and improve care: part 2

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    Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: sharing data and experiences to accelerate eradication and improve care: part 2

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