4,272 research outputs found

    On Simulation of Manifold Indexed Fractional Gaussian Fields

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    To simulate fractional Brownian motion indexed by a manifold poses serious numerical problems: storage, computing time and choice of an appropriate grid. We propose an effective and fast method, valid not only for fractional Brownian fields indexed by a manifold, but for any Gaussian fields indexed by a manifold. The performance of our method is illustrated with different manifolds (sphere, hyperboloid).

    Large scale statistical analysis of GEO datasets

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    The problem addressed here is that of simultaneous treatment of several gene expression datasets, possibly collected under different experimental conditions and/or platforms. Using robust statistics, a large scale statistical analysis has been conducted over 2020 datasets downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus repository. The differences between datasets are compared to the variability inside a given dataset. Evidence that meaningful biological information can be extracted by merging different sources is provided

    Bibliothécaire, acteur culturel ?

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    Cette journée d’étude, qui eut lieu à la Filature de Mulhouse, était organisée par le groupe ABF Alsace à l’occasion de Tout Mulhouse lit

    Investigation of nucleation and crystal growth kinetics of nickel manganese oxalates

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    The nucleation and the crystal growth rates of mixed nickel manganese oxalates have been determined from the changes of the ionic concentration of the solution and the crystal size distribution during the precipitation process within a supersaturation range 0–0.1 M. Thermodynamic solubility calculations have been used to identify the different species contributing the precipitation reaction and for estimation of the thermodynamic constant. Experimental data show that the nucleation rate of mixed nickel manganese oxalate in this supersaturation range is consistent with a primary heterogeneous mechanism and was found to obey to an exponential law. The crystal growth rates indicate a surface-integration-controlled mechanism with a first-order law with respect to the supersaturation


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    Two sheep flocks were managed organically (for two years from conversion onwards) under different lambing strategies (1 lambing/year vs. 3 lambings every two years). The second system was tested as there was a producer’s interest in high productivity that is a guarantee of good economic results in conventional. Reproduction, feeding, lamb production, carcass quality, health (particularly internal parasitism), economic return of the flock, grass production, and pasture biodiversity were evaluated. The lambs were bred under low therapeutic input. The economical advantage of increasing lambing frequency was not demonstrated, whereas this strategy complexified management and resulted in higher internal parasitic infection of the lambs, and finally showed a lower stability. There were difficulties in establishing a very high feed self-sufficiency in both systems, especially the more intensive system (4 points lower), due to harsh climatic conditions; following this five-year experiment, we are changing our strategy to provide nitrogen in the systems

    Neurogenesis and astrogenesis contribute to vestibular compensation in the neurectomized adult cat: cellular and behavioral evidence

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    Neurogenesis occurs in some regions of the adult mammalian brain and gives rise to neurons integrated into functional networks. In pathological or postlesional conditions, neurogenesis and astrogenesis can also occur, as demonstrated in the deafferented vestibular nuclei after unilateral vestibular neurectomy in the adult cat. Here we report that in cats infused with an antimitotic drug, cytosine-[beta]-D arabinofuranoside (AraC), the number of GAD67 and GFAP immunoreactive cells is increased, despite the total mitotic activity blockade observed in the deafferented vestibular nuclei after unilateral vestibular neurectomy. At the behavioral level, recovery of posturo-locomotor function was drastically delayed, and no alteration of the horizontal spontaneous nystagmus was observed. These cellular and behavioral results suggest that reactive neurogenesis and astrogenesis might contribute highly to vestibular compensation in the adult cat, probably by accelerating the recovery of vestibular functions

    La disparition des clivages sociopolitiques en France : l’histoire d’un glissement

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    L’interprétation dominante des grandes grèves de décembre 1995 en France veut que ce mouvement social témoigne de la disparition du clivage droite-gauche et du retour en force des forces centristes. La politique française, a-t-on écrit, se « dé-idéologiserait ». L’article retrace les origines et le cheminement de ce glissement d’interprétation et suggère que ce sont peut-être les stratégies de séduction de l’électorat mises en oeuvre par les socialistes et les partis de droite — des stratégies qui avaient pour but de contrer une certaine surenchère populiste — qui sont à l’origine d’une telle réinterprétation de la politique française.Dominant interpretations of the period of intense labor unrest which brought France to a halt in December 1995 all stress the de-ideologisation—much along the lines of the End of Ideology paradigm—and the disappearance of the right-left cleavage in French politics. This article seeks to explain the emergence and the evolution of this interpretation. It suggests, among other interpretations, that both the Socialist and RPR coalitions wanted to contain the rise of the populist ideology by claiming that they could as effectively represent the interests and aspirations of this disillusioned fringe
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