113 research outputs found

    Free Decolonized Education - Revisiting South African Utopias

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    Beginning in 2015, the South African Fallist student movement grew rapidly and sparked uprisings across the whole country, calling for free decolonized education. In January 2017, when the movement was in a phase of slow retreat, Kagiso Mogotsi, a black South African history student and I, a white German anthropologist, spent one semester at the University of Pretoria collaborating on a militantly engaged film project. Changing Utopias? A South African Protest Documentary involved a number of Fallists, eager to utilize this particular moment to foster a new debate about South African utopias. Together we created a twenty minute film, exploring the links between the the historical uprisings against apartheid and colonialism of earlier generations of black activists in South Africa, and the new generation of Fallist activists. With the help of narrative and frame analysis I later examined the activists' alignments to the struggle heroes, as well as to black radical feminisms and present LGBTIQA+ movements. While the motivational utopias of Fallism are still based upon equality, justice, decolonisation, and liberation from oppression, these old visions are being interpreted anew, words filled with fresh meaning and adapted to new concepts and practices of intersectionality. With utopia as a method, this thesis recognises the movement as an ever-changing and self-challenging conglomerate of the values, hopes and dreams of the so called Born Free generation of a post-colonial and post-Rainbow Nation South Africa.Die südafrikanische Studierendenbewegung Fallism nahm ihren Anfang im Jahr 2015 und entfachte mehrere Aufstände überall im Land durch dem Ruf nach freier dekolonialisierter Bildung. Im Januar 2017, zu einer Zeit in der sich die Bewegung in einer Phase des Rückzugs befand, verbrachten Kagiso Mogotsi, eine Schwarze südafrikanische Geschichts-Studentin und ich, eine Weiße deutsche Anthropologin, ein Semester damit, an der Universität zu Pretoria zusammen im Zeichen der militantly engaged anthropology mit mehreren Fallists einen Film zu drehen. Das Ergebnis trug den Titel Changing Utopias? A South African Protest Documentary. Der zwanzig minütige Film wurde von Fallists genutzt, um eine neue Debatte über südafrikanische Utopien anzustoßen. Die Verbindungen zwischen den historischen Aufständen gegen Apartheid und Kolonialismus früherer Generationen Schwarzer südafrikanischer struggle heroes und denen einer neuen Generation von Fallists wurden dabei besonders unterstrichen. Später untersuchte ich mit der Hilfe von Narrations- und Rahmenanalyse diese Aneignung jener historischen Kämpfe, sowie die neue Verortung der Fallists in black radical feminisms und LGBTIQA+ Bewegungen. Während ihre Utopien immer noch auf Gleicheit, Gerechtigkeit, Dekolonialisierung und Befreiung von Unterdrückung basieren, interpretieren Fallists die alten Visionen doch neu und passen sie den aktuellen Konzepten und Praktiken der Intersektionalität an. Schließlich erkennt diese These, Utopie als Methode nutzend, die neue Bewegung eines post-kolonialen und post-Regenbogen Südafrikas als ein sich stetig wandelndes und selbst-hinterfragendes Konglomerat von Werten, Hoffnungen und Träumen der sogenannten Born Free Generation

    Elbow pain proven to be tuberculous arthritis -A case report-

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    Elbow tuberculosis is a rare disease which accounts for 1-3% of all cases of osteoarticular tuberculosis. The diagnosis of tuberculous arthritis is very difficult in most clinical situations because of the insidious onset, indolent process, and mild and non-specific local or systemic symptoms. Thus, the confirmatory diagnosis and effective treatment for tuberculous arthritis are delayed until the disease progresses to an advanced stage in many clinical settings. Herein we report a case of septic arthritis of the elbow due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a result of misdiagnosis and delayed treatments

    Language Matters in British Newspapers: A Participatory Analysis of the Autism UK Press Corpus

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    Background: Language around autism plays a crucial role in shaping public attitudes toward autistic people. The use of identity-first versus person-first language and impersonal references to autism can affect how autistic people are perceived. These factors should impact the representation of autistic people in newspapers, where negative and stereotypical representations are often perpetuated. Method: We asked five autistic people to judge the sentiment toward autism and autistic people in 1000 quotes from British newspapers (2011–2020). The coders, who did not know the newspaper title and time of publication, made their judgments based on two dimensions, warmth and competence, from the Stereotype Content Model (SCM). We examined the overall judgments of warmth and competence and considered variations in language context and terminology, such as the use of impersonal references to autism or identity-first and person-first language. We also examined potential differences between broadsheets and tabloids, left- and right-leaning newspapers, and changes over time. Results: The majority of quotes from British newspapers fell under a low warmth and low competence area within SCM. Furthermore, impersonal references to autism tended to be rated lower in warmth and competence than references linking autism to an individual, whereas identity-first language was judged higher in warmth and competence than person-first language. Quotes from broadsheets were assigned similar warmth and slightly higher competence than quotes from tabloids. However, left-leaning and right-leaning papers did not differ regarding warmth and competence, and there were inconsistent changes over time. Conclusion: Our study confirms that the portrayal of autistic people in British newspapers tends to be negative. According to autistic raters, associating autism with a person and using identity-first language are linked to more positive representations. Although we found subtle variations in sentiment related to reporting style, our study shows little progress over time toward more positive portrayals.Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin

    Concert recording 2022-10-12

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    [Track 1]. Sonata for four trombones / Georg Daniel Speer -- [Track 2]. Scarborough fair / traditional ; arr. Bill Reichenbach -- [Track 3]. Quartet for trombones / Leslie Bassett -- [Track 4]. You made me love you / James Monaco ; arr. Bill Holcombe -- [Track 5]. Fanfare for 8 trombones / Michael P. Terry -- [Track 6]. Andante cantabile from Symphony no. 5, Mtv. II / Pyort IIlich Tchaikovsky ; arr. Nolan Miller -- [Track 7]. Rising tide / Jack Wilds

    Concert recording 2022-10-12

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    [Track 1]. Sonata for four trombones / Georg Daniel Speer -- [Track 2]. Scarborough fair / traditional ; arr. Bill Reichenbach -- [Track 3]. Quartet for trombones / Leslie Bassett -- [Track 4]. You made me love you / James Monaco ; arr. Bill Holcombe -- [Track 5]. Fanfare for 8 trombones / Michael P. Terry -- [Track 6]. Andante cantabile from Symphony no. 5, Mtv. II / Pyort IIlich Tchaikovsky ; arr. Nolan Miller -- [Track 7]. Rising tide / Jack Wilds


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    (Statement of Responsibility) by Soph Davenport(Thesis) Thesis (B.A.) -- New College of Florida, 1993(Electronic Access) RESTRICTED TO NCF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE(Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.(Source of Description) This bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The New College of Florida, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.(Local) Faculty Sponsor: Callahan, Charlen
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