88 research outputs found

    Self injection of Dichlorvos, an Organophosphorus Compound

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    We report two patients who injected themselves a strong organophosphate compound, dichlorvas, and showed the typical clinical picture of organophosphate intoxication. There are very few case reports of parenteral organophosphorous poisoning. With the appropriate therapy, their symptoms disappeared in a few days. The cases are reported because of unusual and interesting way of intoxication

    Role of K\u3csub\u3eATP\u3c/sub\u3e Channels in Reduced Antinociceptive Effect of Morphine in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice

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    The nociceptive effect was measured using withdrawal latency in tail flick test in mice rendered diabetic by administering streptozotocin (200 mg/kg, i.p.). The antinociceptive effect of morphine (4 and 8 mg/kg, s.c.) and cromakalim, a KATP channel opener, (0.3, 1 and 2 micrograms, i.c.v.) was significantly reduced in diabetic mice. Moreover, co-administration of cromakalim(0.3 microgram) did not alter the reduced antinociceptive effect of morphine(4 mg/kg) in diabetic mice. Spleenectomy in diabetic mice restored the decrease in antinociceptive effect of morphine and cromakalim. Multiple dose treatment with insulin to maintain euglycaemia for 3 days in diabetic mice prevented the decrease in antinociceptive effect of morphine and cromakalim. However, hyperglycaemic tyrode\u27s buffer did not alter the pD2 value of morphine in isolated guinea pig ileum suggesting that hyperglycaemia does not interfere with mu receptor mediated responses in vitro. The results suggest that hyperglycaemia induced decrease in antinociceptive effect of morphine and cromakalim may be due to alteration in KATP channels. Some unknown factor from spleen in diabetic mice may be responsible for this alteration in KATP channels in diabetic mice

    Effect of Admixture on the Compressive Strength of Composite Cement Mortar

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    The effect of superplasticizer on the development of composite cement based on flyash/limestone powder as per EN-197-2000 has been studied. Various mixes of fly ash and limestone up to 40% has been blended. The results have been compared with clinker of 43 grade ordinary portland cement used in the present study. 1 day strength of mixes with 5% and 10% limestone powder has been found to be is comparable to control. Further, it has been found that 28 days strength of mix with 15% lime stone powder and 25% fly ash gives more than 32.5 R required for composite cement. With the use of superplasticizer, strength has been found comparable or more in all the mixes at 1day to 43 grade OPC. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of various mixes at different hydration times has also been evaluated.

    Giant intra-abdominal hydatid cysts with multivisceral locations

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    The disseminated intra-peritoneal hydatid disease is a very rare finding. A case of disseminated intra abdominal hydatid disease is presented along with a review of literature and various therapeutic modalitie

    Pharmacovigilance analysis in a rural tertiary care hospital in North India: a retrospective study

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    Background: The main motive of PvPI (Pharmacovigilance Programme of India) is to collect valuable data so that signals can be generated from reported adverse drug events (ADEs). It also tries to establish their causality so that ADEs can be labelled as adverse drug reactions (ADRs) beyond any doubt.Methods: This retrospective observational study done in rural set up tertiary care teaching hospital collected data through voluntary reporting in ADR form of PvPI for period of 6 month. Causality assessment was done using WHO causality assessment scale.Results: In 150 reported cases, majority ADRs were due to tuberculosis, cancer and HIV treatments. Gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system were the major organs involved. Most ADRs occurred within first day of drug intake. Around 15% required hospitalization. 55% ADRs were probable and 41% were possible in nature. Vertigo and depression was most frequent ADR in MDR therapy. Rashes, pruritis, fever and joint pain was frequent in antiretroviral therapy. Dysguesia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and constipation was frequent in patients taking anticancer drugs. Platins and antibiotics used for cancer therapy cause most cancer treatment ADRs.Conclusions: ADRs add to hospitalization expenses, insurance costs and increase in work loss days besides addition to patient suffering. Prior knowledge can help in better prescriptions and prevent valuable resource loss. Reasons for under-reporting of ADRs can be complacency, ignorance, lack of financial incentives for reporting, fear of litigation, claims of compensation and lack of time in busy hospital schedules

    Acute pancreatitis associated with cholera

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    Acute Pancreatitis (AP) is the inflammation of the pancreas, common causes being gall stones, alcohol, iatrogenic and trauma. Infections, mainly viral, are a rare cause of acute pancreatitis, mainly reported as case reports or series in the literature. Cholera caused by Vibrio Cholera, though rare these days, is characterized by vomiting and profuse watery diarrhea. We present an interesting case of Cholera complicated by mild pancreatitis with no other obvious cause following admission which was managed conservatively with full recovery. We are highlighting an unheard complication of cholera

    Comparison of efficacy of high dose inhaled corticosteroids with a combination of low dose inhaled corticosteroids and long acting β2 agonists in patients of moderate persistent asthma : a randomised prospective comparative study

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    Background: Asthma has global prevalence varying from 2-25%. Among various subtypes, moderate persistent asthma is a subtype currently managed by a combination therapy of low dose inhaled corticosteroids and LABA (long acting β2 agonists). Search is on for LABA free regime because of safety concerns and increased risk of exacerbations as reported in meta-analysis conducted by FDA in 2008.Methods: Patients (new and old) of either sex and age having moderate persistent asthma as per GINA 2004 guidelines were enrolled and allocated in two groups using block randomization. DPIs (dry powder inhalation) were used in the study. Budecort group subjects were treated with budesonide 400 µg rotacaps twice a day. Foracort group subjects were treated with combination rotacaps of formoterol 6 µg with budesonide 200 µg twice a day. Follow up period in study was nine months with quarterly spirometry assessment.Results: In 63 enrolled cases, there was no significant difference in intergroup spirometry comparison at baseline and at 9 months. The difference at 9 months in spirometry as compared from baseline in each group was also not statistically significant. Numerically, budecort group showed slightly better values.Conclusions: The therapy in each group was comparable in terms of efficacy. This is important due to the fact that therapy in current use for moderate persistent asthma is combination therapy. So use of high dose inhaled steroid therapy used as 400 µg rotacaps with matching revolizer twice a day (800µg daily) may be good alternative to use of combination therapy particularly in patients where LABA cannot be used

    Antagonism of Dominant Bacteria in Tea Rhizosphere of Indian Himalayan Regions

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    Some parts of the Indian Himalayan region are covered by established and abandoned tea bushes. Rhizospheric soils of these plants were studied for bacterial dominance and antagonism. Amongst bacteria, Bacillus (up to 45%) and Pseudomonas (up to 85%) were found to dominate the rhizosphere of established and abandoned tea bushes, respectively. Amongst the species, B. subtilis and B. mycoides appeared to be closely associated with roots of established tea bushes, and the rhizosphere of abandoned tea bushes was dominated by Pseudomonas putida. Four bacterial strains each of B. subtilis and P. putida were selected on the basis of maximum antibacterial activity. Incubation of indicator strains with different concentrations of bacteriocin exhibited bactericidal activity. Various species of Bacillus and Pseudomonas behaved antagonistically amongst themselves due to the production of bacteriocins under in vitro conditions

    PageRank model of opinion formation on social networks

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    We propose the PageRank model of opinion formation and investigate its rich properties on real directed networks of Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, LiveJournal and Twitter. In this model the opinion formation of linked electors is weighted with their PageRank probability. We find that the society elite, corresponding to the top PageRank nodes, can impose its opinion to a significant fraction of the society. However, for a homogeneous distribution of two opinions there exists a bistability range of opinions which depends on a conformist parameter characterizing the opinion formation. We find that LiveJournal and Twitter networks have a stronger tendency to a totalitar opinion formation. We also analyze the Sznajd model generalized for scale-free networks with the weighted PageRank vote of electors.Comment: revtex 10 pages, 16 figs, research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr
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