67 research outputs found

    Advances in Infrared Detector Array Technology

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    High Efficiency Quantum Well Waveguide Solar Cells and Methods for Constructing the Same

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    Photon absorption, and thus current generation, is hindered in conventional thin-film solar cell designs, including quantum well structures, by the limited path length of incident light passing vertically through the device. Optical scattering into lateral waveguide structures provides a physical mechanism to increase photocurrent generation through in-plane light trapping. However, the insertion of wells of high refractive index material with lower energy gap into the device structure often results in lower voltage operation, and hence lower photovoltaic power conversion efficiency. The voltage output of an InGaAs quantum well waveguide photovoltaic device can be increased by employing a III-V material structure with an extended wide band gap emitter heterojunction. Analysis of the light IV characteristics reveals that non-radiative recombination components of the underlying dark diode current have been reduced, exposing the limiting radiative recombination component and providing a pathway for realizing solar-electric conversion efficiency of 30% or more in single junction cells

    High Efficiency Quantum Well Waveguide Solar Cells and Methods for Constructing the Same

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    Photon absorption, and thus current generation, is hindered in conventional thin-film solar cell designs, including quantum well structures, by the limited path length of incident light passing vertically through the device. Optical scattering into lateral waveguide structures provides a physical mechanism to increase photocurrent generation through in-plane light trapping. However, the insertion of wells of high refractive index material with lower energy gap into the device structure often results in lower voltage operation, and hence lower photovoltaic power conversion efficiency. The voltage output of an InGaAs quantum well waveguide photovoltaic device can be increased by employing a III-V material structure with an extended wide band gap emitter heterojunction. Analysis of the light IV characteristics reveals that non-radiative recombination components of the underlying dark diode current have been reduced, exposing the limiting radiative recombination component and providing a pathway for realizing solar-electric conversion efficiency of 30% or more in single junction cells

    Development of High-Performance Detector Technology for UV and IR Applications

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    Sensing and imaging for ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) bands has many applications for NASA, defense, and commercial systems. Recent work has involved developing UV avalanche photodiode (UVAPD) arrays with high gain for high resolution imaging. Various GaN/AlGaN p-i-n UV-APDs have been fabricated from epitaxial structures grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on GaN substrates with avalanche gains greater than 5105, and high responsivities. Similarly, the IR spectral band is useful for measuring ocean temperatures, atmospheric aerosols, forest fires, etc. We are also developing room temperature operating graphene-enhanced PbSe midwave infrared (MWIR) detectors and focal plane arrays (FPAs). These compact and low-cost MWIR sensors can benefit various NASA remote sensing applications. Here we present recent results from these high performance UV- and IR-band detector and FPA technologies

    GaN/AlGaN Avalanche Photodiode Detectors for High Performance Ultraviolet Sensing Applications

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    The shorter wavelengths of the ultraviolet (UV) band enable detectors to operate with increased spatial resolution, variable pixel sizes, and large format arrays, benefitting a variety of NASA, defense, and commercial applications. AlxGa1-xN semiconductor alloys, which have attracted much interest for detection in the UV spectral region, have been shown to enable high optical gains, high sensitivities with the potential for single photon detection, and low dark current performance in ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes (UV-APDs). We are developing GaN/AlGaN UV-APDs with large pixel sizes that demonstrate consistent and uniform device performance and operation. These UV-APDs are fabricated through high quality metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) growth on lattice-matched, low dislocation density GaN substrates with optimized material growth and doping parameters. The use of these low defect density substrates is a critical element to realizing highly sensitive UV-APDs and arrays with suppressed dark current under high electric fields.Optical gains greater than 5X10 (exp 6) with enhanced quantum efficiencies over the 350-400 nm spectral range have been demonstrated, enabled by a strong avalanche multiplication process. Furthermore, we are developing 6X6 arrays of devices to test high gain UV-APD array performance at ~355 nm. These variable-area GaN/AlGaN UV-APD detectors and arrays enable advanced sensing performance over UV bands of interest with high resolution detection for NASA Earth Science applications

    Development of High-Performance Graphene-HgCdTe Detector Technology for Mid-Wave Infrared Applications

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    A high-performance graphene-based HgCdTe detector technology is being developed for sensing over the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) band for NASA Earth Science, defense, and commercial applications. This technology involves the integration of graphene into HgCdTe photodetectors that combines the best of both materials and allows for higher MWIR(2-5 m) detection performance compared to photodetectors using only HgCdTe material. The interfacial barrier between the HgCdTe-based absorber and the graphene layer reduces recombination of photogenerated carriers in the detector. The graphene layer also acts as high mobility channel that whisks away carriers before they recombine, further enhancing the detector performance. Likewise, HgCdTe has shown promise for the development of MWIR detectors with improvements in carrier mobility and lifetime. The room temperature operational capability of HgCdTe-based detectors and arrays can help minimize size, weight, power and cost for MWIR sensing applications such as remote sensing and earth observation, e.g., in smaller satellite platforms. The objective of this work is to demonstrate graphene-based HgCdTe room temperature MWIR detectors and arrays through modeling, material development, and device optimization. The primary driver for this technology development is the enablement of a scalable, low cost, low power, and small footprint infrared technology component that offers high performance, while opening doors for new earth observation measurement capabilities

    Efficient Optimization of the Optoelectronic Performance in Chemically Deposited Thin Films

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    Chemical deposition methodology is a well-understood and highly documented category of deposition techniques. In recent years, chemical bath deposition (CBD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have garnered considerable attention as an effective alternative to other deposition methods. The applicability of CVD and CBD for industrial-sized operations is perhaps the most attractive aspect, in that thin-film deposition costs inversely scale with the processing batch size without loss of desirable optoelectronic properties in the materials. A downside of the method is that the optoelectronic characteristics of these films are highly susceptible to spurious deposition growth mechanisms. For example, increasing the temperature of the chemical deposition bath can shift the deposition mechanisms from ion-by-ion (two dimensional) precipitation to bulk solution cluster-by-cluster (three dimensional) formation which then deposit. This drastically changes the structural, optical, and electrical characteristics of CBD-deposited thin films. A similar phenomenon is observed in CVD deposited materials. Thus, it is of great interest to study the coupling between the deposition parameters and subsequent effects on film performance. Such studies have been conducted to elucidate the correlation between growth mechanisms and film performance. Here, we present a review of the current literature demonstrating that simple changes can be made in processing conditions to optimize the characteristics of these films for optoelectronic applications

    Development of High Performance Detector Technology for UV and Near IR Applications

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    Sensing and imaging for ultraviolet (UV) and nearinfrared (NIR) bands has many applications forNASA, defense, and commercial systems. Recentwork has involved developing UV avalanchephotodiode (UV-APD) arrays with high gain for highresolution imaging. Various GaN/AlGaN p-i-n (PIN)UV-APDs have been fabricated from epitaxialstructures grown by MOCVD on GaN substrates withavalanche gains higher than 5 x 10(exp 5), and significantlyhigher responsivities. Likewise, the SiGe materialsystem allows the demonstration of high-performancedetector array technology that covers the 0.5 to 1.7 mwavelength range for visible and NIR bands ofinterest. We have utilized SiGe fabrication technologyto develop Ge based PIN detector devices on 300 mmSi wafers. We will discuss the theoretical andexperimental results from electrical and opticalcharacterization of the detector devices with variousn+ region doping concentrations to demonstrate low dark currents below 1 uA at -1 V and high photocurrent. Recent results from these detectorarrays for UV and NIR detection will be presented
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