123 research outputs found

    Differential developmental toxicity of crude oil in early life stages of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

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    To further understand the complexity of developmental toxicity of dispersed oil and importance of exposure timing on fish early life stages, Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations through two embryonic developmental windows: the first period occurred during the epiboly process (named as “early embryonic exposure”) and the second period overlapped the ontogenesis and cardiogenesis processes (named as “late embryonic exposure”). Following 72 hour oil exposure, embryos were transferred to clean seawater and a toxicity screening was performed in the yolk-sac larvae until first-feeding stages (56 days). The current study demonstrated that the exposure timing is essential for the development of toxic effects of crude oil in Atlantic halibut. Neither embryonic exposures (early or late) showed notable acute toxicity during exposure, yet both showed global latent teratogenic effects during yolk sac stages. Fish exposed during organogenesis (late) displayed stronger and more severe toxic effects than fish exposed during epiboly process (early), including reduced condition, severe craniofacial deformities and cardiovascular disruptions. The uptake level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into larval tissue and metabolic activity were greater following the late embryonic exposure and remained high during the depuration period at the highest exposure concentration. Overall, the long yolk sac stage development timing of Atlantic halibut makes this species a good candidate for evaluation of embryonic crude oil toxicity and its mechanisms.publishedVersio

    Effects of fish farm activities on the sponge Weberella bursa, and its associated microbiota

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    Sustained growth of world-wide sea farming and the search of optimal growing conditions have driven several countries, including Norway, to establish new finfish sites in more exposed, high current locations. Characterized by a range of gravel, broken rock and/or bedrock, these complex environments and the associated diverse range of epifauna species are not easily monitored via traditional methodologies (e.g. morpho-taxonomic identification and enumeration, and compound analyses of sediment grabs). Consequently, little is known about many of the benthic inhabitants, or how they may respond to fish farming. In this study, we aimed to initiate addressing this knowledge gap by assessing the response of the sponge Weberella bursa (Polymastidea) to salmon aquaculture. Fourteen specimens were translocated along a distance gradient from a salmon farm located along the mid-west coast of Norway. Following 7 months of exposure, their epithelial tissue were analysed for gene expression analysis (mRNA), fatty acid (FA), stable isotope and taxonomic and functional microbiome characterization. Among all datasets, only fatty acid profiles showed significant changes associated with fish farm activities, with higher proportion of terrestrial FAs and long saturated and monounsaturated FAs near the farm. These results suggest that W. bursa sponges may be more resistant to organic enrichment than previously thought. Nonetheless, several putative indicators of non-lethal response could be identified. Specifically, W. bursa specimens located underneath the farm tended to have reduced ribosomal activity while having increased expression of genes controlling cell apoptosis (e.g. caspase-3, cytochrome c oxidase and death domain proteins). Based on predictive functional analysis, specimens near to the farm were also found to be particularly enriched in sulfur and nitrogen cycling bacteria, and in microbial taxa with anti-toxin and xenobiotic biodegradation capability, notably of benzyl benzoate compounds used in sea lice treatments. These results indicate that potentially harmful elements such as sulfite, nitrite and pesticides may be neutralized and degraded by a particularly enriched set of bacteria in W. bursa microbiome. While additional research is needed to validate these putative indicators, our study provides a first glimpse as to how sessile organisms may respond and adapt to environmental changes induced by fin fish farming, and pave the way to the development of novel monitoring tools adapted to mix and hard bottom habitats.publishedVersio

    Self-supervised learning: When is fusion of the primary and secondary sensor cue useful?

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a reliable learning mechanism in which a robot enhances its perceptual capabilities. Typically, in SSL a trusted, primary sensor cue provides supervised training data to a secondary sensor cue. In this article, a theoretical analysis is performed on the fusion of the primary and secondary cue in a minimal model of SSL. A proof is provided that determines the specific conditions under which it is favorable to perform fusion. In short, it is favorable when (i) the prior on the target value is strong or (ii) the secondary cue is sufficiently accurate. The theoretical findings are validated with computational experiments. Subsequently, a real-world case study is performed to investigate if fusion in SSL is also beneficial when assumptions of the minimal model are not met. In particular, a flying robot learns to map pressure measurements to sonar height measurements and then fuses the two, resulting in better height estimation. Fusion is also beneficial in the opposite case, when pressure is the primary cue. The analysis and results are encouraging to study SSL fusion also for other robots and sensors

    SuspensionFeeding Benthic Species’ Physiological and Microbiome Response to Salmon Farming and Associated Environmental Changes

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    Caged salmon farming is increasingly undertaken in water bodies with strong hydrodynamics where hard and mixed substrate habitats are more prevalent. Yet, these structurally complex and heterogeneous habitats support diverse benthic communities including several cnidarians and sponges that remain poorly characterized. This study used a combination of respirometry measurements, gas chromatography and 16S rRNA metabarcoding to define the respiration rate, stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen isotopes (δ15N), fatty acid (FA) and microbial profiles, and assess the impact of salmon farming on four important epibenthic suspension-feeders along the western Norwegian coast: the sponges Craniella and Weberella, the soft coral Duva florida and the anemone Hormathia digitata. Our results showed striking differences in fatty acid profiles and host microbiome communities in terms of identity, functional capabilities and genetic properties across the suspension-feeders. We found evidence of increased mortality rate in specimens located near fish farm activities and of a species-specific effect on respiration rate, with D. florida showing increased activity under the farm. Effects of fish farming on the suspension feeders were also species-specific and particularly evidenced by functional microbial turnover and by alteration of overall FA profiles in the soft coral and sea anemone. In particular, D. florida showed reduced level of FAs close to the farm (0-350 m), with significant difference in composition along a distance gradient. Only H. digitata showed evidence of incorporation of organic material from the fish farm waste via fatty acids trophic markers (FATM) and stable isotope analysis. Overall, our study demonstrates that suspension feeders have taxon-specific sensitivity towards the effect of salmon farming, and identified several potential molecular indicators that could be used as surrogate of impact gradient upon further research and validation. It also provides a wealth of ecological and physiological information on some of the most common sessile epibenthic organisms within Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, enabling us to better understand their response and evaluate their resilience to environmental changes.publishedVersio

    Adding fish waste to the diet of Iceland scallop Chlamys islandica: effects on feeding and reproductive ability

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    Organic enrichment from fish farming may impact benthic species and habitats in adjacent areas. Norwegian salmon farming is continuously growing, but, due to area conflicts and severe sea-lice problems in the western areas, growth of the industry is focused in the northern areas. Knowledge is scarce on how an increase in fish farming will impact Arctic and subarctic species and habitats. One such species is the Iceland scallop Chlamys islandica, distributed from the Lofoten Islands in Nordland County to the Varangerfjord in Troms and Finnmark County. To study the impact of fine-particle fish faeces on feeding and reproductive ability in adult Iceland scallop, particles <41 µm of finfish waste were added to the diet. Effects were tested via short-term (weeks) feeding studies using 2 diets, 100% cultured algal species and a 50% mix of algae and fish waste. In addition, a 100% fish waste diet was used to study longer-term effects on reproductive ability (months). Feeding (% particle clearance and feeding rate) on the microalgae diet tended to be higher than that on the diet containing fish waste, but the difference was significant only in 2 out of 4 cases. We did not find any effect of diets on reproductive ability (gonad development and fatty acid profiles) of scallops. Lack of knowledge on sufficient food levels for gonad maturation in this species may have affected the results. We suggest that future work includes the transplant of scallops from a reference site to fish production sites and that investigations begin immediately after spawning early in scallop gonad development.publishedVersio

    Cardiac dysfunction affects eye development and vision by reducing supply of lipids in fish

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    Developing organisms are especially vulnerable to environmental stressors. Crude oil exposure in early life stages of fish result in multiple functional and developmental defects, including cardiac dysfunction and abnormal and smaller eyes. Phenanthrene (Phe) has a reversible impact on cardiac function, and under exposure Phe reduces cardiac contractility. Exposure to a known L-type channel blocker, nicardipine hydrochloride (Nic) also disrupts cardiac function and creates eye deformities. We aimed to investigate whether cardiac dysfunction was the major underlying mechanism of crude oil-, Phe- and Nic-induced eye malformations. We exposed Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) early embryos to Nic and crude oil (Oil) and late embryos/early larvae to Phe exposure. All three exposures resulted in cardiac abnormalities and lead to severe, eye, jaw and spinal deformities at early larval stages. At 3 days post hatching, larvae from the exposures and corresponding controls were dissected. Eyes, trunk, head and yolk sac were subjected to lipid profiling, and eyes were also subjected to transcriptomic profiling. Among most enriched pathways in the eye transcriptomes were fatty acid metabolism, calcium signaling and phototransduction. Changes in lipid profiles and the transcriptome suggested that the dysfunctional and abnormal eyes in our exposures were due to both disruption of signaling pathways and insufficient supply of essential fatty acids and other nutrients form the yolk.publishedVersio

    Environmentally realistic concentrations of chlorinated, brominated, and fluorinated persistent organic pollutants induce the unfolded protein response as a shared stress pathway in the liver of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    In the North Sea and North Atlantic coastal areas, fish experience relatively high background levels of persistent organic pollutants. This study aimed to compare the mode of action of environmentally relevant concentrations of mixtures of halogenated compounds in Atlantic cod. Juvenile male cod with mean weight of 840 g were exposed by gavage to dietary mixtures of chlorinated (PCBs, DDT analogs, chlordane, lindane, and toxaphene), brominated (PBDEs), and fluorinated (PFOS) compounds for 4 weeks. One group received a combined mixture of all three compound groups. The results showed that the accumulated levels of chemicals in cod liver after 4 weeks of exposure reflected concentrations found in wild fish in this region. Pathway analysis revealed that the treatment effects by each of the three groups of chemicals (chlorinated, brominated, and fluorinated) converged on activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Upstream regulator analysis predicted that almost all the key transcription factors (XBP1, ERN1, ATF4, EIF2AK3, and NFE2L2) regulating the UPR were significantly activated. No additive effect was observed in cod co-treated with all three compound groups. In conclusion, the genome-wide transcriptomic study suggests that the UPR pathway is a sensitive common target of halogenated organic environmental pollutants in fish.publishedVersio

    In vitro ecotoxicological assessment of pelagic ecosystems

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    The ICES biological effects monitoring in pelagic ecosystems (BECPELAG) workshop is a multi-national, multi-disciplinary workshop aimed at establishing suitable techniques for monitoring the effects of contaminants on pelagic ecosystems. One of the many activities that have been performed concurrently is the extraction of water samples using semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and large volume solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by in vitro testing and targeted chemical analysis of the concentrated extracts. The following in vitro assays were used: DR-CALUX, yeast oestrogen and androgen screen (YES & YAS), blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) embryo, Tisbe battagliai, and Skeletonema costatum. Data from the study are presented along with recommendations on procedures for the use of in vitro in the monitoring of the pelagic environment

    Terrestrial fatty acids from feed oil in feed for farmed salmonids are transferred to the liver, gonads, and muscle of wild Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    Wild fish attracted to salmon farms feed on waste feed that presently contain high levels of fatty acids of terrestrial origin. This study examines whether mature Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) caught at spawning grounds has eaten salmon waste feed. Cod were caught at four spawning grounds around Smøla (Norway), an area with multiple salmon farms, during the spawning season in 2018 (n = 327) and 2019 (n = 488). The fatty acid (FA) profile of their livers, gonads (ovary and testis), and muscles (2019) were determined. Multivariate k-mean cluster analysis of liver FA profiles revealed three main clusters, which could be allocated to trophic niches using known fatty acid trophic markers (FATMs). Of the sampled cod in 2018 and 2019, 13 % and 20 % respectively had high liver concentrations of terrestrial FATMs (18:1n-9, 18:2n-6, and 18:3n-3), indicating waste feed feeding. The remaining cod could be assigned to either the pelagic or benthic food chain. The cod identified as feeding on waste feed had large, fatty livers. The terrestrial FAs were also transferred to the muscle and gonad lipids. It is postulated that the latter may result in gametes with sub-optimal lipid composition, potentially impacting fitness, which warrants further investigation.Terrestrial fatty acids from feed oil in feed for farmed salmonids are transferred to the liver, gonads, and muscle of wild Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)publishedVersio