138 research outputs found

    Efficacite agronomique du compost a base de la biomasse du « neem » et de l’anacarde sur des cultures maraicheres dans la zone des Niayes au Senegal

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    Dans la zone des Niayes au SĂ©nĂ©gal, les sols sont pauvres en matiĂšres organiques et en Ă©lĂ©ments nutritifs nĂ©cessaires aux plantes. Les engrais chimiques utilisĂ©s pour amĂ©liorer les rendements ont engendrĂ© une forte pollution des sols et de la  nappe phrĂ©atique. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’évaluer la valeur agronomique du compost fabriquĂ© Ă  base des feuilles de neem et d’anacarde, de fiente de volaille et de la cendre de bois. Le compost obtenu prĂ©sente un rapport C/N de 15,49 et des teneurs en N - P - K de 9,1, 14,8 et 7,3 mg/kg, respectivement. Les diffĂ©rentes doses du compost testĂ©es  sur  des  cultures  maraichĂšres  ont  rĂ©vĂ©lé  des  performances  agronomiques  meilleures par rapport aux tĂ©moins. La dose T3 (30 t/ha) a induit les meilleurs rendements pour la tomate (27,213 t/ha) et l’oignon (105,263 t/ha). Pour le chou et la pomme de terre, la dose T1 (10 t/ha) a permis d’obtenir les meilleurs rendements (144,533 t/ha et 55,163 t/ha, respectivement). Par contre pour le poivron, la dose T2 (20 t/ha) a favorisĂ© les meilleurs rendements (32,534 t/ha) avec un poids moyen (81,748g) et un nombre de fruits/rĂ©colte considĂ©rablement plus Ă©levĂ©. Ce compost pourrait constituer une alternative rĂ©elle Ă  l’utilisation abusive de l’engrais minĂ©ral dans la zone agricole des Niayes.Mots clĂ©s : Compost, Neem, Feuilles d’anacarde, Maraichage, SĂ©nĂ©ga

    Following the World Health Organization's Recommendation of Exclusive Breastfeeding to 6 Months of Age Does Not Impact the Growth of Rural Gambian Infants.

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    BACKGROUND: The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 mo of life. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the benefit of EBF to age 6 mo on growth in a large sample of rural Gambian infants at high risk of undernutrition. METHODS: Infants with growth monitoring from birth to 2 y of age (n = 756) from the ENID (Early Nutrition and Immune Development) trial were categorized as exclusively breastfed if only breast milk and no other liquids or foods were given. EBF status was entered into confounder-adjusted multilevel models to test associations with growth trajectories by using >11,000 weight-for-age (WAZ), length-for-age (LAZ), and weight-for-length (WLZ) z score observations. RESULTS: Thirty-two percent of infants were exclusively breastfed to age 6 mo. The mean age of discontinuation of EBF was 5.2 mo, and growth faltering started at ∌3.5 mo of age. Some evidence for a difference in WAZ and WHZ was found between infants who were exclusively breastfed to age 6 mo (EBF-6) and those who were not (nEBF-6), at 6 and 12 mo of age, with EBF-6 children having a higher mean z score. The differences in z scores between the 2 groups were small in magnitude (at 6 mo of age: 0.147 WAZ; 95% CI: -0.001, 0.293 WAZ; 0.189 WHZ; 95% CI: 0.038, 0.341 WHZ). No evidence for a difference between EBF-6 and nEBF-6 infants was observed for LAZ at any time point (6, 12, and 24 mo of age). Furthermore, a higher mean WLZ at 3 mo of age was associated with a subsequent higher mean age at discontinuation of EBF, which implied reverse causality in this setting (coefficient: 0.060; 95% CI: 0.008, 0.120). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that EBF to age 6 mo has limited benefit to the growth of rural Gambian infants. This trial was registered at http://www.isrctn.com as ISRCTN49285450

    Experimental study of slow sand filtration for the treatment of various wastewaters in tropical environment

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    Wastewater treatment by slow sand filtration is a biological process which consists in filtering wastewater through a porous media. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performances of this biotechnology under tropical climate. Three sand filters were monitored at ONAS (CambérÚne wastewater treatment plant in Dakar, Senegal). The filters were built with local materials, and were constituted with a feeding tank of approximately 180 litters, a column (two meters high and 30-25 cm diameter). The filters were filled with sand (75 cm), gravel (25 cm) and wastewater (90 cm). The results showed that with sand of d10 equal to 0.58 mm and flow rate of 0.05 m/h, the filtration cycle was relatively long for the first run with pretreated wastewater. At the level of the primary settling tank, with flow a rate of 0.08 m/h, the removal rates were about 12.75%, 16.31%, 12.92%, 5.45%, 7.09% and 10.50% for TSS, COD, BOD5, nitrogen phosphorus and faecal coliforms respectively. At the level of the clarifier, with a filtration of 0.15 m/h, the removals were 1.4% for TSS, 1.84% for COD, 1.09% for BOD5 11.38% for nitrogen, 5.18% for phosphorus and 1.74% of faecal coliforms.Keywords: Flow rate; filtration cycle, removal; sand filtration; tropical climate, wastewater

    Nanopreparations in technologies of plants growing

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    Received: December 1st, 2020 ; Accepted: March 25th, 2021 ; Published: March 30th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] use of engineered nanomaterials in sustainable agriculture has demonstrated a completely new way of food production that can potentially overcome uncertainty in the agricultural sector with limited available resources. Nanoparticle engineering is one of the latest technological innovations which demonstrate unique target characteristics. During 2013–2020, research on the directions and effectiveness of nanopreparations in plant growing: nutrient source, activation of photosynthesis, immunocorrectors, stimulators of seed germination, plant growth and development, multivalent drugs for increasing plant resistance to stress was conducted. Monoparticles, nanoparticle combinations, and chelate complex of nano fertilizers on crops of soybean were tested. Field research was conducted in a stationary field experiment of the Plant Science Department of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The soil of the stationary experiment is typical chernozem. In research was used soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) of early-ripening variety Horol. Over the years of research, weather conditions varied, but were within the typical for zone of research. Average monthly temperatures were close or higher the perennial average indicators. The purpose of the research is to find out the influence of pre-sowing seed treatment and fertilizing of crops by nano-preparations Avatar (microfertilizer of carboxylates of natural acids), Iodis-concentrate (immunomodulator - stimulator of growth processes), and Super Micro Plus (nanochelate fertilizer) on leaf formation - rate, the activity of symbiotic nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean variety Horol. Nanopreparations were used for pre-sowing seed treatment and fertilizing - spraying during the growing season in several doses. The use of nanopreparations, as seed treatment in combination with inoculation and as fertilizer, intensified formation of the leaf surface area, symbiotic apparatus activity of soybean plants. The introduction of nanofertilizers complex in the top-dressing helped to increase yields and change the functional quality of crop products which indicates their unconditional effectiveness. Soybean yield significantly depended on weather conditions, varying from 1.23 to 3.48 t ha-1 depending on the weather conditions and the combination of seed inoculation and nanofertilizer. Soybean yield under favourable weather conditions in 2016, depending on the use of preparation combination ranged from 2.27 to 3.48 t ha-1 . As a result of the research, it was found that the use of nanopreparations Avatar, Jodis-concentrate and Super Micro Plus for seed treatment and fertilizing intensified leaf surface formation and symbiotic apparatus activity of soybean plants. The obtained results confirm that application of nanofertilizers complex Jodis-concentrate, Avatar and nano chelate fertilizer Super Micro Plus in the soybean fertilizing helped to increase the yield, which testifies to their unconditional effectiveness. The highest efficiency of nanofertilizers was shown by inoculation and seed treatment by Avatar and fertilizing by Avatar + nano chelate fertilizer Super Micro Plus, providing the formation of 52.4 thousand m2 ha-1 of leaf surface area of soybean varieties Horol, 69.7 pcs per plant of root nodules, 785 mg per plant of their weight and yield at the level of 2.79 t ha-1 an average of five years

    Grain yield response of Fonio (Digitaria exilis) varieties to fertilizer and cost- effectiveness under two different production systems in the Gambia

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    Fonio is an easy crop to grow because it grows well even on poor sandy soils, as well as in areas with low rainfall. The crop can withstand long dry  spells during the production season which are becoming a common occurrence in the West African subregion. In The Gambia, the common name  for the crop is “Findi”. It is commonly grown in fields that were previously cultivated with groundnut. Fonio is one of the oldest cereal crops grown in  the country; however, its cultivation has drastically declined to the extent that it is currently considered a minor crop in the country. Fonio is a very  fast-growing crop and matures earlier than most cereals. Its ability to withstand dry spells and its high nutritive value makes it an ideal climate-  smart crop. For this reason, there is renewed momentum in promoting the crop in the country. Despite these renewed efforts in its promotion,  there still exists a huge gap in terms of information on improved production practices that could help uplift the existing low yields. Appropriate  agronomic practices that can boost fonio productivity are not well documented at national level. To gather information on the input requirements  and utilizations, adaptability and productivity of fonio in The Gambia, experiments were conducted in 2018 and 2019 with the aim of generating  important production information that could guide efficient production and enhance productivity. Results obtained showed that fonio responded  positively to application of fertilizer. Application of 100 kg ha -1 comprising half NPK (15-15-15) and half urea was sufficient to produce financially  beneficial yields. Results also indicated that “Findiba”, which is a landrace may not be suitable for cultivation anymore due to its long growth period  amidst the short and erratic nature of the rainfall. The Momo and the Momosato varieties which are of shorter durations and high-yielding are more  suitable in the existing climatic conditions of the country

    Detection of recent changes in Gambia vegetation cover using time series modis ndvi

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    In The Gambia, the vegetation cover has undergone significant changes over the past two decades. To assist policy decision-making, this study seeks to detect trends in changes over the past two decades using a time series of NDVI MODIS images. The methodological approach is based on the calculation of the correlation of Kendall (τ) associated with the p-significance test at the 10 % threshold. The results showed a trend of increasing vegetation productivity during the decade 2000-2009 (98.37% of the study area) in almost all administrative regions. This trend is more significant along the river. In contrast, during the decade 2010-2019, it was noted overall significant downward trend in productivity (44.01% of The Gambia) in all administrative regions except West Coast Region and Banjul, however not significant. The result showed that, over the whole period (2000-2019), 61.86% of the national territory was characterized by a positive trend and 38.14% by a negative trend; and that the significant positive trend percentage is 10%, the significant negative trend percentage is 4%. Significant positive trends are observed much more along the river and central of the Central River Region; significant negative trends are observed mainly in the western part of West Coast Region and Banjul, at the eastern end of the North Bank Region and in the Upper River Region.En Gambie, la couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale connaĂźt d’importantes modifications depuis les deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Pour aider les politiques dans leur prise de dĂ©cision, cette Ă©tude cherche Ă  dĂ©tecter les tendances des changements au cours de cette pĂ©riode Ă  l’aide d’une sĂ©rie temporelle d’images MODIS NDVI. L’approche mĂ©thodologique est basĂ©e sur le calcul de la corrĂ©lation de Kendall (τ) associĂ© au test de significativitĂ© de p au seuil de 10 %. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une tendance Ă  l’augmentation de la productivitĂ© de la vĂ©gĂ©tation durant la dĂ©cennie 2000-2009 (98,37 % de la zone d’étude) dans quasiment toutes les rĂ©gions administratives. Cette tendance est plus significative le long du fleuve. Par contre, durant la dĂ©cennie 2010-2019, on a notĂ© globalement d’importantes tendances Ă  la baisse de la productivitĂ© (44,01 % de la Gambie) dans toutes les rĂ©gions administratives exceptĂ© la West Coast Region et Banjul, toutefois non significatives. Ă  l’échelle de toute la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e (2000-2019), 61,86 % du territoire national est marquĂ© par une tendance positive et 38,14 % par une tendance nĂ©gative. Le pourcentage de tendance positive significative est de 10 %, celui significativement nĂ©gatif de 4 %. Les tendances positives significatives sont le plus souvent observĂ©es le long du fleuve et dans le centre de la Central River Region, celles significativement nĂ©gatives principalement dans la partie ouest de la West Coast Region et de Banjul, Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© Est de la North Bank Region et de la Upper River Region

    Age-related dynamics of circulating innate lymphoid cells in an African population

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    Innate lymphoid cell (ILC) lineages mirror those of CD4+ T helper cell subsets, producing type 1, 2 and 3 cytokines respectively. Studies in adult human populations have shown contributions of non-cytotoxic ILC to immune regulation or pathogenesis in a wide range of diseases and have prompted investigations of potential functional redundancy between ILC and T helper cell compartments in neonates and children. To investigate the potential for ILC to contribute to immune responses across the human lifespan, we examined the numbers and frequencies of peripheral blood ILC subsets in a cohort of Gambians aged between 5 and 73 years of age. ILC2 were the most abundant peripheral blood ILC subset in this Gambian cohort, while ILC1 were the rarest at all ages. Moreover, the frequency of ILC1s (as a proportion of all lymphocytes) was remarkably stable over the life course whereas ILC3 cell frequencies and absolute numbers declined steadily across the life course and ILC2 frequencies and absolute numbers declined from childhood until the age of approx. 30 years of age. Age-related reductions in ILC2 cell numbers appeared to be partially offset by increasing numbers of total and GATA3+ central memory (CD45RA-CCR7+) CD4+ T cells, although there was also a gradual decline in numbers of total and GATA3+ effector memory (CD45RA-CCR7-) CD4+ T cells. Despite reduced overall abundance of ILC2 cells, we observed a coincident increase in the proportion of CD117+ ILC2, indicating potential for age-related adaptation of these cells in childhood and early adulthood. While both CD117+ and CD117- ILC2 cells produced IL-13, these responses occurred predominantly within CD117- cells. Furthermore, comparison of ILC frequencies between aged-matched Gambian and UK young adults (25-29 years) revealed an overall higher proportion of ILC1 and ILC2, but not ILC3 in Gambians. Thus, these data indicate ongoing age-related changes in ILC2 cells throughout life, which retain the capacity to differentiate into potent type 2 cytokine producing cells, consistent with an ongoing role in immune modulation

    The influence of maternal psychosocial circumstances and physical environment on the risk of severe wasting in rural Gambian infants: a mixed methods approach.

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    BACKGROUND: Severe wasting affects 16 million under 5's and carries an immediate risk of death. Prevalence remains unacceptably high in sub-Saharan Africa and early infancy is a high-risk period. We aimed to explore risk factors for severe wasting in rural Gambian infants. METHODS: We undertook a case-control study from November 2014 to June 2015, in rural Gambia. Cases had WHO standard weight-for-length z-scores (WLZ)  -3 in the same interval, matched on age, gender, village size and distance from the clinic were selected. Standard questionnaires were used to assess maternal socioeconomic status, water sanitation and hygiene and maternal mental health. Conditional logistic regression using a multivariable model was used to determine the risk factors for severe wasting. Qualitative in depth interviews were conducted with mothers and fathers who were purposively sampled. A thematic framework was used to analyse the in-depth interviews. RESULTS: Two hundred and eighty (77 cases and 203 controls) children were recruited. In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 mothers, 3 fathers and 4 research staff members. The mean age of introduction of complementary feeds was similar between cases and controls (5.2 [SD 1.2] vs 5.1 [SD 1.3] months). Increased odds of severe wasting were associated with increased frequency of complementary feeds (range 1-8) [adjusted OR 2.06 (95%: 1.17-3.62), p = 0.01]. Maternal adherence to the recommended infant care practices was influenced by her social support networks, most importantly her husband, by infant feeding difficulties and maternal psychosocial stressors that include death of a child or spouse, recurrent ill health of child and lack of autonomy in child spacing. CONCLUSION: In rural Gambia, inappropriate infant feeding practices were associated with severe wasting in infants. Additionally, adverse psychosocial circumstances and infant feeding difficulties constrain mothers from practising the recommended child care practices. Interventions that promote maternal resilience through gender empowerment, prioritising maternal psychosocial support and encouraging the involvement of fathers in infant and child care promotion strategies, would help prevent severe wasting in these infants

    Approche spatiale des inégalités d'exposition environnementale et socioéconomiques Quelle influence sur les inégalités de cancer ? Projet Cancer inégalités régionales, cantonales et environnement (CIRCE)

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    National audienceINTRODUCTION. La progression de l'incidence du cancer en France et dans les pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s suscite une interrogation sur l'origine de cette croissance et notamment sur l'importance de la composante environnementale de cette croissance. Les Ă©tudes de corrĂ©lations Ă©cologiques utilisant les SystĂšmes d'information gĂ©ographique (SIG) peuvent apporter un Ă©clairage nouveau sur la relation entre cancer et facteurs environnementaux et socio-Ă©conomiques. Les objectifs sont de 1) Proposer une mĂ©thodologie utilisant des indicateurs permettant de mettre en Ă©vidence les inĂ©galitĂ©s spatiales d'exposition environnementale, de niveau socio-Ă©conomique et de mortalitĂ© par cancer et 2) Comprendre les relations entre cancer et facteurs environnementaux et socioĂ©conomiques en croisant ces donnĂ©es par une Ă©tude de corrĂ©lation Ă©cologique Ă  l'Ă©chelle cantonale. MATERIEL/METHODES. A partir des bases de donnĂ©es descriptives de l'environnement, des indicateurs de l'exposition environnementale sont proposĂ©s : un indicateur de pollution de l'air Ă  partir du registre europĂ©en d'Ă©mission des polluants (European pollutant emission register, EPER) pour une cinquantaine de polluants, un indicateur gĂ©nĂ©ral de contamination des sols Ă  partir de BASIAS, un indicateur de pollution agricole ou urbaine Ă  partir de Corine Land Cover. A partir du recensement INSEE descriptif de la population, l'indice de dĂ©faveur sociale de Townsend peut ĂȘtre construit. A partir des donnĂ©es du Centre d'Ă©pidĂ©miologie sur les causes mĂ©dicales de dĂ©cĂšs (CĂ©piDc) de l'Inserm, le risque relatif de mortalitĂ© par cancer a pu ĂȘtre dĂ©fini. RESULTATS. La rĂ©gion Nord-Pas-de-Calais a Ă©tĂ© choisie pour illustrer les rĂ©sultats. Chacun des indicateurs est cartographiĂ© Ă  l'Ă©chelle des cantons mettant en Ă©vidence des disparitĂ©s gĂ©ographiques plus ou moins importantes. La carte de l'indice de Townsend fait ressortir la rĂ©gion Lilloise ainsi que le bassin minier comme les zones les plus dĂ©favorisĂ©es socialement. La cartographie des indices gĂ©nĂ©raux d'exposition environnementale semble faire ressortir ces mĂȘmes zones. Les indicateurs d'exposition Ă  partir d'EPER mettent en Ă©vidence de fortes disparitĂ©s spatiales de l'exposition, et des diffĂ©rences importantes suivant le polluant considĂ©rĂ©. Concernant le cancer, les rĂ©sultats sont variables selon la localisation cancĂ©reuse analysĂ©e ; dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais, les situations rĂ©currentes de surmortalitĂ© sont localisĂ©es autour des grands pĂŽles. Certains cantons semblent cumuler les inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales, environnementales et sanitaires. Le croisement de ces donnĂ©es spatialisĂ©es par canton permettra de dĂ©finir les liens Ă©ventuels entre cancer, environnement et niveau socio-Ă©conomique. DISCUSSION ET CONCLUSION. Bien que cette approche comporte quelques limites comme la non prise en compte de la mobilitĂ© Ă  court et long terme des populations ou encore les temps de latence relativement long pour le cancer, l'utilisation des SIG dans le cadre d'Ă©tudes de corrĂ©lations Ă©cologiques apporte une vision nouvelle des disparitĂ©s spatiales et permettent de mieux comprendre la complexitĂ© du lien environnement, social et sant
