36 research outputs found

    Gravity Waves in the Lower Atmosphere in Mountainous Regions and the Role of the Tropopause

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    Die Hintergrundbedingungen in der AtmosphĂ€re sind selten konstant und variieren sowohl zeitlich als auch rĂ€umlich. Das beeinflusst die Ausbreitung von atmosphĂ€rischen Schwerewellen und deren Implus- und Energietransport in der AtmosphĂ€re. Im Bereich der unteren AtmosphĂ€re (TroposphĂ€re, untere StratosphĂ€re) finden sich ausgeprĂ€gte Dichte- und TemperaturĂ€nderungen vor allem in der unteren TroposphĂ€re und an der Tropopause. Gebirgswellen breiten sich daher nicht nur, wie von der zweidimensionalen und linearen hydrostatischen Lösung der Bewegungsgleichungen beschrieben, vertikal direkt ĂŒber dem Gebirge aus. Sie können an der Grenzschichtinversion in der unteren TroposphĂ€re gefangen sein, wobei sie dann als GrenzflĂ€chenwellen bezeichnet werden. Anhand von idealisierten Simulationen wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass Gebirgswellen auch an der Tropopauseninversion gefangen sein können, wenn die InversionsstĂ€rke, welche durch die Änderung der potentiellen Temperatur ĂŒber die Tropopause hinweg beschrieben wird, ausreichend groß ist. Damit wird die GĂŒltigkeit der linearen AbschĂ€tzung zum Auftreten von gefangenen Wellen auch fĂŒr die Tropopauseninversion bestĂ€tigt. Im Falles eines mit der Höhe konstanten Windes, muss die StĂ€rke der Tropopauseninversion aufgrund der stabiler geschichteten StratosphĂ€re doppelt so groß sein wie fĂŒr eine Inversion in der unteren TroposphĂ€re. Wenn höhere Windgeschwindigkeiten vorherrschen, muss die Tropopauseninversion sogar noch stĂ€rker sein. Die horizontale WellenlĂ€nge der GrenzflĂ€chenwellen reduziert sich mit zunehmender StabilitĂ€t oberhalb der Inversion. Des Weiteren zeigen die Simulationen, dass reflektierten Wellen stromabwĂ€rts des Gebirges in der TroposphĂ€re existieren, obwohl der Scorer Parameter nicht mit der Höhe abnimmt. Ein mit der Höhe abnehmender Scorer Parameter ist die Voraussetzung fĂŒr den klassischen Fall von gefangenen Wellen in der TroposphĂ€re. Die Amplituden der reflektierten Wellen in der TroposphĂ€re grĂ¶ĂŸer, wenn anstatt des normalen Übergangs von troposphĂ€rischer zu stratosphĂ€rischer StabilitĂ€t an der Tropopause eine Tropopauseninversion vorhanden ist. DarĂŒber hinaus vergrĂ¶ĂŸert sich die horizontale WellenlĂ€nge der sich ausbreitenden Wellen, der GrenzflĂ€chenwellen und der reflektierten Wellen bei höheren Windgeschwindigkeiten

    Airborne measurements and large-eddy simulations of small-scale gravity waves at the tropopause inversion layer over Scandinavia

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    Gravity waves are an important coupling mechanism in the atmosphere. Measurements by two research aircraft during a mountain wave event over Scandinavia in 2016 revealed changes of the horizontal scales in the vertical velocity field and of momentum fluxes in the vicinity of the tropopause inversion. Idealized simulations revealed the presence of interfacial waves. They are found downstream of the mountain peaks, meaning that they horizontally transport momentum/energy away from their source

    Multilevel Cloud Structures over Svalbard

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    The presented picture of the month is a superposition of spaceborne lidar observations and high-resolution temperature fields of the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS). It displays complex tropospheric and stratospheric clouds in the Arctic winter of 2015/16. Near the end of December 2015, the unusual northeastward propagation of warm and humid subtropical air masses as far north as 80N lifted the tropopause by more than 3 km in 24 h and cooled the stratosphere on a large scale. A widespread formation of thick cirrus clouds near the tropopause and of synoptic-scale polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) occurred as the temperature dropped below the thresholds for the existence of cloud particles. Additionally, mountain waves were excited by the strong flow at the western edge of the ridge across Svalbard, leading to the formation of mesoscale ice PSCs. The most recent IFS cycle using a horizontal resolution of 8 km globally reproduces the large-scale and mesoscale flow features and leads to a remarkable agreement with the wave structure revealed by the spaceborne observations

    Airborne coherent wind lidar measurements of the momentum flux profile from orographically induced gravity waves

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    In the course of the GW-LCYCLE II campaign, conducted in Jan/Feb 2016 from Kiruna, Sweden, coherent Doppler wind lidar (2 ”m DWL) measurements were performed from the DLR Falcon aircraft to investigate gravity waves induced by flow across the Scandinavian Alps. During a mountain wave event on 28 January 2016, a novel momentum flux (MF) scan pattern with fore and aft propagating laser beams was applied to the 2 ”m DWL. This allows us to measure the vertical wind and the horizontal wind along the flight track simultaneously with a high horizontal resolution of ≈800 m and hence enables us to derive the horizontal MF profile for a broad wavelength spectrum from a few hundred meters to several hundred kilometers. The functionality of this method and the corresponding retrieval algorithm is validated using a comparison against in situ wind data measured by the High Altitude and Long Range (HALO) aircraft which was also deployed in Kiruna for the POLSTRACC (Polar Stratosphere in a Changing Climate) campaign. Based on that, the systematic and random error of the wind speeds retrieved from the 2 ”m DWL observations are determined. Further, the measurements performed on that day are used to reveal significant changes in the horizontal wavelengths of the vertical wind speed and of the leg-averaged momentum fluxes in the tropopause inversion layer (TIL) region, which are likely to be induced by interfacial waves as recently presented by Gisinger et al. (2020).</p

    Mountain Wave Propagation under Transient Tropospheric Forcing: A DEEPWAVE Case Study

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    The impact of transient tropospheric forcing on the deep vertical mountain wave propagation is investigated by a unique combination of in-situ and remote-sensing observations and numerical modeling. The temporal evolution of the upstream low-level wind follows approximately a cos2 shape and was controlled by a migrating trough and connected fronts. Our case study reveals the importance of the time-varying propagation conditions in the upper troposphere, lower stratosphere (UTLS). Upper-tropospheric stability, the wind profile as well as the tropopause strength affected the observed and simulated wave response in the UTLS. Leg-integrated along-track momentum fluxes (−MFtrack) and amplitudes of vertical displacements of air parcels in the UTLS reached up to 130 kN m−1 and 1500 m, respectively. Their maxima were phase-shifted to the maximum low-level forcing by ≈ 8 h. Small-scale waves (λx ≈ 20–30 km) were continuously forced and their flux values depended on wave attenuation by breaking and reflection in the UTLS region

    Mountain-Wave Propagation under Transient Tropospheric Forcing: A DEEPWAVE Case Study

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    The impact of transient tropospheric forcing on the deep vertical mountain-wave propagation is investigated by a unique combination of in situ and remote sensing observations and numerical modeling. The temporal evolution of the upstream low-level wind follows approximately a cos2 shape and was controlled by a migrating trough and connected fronts. Our case study reveals the importance of the time-varying propagation conditions in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Upper-tropospheric stability, the wind profile, and the tropopause strength affected the observed and simulated wave response in the UTLS. Leg-integrated along-track momentum fluxes (-MFtrack) and amplitudes of vertical displacements of air parcels in the UTLS reached up to 130 kN m-1 and 1500 m, respectively. Their maxima were phase shifted to the maximum low-level forcing by ≈8 h. Small-scale waves (λx ≈ 20 - 30 km) were continuously forced, and their flux values depended on wave attenuation by breaking and reflection in the UTLS region. Only maximum flow over the envelope of the mountain range favored the excitation of longer waves that propagated deeply into the mesosphere. Their long propagation time caused a retarded enhancement of observed mesospheric gravity wave activity about 12–15 h after their observation in the UTLS. For the UTLS, we further compared observed and simulated MFtrack with fluxes of 2D quasi-steady runs. UTLS momentum fluxes seem to be reproducible by individual quasi-steady 2D runs, except for the flux enhancement during the early decelerating forcing phase

    Gravity-Wave-Driven Seasonal Variability of Temperature Differences Between ECMWF IFS and Rayleigh Lidar Measurements in the Lee of the Southern Andes

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    Long-term high-resolution temperature data of the Compact Rayleigh Autonomous Lidar (CORAL) is used to evaluate temperature and gravity wave (GW) activity in ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) over RĂ­o Grande (53.79°S, 67.75°W), which is a hot spot of stratospheric GWs in winter. Seasonal and altitudinal variations of the temperature differences between the IFS and lidar are studied for 2018 with a uniform IFS version. Moreover, interannual variations are considered taking into account updated IFS versions. We find monthly mean temperature differences ±10 K) and increase with altitude. We relate this seasonal variability to middle atmosphere GW activity. In the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, the observed temperature differences result from both GW amplitude and phase differences. The IFS captures the seasonal cycle of GW potential energy (Ep) well, but underestimates Ep in the middle atmosphere. Experimental IFS simulations without damping by the model sponge for May and August 2018 show an increase in the monthly mean Ep above 45 km from only ≈10% of the Ep derived from the lidar measurements to 26% and 42%, respectively. GWs not resolved in the IFS are likely explaining the remaining underestimation of the Ep

    Sensitivity of Mountain Wave Drag Estimates on Separation Methods and Proposed Improvements

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    Internal gravity waves (GWs) are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, making significant contributions to the mesoscale motions. Since the majority of their spectrum is unresolved in global circulation models, their effects need to be parameterized. In recent decades GWs have been increasingly studied in high-resolution simulations, which, unlike direct observations, allow us to explore full spatio-temporal variations of the resolved wave field. In our study we analyze and refine a traditional method for GW analysis in a high-resolution simulation on a regional domain around the Drake Passage. We show that GW momentum drag estimates based on the Gaussian high-pass filter method applied to separate GW perturbations from the background are sensitive to the choice of a cutoff parameter. The impact of the cutoff parameter is higher for horizontal fluxes of horizontal momentum, which indicates higher sensitivity for horizontally propagating waves. Two modified methods, which choose the parameter value from spectral information, are proposed. The dynamically determined cutoff is mostly higher than the traditional cutoff values around 500 km, leading to larger GW fluxes and drag, and varies with time and altitude. The differences between the traditional and the modified methods are especially pronounced during events with significant drag contributions from horizontal momentum fluxes