75 research outputs found

    Centre recreatiu i cultural MIC

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    La ciutat de Montcada ha anat creixent amb una morfologia dispersa causada per l’implantació d'infraestructures al llarg del temps. Aquesta situació s'ha traduït en l'existència d'espais marginals, obsolets. Per tal de recuperar la identitat de l’espai incert que queda comprès entre l’autovia C17 i la platja de vies, on es troba actualment la fàbrica Asland, proposo tres estratègies d’actuació: la Connectivitat, la Reconfiguració de l’espai públic i la Reprogramació, cosint teixits fragmentats mitjançant un programa recreatiu i cultural. CONNECTIVITAT: Agumentar l’accessibilitat de la peça fent-la més permeable tant com des de la C17, com des de l’estació de Montcada Bifurcació, com des de Collserola. RECONFIGURACIÓ DE L'ESPAI PÚBLIC: Implantació de l'Avantprojecte de la recuperació del Turó de Montcada, microactuació en la Font del Ferro, nou Parc urbà connector entre l'estació Montcada Bifurcació i Montcada Centre i tractament del paisatge Post-Industrial. REPROGRAMACIÓ: Deconstrucció d'alguns elements de la fàbrica de ciment Asland, i implantació d'un nou programa cultural i recreatiu obert al públic. MIC: Nou Centre d'investigació de Materials [4600m2], amb una plataforma de des/càrrega per al material, sala d'exposicions, de conferències, aules, i laboratoris. Una peça que connecta directament amb una passera amb l'antiga fàbrica Asland, per poder fer una ruta històrica sobre el procès d'industrialització de Montcada i Reixac i l'antic recorregut del ciment

    The IGF2BP family of RNA binding proteins links epitranscriptomics to cancer

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    RNA binding proteins that act at the post-transcriptional level display a richness of mechanisms to modulate the transcriptional output and respond to changing cellular conditions. The family of IGF2BP proteins recognize mRNAs modified by methylation and lengthen their lifecycle in the context of stable ribonucleoprotein particles to promote cancer progression. They are emerging as key 'reader' proteins in the epitranscriptomic field, driving the fate of bound substrates under physiological and disease conditions. Recent developments in the field include the recognition that noncoding substrates play crucial roles in mediating the pro-growth features of IGF2BP family, not only as regulated targets, but also as modulators of IGF2BP function themselves. In this review, we summarize the regulatory roles of IGF2BP proteins and link their molecular role as mA modification readers to the cellular phenotype, thus providing a comprehensive insight into IGF2BP function

    The transcribed ultraconserved region uc.160+ enhances processing and A-to-I editing of the miR-376 cluster : hypermethylation improves glioma prognosis

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    Transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are noncoding RNAs derived from DNA sequences that are entirely conserved across species. Their expression is altered in many tumor types, and, although a role for T-UCRs as regulators of gene expression has been proposed, their functions remain largely unknown. Herein, we describe the epigenetic silencing of the uc.160+ T-UCR in gliomas and mechanistically define a novel RNA-RNA regulatory network in which uc.160+ modulates the biogenesis of several members of the miR-376 cluster. This includes the positive regulation of primary microRNA (pri-miRNA) cleavage and an enhanced A-to-I editing on its mature sequence. As a consequence, the expression of uc.160+ affects the downstream, miR-376-regulated genes, including the transcriptional coregulators RING1 and YY1-binding protein (RYBP) and forkhead box P2 (FOXP2). Finally, we elucidate the clinical impact of our findings, showing that hypermethylation of the uc.160+ CpG island is an independent prognostic factor associated with better overall survival in lower-grade gliomas, highlighting the importance of T-UCRs in cancer pathophysiology.Peer reviewe

    Epigenetic loss of the transfer RNA-modifying enzyme TYW2 induces ribosome frameshifts in colon cancer

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    Transfer RNA (tRNA) activity is tightly regulated to provide a physiological protein translation, and tRNA chemical modifications control its function in a complex with ribosomes and messenger RNA5 (mRNA5). In this regard, the correct hypermodification of position G37 of phenylalanine-tRNA, adjacent to the anticodon, is critical to prevent ribosome frameshifting events. Here we report that the tRNA-yW Synthesizing Protein 2 (TYW2) undergoes promoter hypermethylation-associated transcriptional silencing in human cancer, particularly in colorectal tumors. The epigenetic loss of TYW2 induces guanosine hypomodification in phenylalanine-tRNA, an increase in -1 ribosome frameshift events, and down-regulation of transcripts by mRNA decay, such as of the key cancer gene ROBO1. Importantly, TYW2 epigenetic inactivation is linked to poor overall survival in patients with early-stage colorectal cancer, a finding that could be related to the observed acquisition of enhanced migration properties and epithelial-to-mesenchymal features in the colon cancer cells that harbor TYW2 DNA methylation-associated loss. These findings provide an illustrative example of how epigenetic changes can modify the epitranscriptome and further support a role for tRNA modifications in cancer biology

    Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation

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    The mechanisms used by antisense transcripts to regulate their corresponding sense mRNAs are not fully understood. Herein, we have addressed this issue for the vimentin (VIM) gene, a member of the intermediate filament family involved in cell and tissue integrity that is deregulated in different types of cancer. VIM mRNA levels are positively correlated with the expression of a previously uncharacterized head-to-head antisense transcript, both transcripts being silenced in colon primary tumors concomitant with promoter hypermethylation. Furthermore, antisense transcription promotes formation of an R-loop structure that can be disfavored in vitro and in vivo by ribonuclease H1 overexpression, resulting in VIM down-regulation. Antisense knockdown and R-loop destabilization both result in chromatin compaction around the VIM promoter and a reduction in the binding of transcriptional activators of the NF-κB pathway. These results are the first examples to our knowledge of R-loop–mediated enhancement of gene expression involving head-to-head antisense transcription at a cancer-related locus

    Epigenetic loss of the transfer RNA-modifying enzyme TYW2 induces ribosome frameshifts in colon cancer

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    Altres ajuts: Funding for this research was provided by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer Scientific Foundation (Accelerator Award A26825); and the Olga Torres Foundation.Transfer RNA (tRNA) activity is tightly regulated to provide a physiological protein translation, and tRNA chemical modifications control its function in a complex with ribosomes and messenger RNAs (mRNAs). In this regard, the correct hypermodification of position G37 of phenylalanine-tRNA, adjacent to the anticodon, is critical to prevent ribosome frameshifting events. Here we report that the tRNA-yW Synthesizing Protein 2 (TYW2) undergoes promoter hypermethylation-associated transcriptional silencing in human cancer, particularly in colorectal tumors. The epigenetic loss of TYW2 induces guanosine hypomodification in phenylalanine-tRNA, an increase in -1 ribosome frameshift events, and down-regulation of transcripts by mRNA decay, such as of the key cancer gene ROBO1. Importantly, TYW2 epigenetic inactivation is linked to poor overall survival in patients with early-stage colorectal cancer, a finding that could be related to the observed acquisition of enhanced migration properties and epithelial-to-mesenchymal features in the colon cancer cells that harbor TYW2 DNA methylation-associated loss. These findings provide an illustrative example of how epigenetic changes can modify the epitranscriptome and further support a role for tRNA modifications in cancer biology

    Inhibition of Gsk3b Reduces Nfkb1 Signaling and Rescues Synaptic Activity to Improve the Rett Syndrome Phenotype in Mecp2-Knockout Mice

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is the second leading cause of mental impairment in girls and is currently untreatable. RTT is caused, in more than 95% of cases, by loss-of-function mutations in the methyl CpG- binding protein 2 gene (MeCP2). We propose here a molecular target involved in RTT: the glycogen synthase kinase-3b (Gsk3b) pathway. Gsk3b activity is deregulated in Mecp2-knockout (KO) mice models, and SB216763, a specific inhibitor, is able to alleviate the clinical symptoms with consequences at the molecular and cellular levels. In vivo, inhibition of Gsk3b prolongs the lifespan of Mecp2-KO mice and reduces motor deficits. At the molecular level, SB216763 rescues dendritic networks and spine density, while inducing changes in the properties of excitatory synapses. Gsk3b inhibition can also decrease the nuclear activity of the Nfkb1 pathway and neuroinflammation. Altogether, our findings indicate that Mecp2 deficiency in the RTT mouse model is partially rescued following treatment with SB216763

    Analysis of the circRNA and T-UCR populations identifies convergent pathways in mouse and human models of Rett syndrome

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    Noncoding RNAs play regulatory roles in physiopathology, but their involvement in neurodevelopmental diseases is poorly understood. Rett syndrome is a severe, progressive neurodevelopmental disorder linked to loss-of-function mutations of the MeCP2 gene for which no cure is yet available. Analysis of the noncoding RNA profile corresponding to the brain-abundant circular RNA (circRNA) and transcribed-ultraconserved region (T-UCR) populations in a mouse model of the disease reveals widespread dysregulation and enrichment in glutamatergic excitatory signaling and microtubule cytoskeleton pathways of the corresponding host genes. Proteomic analysis of hippocampal samples from affected individuals confirms abnormal levels of several cytoskeleton-related proteins together with key alterations in neurotransmission. Importantly, the glutamate receptor GRIA3 gene displays altered biogenesis in affected individuals and in vitro human cells and is influenced by expression of two ultraconserved RNAs. We also describe post-transcriptional regulation of SIRT2 by circRNAs, which modulates acetylation and total protein levels of GluR-1. As a consequence, both regulatory mechanisms converge on the biogenesis of AMPA receptors, with an effect on neuronal differentiation. In both cases, the noncoding RNAs antagonize MeCP2-directed regulation. Our findings indicate that noncoding transcripts may contribute to key alterations in Rett syndrome and are not only useful tools for revealing dysregulated processes but also molecules of biomarker value

    The transcribed pseudogene RPSAP52 enhances the oncofetal HMGA2-IGF2BP2-RAS axis through LIN28B-dependent and independent let-7 inhibition

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    Altres ajuts: We thank CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya for their institutional support. This work was also supported by the Fundació La Marató de TV3, grant number #20131610 (S.G.), the AECC-Junta de Barcelona (S.G.), the Fundación Científica de la AECC under grant GCB13131578DEÁ (O.M.T.), the Health and Science Departments of the Catalan Government (Gen-eralitat de Catalunya). C.O.-M. is a pre-doctoral fellow funded by the Basque Government (PRE_2013_1_1009).One largely unknown question in cell biology is the discrimination between inconsequential and functional transcriptional events with relevant regulatory functions. Here, we find that the oncofetal HMGA2 gene is aberrantly reexpressed in many tumor types together with its antisense transcribed pseudogene RPSAP52. RPSAP52 is abundantly present in the cytoplasm, where it interacts with the RNA binding protein IGF2BP2/IMP2, facilitating its binding to mRNA targets, promoting their translation by mediating their recruitment on polysomes and enhancing proliferative and self-renewal pathways. Notably, downregulation of RPSAP52 impairs the balance between the oncogene LIN28B and the tumor suppressor let-7 family of miRNAs, inhibits cellular proliferation and migration in vitro and slows down tumor growth in vivo. In addition, high levels of RPSAP52 in patient samples associate with a worse prognosis in sarcomas. Overall, we reveal the roles of a transcribed pseudogene that may display properties of an oncofetal master regulator in human cancers

    Epigenetic activation of a cryptic TBC1D16 transcript enhances melanoma progression by targeting EGFR

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    Metastasis is respoMetastasis is responsible for most cancer-related deaths, and, among common tumor types, melanoma is one with great potential to metastasize. Here we study the contribution of epigenetic changes to the dissemination process by analyzing the changes that occur at the DNA methylation level between primary cancer cells and metastases. We found a hypomethylation event that reactivates a cryptic transcript of the Rab GTPase activating protein TBC1D16 (TBC1D16-47 kDa; referred to hereafter as TBC1D16-47KD) to be a characteristic feature of the metastatic cascade. This short isoform of TBC1D16 exacerbates melanoma growth and metastasis both in vitro and in vivo. By combining immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry, we identified RAB5C as a new TBC1D16 target and showed that it regulates EGFR in melanoma cells. We also found that epigenetic reactivation of TBC1D16-47KD is associated with poor clinical outcome in melanoma, while conferring greater sensitivity to BRAF and MEK inhibitors