90 research outputs found

    Garud Survey: A Case of Improving Safety and Transparency in Mining Operations Using Drone Technology

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    SAI Minerals Pvt. Limited (SAI Minerals), a renowned company engaged in mining cement-grade limestone and manufacturing cement in Rajasthan, India, has been grappling with recurring survey reconciliation and safety issues across its mining operations. Additionally, in compliance with new government regulations, they are now required to conduct aerial surveys and submit digital images and survey reports to the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM). SAI Minerals sought a permanent solution to these challenges and approached Garud Survey Private Limited (Garud Survey), a technology-driven surveying agency. SAI Minerals recognized that these issues not only impacted their production but also tarnished the company\u27s reputation in the mining industry due to frequent accidents. Garud Survey recommended that the best approach to address the problem was to make the survey process faster and more accurate, enabling all stakeholders to have a clear and up-to-date view of the operational status. Garud Survey proposed the implementation of cutting-edge technology to identify and address the root cause of the problem. This case further explores the application of system analysis and design to the adoption and implementation of the latest technology in a real-world use case, as well as the challenges associated with managing change

    Effect of Virechana Karma on Beeja Dushti (Anovulation) Janya Vandhyatva : A Case Study

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    Introduction: The most common causes of female infertility are anovulatory problems that manifest themselves by irregular, sparse or absent menstrual periods. Beeja is considered as one of the four important factors essential for conception. The present study was done to evaluate the efficacy of Virechana Karma on Beeja Dushti (anovulation) Janya Vandhyatva. Materials & Methods: A female subject, 27 years old, visited the Stri Rog Prasuti Tantra O.P.D of Rajiv Gandhi Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Himachal Pradesh with complaints of inability to conceive after 3 years of active married life associated with irregular menses which was characterized by cycle length of 45-50 days. The previous records of the patient revealed anovulation. The hysterosalpingography of the patient was normal. The semen analysis of the husband was normal. Virechana Karma was selected as purificatory measure in this case. Result & Discussion: After the Virechana Karma the patient conceived spontaneously. Vata is considered main factor for Vandhyatva. In this case the treatment is directed towards pacifying the vitiated Vata Dosha. Virechana leads to Beeja Karmukta. Also the vitiated Artava Dhatu was pacified by correcting the Jatharagni and Dhatvagni. There were no adverse effects observed during the treatment

    A Colossal Rhinolith

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    Introduction Rhinolith is a calcic deposition formed by mineralization of salts in an impacted nasal foreign body. It is a benign condition that can be troublesome owing to its size and extent of impact. Case Report A 35-year-old man with a history of right nasal obstruction with occasional foul-smelling discharge and right eye pain since ten years was diagnosed with rhinolith. During its removal, it was three times bigger than what could be visualized in nasal endoscopy. Conclusion Proper history, examination, and a high suspicion can clinch the diagnosis in almost all cases. A rigid diagnostic nasendoscopy is an important tool in the diagnosis. The treatment of choice is endoscopic removal under local or general anaesthesia

    HFOV in inhalational injury associated ARDS with broncho-pleural fistula – An old friend to the rescue: Case report

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    Introduction: Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) on mechanical ventilation often require high inspiratory pressure and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, effective ventilation becomes difficult in cases where a large air leak develops in patients. The management of such a case requires improvisation and the adoption of special ventilation strategies. Case and outcomes: We present a case study of a burn patient with airway involvement, developing ARDS and who developed a bronchopleural fistula (BPF) leading to failure of conventional ventilation. He was managed successfully with high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) and finally discharged. Conclusion: HFOV is a feasible option for ventilating patients with BPF when conventional ventilation fails. At a time when HFOV has largely been relegated to obsolescence, we hope to re-emphasize its relevance under particular circumstances

    Validation of a noninvasive aMMP-8 point-of-care diagnostic methodology in COVID-19 patients with periodontal disease

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to validate an active matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-8) point-of-care diagnostic tool in COVID-19 patients with periodontal disease. Subjects, Materials, and Methods: Seventy-two COVID-19-positive and 30 COVID-19-negative subjects were enrolled in the study. Demographic data were recorded, periodontal examination carried out, and chairside tests run for evaluating the expression of active MMP-8 (aMMP-8) in the site with maximum periodontal breakdown via gingival crevicular fluid sampling as well as via a mouth rinse-based kit for general disease activity. In COVID-19-positive patients, the kits were run again once the patients turned COVID-19 negative. Results: The overall (n = 102) sensitivity/specificity of the mouthrinse-based kits to detect periodontal disease was 79.41%136.76% and that of site-specific kits was 64.71%/55.88% while adjusting for age, gender, and smoking status increased the sensitivity and specificity (82.35%/76.47% and 73.53%/88.24, respectively). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the adjusted model revealed very good area under the ROC curve 0.746-0.869 (p < .001) and 0.740-0.872 (p < .001) (the aMMP-8 mouth rinse and site-specific kits, respectively). No statistically significant difference was observed in the distribution of results of aMMP-8 mouth rinse test (p = .302) and aMMP-8 site-specific test (p = .189) once the subjects recovered from COVID-19. Conclusions: The findings of the present study support the aMMP-8 point-of-care testing (PoCT) kits as screening tools for periodontitis in COVID-19 patients. The overall screening accuracy can be further increased by utilizing adjunctively risk factors of periodontitis. The reported noninvasive, user-friendly, and objective PoCT diagnostic methodology may provide a way of stratifying risk groups, deciding upon referrals, and in the institution of diligent oral hygiene regimens.Peer reviewe

    Art of drafting a title: Balancing the allure and accuracy

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    Role of Sthanik Chikitsa in Shweta Pradara Associated with Madhumeha (DM Type- II): A Case Study

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    Shweta Pradara or excessive vaginal discharge is one of the commonest complaints among women of reproductive age group. An increase in the normal vaginal secretion develops physiologically at puberty, at ovulation, premenstrual phase and during pregnancy. Excessive discharge causes irritation and itching in the genetalia. Ayurveda explained this condition as Shweta Pradara. Shweta Pradara is a symptom which is present in most of the diseases or present as a complication. Shweta Pradara is not a disease it produces as a symptom, hence etiopathogenesis of principal disease and Shweta Pradara would be same. It is a Kaphaja disorder at the place of Apana Vayu. A 47 years old female patient suffering from intermittent Yonigata Shwet Strava since two years with aggravation of symptoms from one week presented to Prasuti Tantra Evam Stree Roga OPD. Yonigat Shwet Strava was associated with Yoni Kandu, Katishool, Yoni Daha. On enquiry, it was found that she was the known case of Type II Diabetes Mellitus since 10 years. She was taking medication for the same but her blood sugar levels were uncontrolled in spite of taking medication as per her recent investigations. In this case Shwet Pradar was the Updrava of Madhumeh, thus line of management was planned to control her sugar level by supplementing Ayurvedic drugs along with allopathic medicine for DM II (Madhumeh) and treated her with Yoniprakshalan with Triphala Kwath followed by Cutis ointment tamponing per vaginum for 14 days. She had followed the schedule of Yoni Prakshalana, oral medicines and Pathya-Apathya properly. It was observed that, symptoms were started to reduce gradually which has been depicted by documentation of investigations and local examination in this case study

    Concept of Ayurgenomics in Context to Nutrigenomics

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    Nutrigenomics is an emerging branch of science that creates foundation of the relationship between nutrients from diets and their effects on expression of genomes. It also encompasses the heterogenous response of gene to different nutrients, dietary components and developing nutraceuticals under the heading of nutrigenetics. Exploring the aspects of nutrigenomics has been conceptualised to develop the approaches for the determination of the etiology of different physiological conditions, pathological conditions alongside the management of different morbidities by application of the dietics and also prevention of certain possible gene expression causing morbid conditions. All these facts that diet plays in determination of health or disease have already been mentioned in the ancient times by the scholars of Ayurveda. Ayurgenomics in other side includes of classical facts that has been mentioned in the Ayurvedic classic texts which clearly mentions that the Aahar determines the state of health and diseased conditions in an individual. It determines the individuality in the requirement of the nutritional sources in all different individual is different and unique. When the nutrition for the individual is personalised determining the Prakriti (constitution) of the individual, this will ensure maintaining the health and resolving the diseases in the subject. Also different forms of incompatible combinations of Aahar have also been mentioned in Ayurveda and their different levels of effects in different individual have been described under the topic of Virruddhaahar. Analytical study of these subjects together could be manifested in the management of different pathological conditions or even for the prevention of the disease condition in the field of disease managemen

    A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Kasisadi Vaginal Pessary and Udumbaradi Tail Pichu in Management of Shweta Pradar (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge): A Double Arm Random Control Study

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    Shwetapradara, a symptom of many gynaecologic disorders, develop due to vitiation of Kapha predominant Doshas. Laghutriya described Shwetapradar. In Charak Samhita management of Shwetpradar is described under the description of Pandurasrigdara. Chakrapani has explained Pandura-Asrigdara as Shwetapradar in his commentary. Objectives: To draw Ayurvedic management to the disease with effective cure and no or minimal side effects, that can be easily administered and accepted by the patient. Materials &amp; Methods: After obtaining Ethics Committee approval and informed consent, 210 patients were randomized into two groups. In one group, Kasisadi vaginal pessary in the night followed by Udumbaradi Taila Pichu for 2 hours in the morning was given while in another a vaginal pessary (clotrimazole+ tinidazole+ clindamycin) was given for 7 days. From baseline to 7th day on the bases of assessment criteria per-speculum examination was done. A comparison of categorical variables was done using an appropriate statistical test. Results: Uduambaradi Taila and Kasisadi vaginal pessary exhibited potentially comparable effects to the conventional treatment but the recurrence rate was found more in conventional treatment. Conclusion: Uduambaradi Taila pichu and Kasisadi vaginal pessary combination is an effective, side effects-free, patient-compliant herbal alternative for the management of abnormal vaginal discharge
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