57 research outputs found

    Response of miR156-SPL Module during the Red Peel Coloration of Bagging-Treated Chinese Sand Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)

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    MicroRNA156 is an evolutionarily highly conserved plant micro-RNA (miRNA) that controls an age-dependent flowering pathway. miR156 and its target SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) genes regulate anthocyanin accumulation in plants, but it is unknown whether this process is affected by light. Red Chinese sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) fruits exhibit a unique coloration pattern in response to bagging treatments, which makes them appropriate for studying the molecular mechanism underlying light-induced anthocyanin accumulation in fruit. Based on high-throughput miRNA and degradome sequencing data, we determined that miR156 was expressed in pear fruit peels, and targeted four SPL genes. Light-responsive elements were detected in the promoter regions of the miR156a and miR156ba precursors. We identified 19 SPL genes using the “Suli” pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Chinese White Pear Group) genome database, of which seven members were putative miR156 targets. The upregulated expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic and regulatory genes and downregulated expression of PpSPL2, PpSPL5, PpSPL7, PpSPL9, PpSPL10, PpSPL13, PpSPL16, PpSPL17, and PpSPL18 were observed in pear fruits after bags were removed from plants during the anthocyanin accumulation period. Additionally, miR156a/ba/g/s/sa abundance increased after bags were removed. Yeast two-hybrid results suggested that PpMYB10, PpbHLH, and PpWD40 could form a protein complex, probably involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis. Additionally, PpSPL10 and PpSPL13 interacted with PpMYB10. The results obtained in this study are helpful in understanding the possible role of miR156 and its target PpSPL genes in regulating light-induced red peel coloration and anthocyanin accumulation in pear

    Repression of TERMINAL FLOWER1 primarily mediates floral induction in pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) concomitant with change in gene expression of plant hormone-related genes and transcription factors

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    Floral induction is an important event in the annual growth cycle of perennial fruit trees. For pear, this event directly affects fruit production in the following year. The flower buds in many species are induced by FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), whose effect is repressed by the meristem-expressed gene TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1). In this study, we investigated the functions of pear FT and TFL1 genes during floral development. Expression of pear FTs (PpFT1a and PpFT2a) in reproductive meristems was not obviously induced prior to floral initiation, while expression of TFL1s (PpTFL1-1a and PpTFL1-2a) rapidly decreased. The induction of the productive meristem identity MADS-box gene AP1 after repression of PpTFL1s suggested a primary role for PpTFL1 in floral induction. RNA-seq analysis suggested that plant hormone-related genes and several transcription factors that were coexpressed with PpTFL1 were potentially involved in the PpTFL1-mediated floral induction. Our data indicate the essential function of TFL1 in pear floral induction and add another species in the family Rosaceae in addition to strawberry and rose that shows a role for TFL1 in floral induction

    A mobile signal transported over a long distance induces systemic transcriptional gene silencing in a grafted partner

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    Transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) can be induced by promoter-targeted small interfering RNA (siRNA). Long-distance transmission of TGS by viral infection in plants has been reported. However, systemic TGS has not been observed in the case of using an inverted repeat transgene as the silencing trigger. Here it is reported that a mobile signal, presumably the siRNA, produced from a hairpin structure transgene controlled by a companion cell-specific promoter can also induce transmissible TGS in both a modified agroinfiltration and a grafting system. Although the transmissible TGS occurred only in cells located in the vicinity of a leaf vein in the scion, very strong silencing was observed in the root system, especially the lateral roots, including the root apical meristem. The transmissible TGS was maintained through tissue culture and subsequently inherited by the progeny. The results suggest the potential application of mobile promoter-targeting siRNA in horticulture for improvement of plant cultivars by grafting

    Graft-Transmitted siRNA Signal from the Root Induces Visual Manifestation of Endogenous Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing in the Scion

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    In plants, post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) spreads systemically, being transmitted from the silenced stock to the scion expressing the corresponding transgene. It has been reported that a graft-transmitted siRNA signal can also induce PTGS of an endogenous gene, but this was done by top-grafting using silenced stock. In the present study involving grafting of Nicotiana benthamiana, we found that PTGS of an endogenous gene, glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase (GSA), which acts as a visible marker of RNAi via inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis, was manifested along the veins of newly developed leaves in the wild-type scion by the siRNA signal synthesized only in companion cells of the rootstock

    Transcriptional co-regulation of anthocyanin accumulation and acidity in fruits

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    Color and acidity, two important fruit quality traits, greatly influence consumer choice and market competitiveness. They result from the accumulation of anthocyanins and organic acids in the vacuole. A shift in the vacuolar pH, caused by the accumulation of organic acids, leads to a change in the absorption spectrum of anthocyanins, and thus to changes in the color of tissues, suggesting a possible relationship between these two traits. Thus, the discovery of the molecular co-mechanism responsible for these processes is one of the most challenging for improving fruit quality traits and ultimately increasing market value. Here, we review current knowledge on the relationship between anthocyanin accumulation and acidity, and highlight recent advances in the roles of TFs in regulating these quality traits via transcriptional co-regulation of different genes associated with anthocyanin accumulation and acidity for fruit quality improvement

    Increased ACS Enzyme Dosage Causes Initiation of Climacteric Ethylene Production in Tomato

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    Fruits of wild tomato species show different ethylene-dependent ripening characteristics, such as variations in fruit color and whether they exhibit a climacteric or nonclimacteric ripening transition. 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (ACS) and ACC oxidase (ACO) are key enzymes in the ethylene biosynthetic pathway encoded by multigene families. Gene duplication is a primary driver of plant diversification and angiosperm evolution. Here, interspecific variations in the molecular regulation of ethylene biosynthesis and perception during fruit ripening in domesticated and wild tomatoes were investigated. Results showed that the activated ACS genes were increased in number in red-ripe tomato fruits than in green-ripe tomato fruits; therefore, elevated dosage of ACS enzyme promoted ripening ethylene production. Results showed that the expression of three ACS isogenes ACS1A, ACS2, and ACS4, which are involved in autocatalytic ethylene production, was higher in red-ripe tomato fruits than in green-ripe tomato fruits. Elevated ACS enzyme dosage promoted ethylene production, which corresponded to the climacteric response of red-ripe tomato fruits. The data suggest that autoinhibitory ethylene production is common to all tomato species, while autocatalytic ethylene production is specific to red-ripe species. The essential regulators Non-ripening (NOR) and Ripening-Inhibitor (RIN) have experienced gene activation and overlapped with increasing ACS enzyme dosage. These complex levels of transcript regulation link higher ethylene production with spatiotemporal modulation of gene expression in red-ripe tomato species. Taken together, this study shows that bursts in ethylene production that accompany fruit color changes in red-ripe tomatoes are likely to be an evolutionary adaptation for seed dispersal