47,839 research outputs found

    A new calibration method for time delay standard and its application

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    A method which is used to measure time delay accurately by using a Type 900-LB slotted line is described. The accuracy for calibrating time delay of a precision coaxial air line Type 900-L is about + or - (0.4 to 0.6)ps, and for coaxial cables with VSWR less than 1.5 and time delay t less than 50ns is about + or - (3 to 5)ps. Theoretical analysis and mathematical derivation of microwave networks in cascade are given. Methods to eliminate the errors which are caused by the discontinuities and the error analysis of the measuring system are presented. Skin effect analysis of the transient characteristic of coaxial transmission line are discussed in detail. Methods to eliminate the errors which result from using the calibrated time delay standard to calibrate time interval measurement instruments are presented. The estimation of errors and formulae for correction of those errors are described

    On the predominant mechanisms active during the high power diode laser modification of the wettability characteristics of an SiO2/Al2O3-based ceramic material

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    The mechanisms responsible for modifications to the wettability characteristics of a SiO2/Al2O3-based ceramic material in terms of a test liquid set comprising of human blood, human blood plasma, glycerol and 4-octonol after high power diode laser (HPDL) treatment have been elucidated. Changes in the contact angle, , and hence the wettability characteristics of the SiO2/Al2O3-based ceramic were attributed primarily to: modifications to the surface roughness of the ceramic resulting from HPDL interaction which accordingly effected reductions in ; the increase in the surface O2 content of the ceramic after HPDL treatment; since an increase in surface O2 content intrinsically brings about a decrease in , and vice versa and the increase in the polar component of the surface energy, due to the HPDL induced surface melting and resolidification which consequently created a partially vitrified microstructure that was seen to augment the wetting action. However, the degree of influence exerted by each mechanism was found to differ markedly. Isolation of each of these mechanisms permitted the magnitude of their influence to be qualitatively determined. Surface energy, by way of microstructural changes, was found to be by far the most predominant element governing the wetting characteristics of the SiO2/Al2O3-based ceramic. To a much lesser extent, surface O2 content, by way of process gas, was also seen to influence to a changes in the wettability characteristics of the SiO2/Al2O3-based ceramic, whilst surface roughness was found to play a minor role in inducing changes in the wettability characteristics

    Warm dust in the terrestrial planet zone of a sun-like Pleiad: collisions between planetary embryos?

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    Only a few solar-type main sequence stars are known to be orbited by warm dust particles; the most extreme is the G0 field star BD+20 307 that emits ~4% of its energy at mid-infrared wavelengths. We report the identification of a similarly dusty star HD 23514, an F6-type member of the Pleiades cluster. A strong mid-IR silicate emission feature indicates the presence of small warm dust particles, but with the primary flux density peak at the non-standard wavelength of ~9 micron. The existence of so much dust within an AU or so of these stars is not easily accounted for given the very brief lifetime in orbit of small particles. The apparent absence of very hot (>~1000 K) dust at both stars suggests the possible presence of a planet closer to the stars than the dust. The observed frequency of the BD+20 307/HD 23514 phenomenon indicates that the mass equivalent of Earth's Moon must be converted, via collisions of massive bodies, to tiny dust particles that find their way to the terrestrial planet zone during the first few hundred million years of the life of many (most?) sun-like stars. Identification of these two dusty systems among youthful nearby solar-type stars suggests that terrestrial planet formation is common.Comment: ApJ in press, 19 pages including 3 figures and 2 tables, minor changes to the tables and figure

    Bunching Transitions on Vicinal Surfaces and Quantum N-mers

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    We study vicinal crystal surfaces with the terrace-step-kink model on a discrete lattice. Including both a short-ranged attractive interaction and a long-ranged repulsive interaction arising from elastic forces, we discover a series of phases in which steps coalesce into bunches of n steps each. The value of n varies with temperature and the ratio of short to long range interaction strengths. We propose that the bunch phases have been observed in very recent experiments on Si surfaces. Within the context of a mapping of the model to a system of bosons on a 1D lattice, the bunch phases appear as quantum n-mers.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Differentiating Sensitivity of Post-Stimulus Undershoot under Diffusion Weighting: Implication of Vascular and Neuronal Hierarchy

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    The widely used blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal during brain activation, as measured in typical fMRI methods, is composed of several distinct phases, the last of which, and perhaps the least understood, is the post-stimulus undershoot. Although this undershoot has been consistently observed, its hemodynamic and metabolic sources are still under debate, as evidences for sustained blood volume increases and metabolic activities have been presented. In order to help differentiate the origins of the undershoot from vascular and neuronal perspectives, we applied progressing diffusion weighting gradients to investigate the BOLD signals during visual stimulation. Three distinct regions were established and found to have fundamentally different properties in post-stimulus signal undershoot. The first region, with a small but focal spatial extent, shows a clear undershoot with decreasing magnitude under increasing diffusion weighting, which is inferred to represent intravascular signal from larger vessels with large apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC), or high mobility. The second region, with a large continuous spatial extent in which some surrounds the first region while some spreads beyond, also shows a clear undershoot but no change in undershoot amplitude with progressing diffusion weighting. This would indicate a source based on extravascular and small vessel signal with smaller ADC, or lower mobility. The third region shows no significant undershoot, and is largely confined to higher order visual areas. Given their intermediate ADC, it would likely include both large and small vessels. Thus the consistent observation of this third region would argue against a vascular origin but support a metabolic basis for the post-stimulus undershoot, and would appear to indicate a lack of sustained metabolic rate likely due to a lower oxygen metabolism in these higher visual areas. Our results are the first, to our knowledge, to suggest that the post-stimulus undershoots have a spatial dependence on the vascular and neuronal hierarchy, and that progressing flow-sensitized diffusion weighting can help delineate these dependences

    Wetting and bonding characteristics of selected liquid-metals with a high power diode laser treated alumina bioceramic

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    Changes in the wettability characteristics of an alumina bioceramic occasioned by high power diode laser (HPDL) surface treatment were apparent from the observed reduction in the contact angle. Such changes were due to the HPDL bringing about reductions the surface roughness, increases in the surface O2 content and increases in the polar component of the surface energy. Additionally, HPDL treatment of the alumina bioceramic surface was found to effect an improvement in the bonding characteristics by increasing the work of adhesion. An electronic approach was used to elucidate the bonding characteristics of the alumina bioceramic before and after HPDL treatment. It is postulated that HPDL induced changes to the alumina bioceramic produced a surface with a reduced bandgap energy which consequently increased the work of adhesion by increasing the electron transfer at the metal/oxide interface and thus the metal-oxide interactions. Furthermore, it is suggested that the increase in the work of adhesion of the alumina bioceramic after HPDL treatment was due to a correlation existing between the wettability and ionicity of the alumina bioceramic; for it is believed that the HPDL treated surface is less ionic in nature than the untreated surface and therefore exhibits better wettability characteristics

    The observation of a positive magnetoresistance and close correlation among lattice, spin and charge around TC in antipervoskite SnCMn3

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    The temperature dependences of magnetization, electrical transport, and thermal transport properties of antiperovskite compound SnCMn3 have been investigated systematically. A positive magnetoresistance (~11%) is observed around the ferrimagnetic-paramagnetic transition (TC ~ 280 K) in the field of 50 kOe, which can be attributed to the field-induced magnetic phase transition. The abnormalities of resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, normal Hall effect and thermal conductivity near TC are suggested to be associated with an abrupt reconstruction of electronic structure. Further, our results indicate an essential interaction among lattice, spin and charge degrees of freedom around TC. Such an interaction among various degrees of freedom associated with sudden phase transition is suggested to be characteristic of Mn-based antiperovskite compounds.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
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