56 research outputs found

    Insulin Growth Factor-I in Protein-Energy Malnutrition during Rehabilitation in Two Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres in Burkina Faso

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    Objective. To investigate the relationship between IGF-I and the nutritional status of West-African children hospitalised for nutritional rehabilitation. Patients and methods. A cohort study was performed in two centres for nutritional rehabilitation and education (CREN) in Burkina Faso. Children were followed and the anthropometric data as well as the capillary blood samples were taken on the 7th and on the 14th days after their admission. IGF-I levels were determined from dried blood spots on filter paper on IGF-I RIA, after separation of the IGF-I from its binding proteins, using Sep-Pak chromatography. Results. A total of 59 children was included in the cohort. The IGF-I mean geometric values (SD) were 6.3 (1.4) ÎŒg/L on admission, 8.6 (1.8) ÎŒg/L at day 7 and 13.6 (2.0) ÎŒg/L at day 14. The differences between these values were statistically significant (P < .001). There is a significant correlation between the changes of IGF-I with the change of weight for height Z-score (P = .01). Conclusion. These results suggest that IGF-I can be considered as a potential marker to follow the nutritional status of children admitted in hospital for protein and energy malnutrition

    Quality of Antenatal Care and Obstetrical Coverage in Rural Burkina Faso

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    Improving maternal health is one of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. Despite the efforts to promote maternal and neonatal care to achieve this goal, the use of delivery care remains below expectations in Burkina Faso. This situation raises the question of the quality of care offered in maternity wards. The aim of this study was to identify primary healthcare facility and antenatal care characteristics predictive of an assisted delivery in rural Burkina Faso. A cross-sectional study was carried out in Gnagna province (North-East Burkina Faso) in November 2003. The operational capacities of health facilities were assessed, and a non-participating observation of the antenatal care (ANC) procedure was undertaken to evaluate their quality. Scores were established to summarize the information gathered. The rate of professional childbirth (obstetrical coverage) was derived from the number of childbirths registered in the health facility compared to the size of the population. The established scores were related to the obstetrical coverage using non-parametric tests (Kendall). In total, 17 health facilities were visited, and 81 antenatal consultations were observed. Insufficiencies were observed at all steps of ANC (mean total score for the quality of ANC=10.3\ub13.0, ranging from 6 to 16, out of a maximum of 20). Health facilities are poorly equipped, and the availability of qualified staff remained low (mean total score for the provision of care was 22.9\ub14.2, ranging from 14 to 33). However, these scores were not significantly related to the rate of professional childbirth (tau Kendall=0.27: p=0.14 and 0.01, p=0.93 respectively). The ability of the primary health centres to provide good antenatal care remains low in rural Burkina Faso. The key factors involved in the limited use of professional childbirth relating to maternal health services may be the quality of ANC

    Quality of Antenatal Care and Obstetrical Coverage in Rural Burkina Faso

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    Formulation d’un Programme National du Secteur Rural robuste au Burkina Faso : Quelles thĂ©matiques nouvelles issues du processus des scĂ©narios socio- Ă©conomiques et climatiques?

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    Dans le cadre du partenariat initiĂ© en 2015 entre le Programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la SĂ©curitĂ© Alimentaire (CCAFS) et le SecrĂ©tariat Permanent de la Coordination des Politiques Sectorielles Agricoles (SP-CPSA), en collaboration avec d’autres programmes et centres de recherche du CGIAR, une analyse du Programme National du Secteur Rural (PNSR) fondĂ©e sur les scĂ©narios socio-Ă©conomiques et climatiques du CCAFS a pu ĂȘtre menĂ©e avec la participation effective des parties prenantes du secteur rural du Burkina Faso. Les 22 recommandations qui en sont issues devraient permettre une prise en compte effective des facteurs socio- Ă©conomiques, environnementaux et climatiques plausibles dans le futur proche et lointain, et ainsi aider Ă  rendre le PNSR II plus robuste face aux incertitudes futures liĂ©es au changement climatique, aux dynamiques mondiales, aux Ă©volutions socioĂ©conomiques, aux changements des normes et valeurs, etc. En outre, un exercice avec l’ensemble des acteurs impliquĂ©s a consistĂ© Ă  traduire lesdites recommandations en actions et thĂ©matiques nouvelles Ă  prendre en compte lors de la formulation du PNSR II. Les Ă©changes entre acteurs ont Ă©galement fait ressortir la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une implication transversale de la recherche dans la mise en Ɠuvre des activitĂ©s de cet important outil politique qu’est le PNSR I

    Formulation of a Robust National Rural Sector Program in Burkina Faso: What new themes have emerged from the socio-economic and climate scenarios process?

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    Under the partnership initiated in 2015 between the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Permanent Secretariat for Coordination of Agricultural Sector Policies (SP-CPSA), in collaboration with other CGIAR research programs and centers, an analysis of the National Rural Sector Program (PNSR) based on the CCAFS socio-economic and climate scenarios was conducted with the effective participation of rural sector stakeholders in Burkina Faso. Twenty-two (22) recommendations were made to allow for the effective mainstreaming of plausible socio-economic, environmental and climatic factors in the near and distant future, that will make PNSR II more robust to face future uncertainties related to climate change, global dynamics, socio-economic changes, changes in norms and values, etc. In addition, an exercise with all the stakeholders helped in translating the said recommendations into new actions and themes to be taken into account when formulating PNSR II. Discussions between the stakeholders also underscored the need for crosscutting involvement of research in the implementation of the activities of PNSR II

    The impact of ivermectin on onchocerciasis in villages co-endemic for lymphatic filariasis in an area of onchocerciasis recrudescence in Burkina Faso

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    In Burkina Faso, onchocerciasis was no longer a public health problem when the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa closed at the end in 2002. However, epi-demiological surveillance carried out from November 2010 to February of 2011, showed a recrudescence of infection in the Cascades Region. This finding was made at a time when ivermectin, a drug recommended for the treatment of both onchocerciasis and lymphatic fila-riasis, had been distributed in this area since 2004 for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis. It was surprising that ivermectin distributed for treating lymphatic filariasis had not prevented the recrudescence of onchocerciasis. Faced with this situation, the aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ivermectin on the onchocerciasis parasite. The percentage reduction in microfilarial load after treatment with ivermectin was used as a proxy measure for assessing possible resistance. A cohort study was carried out with 130 individuals who had tested positive for microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus in 2010 using microscopic examination of skin-snip biopsies from five endemic villages. Subjects were followed from July 2011 to June 2012. The microfilarial load of each individual was enumerated by skin-snip biopsy in 2010, prior to the first ivermectin treatment against onchocerciasis under community guidelines. All individuals received two ivermectin treatments six months apart. In 2012, the microfilarial loads were determined again, six months after the second round of ivermectin and the reductions in parasite loads were calculated to measure the impact of the drug. The percentage reduction of the microfilarial loads ranged from 87% to 98% in the vil-lages. In all villages, there was a statistically significant difference between the average microfilarial loads in 2010 and 2012. The level of reduction of microfilarial loads suggests that ivermectin is effective against the recrudescent population of O. volvulus in Cascades Region of Burkina Faso. Further investigations would be necessary to determine the causes of the recrudescence of onchocerciasis. (For French language abstract, see S1 Alternative Language Abstract—Translation of the Abstract into French by the authors.)

    Evaluation de l’utilisation du partogramme pour la surveillance du travail d’accouchement dans le district sanitaire de kaya

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    Cette &#233;tude avait pour objectif de d&#233;terminer le taux d&#8217;utilisation du partogramme, identifier les facteurs influen&#231;ant son utilisation, analyser la qualit&#233; des partogrammes r&#233;alis&#233;s, d&#233;crire le niveau de connaissance du partogramme par les agents accoucheurs.Elle s&#8217;est d&#233;roul&#233;e dans le district sanitaire de Kaya o&#249; l&#8217;Institut de&#160; Recherche en Sciences de la Sant&#233; a mis en place un site de surveillance d&#233;mographique &#233;pid&#233;miologique qui couvre huit maternit&#233;s. Il s&#8217;agissait d&#8217;une analyse r&#233;trospective des dossiers d&#8217;accouchements. Etaient inclus dans notre &#233;tude tous les accouchements qui ont eu lieu du 01 Juillet 2007 au 30 Juin 2009 dans les 08 maternit&#233;s concern&#233;es par notre &#233;tude.Nous avons enregistr&#233; 600 accouchements et r&#233;alis&#233;s 51 interviews des agents. Le taux d&#8217;utilisation du partogramme &#233;tait de 20,2 %. Cette utilisation &#233;tait influenc&#233;e par le niveau de la structure sanitaire (p &lt; 0,001), par la gestit&#233; (OR 1,54 IC95 % 1,1-2,2), les ant&#233;c&#233;dents de mort-n&#233;s et d&#8217;avortements (OR 2,05 IC95 % 1,3-3,2), l&#8217;aspect du liquide amniotique (OR 1,83 IC95 % 1,1-3), la tension art&#233;rielle (OR 2,1 IC95 % 1,2- 3,5), l&#8217;existence d&#8217;OMI ou de complication (p &lt; 0,001). La proportion des partogrammes qui avaient un niveau de qualit&#233; satisfaisant (Score de qualit&#233; &#179; 7/10) &#233;tait de 57,9 %. Selon le score de connaissance du partogramme, 46 % avaient un bon niveau de connaissance du partogramme et 27 % avaient un niveau moyen.Mots cl&#233;s : Mortalit&#233; maternelle, Mortalit&#233; n&#233;onatale, Partogramme, Accouchement, Surveillance

    Effects of spirulina supplementation on selected anthropometric, biochemical, and hematological parameters of HIV-infected adults in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    The objective of the study was to assess the impact of spirulina supplementation on selected anthropometric, biochemical, and hematological parameters of HIV-infected adults in Ouagadougou. This quasi-experimental two-arm pilot study was conducted with adults infected with HIV-1 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. A group of 50 participants received a 10 gram daily spirulina supplementation in addition to antiretroviral treatment (ART) while a 50 participant control group received only ART. At 9 months of followup, the mean values of mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and hemoglobin were significantly higher and creatinemia was lower in participants assigned to spirulina supplementation compared to those in the control group (p = 0.007, 0.002, and 0.01 respectively). At 6 months of follow-up, a significant decrease in gammaglobulins was observed in the intervention group as compared to the control group (p=0.04). There was no difference in the mean serum concentration of alanine transaminase (ALT) or amylasemia between the two groups.The daily 10 gram spirulina supplementation used in our study had a positive effect on several vital biological parameters in HIV-infected adults. Randomized clinical trials on large samples with longer followup periods will be necessary to test these assumptions.Keywords: Spirulina, HIV adult patients, anthropometric, biological parameters
