16,242 research outputs found

    Valence bond solid order near impurities in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets

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    Recent scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) experiments on underdoped cuprates have displayed modulations in the local electronic density of states which are centered on a Cu-O-Cu bond (Kohsaka et. al., cond-mat/0703309). As a paradigm of the pinning of such bond-centered ordering in strongly correlated systems, we present the theory of valence bond solid (VBS) correlations near a single impurity in a square lattice antiferromagnet. The antiferromagnet is assumed to be in the vicinity of a quantum transition from a magnetically ordered Neel state to a spin-gap state with long-range VBS order. We identify two distinct classes of impurities: i) local modulation in the exchange constants, and ii) a missing or additional spin, for which the impurity perturbation is represented by an uncompensated Berry phase. The `boundary' critical theory for these classes is developed: in the second class we find a `VBS pinwheel' around the impurity, accompanied by a suppression in the VBS susceptibility. Implications for numerical studies of quantum antiferromagnets and for STM experiments on the cuprates are noted.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures; (v2) Minor changes in terminology, added reference

    Generic Bell inequalities for multipartite arbitrary dimensional systems

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    We present generic Bell inequalities for multipartite multi-dimensional systems. The inequalities that any local realistic theories must obey are violated by quantum mechanics for even-dimensional multipartite systems. A large set of variants are shown to naturally emerge from the generic Bell inequalities. We discuss particular variants of Bell inequalities, that are violated for all the systems including odd-dimensional systems.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Domain walls of high-density QCD

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    We show that in very dense quark matter there must exist metastable domain walls where the axial U(1) phase of the color-superconducting condensate changes by 2pi. The decay rate of the domain walls is exponentially suppressed and we compute it semiclassically. We give an estimate of the critical chemical potential above which our analysis is under theoretical control.Comment: 4 pages; Eq. (16) corrected, 2 new references added, published versio

    Electroweak phase transition in the MSSM with four generations

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    By assuming the existence of the sequential fourth generation to the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), we study the possibility of a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition. We find that there is a parameter region of the MSSM where the electroweak phase transition is strongly first order. In that parameter region, the mass of the lighter scalar Higgs boson is calculated to be above the experimental lower bound, and the scalar quarks of the third and the fourth generations are heavier than the corresponding quarks.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Critical dynamics, duality, and the exact dynamic exponent in extreme type II superconductors

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    The critical dynamics of superconductors is studied using renormalization group and duality arguments. We show that in extreme type II superconductors the dynamic critical exponent is given exactly by z=3/2z=3/2. This result does not rely on the widely used models of critical dynamics. Instead, it is shown that z=3/2z=3/2 follows from the duality between the extreme type II superconductor and a model with a critically fluctuating gauge field. Our result is in agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; version accepted for publication in PR

    Depth-Resolved Composition and Electronic Structure of Buried Layers and Interfaces in a LaNiO3_3/SrTiO3_3 Superlattice from Soft- and Hard- X-ray Standing-Wave Angle-Resolved Photoemission

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    LaNiO3_3 (LNO) is an intriguing member of the rare-earth nickelates in exhibiting a metal-insulator transition for a critical film thickness of about 4 unit cells [Son et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 062114 (2010)]; however, such thin films also show a transition to a metallic state in superlattices with SrTiO3_3 (STO) [Son et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 202109 (2010)]. In order to better understand this transition, we have studied a strained LNO/STO superlattice with 10 repeats of [4 unit-cell LNO/3 unit-cell STO] grown on an (LaAlO3_3)0.3_{0.3}(Sr2_2AlTaO6_6)0.7_{0.7} substrate using soft x-ray standing-wave-excited angle-resolved photoemission (SWARPES), together with soft- and hard- x-ray photoemission measurements of core levels and densities-of-states valence spectra. The experimental results are compared with state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations of band structures and densities of states. Using core-level rocking curves and x-ray optical modeling to assess the position of the standing wave, SWARPES measurements are carried out for various incidence angles and used to determine interface-specific changes in momentum-resolved electronic structure. We further show that the momentum-resolved behavior of the Ni 3d eg and t2g states near the Fermi level, as well as those at the bottom of the valence bands, is very similar to recently published SWARPES results for a related La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3/SrTiO3_3 superlattice that was studied using the same technique (Gray et al., Europhysics Letters 104, 17004 (2013)), which further validates this experimental approach and our conclusions. Our conclusions are also supported in several ways by comparison to DFT calculations for the parent materials and the superlattice, including layer-resolved density-of-states results

    QCD-like Theories at Finite Baryon and Isospin Density

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    We use 2-color QCD as a model to study the effects of simultaneous presence of chemical potentials for isospin charge, μI\mu_I, and for baryon number, μB\mu_B. We determine the phase diagrams for 2 and 4 flavor theories using the method of effective chiral Lagrangians at low densities and weak coupling perturbation theory at high densities. We determine the values of various condensates and densities as well as the spectrum of excitations as functions of μI\mu_I and μB\mu_B. A similar analysis of QCD with quarks in the adjoint representation is also presented. Our results can be of relevance for lattice simulations of these theories. We predict a phase of inhomogeneous condensation (Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase) in the 2 colour 2 flavor theory, while we do not expect it the 4 flavor case or in other realizations of QCD with a positive measure.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Pion Propagation near the QCD Chiral Phase Transition

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    We point out that, in analogy with spin waves in antiferromagnets, all parameters describing the real-time propagation of soft pions at temperatures below the QCD chiral phase transition can be expressed in terms of static correlators. This allows, in principle, the determination of the soft pion dispersion relation on the lattice. Using scaling and universality arguments, we determine the critical behavior of the parameters of pion propagation. We predict that when the critical temperature is approached from below, the pole mass of the pion drops despite the growth of the pion screening mass. This fact is attributed to the decrease of the pion velocity near the phase transition.Comment: 8 pages (single column), RevTeX; added references, version to be published in PR

    Real-time pion propagation in finite-temperature QCD

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    We argue that in QCD near the chiral limit, at all temperatures below the chiral phase transition, the dispersion relation of soft pions can be expressed entirely in terms of three temperature-dependent quantities: the pion screening mass, a pion decay constant, and the axial isospin susceptibility. The definitions of these quantities are given in terms of equal-time (static) correlation functions. Thus, all three quantities can be determined directly by lattice methods. The precise meaning of the Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner relation at finite temperature is given.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures; v2: discussion on the region of applicability expanded, to be published in PR

    Infrared Hall conductivity of Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_2

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    We report infrared Hall conductivity σxy(ω)\sigma_{xy}(\omega) of Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_2 thin films determined from Faraday rotation angle θF\theta_{F} measurements. σxy(ω)\sigma_{xy}(\omega) exhibits two types of hole conduction, Drude and incoherent carriers. The coherent Drude carrier shows a large renormalized mass and Fermi liquid-like behavior of Hall scattering rate, γH∼aT2\gamma_{H} \sim aT^{2}. The spectral weight is suppressed and disappears at T = 120K. The incoherent carrier response is centered at mid-IR frequency and shifts to lower energy with increasing T. Infrared Hall constant is positive and almost independent of temperature in sharp contrast with the dc-Hall constant.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figures. Author list corrected in metadata only, paper is unchange
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