10,892 research outputs found

    Laser microprobe study of cosmic dust (IDPs) and potential source materials

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    The study of cosmic dust or interplanetary dust particles (IDP) can provide vital information about primitive materials derived primarily from comets and asteroids along with a small unknown fraction from the nearby interstellar medium. The study of these particles can enhance our understanding of comets along with the decoding of the history of the early solar system. In addition the study of the cosmic dust for IDP particles can assist in the elucidation of the cosmic history of the organogenic elements which are vital to life processes. Studies to date on these particles have shown that they are complex, heterogeneous assemblages of both amorphous and crystalline components. In order to understand the nature of these particles, any analytical measurements must be able to distinguish between the possible sources of these particles. A study was undertaken using a laser microprobe interfaced to a quadrupole mass spectrometer for the analysis of the volatile components present in cosmic dust particles, terrestrial contaminants present in the upper atmosphere, and primitive carbonaceous chondrites. From the study of the volatiles released from the carbonaceous materials it is hoped that one could distinguish between components and sources in the IDP particles analyzed. The technique is briefly described and results for the CI, CM, and CV chondrites and cosmic dust particle W7027B8 are presented

    Gamma ray observations of the galactic center and some possible point sources

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    Observations of galactic center radiation and possible point sources obtained by gamma ray telescope flown on three balloon flight

    A dynamical and kinematical model of the Galactic stellar halo and possible implications for galaxy formation scenarios

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    We re-analyse the kinematics of the system of blue horizontal branch field (BHBF) stars in the Galactic halo (in particular the outer halo), fitting the kinematics with the model of radial and tangential velocity dispersions in the halo as a function of galactocentric distance r proposed by Sommer-Larsen, Flynn & Christensen (1994), using a much larger sample (almost 700) of BHBF stars. The basic result is that the character of the stellar halo velocity ellipsoid changes markedly from radial anisotropy at the sun to tangential anisotropy in the outer parts of the Galactic halo (r greater than approx 20 kpc). Specifically, the radial component of the stellar halo's velocity ellipsoid decreases fairly rapidly beyond the solar circle, from approx 140 +/- 10 km/s at the sun, to an asymptotic value of 89 +/- 19 km/s at large r. The rapid decrease in the radial velocity dispersion is matched by an increase in the tangential velocity dispersion, with increasing r. Our results may indicate that the Galaxy formed hierarchically (partly or fully) through merging of smaller subsystems - the 'bottom-up' galaxy formation scenario, which for quite a while has been favoured by most theorists and recently also has been given some observational credibility by HST observations of a potential group of small galaxies, at high redshift, possibly in the process of merging to a larger galaxy (Pascarelle et al 1996).Comment: Latex, 16 pages. 2 postscript figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. also available at http://astro.utu.fi/~cflynn/outerhalo.htm

    New challenges in studying nutrition-disease interactions in the developing world.

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    Latest estimates indicate that nutritional deficiencies account for 3 million child deaths each year in less-developed countries. Targeted nutritional interventions could therefore save millions of lives. However, such interventions require careful optimization to maximize benefit and avoid harm. Progress toward designing effective life-saving interventions is currently hampered by some serious gaps in our understanding of nutrient metabolism in humans. In this Personal Perspective, we highlight some of these gaps and make some proposals as to how improved research methods and technologies can be brought to bear on the problems of undernourished children in the developing world

    Der1 promotes movement of misfolded proteins through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane

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    Misfolded proteins of the secretory pathway are extracted from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), polyubiquitylated by a protein complex termed the Hmg-CoA reductase degradation ligase (HRD ligase) and degraded by cytosolic 26S proteasomes. The movement of these proteins through the lipid bilayer is assumed to occur via a protein-conducting channel of unknown nature. We show that the integral membrane protein Der1 oligomerizes, which relies on its interaction with the scaffolding protein Usa1. Mutations in the transmembrane domains of Der1 block the passage of soluble proteins across the ER membrane. As determined by site-specific photocrosslinking, the ER-luminal exposed parts of Der1 are in spatial proximity to the substrate receptor Hrd3, whereas the membrane-embedded domains reside adjacent to the ubiquitin ligase Hrd1. Intriguingly, both regions also form crosslinks to client proteins. Our data imply that Der1 initiates the export of aberrant polypeptides from the ER lumen by threading such molecules into the ER membrane and routing them to Hrd1 for ubiquitylation

    Distinct subpopulations of enteric neuronal progenitors defined by time of development, sympathoadrenal lineage markers and Mash-1-dependence

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    Enteric and sympathetic neurons have previously been proposed to be lineally related. We present independent lines of evidence that suggest that enteric neurons arise from at least two lineages, only one of which expresses markers in common with sympathoadrenal cells. In the rat, sympathoadrenal markers are expressed, in the same order as in sympathetic neurons, by a subset of enteric neuronal precursors, which also transiently express tyrosine hydroxylase. If this precursor pool is eliminated in vitro by complement-mediated lysis, enteric neurons continue to develop; however, none of these are serotonergic. In the mouse, the Mash-1−/− mutation, which eliminates sympathetic neurons, also prevents the development of enteric serotonergic neurons. Other enteric neuronal populations, however, including those that contain calcitonin gene related peptide are present. Enteric tyrosine hydroxylase-containing cells co-express Mash-1 and are eliminated by the Mash-1−/− mutation, consistent with the idea that in the mouse, as in the rat, these precursors generate serotonergic neurons. Serotonergic neurons are generated early in development, while calcitonin gene related peptide-containing enteric neurons are generated much later. These data suggest that enteric neurons are derived from at least two progenitor lineages. One transiently expresses sympathoadrenal markers, is Mash-1-dependent, and generates early-born enteric neurons, some of which are serotonergic. The other is Mash-1-independent, does not express sympathoadrenal markers, and generates late-born enteric neurons, some of which contain calcitonin gene related peptide

    Big fish eat small fish: implications for food chain length?

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    Food chains in the pelagic zones of oceans and lakes are longer than in terrestrial ecosystems. The perception of the pelagic food web has become increasingly complex by progressing from a linear food chain (phytoplankton – crustacean zooplankton – planktivorous fish – predatory fish) to a food web because of an increasing appreciation of microbial trophic pathways, side-tracks by gelatinous zooplankton and a high prevalence of omnivory. The range of predator:prey size ratios by far exceeds the traditionally assumed range of 10:1 to 100:1, from almost equal length to 105:1. The size ratios between primary consumers and top predators are 3½ orders of magnitude bigger in pelagic than in terrestrial food webs. Comparisons between different pelagic ecosystems support ecosystem size as an important factor regulating the maximal trophic level, while energy limitation of the number of trophic levels is less well supported. An almost 1:1 relationship between ingestion by predators and prey mortality and a better chemical match between primary producer and herbivore biomass are further distinctive features of the pelagic food web whose role in explaining the higher number of trophic levels in pelagic systems needs further examination

    Ongoing Galactic Accretion: Simulations and Observations of Condensed Gas in Hot Halos

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    Ongoing accretion onto galactic disks has been recently theorized to progress via the unstable cooling of the baryonic halo into condensed clouds. These clouds have been identified as analogous to the High-Velocity Clouds (HVCs) observed in HI in our Galaxy. Here we compare the distribution of HVCs observed around our own Galaxy and extra-planar gas around the Andromeda galaxy to these possible HVC analogs in a simulation of galaxy formation that naturally generates these condensed clouds. We find a very good correspondence between these observations and the simulation, in terms of number, angular size, velocity distribution, overall flux and flux distribution of the clouds. We show that condensed cloud accretion only accounts for ~ 0.2 M_solar / year of the current overall Galactic accretion in the simulations. We also find that the simulated halo clouds accelerate and become more massive as they fall toward the disk. The parameter space of the simulated clouds is consistent with all of the observed HVC complexes that have distance constraints, except the Magellanic Stream which is known to have a different origin. We also find that nearly half of these simulated halo clouds would be indistinguishable from lower-velocity gas and that this effect is strongest further from the disk of the galaxy, thus indicating a possible missing population of HVCs. These results indicate that the majority of HVCs are consistent with being infalling, condensed clouds that are a remnant of Galaxy formation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, ApJ Accepted. Some changes to techniqu