137 research outputs found

    Micro- and macro economic effects of unconditional basic income and participation income:A systematic review

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    This paper reviews 48 studies on the micro and macro-economic effects of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI, including NIT or Negative Income Tax) and Participation Income related programs (PI). Compared to previous review studies in the field, it advances on viewing the broader (un)intended) effects on income, (mental) health, subjective wellbeing and related outcomes (trust, social participation, substance abuse, crime etc.). Given the increasing number of studies on UBI-like programmes, the review focuses on RCT field experiments and simulation studies of UBI-PI while leaving out conditional cash transfer programs (CCT) and laboratory experiments. All programmes aim at providing a guaranteed minimum income either for the population at large or for specific groups (such as unemployed). We employ a systematic review with the main purpose of bringing together and learning from the evidence on these broader effects. Our focus is on studies of the effects of the older programmes in Canada and the United States during the 1970s and 1980s and of the more recent programs in the European context from the 1990s on. Recent US/Canada studies re-estimating the found negative labor supply effects (notably for married women with children) in the original studies of the experiments, came to much lower and even insignificant estimates. The effects on reducing poverty and inequality but also on health and subjective wellbeing were however more positive. The studies on the European programmes and experiments (Finland, Spain, Netherlands) show slightly more positive but still mostly insignificant labour supply effects. More positive and significant effects were however found on subjective wellbeing, (mental) health and trust which are however less pronounced than in Canada and the US. Some welfare state lessons that can be drawn from these results are briefly discussed

    Hoe vertrouwd wordt natuur in Nederland? Allochtonen actief in en met natuur

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    An exploratory investigation of the best practice of indigenous and immigrant organisations which are active at the interface between immigrants and nature. Literature study and interviews were used to discover to what extent the activities of these organisations meet the conditions for them to succeed. These conditions have been worked out partly in terms of process (contact with the target group, and the use of publicity material and media channels) and partly in terms of content (relevance to the perceptions and practices of the target group).Labor and Human Capital,

    Landeigenaren in Nationale Landschappen

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    This report contains the results from an exploratory study amongst landowners which reviewed their support strategies for the national landscape areas. To this end, 36 interviews were conducted with landowners (farmers, land managers, recreational entrepreneurs, and country estate owners) in eight national landscape areas (the Achterhoek, Graafschap, Groene Woud, Hoeksche Waard, Noord-Hollands Midden, Noordelijke Wouden, IJsseldelta, and Zuidwest-Zeeland). Farmers perceive the national landscape status as offering them an opportunity to retain their entitlement to reimbursement for nature and landscape conservation. The other categories of landowners appreciate the protection of the core qualities provided by the national landscape status. Een verkennend onderzoek onder landeigenaren naar hun houding en gedrag ter attentie van Nationale Landschappen (NL). Hiervoor zijn 36 interviews gehouden met landeigenaren (agrariërs, terreinbeheerders, recreatieondernemers, landeigenaren en buitenlui) in acht NL (Achterhoek, Graafschap, Groene Woud, Hoeksche Waard, Noord-Hollands Midden, Noordelijke Wouden, IJsseldelta, Zuidwest-Zeeland). Agrariërs zien de NL-status als een kans om in aanmerking te blijven komen voor vergoedingen voor natuur- en landschapsbeheer. De andere landeigenaren waarderen het beschermen van kernkwaliteiten door de NL-status.Land Economics/Use,

    Segmental and total uniparental isodisomy (UPiD) as a disease mechanism in autosomal recessive lysosomal

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    Analyses in our diagnostic DNA laboratory include genes involved in autosomal recessive (AR) lysosomal storage disorders such as glycogenosis type II (Pompe disease) and mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPSI, Hurler disease). We encountered 4 cases with apparent homozygosity for a disease-causing sequence variant that could be traced to one parent only. In addition, in a young child with cardiomyopathy, in the absence of other symptoms, a diagnosis of Pompe disease was considered. Remarkably, he presented with different enzymatic and genotypic features between leukocytes and skin fibroblasts. All cases were examined with microsatellite markers and SNP genotyping arrays. We identified one case of total uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 17 leading to Pompe disease and three cases of segmental uniparental isodisomy (UPiD) causing Hurler-(4p) or Pompe disease (17q). One Pompe patient with unusual combinations of features was shown to have a mosaic segmental UPiD of chromosome 17q. The chromosome 17 UPD cases amount to 11% of our diagnostic cohort of homozygous Pompe patients (plus one case of pseudoheterozygosity) where segregation analysis was possible. We conclude that inclusion of parental DNA is mandatory for reliable DNA diagnostics. Mild or unusual phenotypes of AR diseases should alert physicians to the possibility of mosaic segmental UPiD. SNP genotyping arrays are used in diagnostic workup of patients with developmental delay. Our results show that even small Regions of Homozygosity that include telomeric areas are worth reporting, regardless of the imprinting status of the chromosome, as they might indicate segmental UPiD

    Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy

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    During the Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project observations of NGC 5548, the continuum and emission-line variability became decorrelated during the second half of the six-month-long observing campaign. Here we present Swift and Chandra X-ray spectra of NGC 5548 obtained as part of the campaign. The Swift spectra show that excess flux (relative to a power-law continuum) in the soft X-ray band appears before the start of the anomalous emission-line behavior, peaks during the period of the anomaly, and then declines. This is a model-independent result suggesting that the soft excess is related to the anomaly. We divide the Swift data into on- and off-anomaly spectra to characterize the soft excess via spectral fitting. The cause of the spectral differences is likely due to a change in the intrinsic spectrum rather than to variable obscuration or partial covering. The Chandra spectra have lower signal-to-noise ratios, but are consistent with the Swift data. Our preferred model of the soft excess is emission from an optically thick, warm Comptonizing corona, the effective optical depth of which increases during the anomaly. This model simultaneously explains all three observations: the UV emission-line flux decrease, the soft-excess increase, and the emission-line anomaly

    Global maps of soil temperature.

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    Research in global change ecology relies heavily on global climatic grids derived from estimates of air temperature in open areas at around 2 m above the ground. These climatic grids do not reflect conditions below vegetation canopies and near the ground surface, where critical ecosystem functions occur and most terrestrial species reside. Here, we provide global maps of soil temperature and bioclimatic variables at a 1-km <sup>2</sup> resolution for 0-5 and 5-15 cm soil depth. These maps were created by calculating the difference (i.e. offset) between in situ soil temperature measurements, based on time series from over 1200 1-km <sup>2</sup> pixels (summarized from 8519 unique temperature sensors) across all the world's major terrestrial biomes, and coarse-grained air temperature estimates from ERA5-Land (an atmospheric reanalysis by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). We show that mean annual soil temperature differs markedly from the corresponding gridded air temperature, by up to 10°C (mean = 3.0 ± 2.1°C), with substantial variation across biomes and seasons. Over the year, soils in cold and/or dry biomes are substantially warmer (+3.6 ± 2.3°C) than gridded air temperature, whereas soils in warm and humid environments are on average slightly cooler (-0.7 ± 2.3°C). The observed substantial and biome-specific offsets emphasize that the projected impacts of climate and climate change on near-surface biodiversity and ecosystem functioning are inaccurately assessed when air rather than soil temperature is used, especially in cold environments. The global soil-related bioclimatic variables provided here are an important step forward for any application in ecology and related disciplines. Nevertheless, we highlight the need to fill remaining geographic gaps by collecting more in situ measurements of microclimate conditions to further enhance the spatiotemporal resolution of global soil temperature products for ecological applications

    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    La modélisation multidisciplinaire : Etat d'avancements et attentes du projet néerlandais TWINS

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    Le projet TWINS concerne le développement industriel en co-conception de produits matériels et logiciels. Dans la recherche d'une solution pour la modélisation multidisciplinaire, sont requises des connaissances sur la pratique industrielle actuelle du développement multidisciplinaire. Au travers de l'analyse des exigences utilisateurs, des cas d'utilisation et des outils et techniques utilisés dans un consortium de six partenaires industriels néerlandais, le présent article décrit l'état actuel du développement multidisciplinaire. L'analyse est utilisée pour améliorer la collaboration entre les partenaires industriels et identifie les sujets épineux qui nécessitent d'être explorés dans le contexte d'un environnement multidisciplinaire