11 research outputs found

    Carotenoid composition and content in products of sea buckthorn and peach as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography

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    A study was conducted to analyse the carotenoids by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using reversed-phase cross linked end-capping and to study the pigment content and composition in sea buckthorn products as well as in freshly harvested fruits from peach thees grown under organic and integrated farming conditions. It was found that carotenoids in fruits of both crops occur mainly esterified with fatty acids in form of mono- and di-esters. The major carotenoids were esters of zeaxanthin, lutein, β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene. The major carotenoids showed different response to processing of sea buckthorn being highly sensitive to thermal treatments such as blanching, cooking and drying. Significant differences were found between peach varieties in their carotenoid content, whereas the impact of organic farming on carotenoids formation was found to be variety-dependent. Two of the three varieties examined in this work, when cultivated under organic farming conditions contained lower carotenoid level as compared to that found in the fruits of the same varieties but produced in integrated farms

    Carotenoid composition and content in products of sea buckthorn and peach as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography

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    A study was conducted to analyse the carotenoids by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using reversed-phasecross linked end-capping and to study the pigment content and composition in sea buckthorn products as well as in freshly harvested fruitsfrom peach thees grown under organic and integrated farming conditions. It was found that carotenoids in fruits of both crops occur mainlyesterified with fatty acids in form of mono- and di-esters. The major carotenoids were esters of zeaxanthin, lutein, β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene. The major carotenoids showed different response to processing of sea buckthorn being highly sensitive to thermal treatments suchas blanching, cooking and drying. Significant differences were found between peach varieties in their carotenoid content, whereas the impactof organic farming on carotenoids formation was found to be variety-dependent. Two of the three varieties examined in this work, whencultivated under organic farming conditions contained lower carotenoid level as compared to that found in the fruits of the same varieties butproduced in integrated farms

    Qualitative short-term effect of cyanide and heavy metal pollution on phytoplankton and periphyton in the Rivers Tisza and Szamos (Hungary)

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    In early spring 2000, two incidents of bursting dams int he mines Baia Mare and Baia Borsa (Romania) produced peak amounts of cyanide (32 mg 1(-1)) and heavy metals (mostly lead [2.9 mg 1(-1) in April], copper [18 mg 1(-1) in February and 0.86 mg 1(-1) in April] and zinc [0.95 mg 1(-1) in February and 2.9 mg 1(-1) in April] – data at the Romanian-Hungarian border section). A major fish kill and severe damage of benthos populations resulted. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the accident on planktonic and periphytic algae. Apart from detailed taxonomic information, diversity, evenness and diatom indices, chlorophyll-a analysis, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (TXRF), spectral analysis and SEM were applied. While transient damage of periphyton, especially the sensitive Chladophora glomerata, could be detected in the River Tisza, the phytoplankton did not respond. Flooding may have prevented effects by dilution. The problems related to algae as suitable biota for immediate spill effects are discussed

    Direct Measurement of the Cu Oxidation Number of Cuprate Superconductor Ceramics

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    The Cu oxidation number in YBa2Cu3O7 has been measured directly by soft X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy both at room temperature and at liquid N2 temperature. The measurements are based on a calibration curve from different Ba-O compounds. The effect of changes in oxidation number above and below the transition temperature and its role in high T(c) superconductivity are discussed

    Promover os talentos para reduzir a probreza

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    A dimensão da pobreza, a sua distribuição regional, as diferenças do fenômeno na área rural e na cidade, são elementos de conhecimento público. A cidade brasileira mostra cotidianamente as feridas causadas pela desigual distribuição de renda e pela exclusão social: a configuração espacial do território intraurbano é o mais nítido retrato do fenômeno, que hoje representa o principal obstáculo ao desenvolvimento sustentável do país. Apesar desta evidência, os programas de redução da pobreza, desenvolvidos nos últimos anos, apresentam poucos pontos de integração com a realidade territorial. Por outro lado, a desigual distribuição de renda e a exclusão social de ampla parte da população, mesmo descrevendo detalhadamente o problema, não ajudam a identificar os pontos de partida e os elementos positivos que devem ser fortalecidos para implementar programas integrados de redução da pobreza. A história e as experiências de programas de urbanização dos últimos 25 anos podem contribuir para definir um percurso metodológico a partir das potencialidades, mesmo que adormecidas, das pessoas que vivem a situação de pobreza. Chamamos "patrimônio" o conjunto de recursos palpáveis e impalpáveis que as pessoas possuem e podem colocar em jogo para enfrentar as situações críticas que estão vivendo. Identificar e desenvolver ações que possam aumentar este patrimônio, reduzindo a vulnerabilidade das famílias, pode ser o caminho a ser percorrido. O desenvolvimento de "corpos intermediários" e de atores intermediários capazes de compartilhar necessidades e potencialidades representa uma etapa fundamental deste percurso.<br>The dimension of poverty, its regional distribution, the differences of the phenomenon in the rural area and in the city, are widely known elements. The Brazilian city shows, on a daily basis, the wounds caused by the unequal distribution of income and social exclusion: the spatial configuration of the urban territory is the clearest portrait of the phenomenon, representing the main obstacle for the country's sustained development. Despite this evidence, poverty reduction programs present few points of integration with the territorial reality. On the other hand, the unequal distribution of income and social exclusion of considerable part of the population, even if describing poverty in detail, do not help in identifying the points of departure and the positive elements which should be strengthened for the implementation of poverty reduction programs. The history and experiences of the projects for the urbanization of the favelas of the last twenty five years may contribute to define a methodological path starting from the potentialities, even if dormant, of the persons who live the reality of poverty. We call "patrimony" the set of palpable and impalpable resources possessed by these persons and that can be used to face the critical situations in which they live. The path to be taken may be the identification and development of actions to increase these patrimonies, reducing the vulnerability of the families. The development of "intermediary organisms" and of social agents, able of sharing the necessities and potentialities, represent a fundamental stage in this path