26 research outputs found

    Norwegian nursing students' experience during clinical placement in an African country: Communication, relationship building and nursing identity. A qualitative study

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the experience of Norwegian bachelor nursing students during clinical placement in an African country, with a focus on communication, relationship building and nurse identity. Design: Explorative, qualitative methods were used. Methods: The data consisted of individual written reflection notes from 8 students' clinical placement in Africa, and transcripts from one semi-structured focus group interview. The materials were analysed with systematic text condensation. Results: The students described their experience with the community of practice as challenging and enlightening. They found themselves in contexts where communication and language problems occurred. The students described how important relationships were for their practical training, and how this helped shape their nursing identity

    Epidemiology of cardiac arrest outside and inside hospital Experiences from registries in Sweden

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    Cardiac arrest is a dramatic condition leading to sudden death if someone cannot perform two interventions, basic life support and early defibrillation, that have been proved to improve long-term survival. The ‘Utstein style’, recently introduced, represents a standard of practice both inside and outside hospital with recommended guidelines for the uniform reporting of clinical data from the patient suffering cardiac arrest. In Sweden the vast majority of patients suffering from cardiac arrest regardless whether inside or outside hospital are included in webbased national registers (one for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and one for in-hospital-cardiac arrest (IHCA)). In this article we will present our experiences from OHCA and IHCA separately

    Digitalisering og Data-analyser i revisjon

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    Formålet med studien er å undersøke hvordan digitalisering og bruk av Big Data-analyser påvirker revisors utøvelse av profesjonell skepsis. De store revisjonsselskapene (Big 5) har de senere årene investert store ressurser i digitale revisjonsverktøy. Profesjonell skepsis er sentralt i en velfungerende revisjon og er avgjørende for rollen som allmennhetens tillitsperson. Dette gjør det interessant å undersøke hvordan revisors utøvelse av profesjonell skepsis påvirkes av den teknologisk utviklingen og digitale revisjonsverktøy for å sikre fortsatt tillit til revisjon. Studien er gjennomført med kvalitativ tilnærming og eksplorerende forskningsdesign. Som grunnlag for å besvare problemstillingen er data samlet inn gjennom intervjuer med relevante aktører. Totalt er det gjennomført 11 dybdeintervju med praktiserende revisorer, representanter fra fagavdeling/innovasjonsavdeling og Den norske Revisorforening. Funn fra intervjuene er sammen med relevant teori om revisjon, profesjonell skepsis, innføring av ny teknologi og bruk av Big Data-analyser i revisjon benyttet til analyse. Basert på dette har vi utledet en konklusjon på studiens problemstilling. Resultatene fra studien viser at bruk av Big Data-analyser i revisjon fører til økt fokus på revisors vurderinger. Som et resultat av dette vil revisors utøvelse av profesjonell skepsis bli mer kritisk. Standardisering og automatisering av revisjonshandlinger og prosesser fører til at deler av revisjonen forenkles og effektiviseres. Samtidig muliggjør Big Data effektive analyser av virksomheten og visualisering av potensielle risikoer. Som følge av dette kan revisor gjennomføre en mer risikobasert og måleffektiv revisjon sammenlignet med bruk av tradisjonell metodikk. Dette forventes videre å bidra til økt revisjonskvalitet. Imidlertid viser studiens funn at manglende kunnskap om og erfaring med bruk av Big Data-analyser kan utfordre revisors kritiske tenkning. Revisjonsbransjen har i denne sammenheng et særlig ansvar for nyutdannede revisorer. Som et resultat av standardisering og automatisering ekskluderes store deler av erfaringsgrunnlaget for utvikling av profesjonell skepsis. Som en følge av dette må revisjonsselskapene sørge for at nyutdannede får opparbeidet nødvendige ferdigheter for kritisk tekning tidlig i karrieren som revisor. Den teknologiske utviklingen gjør derfor at forståelsen for innholdet i og betydningen av selve begrepet revisjon blir mer sentralt. Studiens funn understreker viktigheten av revisors ansvar for å utøve profesjonell skepsis - også i en digital hverdag

    Structural adjustment and soil degradation in Tanzania A CGE model approach with endogenous soil productivity

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    In this paper, a model of the nitrogen cycle in the soil is incorporated in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of the Tanzanian economy, thus establishing a two-way link between the environment and the economy. For a given level of natural soil productivity, profit-maximising farmers choose input levels- and hence production volumes- which in turn influence soil productivity in the following years through the recycling of nitrogen from the residues of roots and stover and the degree of erosion. The model is used to simulate the effects of typical structural adjustment policies like a reduction in agro-chemicals' subsidies, reduced implicit export tax rate etc. After 10 years, the result of a joint implementation is a 9% higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) level compared to the baseline scenario. The effect of soil degradation is found to represent a reduction in the GDP level of more than 5% for the same time period.© 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Structural adjustment and soil degration in Tanzania : A CGE-model approach with endogenous soil productivity

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    In this paper, a model of the nitrogen cycle in the soil is incorporated in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of the Tanzanian economy, thus establishing a two way link between the environment and the economy. For a given level of natural soil productivity, profit maximising farmers choose a production technique and the optimal production volume, which in turn influences the soil productivity the following years through the recycling of nitrogen from the residues of roots and stover and the degree of erosion. The model is used to simulate the effects of typical structural adjustment policies: a reduction in agro-chemicals subsidies, reduced implicit export tax rate, a devaluation of the currency, a cut in governmental expenditure and a reduction of foreign transfers. The result of a joint implementation is a 9 percent higher GDP level compared to the baseline scenario after 10 years. The effect of soil degradation is found to represent a reduction in the GDP level of more than 5 percent for the same time period. Keywords: CGE-model, soil degradation, economic growth, structural adjustmen

    Structural adjustment and soil degration in Tanzania : A CGE-model approach with endogenous soil productivity

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    In this paper, a model of the nitrogen cycle in the soil is incorporated in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of the Tanzanian economy, thus establishing a two way link between the environment and the economy. For a given level of natural soil productivity, profit maximising farmers choose a production technique and the optimal production volume, which in turn influences the soil productivity the following years through the recycling of nitrogen from the residues of roots and stover and the degree of erosion. The model is used to simulate the effects of typical structural adjustment policies: a reduction in agro-chemicals subsidies, reduced implicit export tax rate, a devaluation of the currency, a cut in governmental expenditure and a reduction of foreign transfers. The result of a joint implementation is a 9 percent higher GDP level compared to the baseline scenario after 10 years. The effect of soil degradation is found to represent a reduction in the GDP level of more than 5 percent for the same time period. Keywords: CGE-model, soil degradation, economic growth, structural adjustmen

    Structural Adjustment and Soil Degration in Tanzania: A CGE-model Approach with Endogenous Soil Productivity

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    In this paper, a model of the nitrogen cycle in the soil is incorporated in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of the Tanzanian economy, thus establishing a two way link between the environment and the economy. For a given level of natural soil productivity, profit maximising farmers choose a production technique and the optimal production volume, which in turn influences the soil productivity the following years through the recycling of nitrogen from the residues of roots and stover and the degree of erosion. The model is used to simulate the effects of typical structural adjustment policies: a reduction in agro-chemicals subsidies, reduced implicit export tax rate, a devaluation of the currency, a cut in governmental expenditure and a reduction of foreign transfers. The result of a joint implementation is a 9 percent higher GDP level compared to the baseline scenario after 10 years. The effect of soil degradation is found to represent a reduction in the GDP level of more than 5 percent for the same time period.CGE-model; soil degradation; economic growth; structural adjustment

    How well do tree plantations comply with the twin targets of the clean development mechanism? : the case of tree plantations in Tanzania

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    Abstract: This paper studies the effect of a CDM tree-planting project on carbon sequestration and urban and rural income distribution, taking economy-wide impacts into account. Carbon sequestration in agricultural soil is considered in addition to the carbon in the tree farm itself. The study points to that project designs that raise the general investment level may add substantially to the project's carbon capture by stimulating the productivity of agriculture, thus binding more carbon in soil. As demand for crops is rising, the mode of agricultural production turns more intensive and improved plant growth leaves more plant residues for uptake as soil organic carbon. As for the income effect, the non-poor benefit more than the poor in economic terms, except when the project is hosted by the rural poorest. Foreign owned projects withdrawing the project surplus may turn out to reduce the income of urban poor and does not enhance agricultural productivity and beyond-project carbon sequestration. Keywords: CDM, afforestation, poverty reduction, CGE, Tanzani

    Structural adjustment and soil degradation in Tanzania a CGE model approach with endogenous soil productivity

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    In this paper, a model of the nitrogen cycle in the soil is incorporated in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of the Tanzanian economy, thus establishing a two-way link between the environment and the economy. For a given level of natural soil productivity, profit-maximising farmers choose input levels — and hence production volumes — which in turn influence soil productivity in the following years through the recycling of nitrogen from the residues of roots and stover and the degree of erosion. The model is used to simulate the effects of typical structural adjustment policies like a reduction in agro-chemicals ’ subsidies, reduced implicit export tax rate etc. After 10 years, the result of a joint implementation is a 9% higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) level compared to the baseline scenario. The effect of soil degradation is found to represent a reduction in the GDP level of more than 5 % for the same time period. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classification: C68; Q16; Q2

    Er høye oljepriser gunstig for OPEC på lang sikt?

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    Økonomiske analyser er tilgjengelige via www.ssb.noHøye oljepriser er gunstig for OPEC på kort sikt, men kan redusere de framtidige inntektene. I denne artikkelen setter vi søkelys på hvilken oljepris som er mest lønnsom for OPEC over de neste 25 årene. Vi benytter en detaljert modell for det globale oljemarkedet. Resultatene viser at vedvarende høye oljepriser stimulerer produksjonen utenfor OPEC, men de gjenværende reserver avtar gradvis på tross av nye funn. Etterspørselen etter olje påvirkes i begrenset grad av høyere priser. Uansett hvilke avveiinger OPEC gjør mellom inntekter nå eller senere, ser det ut til at en oljepris i overkant av 40 dollar per fat er mest lønnsomt for OPEC