338 research outputs found

    The study of infrared evaluation in qualification and failure analysis of semiconductor devices Interim progress report, 28 Apr. - 28 Jul. 1968

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    Infrared display techniques and acceptance criteria for microcircuit qualification and semiconductor device failure analysi

    Study of infrared evaluation in qualification and failure analysis of semiconductor devices Final report, 28 Jun. 1967 - 10 Jun. 1969

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    Techniques for providing infrared data for use in failure analysis of semiconductor device

    Detailed design of a quiet high flow fan

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    A single stage fan was designed to demonstrate the noise abatement properties of near-sonic inlet flow and long-chord stator vanes for the reduction of both upstream and downstream propagated fan source noise. It is designed to produce a pressure ratio of 1.653:1 with an adiabatic efficiency of 83.9%. The fan has a 508 mm inlet diameter with a hub/tip ratio of 0.426 and a design tip speed of 533.4 m/sec. The design inlet specific flow rate is 219.71 kg/sec sq m and there are 10 tandem stator vanes with a combined aspect ratio of 0.54

    4D STEM: high efficiency phase contrast imaging using a fast pixelated detector

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    Phase contrast imaging is widely used for imaging beam sensitive and weak phase objects in electron microscopy. In this work we demonstrate the achievement of high efficient phase contrast imaging in STEM using the pnCCD, a fast direct electron pixelated detector, which records the diffraction patterns at every probe position with a speed of 1000 to 4000 frames per second, forming a 4D STEM dataset simultaneously with the incoherent Z-contrast imaging. Ptychographic phase reconstruction has been applied and the obtained complex transmission function reveals the phase of the specimen. The results using GaN and Ti, Nd- doped BiFeO3 show that this imaging mode is especially powerful for imaging light elements in the presence of much heavier elements

    Test Results on the Silicon Pixel Detector for the TTF-FEL Beam Trajectory Monitor

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    Test measurements on the silicon pixel detector for the beam trajectory monitor at the free electron laser of the TESLA test facility are presented. To determine the electronic noise of detector and read-out and to calibrate the signal amplitude of different pixels the 6 keV photons of the manganese K line are used. Two different methods determine the spatial accuracy of the detector: In one setup a laser beam is focused to a straight line and moved across the pixel structure. In the other the detector is scanned using a low-intensity electron beam of an electron microscope. Both methods show that the symmetry axis of the detector defines a straight line within 0.4 microns. The sensitivity of the detector to low energy X-rays is measured using a vacuum ultraviolet beam at the synchrotron light source HASYLAB. Additionally, the electron microscope is used to study the radiation hardness of the detector.Comment: 14 pages (Latex), 13 figures (Postscript), submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Magnetic fields of opposite polarity in sunspot penumbrae

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    Context. A significant part of the penumbral magnetic field returns below the surface in the very deep photosphere. For lines in the visible, a large portion of this return field can only be detected indirectly by studying its imprints on strongly asymmetric and three-lobed Stokes V profiles. Infrared lines probe a narrow layer in the very deep photosphere, providing the possibility of directly measuring the orientation of magnetic fields close to the solar surface. Aims. We study the topology of the penumbral magnetic field in the lower photosphere, focusing on regions where it returns below the surface. Methods. We analyzed 71 spectropolarimetric datasets from Hinode and from the GREGOR infrared spectrograph. We inferred the quality and polarimetric accuracy of the infrared data after applying several reduction steps. Techniques of spectral inversion and forward synthesis were used to test the detection algorithm. We compared the morphology and the fractional penumbral area covered by reversed-polarity and three-lobed Stokes V profiles for sunspots at disk center. We determined the amount of reversed-polarity and three-lobed Stokes V profiles in visible and infrared data of sunspots at various heliocentric angles. From the results, we computed center-to-limb variation curves, which were interpreted in the context of existing penumbral models. Results. Observations in visible and near-infrared spectral lines yield a significant difference in the penumbral area covered by magnetic fields of opposite polarity. In the infrared, the number of reversed-polarity Stokes V profiles is smaller by a factor of two than in the visible. For three-lobed Stokes V profiles the numbers differ by up to an order of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages 10 figures plus appendix (2 pages 3 figures). Accepted as part of the A&A special issue on the GREGOR solar telescop

    Solar constraints on new couplings between electromagnetism and gravity

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    The unification of quantum field theory and general relativity is a fundamental goal of modern physics. In many cases, theoretical efforts to achieve this goal introduce auxiliary gravitational fields, ones in addition to the familiar symmetric second-rank tensor potential of general relativity, and lead to nonmetric theories because of direct couplings between these auxiliary fields and matter. Here, we consider an example of a metric-affine gauge theory of gravity in which torsion couples nonminimally to the electromagnetic field. This coupling causes a phase difference to accumulate between different polarization states of light as they propagate through the metric-affine gravitational field. Solar spectropolarimetric observations are reported and used to set strong constraints on the relevant coupling constant k:k(2)\u3c (2.5 km)(2)