7 research outputs found

    The AIM2 inflammasome is critical for innate immunity to Francisella tularensis.

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    Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, infects host macrophages, which triggers production of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-18. We elucidate here how host macrophages recognize F. tularensis and elicit this proinflammatory response. Using mice deficient in the DNA-sensing inflammasome component AIM2, we demonstrate here that AIM2 is required for sensing F. tularensis. AIM2-deficient mice were extremely susceptible to F. tularensis infection, with greater mortality and bacterial burden than that of wild-type mice. Caspase-1 activation, IL-1beta secretion and cell death were absent in Aim2(-/-) macrophages in response to F. tularensis infection or the presence of cytoplasmic DNA. Our study identifies AIM2 as a crucial sensor of F. tularensis infection and provides genetic proof of its critical role in host innate immunity to intracellular pathogens

    Hábitos y conductas del paciente diabético en el contexto rural

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    The following article, aimed to study the habits and behaviors of the diabetic patient in the rural context of the province of Manabí Ecuador. To do this, he relied on a descriptive methodology with a non-experimental design, of a prospective type. The population was made up of 90 patients diagnosed with diabetes. For data collection, a questionnaire-type instrument was used. The results of the study indicated that 100% denied using drugs, 82% who consumed alcoholic beverages and 91% reported not smoking. The conclusions indicate predominance of non-smokers, who consume alcohol and without problems with insomnia.El siguiente artículo, tuvo como objetivo estudiar los hábitos y conductas del paciente diabético en el contexto rural  de la provincia de Manabí  Ecuador. Para ello, se apoyó en una metodología descriptiva con un diseño no experimental, de tipo prospectivo. La población la constituyeron 90 pacientes diagnosticados con diabetes. Para la recolección de los datos, se utilizó un instrumento tipo cuestionario. Los resultados del estudio, indicaron que el 100%  negaron haber consumido drogas, un 82%  que consumen bebidas alcohólicas y el 91% manifestaron no fumar. Dentro de las conclusiones se indica predominio de pacientes no fumadores, que consumen alcohol y  sin tener problemas de insomnios.

    Autocuidado, condicionantes y evolución de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Objective: to study the relationship between the basic conditioning factors and evolution of the disease in the self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methodology: Of a descriptive and cross-cutting quantitative type, the population consisted of 90 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus living in the rural context of manabí province – Ecuador and met the following criteria of inclusion, patients over 18 years of age, of the health subcenters of Manabí, without discrimination by gender, age, ethnicity, working time or level of training. In addition, the acceptance and signature of informed consent. Conclusion: There is a total agreement among the investigated patients, in considering that they have a good capacity as a self-care agency, even though there is a significant relationship of dependence with the conditioning factors of age, sex, marital status and evolution of the disease.Objetivo: estudiar la relación entre los factores básicos condicionantes y la evolución de la enfermedad en el autocuidado  de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Metodología: De tipo cuantitativo - descriptivo y transversal, la población estuvo constituida por 90 pacientes  con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que viven en el contexto rural  de la provincia de Manabí – Ecuador y cumplieron con los siguientes criterios de inclusión, pacientes mayores de 18 años de edad  de los subcentros de salud de Manabí, sin discriminación por género, edad, etnia, tiempo laboral o nivel de formación. Además, la aceptación y firma del consentimiento informado. Conclusión: Existe un total acuerdo entre los pacientes investigados, en considerar que poseen una buena capacidad de agencia de autocuidado, a pesar que existe una relación de dependencia significativa con los factores condicionantes de la edad, sexo, estado civil y evolución de la enfermedad

    Anti-inflammatory Compounds Parthenolide and Bay 11-7082 Are Direct Inhibitors of the Inflammasome*

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    Activation of the inflammasome generates the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β and -18, which are important mediators of inflammation. Abnormal activation of the inflammasome leads to many inflammatory diseases, including gout, silicosis, neurodegeneration, and genetically inherited periodic fever syndromes. Therefore, identification of small molecule inhibitors that target the inflammasome is an important step toward developing effective therapeutics for the treatment of inflammation. Here, we show that the herbal NF-κB inhibitory compound parthenolide inhibits the activity of multiple inflammasomes in macrophages by directly inhibiting the protease activity of caspase-1. Additional investigations of other NF-κB inhibitors revealed that the synthetic IκB kinase-β inhibitor Bay 11-7082 and structurally related vinyl sulfone compounds selectively inhibit NLRP3 inflammasome activity in macrophages independent of their inhibitory effect on NF-κB activity. In vitro assays of the effect of parthenolide and Bay 11-7082 on the ATPase activity of NLRP3 demonstrated that both compounds inhibit the ATPase activity of NLRP3, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of these compounds on inflammasome activity could be mediated in part through their effect on the ATPase activity of NLRP3. Our results thus elucidate the molecular mechanism for the therapeutic anti-inflammatory activity of parthenolide and identify vinyl sulfones as a new class of potential therapeutics that target the NLRP3 inflammasome