495 research outputs found

    Manned Mars mission Earth-To-Orbit (ETO) delivery and orbit assembly of the manned Mars vehicle

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    The initial concepts developed for the in-orbit assembly of a Manned Mars Vehicle and for the Earth-to-Orbit (ETO) delivery of the required hardware and propellant are presented. Two (2) Mars vehicle concepts (all-propulsive and all-aerobrake) and two (2) ETO Vehicle concepts were investigated. Both Mars Vehicle concepts are described in Reference 1, and both ETO Vehicle concepts are described in Reference 2. The all-aerobrake configuration reduces the number of launches and time required to deliver the necessary hardware/propellent to orbit. Use of the larger of the 2 ETO Vehicles (HLLV) further reduces the number of launches and delivery time; however, this option requires a completely new vehicle and supporting facilities

    Sa-8 operational trajectory

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    Trajectory optimization for Saturn I /SA-8/ LAUNCH vehicle to place S- IV stage and payload in elliptical orbi

    Range safety data for Saturn SA-10

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    Saturn SA-10 range safety data, and reliability analysis of S-IV-8 and S-IV-10 stage

    Religion, education and the state: the origins, development and significance of church affiliated universities in Zimbabwe

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    This thesis explores interactions between government and religious bodies in the evolution of church-related universities in post-independence Zimbabwe. Since the 1980s there has been an increased interest in the direct involvement of religion in university education. It is argued that the new interest by churches in setting up universities is a response to the exigencies of the modern world which regard knowledge as an essential feature in development.A further dimension which this thesis examines is the triangular relationship involving religion, the state, and the university. The three parties have distinct but interrelated agendas and functions. While by definition a university has claim to autonomy and academic freedom, for an institution founded by religion, this creates tension as the institution tries to strike a balance between its identity and its relationship to the church. The question of identity is not confined to churchrelatedness but extends to the role of such institutions in modem Zimbabwe. The study further attempts to locate emerging church affiliated universities in the discourse of endogenisation. The thesis proposes that if the new religious institutions are to have a significant impact, their pragmatic approaches should operate within an African epistemological framework which takes serious account of authentic endogenous knowledge systems

    The X-ray transform

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    A note on k-plane integral transforms

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    AbstractLet Π be a k-dimensional subspace of Rn, n ⩾ 2, and write x = (x′, x″) with x′ in Π and x″ in the orthogonal complement Π⊥. The k-plane transform of a measurable function ƒ in the direction Π at the point x″ is defined by Lƒ(Π, x″) = ∝Πƒ(x′, x″) dx′. In this article certain a priori inequalities are established which show in particular that if ƒ ϵ Lp(Rn), 1 ⩽ p $̌nk, then ƒ is integrable over almost every translate of almost every k-space. Mapping properties of the k-plane transform between the spaces Lp(Rn), p ⩽ 2, and certain Lebesgue spaces with mixed norm on a vector bundle over the Grassmann manifold of k-spaces in Rn are also obtained

    The Definition and Impact of College Quality

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    In this paper we are concerned with the characteristics of colleges which serve to increase subsequent monetary incomes of those who attend. Usually, lifetime earnings are explained by variables such as innate ability, experience in the labor force and years of education, although other socio-economic, demographic and occupational data can be inserted to increase the explanatory power of the model. This paper attempts to add a new dimension to the earnings function analysis by hypothesizing the features of colleges which might yield financial payoffs later in life, and then testing to see which of these traits actually do add most to the explanatory power of the traditional earnings function.

    An Evaluation of Agricultural Financing, Policies and Initiatives for Sustainable Development in Nigeria, In the 21st Century: 1990-2014

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    This study is aimed at evaluating agricultural financing, policies, programmes and initiatives for a sustainable development in Nigeria, from 1990-2014, covering a period of 25 years. The dwindling oil prices in the international market necessitate the needs for diversification of the economy, into agriculture for a sustained development in Nigeria. Data for the study were the secondary ones, sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletins, Annual Report and Statements of Accounts, Bullion, The Economic and Statistical Review of National Planning Commission, conferences Journals and Publications, World Bank and United Nations publications and text books, using the descriptive and inferential techniques. The findings of the study show that Nigerian Government failed to show enough commitments to agricultural activities for its development towards realization of agricultural sustainable development. This is evident in lack of meeting the minimum 10% and 25% budgetary allocation to agriculture as stipulated by Maputo declaration and the Food and Agricultural Organization. It was also found out that commercial bank credits to total credit were too low. There were too many agricultural policies and initiatives that were not matching to actions. Giving the importance of agriculture to any economy, ( provision of food, foreign Earnings, creation of jobs etc) the study recommends the following among others; complying with the minimum 10% and 25% minimum agricultural budgetary allocation to agriculture, Government should match words with actions as regards agricultural policies and initiatives, improve investment in agricultural equipment and other inputs to guarantee the achievement of agricultural sustainable development in Nigeri