1,727 research outputs found

    Evaluating the efficiency of Latin American banks

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    Latin American banking sector has undergone tremendous changes over the years as a result of changes in regulation, globalization and developments in Telecommunications and Information Technology. A very important development has been financial liberalization where Latin America opened its doors to foreign banks. An important issue that needs to be addressed is whether the local commercial banks are efficient enough in their operations to be economically viable in a highly competitive environment. The objective of this study is to examine the factors behind bank profitability, following financial liberalization in five countries, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela, using 2004 financial data.Banking efficiency; financial liberalization; Latin American banking

    Best-effort authentication for opportunistic networks

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    Empirical evidence on the relationships between concentration and profitability in Latin American banking

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    There has been growth in globalization as a result of increased liberalization. This has also resulted in an increase in the role of financial institutions, such as banks. It is the purpose of this study to test Classen’s (2001) hypothesis that increase foreign bank presence has positive welfare implications and that the functioning of national banking markets are improved as a result. Using financial data for 2003 this paper will examine the influence of foreign bank entry on Latin American domestic markets.Latin American banking; Concentration and Profitability; Foreign Bank Influence

    Toxicity of Pyrolysis Gases from Elastomers

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    The toxicity of the pyrolysis gases from six elastomers was investigated. The elastomers were polyisoprene (natural rubber), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), acrylonitrile rubber, chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber, and polychloroprene. The rising temperature and fixed temperature programs produced exactly the same rank order of materials based on time to death. Acryltonitrile rubber exhibited the greatest toxicity under these test conditions; carbon monoxide was not found in sufficient concentrations to be the primary cause of death

    Implications of Face-To-Face And Web-Based Asynchronous Staff Development Approaches

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    As more institutions of higher education invest in technology, an increased number of educators have to keep up with those technologies. Technology opens new opportunities to teach and to learn. However, if technology is to be used to support learning, educators must first be comfortable using technology. In order for educators to become comfortable and to effectively use technology in their own teaching, staff development opportunities must be set in place. Staff development programs need to be relevant to the specific needs of educators of higher education. Because technology is rapidly changing, it is impossible for educators to know all of the nuts and bolts of applying technology into their classrooms. However, educators can participate in activities that are specific to their own needs. Staff development programs need to do just that. Although traditional face-to-face staff development approaches have a poor track record, the use of the World Wide Web has provided new avenues of delivering staff development opportunities to educators. Research has concluded that, although both face-to-face and web-based staff development approaches have advantages and disadvantages, there is no one approach that will meet the staff development needs of all educators. Staff development must be tailored to a specific group of educators if programs are to be successful. This review will attempt to answer the questions, what staff development approaches, face-to-face or web-based, are effective for training educators in technology use; and what are the areas for future research in professional development for the use of technology

    Cultura tributaria y recaudación de impuestos en la Municipalidad Provincial de Carhuaz – 2023

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    El estudio, tuvo como objetivo, determinar la relación que existe entre la cultura tributaria y la recaudación de impuestos en la Municipalidad Provincial de Carhuaz – 2023. El tipo de estudio, según su nivel de alcance es correlacional, cuyo diseño de estudio es no experimental, transversal, descriptivo correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 300 ciudadanos que contribuyeron de la Municipalidad Provincial de Carhuaz y como muestra a 169 ciudadanos. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y mediante la aplicación de los instrumentos: cuestionario para medir la cultura tributaria y el otro cuestionario para medir la recaudación de impuestos, se recogieron los datos, los cuales fueron analizados mediante tablas de frecuencias, diagrama de barras, tablas de contingencia y la prueba no paramétrica Rho de Sperman.Entre sus resultados, se determinó que, la cultura tributaria está en un nivel regular (77,5%) y la recaudación de impuestos en un nivel regular con un (75,1,%) de los ciudadanos. Concluyendo, que existe una relación directa de grado bueno (Rho=0,513) y significativa (P-valor 0,000 < 0,05) entre la cultura tributaria y la recaudación de impuestos.ChimboteEscuela de PosgradoGestión de Políticas PúblicasDesarrollo sostenible, emprendimientos y responsabilidad social.Fortalecimiento de la democracia, ciudadanía y cultura de pazAlianza para lograr los objetivo

    Sonoridades narradas: el vínculo de la expresión afropacífico en el cuerpo.

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    La presente experiencia escrita, es resultado de un proceso de investigación que surge de una constante necesidad de visibilizar las sonoridades narradas de las personas afros que viven en el sector de potosí, un barrio ubicado en la localidad 19 (Ciudad Bolívar), al sur de la ciudad de Bogotá. Entendiendo que ellos, al venir de otras partes del país, contribuyen y complementan la construcción de humanidad y ciudadanía a partir de la recreación de sus narrativas, provenientes de la tradición oral afro-pacífico.Este es un proyecto de investigación que surge de una constante necesidad de visibilizar las sonoridades narradas de las personas afros que viven en el sector de potosí, un barrio ubicado en la localidad 19 (Ciudad Bolívar), al sur de la ciudad de Bogotá. Entendiendo que ellos, al venir de otras partes del país, contribuyen y complementan la construcción de humanidad y ciudadanía a partir de la recreación de sus narrativas, provenientes de la tradición oral afropacífico.This written experience is the result of a research process that stems from a constant need to visualize the narrated sounds of Afro people living in the potosí sector, a neighborhood located in the town 19 (Ciudad Bolívar), south of the city of Bogotá. Understanding that they, coming from other parts of the country, contribute and complement the construction of humanity and citizenship from the recreation of their narratives, coming from the afro-pacific oral tradition. With a view to understanding closely the growing phenomenon of social movement that is taking place there, based on a common interest in the struggle for territory and the organization of community ; it is possible to investigate by the strategies used, where the weaving of the historical memory, the sense of place, the local epistemologies of the afro people and the mobilization of identity resources for collective action become important. The research construction was based on an ethnographic study with the same individuals that are an integrating part of the Afro-Colombian community, where the main purpose was to know about their oral tradition, the means used to preserve their knowledge and the characteristics of its dissemination. This allowed to establish conversation scenarios to track the logic in which life is understood, the ancestral representations, the founding stories, the ideas that arise for the safeguarding of customs, practices, legacies, and the identity perspective that is assumed to face the future or to make possible the cultural transmission, managing to put a play of dialogue and analysis, the processes of revitalization that are lived with the bets for the construction of a critical interculturality and the incarnated bonds with the communicable experiences. Ultimately, what emerges from the inter-epistemic dialogues with masters of social innovation in education and community conversation is revealed: The metaphor of the tonga, analyzed as a research methodology and the Mizizi ya mababu experience as a way of assuming social innovation, where the struggles for re-territorialization and re-existence are played as mechanisms to make possible the preservation of the oral tradition, the transformation of the relations of domination, submission and historical violation of rights about the afro people. These two categories assume the challenge of becoming a commitment to the processes of decolonization of thought, where the inclusion of the narrated sounds of the black community would be important. Consistent with all the aforementioned, a section of conclusions is addressed where it is mentioned how the symbolic contents that guide the artistic, social and community experience achieved, enable reaffirmation processes within the framework of Afro empowerment and allow to project other perspectives of social innovation education based on own knowledge