75 research outputs found

    Outer jet X-ray and radio emission in R Aquarii: 1999.8 to 2004.0

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    Chandra and VLA observations of the symbiotic star R Aqr in 2004 reveal significant changes over the three to four year interval between these observations and previous observations taken with the VLA in 1999 and with Chandra in 2000. This paper reports on the evolution of the outer thermal X-ray lobe-jets and radio jets. The emission from the outer X-ray lobe-jets lies farther away from the central binary than the outer radio jets, and comes from material interpreted as being shock heated to ~10^6 K, a likely result of collision between high speed material ejected from the central binary and regions of enhanced gas density. Between 2000 and 2004, the Northeast (NE) outer X-ray lobe-jet moved out away from the central binary, with an apparent projected motion of ~580 km s^-1. The Southwest (SW) outer X-ray lobe-jet almost disappeared between 2000 and 2004, presumably due to adiabatic expansion and cooling. The NE radio bright spot also moved away from the central binary between 2000 and 2004, but with a smaller apparent velocity than of the NE X-ray bright spot. The SW outer lobe-jet was not detected in the radio in either 1999 or 2004. The density and mass of the X-ray emitting material is estimated. Cooling times, shock speeds, pressure and confinement are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    The constant-velocity highly collimated outflows of the planetary nebula He 2-90

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    We present high-dispersion echelle spectroscopic observations and a narrow-band [N II] image of the remarkable jet-like features of He 2-90. They are detected in the echelle spectra in the H-alpha and [N II] lines but not in other nebular lines. The [N II]/H-alpha ratio is uniformly high, ~1. The observed kinematics reveals bipolar collimated outflows in the jet-like features and shows that the southeast (northwest) component expands towards (away from) the observer at a remarkably constant line-of-sight velocity, 26.0+-0.5 km/s. The observed expansion velocity and the opening angle of the jet-like features are used to estimate an inclination angle of ~5 degrees with respect to the sky plane and a space expansion velocity of ~290 km/s. The spectrum of the bright central nebula reveals a profusion of Fe lines and extended wings of the H-alpha line, similar to those seen in symbiotic stars and some young planetary nebulae that are presumed to host a mass-exchanging binary system. If this is the case for He 2-90, the constant velocity and direction of the jets require a very stable dynamic system against precession and warping.Comment: 8 pages (emulate ApJ), 5 figure, 1 tabl

    Mz 3, a Multipolar Nebula in the Making

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    The nebula Mz 3 has arguably the most complex bipolar morphology, consisting of three nested pairs of bipolar lobes and an equatorial ellipse. Its three pairs of bipolar lobes share the same axis of symmetry, but have very different opening angles and morphologies: the innermost pair of bipolar lobes shows closed lobe morphology, while the other two have open lobes with cylindrical and conical shapes, respectively. We have carried out high-dispersion spectroscopic observations of Mz 3, and detected distinct kinematic properties among the different morphological components. The expansion characteristics of the two outer pairs of lobes suggest that they originated in an explosive event, whereas the innermost pair of lobes resulted from the interaction of a fast wind with the surrounding material. The equatorial ellipse is associated with a fast equatorial outflow which is unique among bipolar nebulae. The dynamical ages of the different structures in Mz 3 suggest episodic bipolar ejections, and the distinct morphologies and kinematics among these different structures reveal fundamental changes in the system between these episodic ejections.Comment: To be published in the October issue of The Astronomical Journal. 16 pages, 10 figures. For full resolution figures, send requests to the Author [email protected]

    The Planetary Mass Companion 2MASS1207-3932 B: Temperature, Mass and Evidence for an Edge-On Disk

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    We present J-band imaging and H+K-band low-resolution spectroscopy of 2MASS1207-3932 AB, obtained with VLT NACO. For the putative planetary mass secondary, we find J = 20.0+/-0.2 mag. The HK spectra of both components imply low gravity, and a dusty atmosphere for the secondary. Comparisons to synthetic spectra yield Teff_A ~ 2550+/-150K, and Teff_B ~ 1600+/-100K, consistent with their late-M and mid-to-late L types. For these Teff, and an age of 5-10 Myrs, evolutionary models imply M_A ~ 24+/-6 M_Jup and M_B ~ 8+/-2 M_Jup. Independent comparisons of these models to the observed colors, spanning ~I to L', also yield the same masses and temperatures. Our primary mass agrees with other recent analyses; however, our secondary mass, while still in the planetary regime, is 2-3 times larger than claimed previously. This discrepancy can be traced to the luminosities: while the absolute photometry and Mbol of the primary agree with theoretical predictions, the secondary is ~ 2.5+/-0.5 mag fainter than expected in all bands from I to L' and in Mbol. This accounts for the much lower secondary mass (and temperature) derived earlier. We argue that this effect is highly unlikely to result from a variety of model-related problems, and is instead real. This conclusion is bolstered by the absence of any luminosity problems in either the primary, or in AB Pic B which we also analyse. We therefore suggest grey extinction in 2M1207B, due to occlusion by an edge-on circum-secondary disk. This is consistent with the observed properties of edge-on disks around T Tauri stars, and with the known presence of a high-inclination evolved disk around the primary. Finally, the system's implied mass ratio of ~0.3 suggests a binary-like formation scenario. (abridged)Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, 43 pages text + 16 figs + 1 tabl

    Kinematic and morphological modeling of the bipolar nebula Sa2-237

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    We present [OIII]500.7nm and Halpha+[NII] images and long-slit, high resolution echelle spectra in the same spectral regions of Sa2--237, a possible bipolar planetary nebula. The image shows a bipolar nebula of about 34" extent, with a narrow waist, and showing strong point symmetry about the central object, indicating it's likely binary nature. The long slit spectra were taken over the long axis of the nebula, and show a distinct ``eight'' shaped pattern in the velocity--space plot, and a maximum projected outflow velocity of V=106km/s, both typical of expanding bipolar planetary nebulae. By model fitting the shape and spectrum of the nebula simultaneously, we derive the inclination of the long axis to be 70 degrees, and the maximum space velocity of expansion to be 308 km/s. Due to asymmetries in the velocities we adopt a new value for the system's heliocentric radial velocity of -30km/s. We use the IRAS and 21cm radio fluxes, the energy distribution, and the projected size of Sa2-237 to estimate it's distance to be 2.1+-0.37kpc. At this distance Sa2-237 has a luminosity of 340 Lsun, a size of 0.37pc, and -- assuming constant expansion velocity -- a nebular age of 624 years. The above radial velocity and distance place Sa2--237 in the disk of the Galaxy at z=255pc, albeit with somewhat peculiar kinematics.Comment: 10pp, 4 fig

    Jets, knots and tails in planetary nebulae: NGC 3918, K 1-2 and Wray 17-1

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    We analyze optical images and high-resolution, long-slit spectra of three planetary nebulae which possess collimated, low-ionization features. NGC 3918 is composed of an inner, spindle-shaped shell mildly inclined with respect to the plane of the sky. Departing from the polar regions of this shell, we find a two-sided jet expanding with velocities which increase linearly with distance from 50 to 100 km/s. The jet is probably coeval with the inner shell (with the age of approximately 1000 D yr, where D is the distance in kpc), suggesting that its formation should be ascribed to the same dynamical processes which also shaped the main nebula, and not to a more recent mass loss episode. We discuss the formation of the aspherical shell and jet in the light of current hydrodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical theories. K 1-2 is a planetary nebula with a close binary nucleus which shows a collimated string of knots embedded in a diffuse, elliptical shell. The knots expand with a velocity similar to that of the elliptical nebula (25 km/s), except for an extended tail located out of the main nebula, which linearly accelerates up to 45 km/s. We estimate an inclination on the line of the sight of 40 degres for the string of knots; once the orientation of the orbit is also determined, this information will allow us to test the prediction of current theories of the occurrence of polar jets from close binary systems. Wray 17-1 has a complex morphology, showing two pairs of low-ionization structures located in almost perpendicular directions from the central star, and embedded in a large, diffuse nebula. The two pairs show notable similarities and differences, and their origin is very puzzling.Comment: 20 pages plus 10 figures. ApJ recently published (ApJ 523, 721 (1999)

    A combined optical/infrared spectral diagnostic analysis of the HH1 jet

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    Complete flux-calibrated spectra covering the spectral range from 6000 A to 2.5 um have been obtained along the HH1 jet and analysed in order to explore the potential of a combined optical/near-IR diagnostic applied to jets from young stellar objects. Important physical parameters have been derived along the jet using various diagnostic line ratios. This multi-line analysis shows, in each spatially unresolved knot, the presence of zones at different excitation conditions, as expected from the cooling layers behind a shock front. In particular, a density stratification in the jet is evident from ratios of various lines of different critical density. In particular, [FeII] lines originate in a cooling layer located at larger distances from the shock front than that generating the optical lines, where the compression is higher and the temperature is declining. The derived parameters were used to measure the mass flux along the jet, adopting different procedures, the advantages and limitations of which are discussed. dM/dt is high in the initial part of the flow but decreases by about an order of magnitude further out. Conversely, the mass flux associated with the warm molecular material is low and does not show appreciable variations along the jet. We suggest that part of the mass flux in the external regions is not revealed in optical and IR lines because it is associated with a colder atomic component, which may be traced by the far-IR [O I]63 um line. Finally, we find that the gas-phase abundance of refractory species is lower than the solar value suggesting that a significant fraction of dust grains may still be present in the jet beam.Comment: Accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The "Twin Jet" Planetary Nebula M2-9

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    We present a model for the structure, temporal behavior, and evolutionary status of the bipolar nebula M2-9. According to this model the system consists of an AGB or post-AGB star and a hot white dwarf companion, with an orbital period of about 120 years. The white dwarf has undergone a symbiotic nova eruption about 1200 years ago, followed by a supersoft x-ray source phase. The positional shift of the bright knots in the inner nebular lobes is explained in terms of a revolving ionizing source. We show that the interaction between the slow, AGB star's wind, and a collimated fast wind from the white dwarf clears a path for the ionizing radiation in one direction, while the radiation is attenuated in others. This results in the mirror-symmetric (as opposed to the more common point-symmetric) shift in the knots. We show that M2-9 provides an important evolutionary link among planetary nebulae with binary central stars, symbiotic systems, and supersoft x-ray sources.Comment: 13 pages + 2 figures. Submitted to Ap

    MHD Stellar and Disk Winds: Application to Planetary Nebulae

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    MHD winds can emanate from both stars and surrounding accretion disks. It is of interest to know how much wind power is available and which (if either) of the two rotators dominates that power. We investigate this in the context of multi-polar planetary nebulae (PNe) and proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe), for which recent observations have revealed the need for a wind power source in excess of that available from radiation driving, and a possible need for magnetic shaping. We calculate the MHD wind power from a coupled disk and star, where the former results from binary disruption. The resulting wind powers depend only on the accretion rate and stellar properties. We find that if the stellar envelope were initially slowly rotating, the disk wind would dominate throughout the evolution. If the envelope of the star were rapidly rotating, the stellar wind could initially be of comparable power to the disk wind until the stellar wind carries away the star's angular momentum. Since an initially rapidly rotating star can have its spin and magnetic axes misaligned to the disk, multi-polar outflows can result from this disk wind system. For times greater than a spin-down time, the post-AGB stellar wind is slaved to the disk for both slow and rapid initial spin cases and the disk wind luminosity dominates. We find a reasonably large parameter space where a hybrid star+disk MHD driven wind is plausible and where both or either can account for PPNe and PNe powers. We also speculate on the morphologies which may emerge from the coupled system. The coupled winds might help explain the shapes of a number of remarkable multi-shell or multi-polar nebulae. Magnetic activity such as X-ray flares may be associated with the both central star and the disk and would be a valuable diagnostic for the dynamical role of MHD processes in PNe.Comment: ApJ accepted version, incorporating some important revisions. 25 Pages, LaTex, + 5 fig

    Knots in the outer shells of the planetary nebulae IC 2553 and NGC 5882

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    We present images and high-resolution spectra of the planetary nebulae IC 2553 and NGC 5882. Spatio-kinematic modeling of the nebulae shows that they are composed of a markedly elongated inner shell, and of a less aspherical outer shell expanding at a considerably higher velocity than the inner one. Embedded in the outer shells of both nebulae are found several low-ionization knots. In IC 2553, the knots show a point-symmetric distribution with respect to the central star: one possible explanation for their formation is that they are the survivors of pre-existing point-symmetric condensations in the AGB wind, a fact which would imply a quite peculiar mass-loss geometry from the giant progenitor. In the case of NGC 5882, the lack of symmetry in the distribution of the observed low-ionization structures makes it possible that they are the result of in situ instabilities.Comment: 20 pages including 1 table and 6 figures. ApJ accepted. Also available at http://andromeda.roque.ing.iac.es/~sanchez/ingpub/index2000.htm
