741 research outputs found
Diferències sexuals i d'edat: una comparació de la leptina sèrica, els components de l'insulin-like growth factor-I i les concentracions de la globulina d'unió a hormones sexuals en una població sana
La secreció de la leptina està influenciada per factors diversos. L'eix GH/IGF-I té un paper
important en la composició de l'organisme. La proteïna transportadora de les hormones sexuals
(SHBG) és una glicoproteïna sintetitzada en el fetge i és la moduladora principal de la
senyalització dels andrògens. En el present estudi hem investigat les diferències relacionades
amb el sexe i l'edat en els nivells de leptina, del sistema IGF-I i de la SHBG en un grup d'adults
sans seleccionats a l'atzar.
L'estudi inclou 268 subjectes, representatius de tota la població de la ciutat de l'Hospitalet de
Llobregat, distribuïts per sexe i edat, és a dir, 134 homes de 41,4 anys d'edat mitjana i 134 dones
de 40,7 anys d'edat mitjana, amb rangs de 15-70 anys. Les concentracions de leptina es varen
determinar per radioimmunoassaig (RIA), les concentracions totals d'IGF-I per assaig immunoradiomètric
després d'extracció d'àcid-etanol, mentre que les d'IGF-I sèric lliure es van analitzar
amb un assaig enzimoimmunomètric. Els nivells de la proteïna 3 transportadora de l'IGF
(IGFBP3) foren determinats també amb RIA, mentre que els de SHBG per fluoroimmunoassaig.
En els homes, la leptina va presentar un augment en la quarta dècada de la vida, mentre que
l'IGF-I total, el lliure i la IGFBP3 disminuïen i les concentracions de SHBG augmentaven en
les dècades quarta i sisena. En les dones, les concentracions de leptina augmentaven en les últimes
dècades estudiades i les d'IGF-I total, lliure i IGFBP3 disminuïen en cada dècada estudiada.
Les concentracions de SHBG disminuïen també en la darrera dècada. Les concentracions de
leptina eren més baixes en els homes al comparar-los amb les dones en totes les edats estudiades
(p = 0,001). Les concentracions d'IGF-I eren més baixes en els homes en totes les dècades estudiades
(p = 0,01), exceptuant en les dues darreres. Les concentracions d'IGF-I lliure i d'IGFBP3
eren similars en els homes i en les dones de totes les edats (p = 0,09 i p = 0,2, respectivament).
Les concentracions de SHBG eren més baixes en els homes que en les dones (p = 0,001) a excepció
de la darrera dècada. Com a conclusió, podem assenyalar que en la present mostra de població, hem pogut demostrar un dimorfisme sexual en els nivells sèrics de leptina, d'IGF-I
total i d'SHBG al llarg de totes les dècades estudiades.Leptin secretion is influenced by many factors, and the GH/IGF axis plays an important role
in the regulation of body composition. Sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein
synthesized in the liver, and it is a transport protein, which is a primary modulator of the
androgen signal. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated sex and age differences as they
corresponded to the concentration levels in leptin, the IGF-I system components, and SHBG,
basing our study on data froma group of randomly selected, healthy adults. The study included
268 subjects, representative of the entire population of the city of L´Hospitalet de Llobregat in
Spain. The distribution in sex and age were as follows: 134 males, with a mean age of 41.4 years,
and 134 females, with a mean age of 40.7 years; Ages ranged from 15-70 years. Serumleptin concentrations
were determined using radioimmunoassay (RIA); serum total IGF-I concentrations
were obtained by immunoradiometric assay after acid-ethanol extraction, and serum free IGFI
concentrations were obtained by enzymoimmunometric assay. Serum IGFBP3 concentrations
were acquired using RIA and SHBG by fluoroimmunoassay. In the male population, leptin
showed an increase in the 4th decade, a total IGF-I, free IGF-I, and IGFBP3 decrease throughout
all of the decades, and an increase of SHBG in the 4th and 6th decades. In the female population,
leptin concentrations increased in the later decades; total IGF-I, free IGF-I, and IGFBP3
levels decreased by decade, and SHBG concentrations decreased in the final decade. Leptin
concentrations were lower in men than in women in all of the decades (p = 0.001). IGF-I concentrations
were lower in men in all of the decades (p = 0.01), except in the last two, and free
IGF-I and IGFBP3 concentrations were similar in men and women in all of the decades (p =
0.09 and p = 0.2, respectively). SHBG concentrations were lower in men than in women (p =
0.001), except in the final decade. In this well-characterized, randomly selected population of
controls, we showed sexual dimorphism in leptin, total IGF-I, and SHBG concentrations with
differences observable throughout the decades
Role of blood glucose in cytokine gene expression in early syngeneic islet transplantation
In islet transplantation, local production of cytokines at the grafted site may contribute to the initial nonspecific inflammation response. We have determined whether the metabolic condition of the recipient modulates the cytokine expression in islet grafts in the initial days after transplantation. Normoglycemic and hyperglycemic streptozotocin-diabetic Lewis rats were transplanted with 500 syngeneic islets, an insufficient beta cell mass to restore normoglycemia in hyperglycemic recipients. The expression of IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-4 genes was determined by real-time PCR in freshly isolated islets, in 24-h cultured islets and in islet grafts on days 1, 3, and 7 after transplantation. IL-1beta mRNA was strongly and similarly increased in normoglycemic and hyperglycemic groups on days 1, 3, and 7 after transplantation compared with freshly isolated and cultured islets. TNF-alpha mRNA was also strongly increased on day 1, and it remained increased on days 3 and 7. IL-6 and IL-10 were not detected in freshly isolated islets, but their expression was clearly enhanced in 24-h cultured islets and islet grafts. IL-6 was further increased in hyperglycemic grafts. IL-10 expression was increased in both normoglycemic and hyperglycemic grafts on day 1 after transplantation, and remained increased in hyperglycemic grafts compared to 24-h cultured islets. IFN-gamma mRNA was barely detected in a few grafts, and IL-4 mRNA was never detected. Thus, the inflammatory response in islet grafts was maximal on day 1 after transplantation, it was sustained, although at lower levels, on days 3 and 7, and it was partly enhanced by hyperglycemia
La investigación en materia de cooperativas de crédito y de grupos cooperativos
This work proposes to provide an overview of the research carried out over the last twenty years by a number of authors who have focused their research on credit unions and their cooperative groups. The intention is not to provide an exhaustive list of all the works that have been published, but rather to give a general overview of the work that has been done in this broad field of research and its various ramifications. It shows the timeframe of these studies and the gradual consolidation of more specific subjects, which have provided us with a great deal more knowledge about a sector of cooperativism that had been studied very little twenty years ago.Cooperativas de crédito, secciones de crédito, banca cooperativa, cajas rurales, grupos cooperativos.
Short term culture with the caspases inhibitor z-VAD fmk reduces beta cell apoptosis in transplanted islets and improves the metabolic outcome of the graft
In the initial days after transplantation islets are particularly vulnerable and show increased apoptosis and necrosis. We have studied the effects of caspase inhibition on this early beta cell death in syngeneically transplanted islets. Streptozotocin-diabetic C57BL/6 mice were transplanted with 150 syngeneic islets, an insufficient mass to restore normoglycemia, preincubated with or without the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD. fmk 2 h before transplantation. Beta cell apoptosis was increased in control islets on day 3 after transplantation (0.28 ± 0.02%) compared with freshly isolated islets (0.08 ± 0.02%, p< 0.001), and was partially reduced in transplanted islets preincubated with z-VAD.fmk 200 μM (0.14 ± 0.02%, p = 0.003) or with z-VAD.fmk 500 μM (0.17 ± 0.01%, p = 0.012), but not with a lower z-VAD.fmk (100 μM) concentration. Diabetic mice transplanted with islets preincubated with z-VAD.fmk 500 μM showed an improved metabolic evolution compared with control and z-VAD.fmk 200 μM groups. The z-VAD.fmk 500 μM group showed an overall lower blood glucose after transplantation (p = 0.02), and at the end of the study blood glucose values were reduced compared with transplantation day (15.7 ± 3.6 vs. 32.5 ± 0.5 mmol/L, p = 0.001). In contrast, blood glucose was not significantly changed in control and z-VAD.fmk 200 μM groups. Four weeks after transplantation beta cell mass was higher in z-VAD.fmk 500 μM group (0.15 ± 0.02 mg) than in the control group (0.10 ± 0.02 mg) (p = 0.043). In summary, the treatment of freshly isolated islets with the caspase inhibitor z-VAD.fmk reduced the subsequent apoptosis of the islets once they were transplanted and improved the outcome of the graft
Transient hypothyroidism after iodine-131 therapy for Grave's disease
We studied 355 patients with Grave's disease to characterize transient hypothyroidism and its prognostic value following 131I therapy. Methods: the patients received therapeutic 131I treatment as follows: 333 received a dose 10 mCi (12.8 +/- 2.9 mCi). Diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism was based on low T4, regardless of TSH within the first year after 131I followed by recovery of T4 and normal TSH. Results: after administration of 10 mCi) of 131I. Iodine-131 uptake > 70% at 2 hr before treatment was a risk factor for developing transient hypothyroidism (Odds ratio 2.8, 95% confidence interval 0.9-9.4). At diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism, basal TSH levels were high (51%), normal (35%) or low (14%); therefore, the transient hypothyroidism was not centralized. If hypothyroidism developed during the first 6 mo after basal TSH > 45 mU/liter ruled out transient hypothyroidism. Conclusion: the development of transient hypothyroidism and its hormonal pattern did not influence long-term thyroid function. Since no prognostic factors reliably predicted transient hypothyroidism before 131I or at the time of diagnosis, if hypothyroidism appears within the first months after 131I, the reevaluation of thyroid function later is warranted to avoid unnecessary chronic replacement therapy
Les traduccions (o la manca de traduccions) de literatura alemanya contemporània al català
A la taula rodona de les VIII Jornades sobre Traducció i Literatura, dedicades a "La impaciència del cor: l'aspiració germànica de Maragall a Fontcuberta", hi van participar els traductors Joan Ferrarons, Ramon Monton, Arnau Pons i Anna Soler Horta, que van exposar les seves experiències personals com a introductors de literatura alemanya contemporània al sistema català en diferents àmbits, com ara la narrativa, la poesia, el teatre o la literatura infantil i juvenil.In the VIII Jornades sobre Traducció i Literatura (8th Conferences on Translation and Literature), dedicated to the aim of transferring German literature into Catalan from Joan Maragall to Joan Fontcuberta, a round table was held by the translators Joan Ferrarons, Ramon Monton, Arnau Pons and Anna Soler Horta. They explained their experiences when introducing contemporary German literature into the Catalan system, whether it was narrative, poetry, theatre or children and young adult literature
Laboratori d'habilitats: aprenentatge i avaluació dels continguts pràctics de Fisiologia Humana
Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Un dels reptes en els ensenyaments amb docència pràctica és avaluar els coneixements i les habilitats que els estudiants adquireixen al laboratori. En aquest sentit, els estudiants de Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques, actualment Ciències Biomèdiques, durant els cursos 11-12 i 13-14 van participar en el laboratori d’habilitats de l’assignatura Fisiologia Humana I i II. El laboratori d’habilitats consisteix en un laboratori que disposa dels equips i materials que es fan servir a les pràctiques de l’assignatura i que està a lliure disposició dels estudiants en un horari concret. Un cop realitzades les pràctiques, els estudiants poden participar lliurement en el laboratori d’habilitats per consultar dubtes i practicar les habilitats que han adquirit durant el normal desenvolupament de les pràctiques i que seran objecte d’avaluació. L’avaluació es realitza en el mateix laboratori d’habilitats i consisteix en un examen escrit i oral sobre els continguts de pràctiques, a més d’una demostració de les habilitats adquirides. Les habilitats ponderen un 10% en l’avaluació continuada i són avaluades mitjançant una rúbrica que permet al professorat puntuar objectivament l’estudiant. Un cop realitzat l’examen pràctic els estudiants van ser enquestats per tal de conèixer la seva opinió respecte al “laboratori d’habilitats” i al nou sistema d’avaluació de la docència pràctica. La majoria d’estudiants creuen que el laboratori d’habilitats els ha fet treballar i comprendre millor els continguts de les pràctiques (obtenint una puntuació de
4.2 de mitjana dels dos cursos, sobre 5), prefereixen aquest mètode d’avaluació enfront al tradicional, basat en preguntes a l'examen teòric (4.6 sobre 5), els ha resultat interessant (4.4 sobre 5) i globalment l’experiència els ha resultat satisfactòria (4.5 sobre 5). Les puntuacions obtingudes en l’examen d’habilitats han estat de 8,5 sobre 10 (de mitjana en els darrers 2 cursos). Així, es pot concloure que aquesta metodologia docent, àmpliament acceptada pels estudiants, permet reforçar i avaluar les habilitats treballades al laboratori
Opposite trends in the consumption of manufactured and roll-your-own cigarettes in Spain (1991-2020)
Objective: the aim of this study is to describe trends in the consumption of manufactured and roll-your-own cigarettes between 1991 and 2012 in Spain, and to project these trends up to 2020. Methods: we estimated daily consumption per capita during 1991-2012 using data on sales of manufactured cigarettes (20-packs) and rolling tobacco (kg) from the Tobacco Market Commission, and using data of the Spanish adult population from the National Statistics Institute. We considered different weights (0.5, 0.8 and 1 g) to compute the number of rolled cigarettes per capita. We computed the annual per cent of change and assessed possible changes in trends using joinpoint regression, and projected the consumption up to 2020 using Bayesian methods. Results: daily consumption per capita of manufactured cigarettes decreased on average by 3.0% per year in 1991-2012, from 7.6 to 3.8 units, with three trend changes. However, daily consumption per capita of roll-your-own cigarettes increased on average by 14.1% per year, from 0.07 to 0.92 units of 0.5 g, with unchanged trends. Together, daily consumption per capita decreased between 2.9% and 2.5%, depending on the weight of the roll-your-own cigarettes. Projections up to 2020 indicate a decrease of manufactured cigarettes (1.75 units per capita) but an increase of roll-your-own cigarettes (1.25 units per capita). Conclusions: while the consumption per capita of manufactured cigarettes has decreased in the past years in Spain, the consumption of roll-your-own cigarettes has increased at an annual rate around 14% over the past years. Whereas a net decrease in cigarette consumption is expected in the future, use of roll-your-own cigarettes will continue to increase
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