13,114 research outputs found

    nuSTORM: Neutrinos from Stored Muons

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    nuSTORM (Neutrinos from STORed Muons) is a proposed storage ring facility to deliver beams of muon antineutrinos and electron neutrinos from positive muon decays (muon neutrinos and electron antineutrinos from negative muon decays), with a central muon momentum of 3.8 GeV/c and a momentum acceptance of 10%. The facility will allow searches for eV-scale sterile neutrinos at better than 10 sigma sensitivity, it will be able to provide measurements of neutrino and antineutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections with percent-level precision and will serve as a first step towards developing muon accelerators for particle physics. We report on the physics capabilities of the nuSTORM facility and we specify the main features of its design, which does not require any new technology. The flux of the neutrino beam can be determined with percent-level accuracy to perform cross-section measurements for future neutrino oscillation experiments and to resolve the hints for eV-scale sterile neutrinos. nuSTORM may be considered as a first step towards a Neutrino Factory and a Muon Collider.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Prospects in Neutrino Physics Conference (NuPhys). eConf (CNUM: C14-12-15

    Electron-phonon interaction in Fe-based superconductors: Coupling of magnetic moments with phonons in LaFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_{x}

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    The coupling of Fe magnetic moments in LaFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_{x} with the As A1gA_{1g} phonon is calculated. We present first principles calculations of the atomic and electronic structure of LaFeAsO as a function of electron doping. We perform calculations using the virtual crystal approximation as well as supercell calculations with F substitutional impurity atoms. The results validate the virtual crystal approximation for the electronic structure near the Fermi level. Its is found that the electronic density of states at the Fermi level is maximum for x=0.125, enhancing the electron-phonon interaction. An additional increase of the electron-phonon parameter λ\lambda is obtained if the coupling between the A1gA_{1g} phonon and the Fe magnetic moment is included. It is found that the electron-phonon interaction can be one order of magnitude larger than its value if no spin resolution is included in the calculation. The implications of these results on the superconducting transition are discusse

    Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in partially ionized compressible plasmas

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    The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) has been observed in the solar atmosphere. Ion-neutral collisions may play a relevant role for the growth rate and evolution of the KHI in solar partially ionized plasmas as in, e.g., solar prominences. Here, we investigate the linear phase of the KHI at an interface between two partially ionized magnetized plasmas in the presence of a shear flow. The effects of ion-neutral collisions and compressibility are included in the analysis. We obtain the dispersion relation of the linear modes and perform parametric studies of the unstable solutions. We find that in the incompressible case the KHI is present for any velocity shear regardless the value of the collision frequency. In the compressible case, the domain of instability depends strongly on the plasma parameters, specially the collision frequency and the density contrast. For high collision frequencies and low density contrasts the KHI is present for super-Alfvenic velocity shear only. For high density contrasts the threshold velocity shear can be reduced to sub-Alfvenic values. For the particular case of turbulent plumes in prominences, we conclude that sub-Alfvenic flow velocities can trigger the KHI thanks to the ion-neutral coupling.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Coexistence of periods in a bisecting bifurcation

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    The inner structure of the attractor appearing when the Varley-Gradwell-Hassell population model bifurcates from regular to chaotic behaviour is studied. By algebraic and geometric arguments the coexistence of a continuum of neutrally stable limit cycles with different periods in the attractor is explained.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    The Thermal Instability of Solar Prominence Threads

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    The fine structure of solar prominences and filaments appears as thin and long threads in high-resolution images. In H-alpha observations of filaments, some threads can be observed for only 5 - 20 minutes before they seem to fade and eventually disappear, suggesting that these threads may have very short lifetimes. The presence of an instability might be the cause of this quick disappearance. Here, we study the thermal instability of prominence threads as an explanation of their sudden disappearance from H-alpha observations. We model a prominence thread as a magnetic tube with prominence conditions embedded in a coronal environment. We assume a variation of the physical properties in the transverse direction, so that the temperature and density continuously change from internal to external values in an inhomogeneous transitional layer representing the particular prominence-corona transition region (PCTR) of the thread. We use the nonadiabatic and resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations, which include terms due to thermal conduction parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, radiative losses, heating, and magnetic diffusion. We combine both analytical and numerical methods to study linear perturbations from the equilibrium state, focusing on unstable thermal solutions. We find that thermal modes are unstable in the PCTR for temperatures higher than 80,000 K, approximately. These modes are related to temperature disturbances that can lead to changes in the equilibrium due to rapid plasma heating or cooling. For typical prominence parameters, the instability time scale is of the order of a few minutes and is independent of the form of the temperature profile within the PCTR of the thread. This result indicates that thermal instability may play an important role for the short lifetimes of threads in the observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Bifurcations in the Lozi map

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    We study the presence in the Lozi map of a type of abrupt order-to-order and order-to-chaos transitions which are mediated by an attractor made of a continuum of neutrally stable limit cycles, all with the same period.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Prominence seismology using the period ratio of transverse thread oscillations

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    The ratio of the period of the fundamental mode to that of the first overtone of kink oscillations, from here on the "period ratio", is a seismology tool that can be used to infer information about the spatial variation of density along solar magnetic flux tubes. The period ratio is 2 in longitudinally homogeneous thin tubes, but it differs from 2 due to longitudinal inhomogeneity. In this paper we investigate the period ratio in longitudinally inhomogeneous prominence threads and explore its implications for prominence seismology. We numerically solve the two-dimensional eigenvalue problem of kink oscillations in a model of a prominence thread. We take into account three nonuniform density profiles along the thread. In agreement with previous works that used simple piecewise constant density profiles, we find that the period ratio is larger than 2 in prominence threads. When the ratio of the central density to that at the footpoints is fixed, the period ratio depends strongly on the form of the density profile along the thread. The more concentrated the dense prominence plasma near the center of the tube, the larger the period ratio. However, the period ratio is found to be independent of the specific density profile when the spatially averaged density in the thread is the same for all the profiles. An empirical fit of the dependence of the period ratio on the average density is given and its use for prominence seismology is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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