123 research outputs found


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    Para llegar a una clasificación taxonómica de los paisajes geográficos: 1º, se propone una definición de la geografía; 2º, se interpreta el paisaje geográfico como un conjunto de unidades funcionales, que se denominan individuos de paisaje, los cuales permiten dividir el paisaje con un criterio objetivo; 3º, se comentan el concepto, es tructura, funcionamiento y límites del individuo de paisaje; 4º, se propone una ordenación taxonómica de los individuos de paisaje, asi como su correspondiente nomenclatura, paralelas a las usadas para los seres vivos; 5º, se mencionan 83 taxones de dicha clasificación

    Armas de papel. Quevedo y sus contemporáneos ante la guerra de Cataluña

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    Se analizan seis textos referentes a la guerra de separación de Cataluña, compuestos entre 1640 y 1646. Son obras de muy distinta factura, seleccionadas por la importancia de sus autores (Quevedo, Adam de la Parra, Pellicer, Calderón, Saavedra Fajardo y Gracián), y porque comparten, en general, una misma ideología monárquica, olivarista y castellana. Se señalan las coincidencias y matices de estos textos, y la importancia literaria de la propaganda en el siglo XVII. The author analyses six texts referring to the war of separation of Cataluña, composed between 1640 and 1646. They are fragments very different, selected due to the importance of their authors (Quevedo, Adam de la Parra, Pellicer, Calderón, Saavedra Fajardo and Gracián), and because they share, in general terms, the same monarchical, supporting Olivares and Castilian ideology. The article examines the importance of propaganda in the XVIIth century, commenting the differences and coincidences among them

    Política, prisión y achaques del viejo Quevedo (1640-1645): dos rebeliones, dos memoriales y un panegírico

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    Análisis de la escritura de Quevedo, según algunos de los textos que revelan las razones de los cambios en sus opiniones políticas: Respuesta al manifiesto del Duque de Berganza, La Rebelión de Barcelona ni es por el güevo ni es por el fuero, Memorial que escribió don Francisco de Quevedo al Conde Duque, Memorial de don Francisco de Quevedo suplicando su soltura de la prisión que padecía en san Marcos de León, Panegírico a la majestad del rey nuestro señor don Felipe IV, y algunas cartas. Los años 1640-1645 indican la incidencia de la detención, la prisión, la enfermedad y la vejez, y las obras seleccionadas muestran las opciones genéricas del escritor en cada situación, desde la lisonja, al desahogo, la crítica, el rencor o la amargura.An analysis of Quevedo’s writings in texts that reveal the reasons for the changes in his political opinions: Respuesta al manifiesto del Duque de Berganza, La Rebelión de Barcelona ni es por el güevo ni es por el fuero, Memorial que escribió don Francisco de Quevedo al Conde Duque, Memorial de don Francisco de Quevedo suplicando su soltura de la prisión que padecía en san Marcos de León, Panegírico a la majestad del rey nuestro señor don Felipe IV, as well as several of his letters. The years 1640-1645 mark the effects of his arrest, imprisonment, ailments and old age, whilst the works he wrote at that time exhibit the author’s reactions at each moment, ranging from flattery to relief, to criticism, to rancour and to bitterness

    Expresiones de rechazo introducidas por «ni» + constituyente no oracional

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    In this paper, we analyze the expressions formed by ni with non clausal phrases (noun phrase with preposition, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, infinitive, gerund). From this structure come several expressions of rejection very common ones in the current colloquial Spanish, like ni hablar, ni pensarlo, ni queriendo, ni soñando, ni de coña, etc. emerge from this structure. The starting hypothesis is that these expressions, despite coming from different base categories, have a very similar discursive behavior in conversational discourse and show a high level of grammaticalization. To carry out this research, we use the communicative exchanges included in the Corpus MEsA, which includes discourse from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, blogs, digital forums and web pages of diverse themes. The methodology followed is the Macrosintaxis model of Fuentes Rodríguez (2019a), developed from Pragmatic Linguistics (Fuentes Rodríguez 2000).En este trabajo, nos proponemos llevar a cabo un análisis de las expresiones resultantes de la combinación de ni con diversos constituyentes no oracionales (sintagma nominal con preposición, sintagma adjetival, sintagma adverbial, infinitivo, gerundio), del que proceden diversas expresiones de rechazo muy frecuentes en el español coloquial actual (ni hablar, ni pensarlo, ni queriendo, ni soñando, ni de coña, etc.). Partimos de la hipótesis de que las distintas expresiones, a pesar de provenir de categorías base distintas precedidas por ni, presentan un comportamiento discursivo muy similar en el discurso conversacional y presentan un alto grado de fijación. Para realizar esta investigación nos basamos, principalmente, en los intercambios comunicativos recogidos en el Corpus MEsA, el cual está compuesto por discurso procedente de Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, blogs, foros digitales y páginas web de temática diversa. Tomamos como metodología el modelo de Macrosintaxis de Fuentes Rodríguez (2019a), desarrollado desde la Lingüística Pragmática (Fuentes Rodríguez 2000)

    Caracterización de la dehiscencia bilateral del conducto semicircular superior

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    In the superior canal dehiscence syndrome, patients can have sound- or pressure-induced vertigo and oscillopsia. They may also present conductive hearing loss or higher than normal bone conduction thresholds. Clinical manifestations are due to the effect of a third mobile window in the inner ear created by the dehiscence. Diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations, vertical and rotatory nystagmus induced by sound and pressure reflecting SSC stimulation, reduced threshold and increased amplitude of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) and temporal bone CT scan images showing the SSC dehiscence. Characteristic eye movements can be recorded with the scleral search coil technique

    Vestibulo-Oculomotor Reflex Recording Using the Scleral Search Coil Technique. Review of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders

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    Our goal is to review vestibulo-oculomotor reflex (VOR) studies on several peripheral vestibular disorders (Ménière’s disease, vestibular neuritis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, superior canal dehiscence syndrome, and vestibular neuroma), using the scleral search coil (SSC) technique. Head movements are detected by vestibular receptors and the elicited VOR is responsible for compensatory 3 dimensional eye movements. Therefore, to study the VOR it is necessary to assess the direction and velocity of 3 dimensional head, and eye movements. This can be achieved using the SSC technique. Interaction between a scleral search coil and an alternating magnetic field generates an electrical signal that is proportional to eye position. Ideally, eye rotation axis is aligned with head rotation axis and VOR gain (eye velocity/head velocity) for horizontal and vertical head rotations is almost 1. The VOR gain, however, for torsional head rotations is smaller and about 0.

    Yellowtail Flounder Length at Maturity in the Grand Bank (1995-98)

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    In this paper yellowtail length at maturity estimates based data collected in the spring Spanish surveys in the Regulatory Area of Divisions 3NO are presented. Female length at 50 % maturity decreased from 35 cm in 1995 to 23 cm in 1998. In males, this parameter decreased from 23 cm in 1995 to 19 cm in 1998. The differences in L50 estimates in females were significant between 1997 and the previous years , and between 1998 and both 1996 and 1995, and were not significant between 1997 and 1998. In males, differences were significant between all the years, except between 1997 and 1998. The covariance analysis between the linearized maturity curves were highly significant in both sexes

    Data on sharks in NAFO Divisions 3LMNO: 1991-1998

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    A review of the species composition, distribution and abundance of sharks in both the Spanish commercial catches (1991-98) and research surveys (1988-98) are carried out. Shark species are by-catches of Greenland halibut fishery. The proportion of shark species in the total catch is small and the main retained species is the black dogfish, whereas the main discard is the boreal shark. Since 1996 the retained proportion of black dogfish increase notably, as well as the proportion of total sharks. In the surveys this shark is the species with the highest biomass index. Black dogfish is found in the deepest waters. The length range of black dogfish is mainly between 50 and 80 cm, with a mode about 62-63 cm. No evident geographic pattern in the length distribution is observed during the studied period

    Resultados de los potenciales evocados miogénicos vestibulares en el vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno

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    Objective: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) seems to occur because of otoconia migration into the semicircular canals or their adherence to the cupula. Although the origin of these otoconia lies in the macula of the utricle, vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) can be used assess saccular function. The aim of this study is to assess the saccular function in patients diagnosed with BPPV. Patients and method: Nineteen patients diagnosed with BPPV of the posterior semicircular canal were included in this study. Their auditory function and their caloric, rotatory chair, and VEMP responses were tested. Ipsilateral and contralateral VEMP thresholds, ipsilateral and contralateral p13 and n23 latencies at 100 dB, inter-peak amplitude and the interaural amplitude difference were determined. Results: We found a lack of VEMP response in 52 % of the ears with BPPV. When adjusted for bilateral absence, VEMP response was absent in 20.3 % of ears. Conclusions: Some patients with idiopathic BPPV show a degree of saccular dysfunction