210 research outputs found

    Size fractionation of trace elements in the surface water and groundwater of the Ganjiang River and Xiushui River basins, China

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    The research of trace element behaviour and size fractionation is significant to understand the processes in the water-rock system. Moreover, the aqueous speciation of trace elements is strongly related to their distribution and toxicity. In this research, trace elements behaviour and their size fractionation are investigated in the natural water (the surface water and shallow groundwater) of the Ganjiang River and Xiushui River basins. Trace element concentrations were measured by ICP-MS. The authors estimated the size fractionation of the trace elements between suspended forms (>0.45 [mu]m) and dissolved fractions, which included truly dissolved (1 kDa) and colloidal particles (0.45 [mu]m-1 kDa)), after filtration through a 0.45 [mu]m acetate cellulose membrane filter. The distinct features of the trace element size fractionation were identified. The size fractionation of the trace elements under different conditions (in the surface water and shallow groundwater) was studied

    What can be recommended to engineering teachers from the analysis of 16 European teaching and learning best practices?

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    European Higher Education institutions have been implementing active learning strategies in different contexts. In order to learn and disseminate these approaches, it is important to understand how these successful active learning strategies can be implemented in new contexts. The EXTEND ERASMUS+ project aims to develop Engineering Education Centres in Russia and Tajikistan in order to make a contribution for the development of these countries' schools of Engineering. One of the first steps in pursue of this objective is the study of European teaching and learning best practices and the definition of a set of useful recommendations for the teachers of Engineering schools. A question raised by this approach was what can be recommended to engineering teachers from the analysis of teaching and learning best practices? The objective of this paper is to develop a method for the analysis and recommendations and to present the results of the application of this method in 16 European teaching and learning best practices. The method was qualitative and developed by brainstorming between experts of the projects from different areas of knowledge. This method included the definition of a glossary, selection of best practices, collection of the information, analysis in relation to the best practices, analysis of maturity levels regarding the current level of partner countries and development of collaborative recommendations. The main recommendations for the Russia and Tajik contexts are to develop Project Based Learning approaches in interaction with industry, and additionally for Tajik partners to develop entrepreneurial and management competences in engineering students.This work is based on outcomes of the project EXTEND –“Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan” that has been funded with support from the European Commission (Project Number: 586060-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The authors would like to thank to the members of the consortium and all that made possible to collect the data we used in this paper.This work has been supported by FCT –Fundação para aCiência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UIDCEC003192019


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    Introduction. Modern society is characterized by the formation of a new socio-cultural environment, which is based on a wide access to a variety of sources of information. Mass distribution of the Internet has a direct impact on socialization processes of the representatives of “Z-generation” who spend enormous amount of time in a cyberspace, quite often losing at the same time an ability of real personal development, interest in acquisition of skills for real interaction and effective communication. In this regard, the research of a phenomenon of a new, virtual identity of the personality, which is formed in the Internet environment, is brought into focus. The aim of the present publication is to consider the current level of knowledge in the field of virtual identity and systematization of scientific knowledge of this phenomenon. Methodology and research methods. Theoretical analysis, methods of synthesis and generalization were used. Results and scientific novelty. Various approaches to interpretation of virtual identity are considered; research tendencies are highlighted. The concepts “real identity” and “virtual identity” are viewed in relation to each other; the features and risks of virtual identity formation are revealed. The functions of virtual identity are specified. It is revealed that virtual identity reflects the subjectively significant image of the “Ideal-I” which is compiled from the completed material, character set and graphic images of the Internet environment, and therefore does not possess the uniqueness. Factors of designing by the person of virtual identity are described. Virtual identity can arise as a result of dissatisfaction with real identity, as a consequence of the identification crisis, in which the individual loses integrity. At the same time, it is shown that the cyberspace gives ample opportunities for self-expression and maximum personal fulfillment, realization of qualities, playing of roles and experience of emotions which turn out to be frustrated under any circumstances in real life. Problem areas of excessive immersion into virtual space are identified. An immature personality can lose life orientations as well as acquire the programmed decisions and ready cogitative patterns through excessive Internet use. The social activity in the Internet environment significantly reduces the moral level of communication on social networking sites and messengers. Aspiration always “to be online”, fear to miss a new message or a post aggravate anxiety of the user, increase the feeling of fatigue and uncontrollable temper, scant attention and strongwilled self-regulation, aggravation of a hypodynamia.The authors conclude that is required to continue to study the specifics of socialization in the Internet environment since it generates new forms of age development, changes the tasks and ideas of children and teenagers about social relations, and transforms an ideal image of the subsequent age stages in their consciousness. Practical significance. The results of the work carried out can be applied in the activities of teachers, social educators, educators, psychologists and other specialists who deal with the questions of socialization of modern children and adolescents. Введение. В современном обществе продолжается формирование социокультурной среды, основной характеристикой которой является свободный доступ к разнообразным источникам информации. Массовое распространение сети Интернет оказывает непосредственное влияние на процессы социализации представителей «Z-поколения», которые проводят колоссальное количество времени в киберпространстве, нередко утрачивая при этом способность реального личностного развития, интерес к приобретению навыков реального взаимодействия и эффективных, ничем не опосредованных коммуникаций. В связи с этим актуализируется исследование феномена новой, виртуальной идентичности личности, формирующейся в интернет-среде. Цель публикации – обсуждение современного состояния изучения виртуальной идентичности и систематизация научных знаний о данном феномене. Методы, применявшиеся в работе, – теоретический анализ, синтез и обобщение. Результаты и научная новизна. Рассмотрены различные подходы к интерпретации виртуальной идентичности, обозначены тенденции ее исследования. Соотнесены понятия «реальная идентичность» и «виртуальная идентичность», выявлены особенности и риски формирования последней. Уточнены функции виртуальной идентичности. В общем виде она отражает субъективно-значимый образ «идеального Я», который, однако, компилируется из готового материала, набора символов и графических изображений интернет-среды и поэтому не обладает уникальностью. Описаны факторы конструирования человеком виртуальной идентичности, чаще всего возникающей по причине неудовлетворенности индивида своей реальной идентичностью или вследствие кризиса идентификации, при котором личность утрачивает целостность. Вместе с тем показано, что киберпространство предоставляет широкие возможности для самовыражения и максимального раскрытия личностного потенциала, реализации качеств, проигрывания ролей и переживания эмоций, оказавшихся из-за каких-либо обстоятельств фрустрированными в реальной жизни. Определены проблемные зоны чрезмерного погружения в виртуальное пространство. Злоупотребляя пребыванием в нем, незрелая личность может потерять жизненные ориентиры, усвоить запрограммированные решения и готовые мыслительные штампы. Социальное расторможение в интернет-среде существенно снижает морально-нравственный уровень коммуникации в социальных сетях и мессенджерах. Стремление всегда «быть онлайн», страх пропустить новое сообщение или пост усиливают тревожность пользователя, приводят к повышению у него утомляемости и раздражительности, ослаблению внимания и волевой регуляции, обострению гиподинамии.Сделан вывод о необходимости продолжения изучения специфики социализации в интернет-среде, поскольку она вырабатывает новые формы возрастного развития, изменяя его задачи и представления детей и подростков о социальных отношениях, трансформируя в их сознании идеальный образ последующих возрастных этапов. Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи могут найти применение в деятельности социальных педагогов, педагогов-психологов и иных специалистов, занимающихся вопросами детской и подростковой социализации.

    The main approaches to the design the course «Mathematical modeling» master’s training

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    The article discusses the main ideas of the construction of the educational process of the course «Mathematical modeling» for the mastersРассматриваются основные идеи построения образовательного процесса курса «Математическое моделирование» для магистро

    Applicability of the Online Short Spatial Ability Battery to university students testing

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    Introduction. Multiple studies advocate an importance of spatial abilities (SA) for educational and occupational success, especially in STEM. Recently an Online Short Spatial Ability Battery (OSSAB) was developed and normed for SA testing in adolescents. The battery includes mechanical reasoning, paper folding, pattern assembly, and shape rotation tests. The battery has shown good psychometric characteristics (high reliability and validity, low redundancy, discriminative power), and is available in open access and free to use. Aim. The present research aims: 1) to examine the applicability of the OSSAB for university student testing; 2) to describe its psychometric properties and structure; and 3) to investigate links between SA and educational performance. Methods. A total of 772 university students (aged from 18 to 26, mean age (SD) = 19.55 (1.51), 63.1% females) participated in the study. Participants provided information about their age, gender, university major, and academic achievement, and completed a battery of tests that included the OSSAB tests. Results. The study reports psychometric norms for using the OSSAB in university students. Students’ performance in the OSSAB was similar to that shown in previous research in adolescents in terms of means and variance. The OSSAB showed adequate psychometric properties in this sample: no floor or ceiling effects; low redundancy; moderate to high internal consistency; high discriminative power across university majors; and high external validity. The results indicated that around 6% of the students showed very high levels of SA (higher than 1.5 SD above the mean), and around 8% of students showed very low levels of SA (lower than 1.5 SD below mean). In addition, the OSSAB scores were linked to educational profile choice and exam scores, with small-to-medium effect sizes. Scientific novelty. The study provides psychometric norms for a short online open measure of spatial ability in university students. Practical significance. The OSSAB can be used to provide individual recommendations to students (e.g. SA training), to identify spatially gifted students, and for research purposes in university contexts


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    The main recipe component of most types of flour confectionery is wheat flour, the technological properties of which largely effect not only the quality indicators of the finished product, but also the stability of the technological flow of its production. However, today, in Russia there are no specialized requirements for the quality of wheat flour for confectionery, in contrast to the requirements for the baking wheat flour. The article lists the main problems and features of the quality of Russian wheat flour consisting in the absence of target classifications of grain and a decrease in its qualitative potential, in particular, a decrease in the amount of gluten and improvement of its quality. As part of the work, the influence of the technological properties of wheat flour on the rheological parameters of the dough and the quality of sugar cookies, which are traditionally in high demand of population groups of every age, was studied, while the share of domestic products is more than 85%. The work was performed in the laboratory of flour confectionery products of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry. The determination of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products was carried out by standard methods.The main recipe component of most types of flour confectionery is wheat flour, the technological properties of which largely effect not only the quality indicators of the finished product, but also the stability of the technological flow of its production. However, today, in Russia there are no specialized requirements for the quality of wheat flour for confectionery, in contrast to the requirements for the baking wheat flour. The article lists the main problems and features of the quality of Russian wheat flour consisting in the absence of target classifications of grain and a decrease in its qualitative potential, in particular, a decrease in the amount of gluten and improvement of its quality. As part of the work, the influence of the technological properties of wheat flour on the rheological parameters of the dough and the quality of sugar cookies, which are traditionally in high demand of population groups of every age, was studied, while the share of domestic products is more than 85%. The work was performed in the laboratory of flour confectionery products of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry. The determination of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products was carried out by standard methods

    Psychological and digital factors of student attitudes towards multitasking

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    Introduction. Despite the evidence from the cognitive approach that performance decreases under multitasking conditions, multitasking is increasingly seen as an important skill to develop, especially among young people. Aim. The present research aims to reveal personal (personal traits, satisfaction of basic needs) and digital (user activity, combined activity, attitude to technology, digital competence) factors of subjective assessment of multitasking in students and their attitude to multitasking. Methodology and research methods. In the course of the research, 260 students of Moscow universities answered questions about their multitasking and their attitude to it, and then filled out the scales for assessing subjective well-being, attitudes towards learning, personal traits, basic psychological needs, user and combined activity, attitudes to technology, digital competence and the desire for digitalisation of education. The data were processed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation analysis, group comparison methods (Pearson’s Chi-square, Student’s t-test). Results. According to the estimates of the students, they spend almost half of their daytime combining different activities. Most of students consider multitasking as a useful skill and would like to improve it. Higher multitasking scores are associated with greater conscientiousness, openness to experience, competence, positive emotions, as well as technophilia, digital skills. The desire to improve own multitasking is higher among students with a higher level of combined activity, technophilia, technorationality, as well as among students, who higher estimate the opportunities of digitalisation in education. Two out of three students consider multitasking as a useful ability; every second student thinks that multitasking can be developed by training. Multitasking and the desire to improve it are related to the attitude towards multitasking as a trained and developed skill, while the idea of its usefulness or uniqueness is practically not related to psychological and digital factors. Further research may be aimed at revealing relationships between subjective multitasking with activity diary data and experimentally organised multitasking. Scientific novelty. The attitude to multitasking format among young people was investigated from the perspective of a comprehensive approach, which combines personal characteristics and peculiarities of online activity. Practical significance. The peculiarities of students’ attitudes towards multitasking as a personal choice of doing several things simultaneously, reflecting among other things a positive attitude towards multitasking and a desire to develop it, can become a significant component to develop educational programmes, as well as important knowledge to provide interaction between teachers and students under the conditions of digitalisation in education.Введение. Несмотря на данные когнитивного подхода о снижении продуктивности при одновременном выполнении нескольких дел, многозадачность все чаще рассматривается как важный развиваемый навык, особенно среди молодежи. Целью исследования является выявление личностных (личностные особенности, удовлетворенность базовых потребностей) и цифровых (пользовательская активность, совмещенная активность, отношение к технологиям, цифровая компетентность) факторов субъективной оценки многозадачности у студентов и их отношения к многозадачности. Методология, методы и методики. 260 студентов московских вузов отвечали на вопросы о своей многозадачности и отношении к ней, а затем заполняли шкалы оценки субъективного благополучия, отношения к учебе, личностных особенностей, базовых психологических потребностей, пользовательской и совмещенной активности, отношения к технологиям, цифровой компетентности и стремления к цифровизации образования. Данные обрабатывались при помощи методов описательной статистики, корреляционного анализа Пирсона, методов сравнения групп (Хи-квадрат Пирсона, t-критерий Стьюдента). Результаты. По оценкам студентов, почти половину времени бодрствования они проводят, совмещая решение разных задач. В целом студенты хотели бы улучшить свою способность к многозадачности, рассматривая ее как полезное умение. Более высокие оценки своей многозадачности у них связаны с большей добросовестностью, открытостью опыту, компетентностью, положительными эмоциями, а также технофилией, цифровыми навыками. Стремление улучшить свою компетентность выше у студентов с более высоким уровнем совмещенной активности, технофилии, технорациональности, а также у студентов, которые выше оценивают возможности цифровизации образования. Двое из трех студентов считают многозадачность полезной способностью, каждый второй – что ее можно развивать тренировкой. Многозадачность и стремление ее улучшить определяются отношением к многозадачности как тренируемому и развиваемому умению, тогда как представления о ее полезности и уникальности практически не связаны с психологическими и цифровыми факторами. Дальнейшие исследования могут быть направлены на сопоставление субъективной многозадачности с данными дневниковых исследований и экспериментально организованной многозадачностью. Научная новизна. Было исследовано отношение к формату многозадачности у молодых людей сквозь призму комплексного подхода, сочетающего личностные особенности и особенности онлайн-активности. Практическая значимость. Особенности отношения к формату многозадачности как личному выбору выполнения нескольких дел одновременно, отражающие в том числе позитивное отношение к многозадачности и желание ее развивать, могут стать значимой составляющей разработки образовательных программ, а также важным знанием при взаимодействии педагогов и студентов в условиях цифровизации образования.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (проект № 19-29-14181мк «Многозадачность в структуре цифровой социализации: когнитивные и личностные факторы эффективности в контексте цифровизации общего образования»). Авторы выражают признательность рецензентам, которые работали с этой статьей.This study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-29-14181mk “Multitasking in the Structure of Digital Socialisation: Cognitive and Personal Efficiency Factors in the Context of digitalisation of General Education”). The authors thank the reviewers for taking the time and effort necessary to review the manuscript


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    The article presents the experience of using projective methods to study the attitude to the death of adolescents. There were 120 adolescents aged 14–16 participated in the research. The analysis of the stories (TAT) revealed the peculiarities of adolescents’ attitude to death: focus on the present and feelings, difficulties in understanding oneself and one’s experience, the significance of the topic of death, death is understood as loss.В статье представлен опыт применения проективных методов для исследования отношения к смерти подростков. В исследованиях приняли участие 120 подростков 14–16 лет. Анализ рассказов выявил особенности отношения подростков к смерти: сосредоточенность на настоящем и переживаниях, трудности в осмыслении себя и своего опыта, значимость темы смерти, смерть понимается как утрата

    Фактор запаздывания и десинхронизация колебаний связанных осцилляторов ФитцХью-Нагумо

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    The dynamics of two weakly coupled close oscillators FitzHugh - Nagumo occuring in the simulation of the electric impulse exchange between nerve cells is considered. The delay in a connecting element between two oscillators is taken into account. Despite of the weakness of interaction, it is shown by local asymptotic methods that the introduction of a delay leads to significant changes in the script of phase reconstructions. The corresponding numerical analysis allows us to demonstrate that the introduction of the appropriate delay let us avoid the situation of the coexistence of a stable synchronous cycle and nonsynchronous oscillations.Изучается динамика слабого взаимодействия пары близких осцилляторов типа ФитцХью-Нагумо, возникающих при моделировании электрического обмена импульсами между нервными клетками. В цепи связи между осцилляторами учтено запаздывание прохождения импульса. Локальными асимптотическими методами показано, что, несмотря на слабость взаимодействия, введение запаздывания приводит к существенным изменениям в сценарии фазовых перестроек. Соответствующий численный анализ позволил продемонстрировать, что введение подходящего запаздывания позволяет избежать ситуации, в которой сосуществуют устойчивый синхронный цикл и несинхронные колебания

    Modelling of regulatory factor and managerial impact assessment in the regional economy sectors: a case-study of the Kaliningrad region (Russia)

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    This article discusses the methodology of developing tools for assessing regulatory factors and managerial impacts on the regional economy and individual sectors and businesses. The potential of projection models is investigated, including balance models, convergence of regional and sectoral projection and compiling reliable and representative data sets capable of describing the current economic situation. An attempt was made to develop a series of models for several regional economies; to that end, the modelling of managerial and regulatory impact assessment was used in combination with the well-known value chain approach. In the interests of effective public administration, one of the requirements is to create sectoral model formats compatible with the regional projection models. Results of pilot modelling managerial and regulatory impacts on Kaliningrad region’s economies are presented through examples of agribusiness, transport, industry, tourism and recreation. Implementation of regulatory impact modelling in the framework of the suggested approach is proved for other regions. The main advantage of the developed models for the regional management is their ability to reduce uncertainty in decision-making due to obtaining estimates of the impact of the decisions on the changing situation and the conditions for the development of sectors and industries