496 research outputs found

    Assessing Organizational Capacity in Housing Provision: a Survey of Public Housing Agencies in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Organizational capacity is essential for effective implementation of policies and programmes. Consequently, assessment of organizational capacity helps organizations to identify their strength and weakness in order to make informed decisions about how best to address challenges they face. The goal of this study was to assess the status of organizational capacity of public housing agencies in housing provision in Ogun State Southwest Nigeria. It was motivated by a gap in literature on the specific areas that contribute most to organizational capacity of public agencies in housing provision in Nigeria. Using questionnaire as the principal data collection instrument, primary data were collected from randomly selected 90 staff members involved in the design, planning, implementation and management of public housing projects in four public housing agencies in the study area. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and the result showed that most respondents felt that the overall organizational capacity of the agencies in housing provision was adequate. Management capacity was found to be slightly higher than resource capacity with the agencies having most strength in leadership style and weakness in the methods of administration of funds for housing projects. Substantial need and capacity building was found in critical areas such as funding, staff motivation and methods of dispensing of funds for housing projects. The paper suggests that partnerships with private sector organizations, robust staff well-fare schemes and re-training of staff can enhance organizational capacity of public agencies in public housing provision in Nigeria and other developing countries

    Urban Socio-economic Development and Intra-city travel in Ogun state, Nigeria

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    This study is on influence of socio-economic development of urban centers on intra-city trip generation in Ogun state, Nigeria. The proportion of the aggregate socio-economic variables in each city was used to rank the cities in hierarchical order of development while the average household trip per week was used to rank cities on trip generation. Spearman rank correlation was used to establish nature and extent of relationship between level of urban development and frequency of trip generation of urban centers. The urban centers exhibit hierarchical development pattern both in level of development and trip generation. Abeokuta dominates the distribution of socio-economic variables with aggregate average of 31.22%. This is followed by Ijebu-Ode (14.41%) and Sagamu (10.33%). In the same manner, Abeokuta has the highest average of household trip generation in the state. Ijebu-ode and Sagamu followed with 43 trips per week each. There is a significant high positive correlation coefficient (r=0.75, p≤0.01) between level of urban development and household trip generation. With coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.56, 56% of variation in household trip generation in Ogun state is explained by level of socio-economic development of cities. This suggests the needs to be critical in using socio-economic characteristics of residents alone as measures of determinants of household travel behavior as done in several previous studies in  transport research.Key words: Intra-urban, trip generation, Socio-economic development, urban centers, Nigeria, OgunState

    Socio-economic characteristics of urban residents and intra-urban trip generation: an illustration from Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The developed and emerging urban centres of today generate and attract complex trip pattern because of their multifarious functions. However, concentration of trip generation studies on developed urban centres in Nigeria creates the need for such exercise in the emerging cities. This study thus, focused on socio-economic characteristics of urban residents and their influences on intra-urban trip generation in Abeokuta, an intermediate urban centre in Nigeria. Data on twelve socio-economic characteristics of residents and trip generation pattern were collected from 429 households in the chosen urban centre. Simple bivariate correlation and multiple regression techniques were used to process data generated. Six socio-economic characteristics of residents significantly account for 53.80% (F = 82.001, p ≤ 0.01) of variation in the criterion. In order of importance, the variables and their level of contribution are: Number of workers 37.70% (t = 16.074, p ≤ 0.01), age 6.90%, (t = 7.294, p ≤ 0.01), rent 4.90% (t = 6.429, p ≤ 0.01), occupation 2.60% (t = 4.758, p ≤ 0.01), length of stay 0.80% (t = 2.693, p ≤ 0.01) and income 0.90% (t = 2.933, p ≤ 0.01). Emerging/intermediate urban centres in Nigeria have similar pattern as major centres in terms of trip generation and this deserves adequate attention to avoid the crisis experienced in the major urban centres in the future. Key Words: Trip generation, Urbancentres, Socio-economic variables, Intra-Urban travel, Trip determinants, Nigeri

    Spatial pattern and organisational structure of intra - urban trips in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This study examines spatial pattern and organization of intra-urban trips in Ogun State, Nigeria. Data on intra-urban travels for various purposes were collected from 2,100 households in 14 selected urban centres through questionnaire survey. The percentage distribution technique was used to establish the aggregate proportion of intra-urban trips to different land uses on weekdays and weekends’ basis. The variation in intra-urban trips for different purposes was examined using analysis of variance while interrelationships between the trips were examined through correlation technique. Intra-urban trips are generated for work, school, religious, recreation, shopping, social and others [errands, pleasure visit, etc].Work and school trips dominate with 34 and 35% of aggregate trips respectively. Religious trips follow with 14% while other trip types feature in lower proportion: shopping [7%], social [4.12%], recreation [3%] and others [2%]. Trips for different purposes are positively correlated (r≥0.9, P≤0.01) although significant variation exists in their number for different purposes across the cities. (F=4.142, P≤0.01). About 90% and 95% of work and school trips respectively in each urban centre are generated on week days .About 66% of recreation trips, 84% of religious trips 96% of social trips and over 50% of trips categorized as others are generated on weekends in different urban centres. Shopping trips feature remarkably across weekdays and weekends. There is high positive relationship between weekday and weekend trips (r=0.99, P≤0.01). The study recommends the need to closely monitor the relative location of work and educational land uses in relation to residences in an attempt to manage intra-urban commuting on weekdays. The detail characteristics of recreation, religious, and social trips are recommended for effective management of intra-urban trips on weekends. Interdependent nature of intra-urban trips calls for holistic approach to general intra-urban trips planning. Key Words: Intra-urban trips, urban trips organization, trip generation, trip planning, weekend trips, weekday trips

    The Quality of Sovereignty

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    Proposed amendments for consideration in the review of the copyright and trademarks protection for the digital environment in Nigeria

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis considers the manner in which Nigerian intellectual property law regulates the digital environment. The main question it asks is whether existing intellectual property law adequately balances and protects the rights of rightholders and users in the digital environment


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    Information literacy competency is an essential skill needed by all library personnel in rendering their services efficiently and effectively. This study examines the information literacy competence of library personnel on answering users’ queries in selected university libraries in Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 20 university libraries in Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria for the study. Data were obtained through the use of structured questionnaire. Findings revealed that “How to access library resources and services” (4.63) was ranked highest by the mean score and was followed in succession by “Locating material in the library and beyond (using other libraries, interlibrary loans)” (4.38), the challenges encountered by library personnel on answering users’ queries in selected university libraries in Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria. “Lack of periodic training on information literacy skills” (2.62), It was therefore recommended that there should be sponsorship to attend workshop and conferences, both local and foreign in order to increase library personnel’s skills in answering users’ queries, and that latest information technology should be used by library personnel on answering users’ queries

    Opinion and Perception of Treasury Single Account Implementation: Implications for Revenue Generation and Utilisation in Nigeria

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    This study investigated opinion and perception of Treasury Single Account (TSA) adoption in Nigeria. This was with the view to highlighting TSA implications for revenue generation and utilisation in the country. Data were collected through the administration of structured questionnaire. The study analysed a total sample size of 200 purposively selected among Federal, State, Local Government and Private Sector Employees. The selection was purposive because the subject of investigation required education and awareness of its adoption in Nigeria. The outcome variable was perception dichotomised into positive and negative perception. Data were analysed using frequency and percentages, as well as analytic weighted mean. Result showed variation in acceptability attitude towards TSA implementation in Nigeria; 23.4% of respondents reported negative perception (non acceptability); and 76.6% of respondents reported positive perception (acceptability). The main factor that accounted for positive perception was the need to block all avenues of revenue leakages in the country, while the main factor that accounted for negative perception was the unavailability of funds to meets citizens’ welfare needs. The study concluded that there are needs to improve public awareness of the benefits of TSA implementation in the country. Such awareness may optimize revenue generation and utilisation in Nigeria
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