316 research outputs found

    Strongmen of Political Party at Local Level: A Case Study on Fight between Blater and Lora Elites in Partai Amanat Nasional in Malang, Indonesia

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    The study aims to describe the political party's local elite in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Previous researchers found out that there were variation, relation and interaction among political elites at the local level. In Malang, a district of East Java Province, there are some local power of politics in practice namely Blater elite and Lora elite. Blater is a group of local strongmen who has strong collabo- ration with the elite oligarchy at the level local. Both of them have done unfair practice of nepotism in the field of politics to achieve power of Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) at the local level. On the other hand, Lora elite is a group of local strongmen, working together in synergy with the democratic elite to have access to power of the political party. In short, both of the political elites have been competitive to get the power of PAN. The following are the findings of the research:1) The existence of political party strongmen shows that the capacity of indi- vidual of the elites has the authority to determine various power context of the political party; 2) In the context of power, the existence of political party strongmen can limit and reduce the implementation of the political party regulation in the internal dynamics of the local inner circle of political party; and 3) Close relations depends upon a symbiotic relationship and the expression of mutual interest between the strongmen blater and the oligarchy so that patron-client relation could take place


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    The development of the banking industry can not be separated from the Central Bank of Indonesia as an authority to supervise banks in Indonesia. Law number 23 year 1999 about the central bank of Indonesia is a reference to the regulations of central bank in carrying out their duties. In the 34 sections of Law number 23 year 1999 as amended by Law number 3 year 2004 mandated the transfer of authority to the supervision of central bank to new institutions, namely the Financial Services Authority. But in the 4 sections (1) subsections was declared the authority of Bank Indonesia, the central bank one of which is to regulate and supervise banks. So there is a conflict between the norms of the sections. So there is a conflict between the norm of the sections. There is also the contradiction of sections in the law number 21 in 2011 about financial services authority which led to a norm that is blurred namely between sectionsƂĀ  40 to sections 7 of the letters d and sections 39 with sections 8 of the letters d related to the authority which has moved to the financial services authority but bank indonesia can still carry it out.Keywords: supervision, Indonesia Bank, Financial Services Authorit

    Moderate Da'wah and National Resilience: A Case Study at the Bandung Regency Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB)

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    This study tries to offer constructive preaching to build national resilience by highlighting Islamic moderation (wasaį¹­iyyatul Islam) through a series of moderate daā€™wah. This research was conducted through a qualitative approach using the case study method on a series of activities carried out by the Bandung Regency Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) to build a spirit of tolerance, moderation and national harmony. Research data were collected through observation techniques, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results of the study concluded that wasaį¹­iyyatul Islām is an authentic character of Islamic law that reflects i'tidāl (perpendicularity) and istiqāmah (consistency) in aį¹£-į¹£irāth al-mustaqÄ«m (straight path). Islam is moderate as long as it is understood in the corridor of truth. Islam, with its wasaį¹­iyyah nature, should also be preached mildly. Muqābalah moderation is not radicalism but extremity. Radical da'wah is not a problem as long as istiqāmah is in the corridor of moderation. Preaching radically moderate Islam is certainly not justified. Extreme da'wah undermines Islamic moderation and contradicts Islamic law itself. Islamic moderation necessitates its adherents to practice Islamic law moderately. Moderate da'wah socializes Islam to be practised by its followers mildly. Religious moderation is an essential social capital for national resilience. FKUB Bandung Regency has a strategic role in building spiritual awareness in an emancipatory manner, empowering religious communities in a participatory way, building collective and collaborative partnerships, and formulating transformative diversity dialogues. Thus, the existence of FKUB in Bandung Regency can be seen as a social entity that impacts building a spirit of moderate da'wah to realize a religious ecosystem that strengthens national resilience

    Semiotika al-Qurā€™an: Pendekatan Baru Studi Islam (Telaah atas Asmaā€™ al-Qurā€™an)

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    The Integration-Interconnection Paradigm requires the use of new approaches in Islamic studies, including the study of the Qur'an. Semiotics is one of the modern and post-modern approaches that are recently favored. This article intends to look at the principles of semiotics and how to exemplify their application in the study of the Qur'an. This approach is seen as able to provide developments for Asma 'al-Qur'an' theory which has so far seen stagnant. This approach has the potential to bring the theory to a more progressive direction, namely as the Qur'an's self-identity

    Perbandingan metode resitasi dan inquiry dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas VIII A dan B pada mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak materi beriman kepada kitab-kitab Allah: di MTs Negeri 1 Kab Bekasi

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    Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di Mts Negeri 1 Kabupaten Bekasi melalui pengamatan serta wawancara guru mata pelajaran akidah ahlak diperoleh informasi mengenai rendahnya hasil belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran akidah ahlak materi beriman kepada kitab kitab allah, yang dibuktikan dari hasil belajar siswa yang masih di bawah KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). Kemungkinan penyebabnya pembelajaran masih menggunakan metode yang kurang efektif dan kreatif. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) Untuk mengetahui penerapan metode resitasi dan inquiry pada mata pelajaran Akidah Ahlak terhadap siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri 1 Kabupaten Bekasi. (2) Untuk mengetahui Hasil belajar dengan menggunakan Metode resitasi dan inqury pada mata pelajaran Akidah Ahlak terhadap Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Negeri 1 Kabupaten Bekas. (3) Untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Akidah Ahlak dengan menggunakan Metode resitasi dan inquiry di kelas VIII Di MTs Negeri 1 kabupaten Bekasi. Penelitian ini bertolak pada pemikiran bahwa salah satu yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar adalah metode yang digunakan oleh pendidik saat pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan hendaknya dapat memberikan hasil yang baik, efisien dan efektif. Oleh karena itu guru dituntut untuk dapat menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang dapat merangsang keaktifan dan minat peserta didik dalam belajar serta sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Experimen dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Desain. Objek digunakan adalah 2 kelas yaitu kelas VIII A dan kelas VIII B sebanyak 56 siswa. Alat pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yakni kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka sedangkan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan statistik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbandingan hasil belajar kelas yang menggunakan metode resitasi memiliki nilai N-gain 0.4 dengan kriteria sedang, sedangkan kelas yang menggunakan metode inquiry memiliki nilai N-gain 0.5 dengan kriteria sedang, adapun hasil penelitian soal pretest metode resitasi 49 sedangkan metode inquiry 42 adapun disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar antara menggunakan metode resitasi dan metode inquiry tetapi tidak signifikan karena dilihat pada nilai n-gain masih terdapat pada kurva yang sama antara 0.4 dan 0.5. dan dapat dilihat bahwa metode resitasi salah satu metode yang paling baik memberikan perubahan terhadap hasil belajar siswa di bandingkan metode inqury

    Strategi Dakwah Syekh Ghazali

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    Amid this postmodern era, dakwah has to undergo a sort of paradigm shift at a strategic level in line with rapid development of information and communication technology. In terms of this, Syekh Ghazali promotes three strategies. First, dakwah needs to focus and be oriented to universal tenets of Islam. In so doing, it might neglect such trivial affairs and particular aspects of Islam as the so-called furĆ»'iyyah and juz'iyyĆ¢t. Second, dakwah needs to be moderate in nature without being trapped in any extremism, neither fundamentalist right nor liberalist left. Third, dakwah need to be tapped through multimedia in such a way that it would reach people of any segments at any social levels

    Reconstructing Daā€™wah of Salafi in Shaikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali Works

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    Salafism has developed into different interpretations and understandings. Every daā€™wah movement claims to follow Salafi way of its own interpretation. This study aims at portraying one of Salafi understandings and its Salafi daā€™wah. This research used literature review to reconstruct the model of first emerging daā€™wah according to Shaikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, a 20th century daā€™wah thinker and practicioner. It used his works that are supposed to bear objective, original views, and understanding on Salafism and Salafi daā€™wah. The study shows that since the time of the prophet the core characteristics of Salafi daā€™wah are criticism, constructivism, and moderation.Ā Ā  Ā Salafisme telah berkembang menjadi beragam interpretasi dan pemahaman. Setiap gerakan dakwah mengklaim mengikuti cara Salafi dalam interpretasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan salah satu pemahaman Salafi dan dakwah Salafi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis literatur untuk merekonstruksi model pertama kemunculan dakwah menurut Shaikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, seorang pemikir dan praktisi dakwah abad ke-20. Ia menggunakan karya-karyanya yang seharusnya memiliki pandangan objektif, asli, dan pemahaman tentang Salafisme dan dakwah Salafi. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa sejak masa nabi, karakteristik inti dari dakwah Salafi adalah kritis, konstruktivisme, dan moderasi


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    Makalah ini mendiskusikan tentang keadilan gender yang terdapatdalam tafsir Alquran. Isu gender sampai saat ini masih menjadi isuyang banyak dibicarakan di kalangan akademisi. Sebagian merekamembahas masalah kesetaraan gender yang biasanya menyoalperbedaan antara hak dan kewajiban seorang lelaki dan wanitakemudian mencoba untuk menyetarakannya.Alquran adalah kitab suci yang diturunkan oleh Allah agar dijadikanpijakan oleh manusia. Orang beriman meyakini bahwa seluruh ajaranAlquran adalah ajaran yang adil serta selalu relevan untuk diamalkan disetiap tempat dan waktu. Alquran pun menjelaskan bahwa kemuliaanseseorang terletak pada ketakwaannya bukan karena jenis kelaminnya.Alquran tidak selalu menggunggulkan kaum lelaki di atas kaum wanita.Bahkan kandungan Alquran secara esensial selalu memandang adilantara kaum lelaki dan perempuan, terutama ketika menerangkanbalasan kebaikan dan keburukan baik di dunia maupun di akherat. JikaAlquran menggunggulkan kaum lelaki dalam satu tempat, maka ditempat lain pasti ada ayat yang menggunggulkan wanita sebagai bentukkeadilan.Jika Alquran mengunggulkan lelaki dalam masalah waris dengankeunggulan satu berbanding dua, maka dalam masalah mahar Alquranmenggunggulkan wanita. Sebab lelaki harus membayar maharsedangkan wanita menerimanya. Ketika seorang wanita harus taat padasuaminya dalam masalah yang makruf, maka di saat yang sama Allahmewajibkan seorang lelaki untuk menafkahi istrinya dengan makruf.Ini adalah beberapa contoh keadilan gender dalam Alquran. Ketikasemua ayat Alquran ditelusuri maka akan didapatkan bahwa Alquranadalah kitab suci yang sangat adil pada lelaki dan wanita.Seluruh ayat yang ada dalam Alquran menggambarkan keadilan Allahsebagai Tuhan yang Maha Adil dan keadilan Islam sebagai agama yangditurunkanNya. Keyword: tafsir, keadilan, gender

    Peran Strategis Madrasah Swasta di Indonesia

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    This paper is aimed at discussing the strategic role of school (madrasah) in the country. Madrasah is one of the Islamic educational institutions that have an important role for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Madrasah is a place to galvanize the mental, moral, and spiritual of the young generation to educate students to be useful beings for the religion, state, and nation. Private Madrasahs as one of the Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia have a strategic role in the participation of the nation's intellectuals. In the next developments, private madrasahs face complex issues. In one hand, there is a demand to improve the quality in order to compete with state Islamic education institutions and public schools, but on the other hand, the attention of the government, both central and local, to Islamic educational institutions is still low, even they are still placed not as the main class, but the second class of education institutions. The Ministry of Religious Affairs, which became the central policy, began to formulate serious efforts to improve the quality of madrasahs, such as through the Ministry's Strategic Plan
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