686 research outputs found

    Properties of the density for a three dimensional stochastic wave equation

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    We consider a stochastic wave equation in space dimension three driven by a noise white in time and with an absolutely continuous correlation measure given by the product of a smooth function and a Riesz kernel. Let pt,x(y)p_{t,x}(y) be the density of the law of the solution u(t,x)u(t,x) of such an equation at points (t,x)\in]0,T]\times \IR^3. We prove that the mapping (t,x)↦pt,x(y)(t,x)\mapsto p_{t,x}(y) owns the same regularity as the sample paths of the process \{u(t,x), (t,x)\in]0,T]\times \mathbbR^3\} established Dalang and Sanz-Sol\'e [Memoirs of the AMS, to appear]. The proof relies on Malliavin calculus and more explicitely, Watanabe's integration by parts formula and estimates derived form it.Comment: 29 page

    Large deviations for rough paths of the fractional Brownian motion

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    Starting from the construction of a geometric rough path associated with a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H∈]1/4,1/2[H\in]{1/4}, {1/2}[ given by Coutin and Qian (2002), we prove a large deviation principle in the space of geometric rough paths, extending classical results on Gaussian processes. As a by-product, geometric rough paths associated to elements of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space of the fractional Brownian motion are obtained and an explicit integral representation is given.Comment: 32 page

    The stochastic wave equation in high dimensions: Malliavin differentiability and absolute continuity

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    We consider the class of non-linear stochastic partial differential equations studied in \cite{conusdalang}. Equivalent formulations using integration with respect to a cylindrical Brownian motion and also the Skorohod integral are established. It is proved that the random field solution to these equations at any fixed point (t,x)\in[0,T]\times \Rd is differentiable in the Malliavin sense. For this, an extension of the integration theory in \cite{conusdalang} to Hilbert space valued integrands is developed, and commutation formulae of the Malliavin derivative and stochastic and pathwise integrals are proved. In the particular case of equations with additive noise, we establish the existence of density for the law of the solution at (t,x)\in]0,T]\times\Rd. The results apply to the stochastic wave equation in spatial dimension d≥4d\ge 4.Comment: 34 page

    Mild Solutions for a Class of Fractional SPDEs and Their Sample Paths

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    In this article we introduce and analyze a notion of mild solution for a class of non-autonomous parabolic stochastic partial differential equations defined on a bounded open subset D⊂RdD\subset\mathbb{R}^{d} and driven by an infinite-dimensional fractional noise. The noise is derived from an L2(D)L^{2}(D)-valued fractional Wiener process WHW^{H} whose covariance operator satisfies appropriate restrictions; moreover, the Hurst parameter HH is subjected to constraints formulated in terms of dd and the H\"{o}lder exponent of the derivative h′h^\prime of the noise nonlinearity in the equations. We prove the existence of such solution, establish its relation with the variational solution introduced in \cite{nuavu} and also prove the H\"{o}lder continuity of its sample paths when we consider it as an L2(D)L^{2}(D)--valued stochastic processes. When hh is an affine function, we also prove uniqueness. The proofs are based on a relation between the notions of mild and variational solution established in Sanz-Sol\'e and Vuillermot 2003, and adapted to our problem, and on a fine analysis of the singularities of Green's function associated with the class of parabolic problems we investigate. An immediate consequence of our results is the indistinguishability of mild and variational solutions in the case of uniqueness.Comment: 37 page
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