20 research outputs found

    Response of Italian ryegrass seed crop to spring nitrogen application in the first harvest year

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    Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) cv. Tetraflorum was sown with different nitrogen application rates and it was tested under the agroecological conditions of Western Serbia. Four-year field experiments were carried out from 2002 to 2006 and the biometric characteristics of generative tillers, seed yield and shoot dry matter (herbage yield) were measured during the first production year. Italian ryegrass crop was established with four spring nitrogen application rates: 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1. Tiller length was not affected by nitrogen application, while two other tiller parameters were much more affected by the treatments. The maximum seed yield in the first production year varied among treatments depending on season conditions. Harvest characteristics were impacted by nitrogen application; however, there was an opposite impact in arid and humid weather conditions. The N application of 50 kg ha-1 was found to be the optimal for seed production in those conditions. Higher rates of N application (100 to 150 kg ha-1) had either no impact on seed yield, or decreased the yield of seed as a result of ryegrass lodging following seed shedding. Abundant shoot dry matter was obtained in some treatment variants, but there was no linear correlation between seed yield and yield components.Key words: Harvest characteristics, Italian ryegrass, nitrogen application, seed yield

    Upotrebna vrednost i akumulacija teških metala u krmnim travama odgajenim na pepelištu termoelektrane

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    The study of five forage grasses (Lolium multiflorum, Festuca rubra, Festuca arundinacea, Arrhenatherum elatius and Dactylis glomerata) was conducted on an uncontaminated cultivated land, of leached chernozem type, and on 'Nikola Tesla A' (TENT A) thermal power station ash deposit. The concentrations of: As, Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni, Fe and Cu in grasses grown on two media were compared. Grass samples have been collected in tillering stage, when they were in full development. The aboveground biomass was cut in three replications during the vegetative period at about 3-5 cm height, imitating mowing and grazing. The concentrations of As and Ni were elevated in media samples collected from TENT A ash deposit, while the level of all studied elements in soil samples collected from cultivated land were within allowed limits. The variance of certain elements amounts in plant material collected from TENT A ash deposit was less homogeneous; the concentrations of As, Fe and Ni were higher in grasses collected from ash deposit, but Pb and Cu concentrations were higher in grasses grown on cultivated land. The concentrations of Zn were approximately the same in plants collected from the sites, whereas Cd concentrations were slightly increased in grasses grown on the ash deposit. In general, it can be concluded from the results of this study that the concentrations of heavy metals in plants collected from both sites do not exceed maximal tolerant levels for fodder. The use of grasses grown on ash deposit for forage production should be taken with reserve.Pet krmnih trava, ježevica (Dactylis glomerata L.), francuski ljulj (Arrhenatherum elatius Presl.), italijanski ljulj (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), crveni vijuk (Festuca rubra L.) i visoki vijuk (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) su ispitivane na nezagađenom njivskom zemljištu na oglednom dobru 'Radmilovac' u Beogradu, i na odlagalištu pepela termoelektrane 'Nikola Tesla A' (TENT A) u Obrenovcu. Merene su koncentracije As, Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni, Fe i Cu u zemljištu i pepelu, kao i u tkivima ispitivanih vrsta trava u cilju utvrđivanja zdravstvene bezbednosti u ishrani domaćih životinja. Uzorci trava su prikupljani u fazi klasanja, u punom vegetativnom razvoju. Skidana je nadzemna biomasa u 3 ponavljanja na visini od 3-5 cm, oponašajući ispašu ili kosidbu. Analiza je pokazala visok sadržaj As i Ni u pepelu dok je sadržaj svih elemenata u zemljištu bio u dozvoljenim koncentracijama. Koncentracije As, Cd, Fe i Ni su bile više u travama sa pepelišta, koncentracije Pb i Cu u travama sa njivskog zemljišta, dok su koncentracije Zn bile slične u uzorcima sa oba lokaliteta. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da krma trava sa obe lokacije ne akumulira metale iznad tolerantnog nivoa za ishranu goveda, ali da se mora oprezno pristupiti mogućnosti korišćenja trava sa pepelišta za krmu

    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 enhances survival of LX2 human hepatic stellate cells

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 (IGFBP5) is strongly induced upon activation of hepatic stellate cells and their transdifferentiation into myofibroblasts in vitro. This was confirmed in vivo in an animal model of liver fibrosis. Since IGFBP5 has been shown to promote fibrosis in other tissues, the aim of this study was to investigate its role in the progression of liver fibrosis. METHODS: The effect of IGFBP5 was studied in LX2 cells, a model for partially activated hepatic stellate cells, and in human primary liver myofibroblasts. IGFBP5 signalling was modulated by the addition of recombinant protein, by lentiviral overexpression, and by siRNA mediated silencing. Furthermore, the addition of IGF1 and silencing of the IGF1R was used to investigate the role of the IGF-axis in IGFBP5 mediated effects. RESULTS: IGFBP5 enhanced the survival of LX2 cells and myofibroblasts via a >50% suppression of apoptosis. This effect of IGFBP5 was not modulated by the addition of IGF1, nor by silencing of the IGF1R. Additionally, IGFBP5 was able to enhance the expression of established pro-fibrotic markers, such as collagen Ialpha1, TIMP1 and MMP1. CONCLUSION: IGFBP5 enhances the survival of (partially) activated hepatic stellate cells and myofibroblasts by lowering apoptosis via an IGF1-independent mechanism, and enhances the expression of profibrotic genes. Its lowered expression may, therefore, reduce the progression of liver fibrosi

    T-2 toksin - pojavnost i toksičnost u peradi

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    T-2 toxin is the most toxic type A trichothecene mycotoxin. It is the secondary metabolite of the Fusarium fungi, and is common in grain and animal feed. Toxic effects have been shown both in experimental animals and in livestock. It has been implicated in several outbreaks of human mycotoxicoses. Toxic effects in poultry include inhibition of protein, DNA, and RNA synthesis, cytotoxicity, immunomodulation, cell lesions in the digestive tract, organs and skin, neural disturbances and low performance in poultry production (decreased weight gain, egg production, and hatchability). Concentrations of T-2 toxin in feed are usually low, and its immunosuppressive effects and secondary infections often make diagnosis difficult. If at the onset of the disease, a change in diet leads to health and performance improvements in animals, this may point to mycotoxin poisoning. Regular control of grain and feed samples is a valuable preventive measure, and it is accurate only if representative samples are tested. This article reviews the incidence and toxic effects of T-2 toxin in poultry.T-2 toksin je najtoksičniji predstavnik trikotecenskih mikotoksina tipa A. On je sekundarni produkt metabolizma plijesni roda Fusarium i često je prisutan u žitaricama i hrani za životinje. Štetni učinci uočeni su u eksperimentalnih životinja i životinja u uzgoju. On se povezuje s pojavom bolesti ljudi od mikotoksikoza. Učinci toksina u peradi su višestruki: inhibicija sinteze proteina, DNA i RNA, citotoksični učinak, imunomodulatorni učinak, oštećenje stanica probavnog sustava, organa i kože, živčani poremećaji te pad proizvodnih karakteristika u uzgoju peradi (slabiji prirast, pad nesivosti i valivosti). Koncentracije T-2 toksina u hrani redovito su vrlo malene, a zbog imunosupresivnog djelovanja toksina te istodobne sekundarne infekcije bolest se često teško dijagnosticira. Pri pojavi bolesti promjenom hrane može doći do poboljšanja zdravstvenog stanja, što tako|er upućuje na moguće trovanje mikotoksinima. Redovita kontrola uzoraka žitarica i hrane za životinje jedna je od preventivnih mjera, a detekcija mikotoksina u žitaricama i hrani pouzdana je samo ako se ispituje reprezentativan uzorak. U radu su opisani učestalost i toksični učinci T-2 toksina u peradi

    Kontaminacija zrna pšenice, kukuruza, soje i graška vrstama Fusariuma u Hrvatskoj

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    From 2002 to 2008, 203 samples of wheat, maize, soybean, and pea were analysed for the presence of Fusarium species. Contamination with Fusarium spp., expressed as the percentage of seeds with Fusarium colonies, ranged from 5 % to 69 % for wheat, from 25 % to 100 % for maize, from 4 % to 17 % for soybean, and from 3 % to 17 % for pea. 187 isolates were collected and the following 19 species determined: F. graminearum, F. poae, F. avenaceum, F. verticillioides, F. sporotrichioides, F. heterosporum, F. crookwellense, F. tricinctum, F. semitectum, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. solani, F. equiseti, F. pseudograminearum, F. chlamydosporum, F. sambucinum, F. compactum, F. scirpi, and F. culmorum. Dominant species were F. graminearum on wheat (27 % of isolates), F. verticillioides on maize (83 % of isolates), F. sporotrichioides on soybean (34 % of isolates), and F. proliferatum on pea (29 % of isolates). Among species identifi ed, F. heterosporum, F. crookwellense, F. pseudograminearum, F. sambucinum, and F. compactum have been reported for the fi rst time in Croatia.U periodu od 2002. do 2008. g. analizirana je prisutnost vrsta Fusariuma na 208 uzoraka zrna pšenice, kukuruza, soje i graška. Kontaminacija vrstama Fusariuma, izražena kao postotak sjemenki s kolonijama Fusarium spp., kretala se od 5 % do 69 % na pšenici, od 25 % do 100 % na kukuruzu, od 4 % do 17 % na soji te od 3 % do 17 % na grašku. Prosječna kontaminacija vrstama Fusariuma u različitim godinama varirala je od 10 % do 46 % na pšenici, od 50 % do 91 % na kukuruzu, od 5 % do 9 % na soji te od 7 % do 10 % na grašku. Vrste Fusariuma koje se javljaju na zrnu izolirane su i determinirane s odabranih uzoraka pšenice, kukuruza, soje i graška. Skupljeno je 187 izolata, a utvrđeno je 19 vrsta: F. graminearum, F. poae, F. avenaceum, F. verticillioides, F. sporotrichioides, F. heterosporum, F. crookwellense, F. tricinctum, F. semitectum, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. solani, F. equiseti, F. pseudograminearum, F. chlamydosporum, F. sambucinum, F. compactum, F. scirpi i F. culmorum. Dominantne vrste bile su F. graminearum na pšenici (27 % izolata), F. verticillioides na kukuruzu (83 % izolata), F. sporotrichioides na soji (34 % izolata) te F. proliferatum na grašku (29 % izolata). U Hrvatskoj su prvi put utvrđene vrste F. heterosporum, F. crookwellense, F. pseudograminearum, F. sambucinum i F. compactum

    Genome-wide RNA-Sequencing analysis reveals a distinct fibrosis gene signature in the conjunctiva after glaucoma surgery

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    Fibrosis-related events play a part in most blinding diseases worldwide. However, little is known about the mechanisms driving this complex multifactorial disease. Here we have carried out the first genome-wide RNA-Sequencing study in human conjunctival fibrosis. We isolated 10 primary fibrotic and 7 non-fibrotic conjunctival fibroblast cell lines from patients with and without previous glaucoma surgery, respectively. The patients were matched for ethnicity and age. We identified 246 genes that were differentially expressed by over two-fold and p < 0.05, of which 46 genes were upregulated and 200 genes were downregulated in the fibrotic cell lines compared to the non-fibrotic cell lines. We also carried out detailed gene ontology, KEGG, disease association, pathway commons, WikiPathways and protein network analyses, and identified distinct pathways linked to smooth muscle contraction, inflammatory cytokines, immune mediators, extracellular matrix proteins and oncogene expression. We further validated 11 genes that were highly upregulated or downregulated using real-time quantitative PCR and found a strong correlation between the RNA-Seq and qPCR results. Our study demonstrates that there is a distinct fibrosis gene signature in the conjunctiva after glaucoma surgery and provides new insights into the mechanistic pathways driving the complex fibrotic process in the eye and other tissues

    Assessment of the physical characteristics and stormwater effluent quality of permeable pavement systems containing recycled materials

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    This paper evaluates the physical characteristics of two recycled materials and the pollutant removal efficiencies of four 0.2 m2 tanked permeable pavement rigs in the laboratory, that contained either natural aggregates or these recycled materials in the sub-base. The selected recycled materials were Crushed Concrete Aggregates (CCA) and Cement-bounded Expanded Polystyrene beads (C-EPS) whilst the natural aggregates were basalt and quartzite. Natural stormwater runoff was used as influent. Effluent was collected for analysis after 7–10 mins of discharge. Influent and effluent were analysed for pH, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Electroconductivity (EC), turbidity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N), reactive phosphorous (PO43-) and sulphates (SO42-). Both CCA and C-EPS had suitable physical properties for use as sub-base materials in PPS. However, C-EPS is recommended for use in pavements with light to no traffic because of its relatively low compressive strength. In terms of pollutant removal efficiencies, significant differences (p 0.05) were found with respect to TSS, turbidity, COD and NO3-N. Effluent from rigs containing CCA and C-EPS saw significant increases in pH, EC and TDS measurements whilst improvements in DO, TSS, turbidity, COD, PO43- and SO42- were observed. All mean values except pH were, however, within the Maximum Permissible Levels (MPLs) of water pollutants discharged into the environment according to the Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Management Authority (EMA) or the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). In this regard, the CCA and C-EPS performed satisfactorily as sub-base materials in the permeable pavement rigs. It is noted, however, that further analysis is recommended through leaching tests on the recycled materials

    Tok popravljivih rezervnih delova u multiešelonskom sistemu snabdevanja / Repairable spare parts flow in a multi-echelon inventory system / Поток ремонтных запчастей в мультиэшелонной системе снабжения

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    This paper considers the problem of changing the value of selected characteristics for the operation of a two-level inventory system of maintainable parts depending on the flow of regenerated components in the inventory system. We analyzed the influence of the flow of regenerated components on the value of the coefficient of peripheral storage fill-rate, total costs and the average waiting time in the queue in peripheral warehouses, at different nominal values of the stocks in central and peripheral warehouses. The demand for spare parts in the peripheral warehouses is dependent on seasonal changes, modeled with an appopriate probability distribution. / В данной работе рассматривается проблема, касающаяся изменений стоимости закупок в работе двухуровневой системы снабжения запчастей, в зависимости от оборота запчастей в си- стеме снабжения. Проведен анализ влияния на поток регенерированных компо- нентов, в зависимости от значения коэффициента заполнения периферийных складов, общих затрат и среднего времени ожида- ния на периферийных складах, относительно номинальной стои- мости размещения в центральном и периферийном складах. Спрос на запчасти в периферийных складах зависит от се- зонных изменений, которые моделируются в соответствии с функцией вероятности. / U radu se razmatra problem promene vrednosti odabranih parametara na rad dvonivovskog sistema snabdevanja rezervnim delovima, zavisno od protoka rezervnih delova u sistemu snabdevanja. Analiziran je uticaj na tok regenerisanih komponenti u zavisnosti od vrednosti koeficijenta popunjenosti perifernih skladišta, ukupnih troškova i prosečnog vremena čekanja u redu u perifernim skladištima, za različite nominalne vrednosti stoka u centralnom i perifernom skladištu. Potražnja za rezervnim delovima u perifernim skladištima zavisi od sezonskih promena, koje su modelovane sa odgovarajućom funkcijom verovatnoće

    Logistics - its role, significance and approaches / Роль, значимость и методы изучения логистики / Uloga, značaj i pristupi izučavanju logistike

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    Introduction/purpose:The paper presents the development of logistics as a specific field of military branch, a contemporary field of business and a scientific discipline which inspires many researchers, theorists and practitioners to approach logistical problems from various aspects. The essence of logistics is an integrated approach to all its constituent activities, which reduces costs and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the logistics system in supporting the primary activities of an organization or a technical system. Due to intensive and multidimensional development of logistics and its applications in various fields, the need for highly educated logistics personnel with specialized knowledge for performing a wide range of activities in the logistics system is becoming increasingly necessary. Methods: Based on the description of military, business, national and humanitarian logistics and a comparative analysis, their mutual relationship is shown. Results: Based on the performed analysis, an explanation of the importance of studying logistics as a multidisciplinary science and pointing out the need for specific training of logistics personnel was given. Conclusion: Logistics is intensively developing in various fields depending on the goals of the system (organizational and technical) it supports. In general, commercial logistics is evolving faster than military logistics, and many innovative commercial logistics solutions are being deployed in military logistics. However, certain solutions that produce good results in the commercial sector do not produce adequate results in the military. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out research and study of the functioning of logistics systems in different fields and carefully integrate individual solutions into the military logistics system. As the most complex logistics system, military logistics requires specific staffing and training of logistics professionals. / Введение/цель: В статье представлено развитие логистики как особой области военной отрасли, области современного ведения бизнеса и научной дисциплины, которая вдохновляет многих исследователей, теоретиков и практиков подходить к логистическим проблемам с разных сторон. Сущность логистики заключается в комплексном подходе ко всем составляющим ее видам деятельности, благодаря чему снижаются затраты и повышается эффективность логистической системы в поддержке основных видов деятельности организации или технической системы. В связи с интенсивным и многоплановым развитием логистики и ее применения в различных областях, потребность в высококвалифицированных специалистах по логистике со специальными знаниями и навыками, необходимых для выполнения широкого спектра деятельности в системе логистики становится все более выраженной. Методы: На основании описания военной, деловой, национальной и гуманитарной логистики и результатов сравнительного анализа была выявлена их взаимосвязь. Результаты: На основании проведенного анализа была объяснена значимость изучения логистики как междисциплинарной науки и было указыно на необходимость специальной подготовки персонала логистики. Выводы: Логистика интенсивно развивается в различных областях в зависимости от целей системы (организационной и технической), которую она поддерживает. В целом, коммерческая логистика развивается быстрее, чем военная логистика, но и в военной логистике используются многие инновационные коммерческие логистические решения. Однако некоторые решения, которые дают хорошие результаты в коммерческом секторе, не дают соответствующих результатов в системе вооруженных сил. Поэтому необходимо проводить исследования и изучать функционирование логистических систем в различных областях и тщательно интегрировать индивидуальные решения в систему военной логистики. Как самая сложная система логистики, военная логистика требует привлечения специального персонала и специальной подготовки специалистов по логистике. / Uvod/svrha: U radu je prikazan razvoj logistike, kao specifične oblasti vojne delatnosti, savremene oblasti poslovanja i naučne discipline, koji inspiriše mnoge istraživače, teoretičare i praktičare da logističkim problemima prilaze sa različitih aspekata. Suština logistike je u integrisanom pristupu svim njenim sastavnim aktivnostima, čime se smanjuju troškovi i povećava efikasnost i efektivnost logističkog sistema u pružanju podrške osnovnoj delatnosti posmatrane organizacije, odnosno tehničkog sistema. Zbog intenzivnog i multidimenzionalnog razvoja logistike i njene primene u različitim oblastima, sve češće se javlja potreba za visokoobrazovnim logističkim kadrovima sa specijalizovanim znanjima za obavljanje širokog spektra delatnosti u logističkom sistemu. Metode: Na osnovu deskripcije vojne, poslovne, nacionalne i humanitarne logistike i komparativne analize prikazan je njihov međusobni odnos. Rezultati: Na osnovu izvršene analize objašnjen je značaj izučavanja logistike kao multidisciplinarne nauke i ukazano na potrebu za specifičnim obrazovanjem logističkog kadra. Zaključak: Logistika se intenzivno razvija u različitim oblastima u zavisnosti od ciljeva sistema (organizacionih i tehničkih) koje podržava. Generalno, komercijalna logistika se brže razvija u odnosu na vojnu logistiku, a mnoga inovativna rešenja komercijalne logistike nalaze primenu u vojnoj logistici. Međutim, određena rešenja koja daju dobre rezultate u komercijalnom sektoru ne daju adekvatne rezultate u vojsci. Zbog toga je neophodno vršiti istraživanja i proučavanja funkcionisanja logističkih sistema u različitim oblastima i pojedina rešenja pažljivo ugrađivati u vojni logistički sistem. Kao najkompleksniji logistički sistem, vojna logistika zahteva specifičan kadar i način obrazovanja logističkih stručnjaka