17 research outputs found

    On the effectiveness of event-related beta tACS on episodic memory formation and motor cortex excitability

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    Background: Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is widely used to entrain or modulate brain oscillations in order to investigate causal relationships between oscillations and cognition. Objective: In a series of experiments we here addressed the question of whether event-related, transient tACS in the beta frequency range can be used to entrain beta oscillations in two different domains: episodic memory formation and motor cortex excitability. Methods: In experiments 1 and 2, 72 healthy human participants engaged in an incidental encoding task of verbal and non-verbal material while receiving tACS to the left and right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) at 6.8 Hz, 10.7 Hz, 18.5 Hz, 30 Hz, 48 Hz and sham stimulation for 2s during stimulus presentation. In experiment 3, tACS was administered for 10s to M1 at the individual motor beta frequency of eight subjects. We investigated the relationship between the size of TMS induced MEPs and tACS phase. Results: Beta tACS did not affect memory performance compared to sham stimulation in experiments 1 and 2. Likewise, in experiment 3, MEP size was not modulated by the tACS phase. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that event-related, transient tACS in the beta frequency range cannot be used to modulate the formation of episodic memories or motor cortex excitability. These null-results question the effectiveness of event-related tACS to entrain beta oscillations and modulate cognition

    Strategic and Non-Strategic Semantic Expectations Hierarchically Modulate Neural Processing

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    Perception is facilitated by a hierarchy of expectations generated from context and prior knowledge. In auditory processing, violations of local (within-trial) expectations elicit a mismatch negativity (MMN), while violations of global (across-trial) expectations elicit a later positive component (P300). This result is taken as evidence of prediction errors ascending through the expectation hierarchy. However, in language comprehension, there is no evidence that violations of semantic expectations across local-global levels similarly elicit a sequence of hierarchical error signals, thus drawing into question the putative link between event-related potentials (ERPs) and prediction errors. We investigated the neural basis of such hierarchical expectations of semantics in a word-pair priming paradigm. By manipulating the overall proportion of related or unrelated word-pairs across the task, we created two global contexts that differentially encouraged strategic use of primes. Across two experiments, we replicated behavioral evidence of greater priming in the high validity context, reflecting strategic expectations of upcoming targets based on “global” context. In our preregistered EEG analyses, we observed a “local” prediction error ERP effect (i.e., semantic priming) ∌250 ms post-target, which, in exploratory analyses, was followed 100 ms later by a signal that interacted with the global context. However, the later effect behaved in an apredictive manner, i.e., was most extreme for fulfilled expectations, rather than violations. Our results are consistent with interpretations of early ERPs as reflections of prediction error and later ERPs as processes related to conscious access and in support of task demands

    Event-related potentials reflect prediction errors and pop-out during comprehension of degraded speech

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    Comprehension of degraded speech requires higher-order expectations informed by prior knowledge. Accurate top-down expectations of incoming degraded speech cause a subjective semantic ‘pop-out’ or conscious breakthrough experience. Indeed, the same stimulus can be perceived as meaningless when no expectations are made in advance. We investigated the event-related potential (ERP) correlates of these top-down expectations, their error signals and the subjective pop-out experience in healthy participants. We manipulated expectations in a word-pair priming degraded (noise-vocoded) speech task and investigated the role of top-down expectation with a between-groups attention manipulation. Consistent with the role of expectations in comprehension, repetition priming significantly enhanced perceptual intelligibility of the noisevocoded degraded targets for attentive participants. An early ERP was larger for mismatched (i.e. unexpected) targets than matched targets, indicative of an initial error signal not reliant on top-down expectations. Subsequently, a P3a-like ERP was larger to matched targets than mismatched targets only for attending participants—i.e. a pop-out effect—while a later ERP was larger for mismatched targets and did not significantly interact with attention. Rather than relying on complex post hoc interactions between prediction error and precision to explain this apredictive pattern, we consider our data to be consistent with prediction error minimization accounts for early stages of processing followed by Global Neuronal Workspace-like breakthrough and processing in service of task goals

    From alpha to perception : investigating behavior and brain activity

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    Il a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© que la perception visuelle soit organisĂ©e de façon discrĂšte, reposant sur l'activitĂ© cĂ©rĂ©brale oscillatoire d'environ 10Hz. Bien qu'en condition normale notre perception visuelle nous paraisse continue, nous montrons dans une premiĂšre expĂ©rience que cette continuitĂ© peut ĂȘtre interrompue lors de la perception d'un stimulus spĂ©cifique pourtant statique, rĂ©vĂ©lant les cycles d'oscillations alpha (~10Hz) Ă  la base de la perception visuelle. La 'Flickering Wheel Illusion' ('L'illusion de la roue qui clignote') gĂ©nĂšre un clignotement illusoire rĂ©gulier, rĂ©apparaissant toutes les 100ms ce qui correspond Ă  une phase du cycle alpha. Des Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes ont montrĂ© que certaines phases des oscillations alpha occipitales (tout comme des oscillations theta fronto-centrales) portent des propriĂ©tĂ©s 'inhibitrices' en vue du traitement visuel tandis que leurs phases opposĂ©es tendent Ă  augmenter la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©tecter des stimuli visuels. Dans une deuxiĂšme Ă©tude, nous avons analysĂ© comment ce rapport phase-dĂ©tection temporel est reprĂ©sentĂ© au niveau spatial dans le cortex visuel. Pour cela, nous avons entraĂźnĂ© des oscillations alpha via le clignotement d'un disque Ă  une certaine position spatiale du champ visuel, pendant que les participants avaient pour tĂąche de dĂ©tecter des stimuli visuels de basse luminance pouvant apparaĂźtre Ă  de multiples positions spatiales. Les oscillations entraĂźnĂ©es modulaient la performance de dĂ©tection Ă  toutes les positions auxquelles des cibles pourraient apparaĂźtre montrant des maxima Ă  diffĂ©rentes phases de l'oscillation. De façon intĂ©ressante, nous avons pu montrer que la phase des oscillations entraĂźnĂ©es se propageait dans l'espace comme une onde progressive, une propriĂ©tĂ© qui pourrait impliquer des rĂŽles fonctionnels spĂ©cifiques pour le traitement sensoriel. En plus de son influence sur les processus cognitives comme la perception visuelle, la phase des oscillations lentes peut aussi moduler l'amplitude d'une oscillation rapide ('phase-amplitude cross-frequency coupling' ; 'couplage phase-amplitude inter-frĂ©quentiel' ;'PAC'). Dans une troisiĂšme expĂ©rience, nous avons rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l'existence d'un PAC entre des oscillations alpha et gamma pendant l'Ă©tat de repos (en l'absence de tĂąche cognitive spĂ©cifique) ce que nous avons assignĂ© Ă  de 'l'inhibition pulsative', un mĂ©canisme de contrĂŽle du traitement sensoriel portĂ© par le rythme alpha. Selon cette thĂ©orie, les oscillations alpha mettraient donc Ă  disposition des moments ou bien des phases spĂ©cifiques qui mĂšnent Ă  une augmentation d'amplitude d'oscillations gamma entrainant une augmentation du traitement sensoriel, tandis que des phases opposĂ©es inhiberaient le traitement sensoriel. En outre, nous avons observĂ© un PAC robuste entre des oscillations theta et beta pendant l'Ă©tat de repos ainsi que pendant une tĂąche de dĂ©tection. Ce PAC pourrait aider Ă  maintenir un Ă©tat d'activitĂ© cĂ©rĂ©brale de base. Finalement, nous avons pu rĂ©vĂ©ler un PAC entre des oscillations theta et gamma principalement dans des rĂ©gions fronto-centrales, influençant la perception visuelle avec emploi d'attention visuelle. Ce rĂ©sultat est en continuitĂ© et complĂšte des rĂ©sultats prĂ©cĂ©dents de notre groupe qui montraient l'influence de la phase des oscillations theta sur la perception visuelle. Le travail prĂ©sentĂ© dans cette thĂšse contribue aux connaissances du rĂŽle important des oscillations spontanĂ©es pour la perception visuelle en utilisant plusieurs approches expĂ©rimentales et rĂ©vĂšlent de nouvelles questions de ce champ de recherche.It has been suggested that visual perception is organized in discrete snapshots relying on an oscillatory brain rhythm of about 10Hz. Even though, in normal conditions, our visual percept seems continuous to us, we show that a specific static stimulus pattern can lead to disruption of this continuity and uncover cycles of alpha oscillations (~10Hz) underlying visual perception. This 'Flickering Wheel Illusion' produces a regular illusory flicker recurring every ~100ms thus at one phase of the alpha cycle. According to previous work, specific phases of occipital alpha (and also fronto-central theta) oscillations are designated as 'inhibitory' for visual processing whereas opposite phases increase probability to detect visual stimuli. In a psychophysical experiment, we analyzed how this temporal phase-detection relationship is organized spatially in the visual cortex. We therefore entrained alpha oscillations with a specific spatial origin and probed visual detection of low-threshold targets at different spatial positions. Detection performance was modulated by the entrained oscillation at all target locations, showing maxima at different phases of the oscillation. We could show that the phase of the entrained alpha oscillations propagated over space like a traveling wave that could implicate important functional roles for sensory processing. Besides its influence on cognitive processes like visual perception, the phase of low frequency oscillations can also modulate the amplitude of fast oscillations (phase-amplitude cross-frequency coupling; PAC). In another experiment, we could reveal PAC between alpha and gamma oscillations during the resting state, what we referred to as pulsed inhibition, illustrating the alpha rhythm as a control mechanism of sensory processing. Alpha oscillations would thus provide specific moments, or phases that enhance gamma amplitude and thus sensory processing, whereas opposite phases would inhibit sensory processing. Moreover, we found a robust PAC between theta and beta oscillations which was also present during a visual detection task. This PAC could help maintaining a specific activity state of the brain. Finally, we could reveal PAC between theta and gamma oscillations in mainly fronto-central regions, influencing visual perception in the detection task but only within the focus of attention. This result is consistent with and complements previous findings of our group showing the influence of the phase of theta oscillations on visual perception. This work contributed to the findings of the important role of ongoing oscillations in visual perception, using multiple experimental approaches; yet our promising results uncovered new questions in this large field of research

    The Flickering Wheel Illusion: When α Rhythms Make a Static Wheel Flicker.

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    International audienceα oscillations (8-14 Hz) greatly influence brain activity, yet we generally do not experience them consciously: the world does not appear to oscillate. Dedicated strategies must exist in the brain to prevent these oscillations from disrupting normal processing. Could suitable stimuli fool these strategies and lead to the conscious experience of our own brain oscillations? We describe and explore a novel illusion in which the center of a static wheel stimulus (with 30-40 spokes) is experienced as flickering when viewed in the visual periphery. The key feature of this illusion is that the stimulus fluctuations are experienced as a regular and consistent flicker, which our human observers estimated at ∌9 Hz during a psychophysical matching task. Correspondingly, the occipital α rhythm of the EEG was the only oscillation that showed a time course compatible with the reported illusion: when α amplitude was strong, the probability of reporting illusory flicker increased. The peak oscillatory frequency for these flicker-induced modulations was significantly correlated, on a subject-by-subject basis, with the individual α frequency measured during rest, in the absence of visual stimulation. Finally, although the effect is strongest during eye movements, we showed that stimulus motion relative to the retina is not necessary to perceive the illusion: the flicker can also be perceived on the afterimage of the wheel, yet by definition this afterimage is stationary on the retina. We conclude that this new flickering illusion is a unique way to experience the α rhythms that constantly occur in the brain but normally remain unnoticed

    Global and local oscillatory entrainment of visual behavior across retinotopic space

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    Ongoing brain oscillations (7–10 Hz) modulate visual perception; in particular, their precise phase can predict target perception. Here, we employ this phase-dependence of perception in a psychophysical experiment to track spatial properties of entrained oscillations of visual perception across the visual field. Is this entrainment local, or a more global phenomenon? If the latter, does oscillatory phase synchronize over space, or vary with increasing distance from the oscillatory source? We presented a disc stimulus in the upper left quadrant, oscillating in luminance at different frequencies (individual alpha frequency (IAF), 5 Hz, and 15 Hz) to entrain an oscillation with specific frequency and spatial origin. Observers fixated centrally, while flash stimuli at perceptual threshold appeared at different positions and times with respect to the oscillating stimulus. IAF and 5 Hz luminance oscillations modulated detection performance at all tested positions, whereas at 15 Hz, the effect was weaker and less consistent. Furthermore, for IAF and 5 Hz entrainment, preferred phases for target detection differed significantly between spatial locations, suggesting “local” entrainment of detection performance next to the oscillatory source, whereas more distant target locations shared a “global” effect with a significantly different phase. This unexpected global component of entrainment is tentatively attributed to widespread connectivity from thalamic nuclei such as the pulvinar

    Stimuli validation study

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    EEG study

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