754 research outputs found


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    Human health is the most important social good and at the same time productive economic capital (health capital) that guarantees the state and development of economic system at all its links from the separate enterprise to the country as a whole. That is why the modern organizational and economic structures (enterprises, corporations, regions) necessarily include in its strategy of innovative development the programs of ensuring the healthy condi-tions of productive activity and spend money for sanitation of its workers on holidays or in the case of current necessity. Care for health is intrinsic to the person itself and forms as the attitude to its health as to the first-rate hu-man value. Improvement of health, guaranteeing the professional and creative growth of the workers of productive system and service sector must be considered as a main factor of scientific and technical, social and economic development of every country, effective resource of development of society and the state as a whole. Human being is an active productive force whose labor activity ensures the production of material resources of life and provision of the necessary services. Human capital and economics is a certain unity: human needs cause an appearance of new productions and services, and economics influences on the development of person and society. Taking into account that population number, qualification and level of its able-bodied part, health state, are the factors that cause the labor resource possibilities of economic development one can distinctly detect that heath and labor must occupy the leading position in the state policy of forming mechanisms of management of the country development. There are given the results of the study of economic problem of worsening of the health status of able-bodied part of population. There was determined that health is a component of human capital and this fact must be taken into account in the regional policy of health improvement. There were cited the data concerning structure of costs for health, state of health protection system, factors of negative influence on population health. From the foreign experience there were emphasized the arrangements for development of sanitation system in Ukraine


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    У роботі розглянуто навігаційний комплекс планування шляху, який містить уперше запропоновані способи, методики розробки заданого алгоритму функціонування системи управління судном та контролю над процесом переміщення по траєкторіях руху, включаючи криволінійні ділянки. Наведено алгоритми контролю над процесом руху і способи високоточного контролю місця судна при управлінні. Створено автоматичні системи планування і контролю місця при криволінійному русі. Запропонована концепція дає новий напрям для забезпечення безпечного плавання суден у будь-яких умовах руху. Це дає можливість автоматизувати процес планування та управління судном при русі по траєкторіях довільної кривизни. Зазначені переваги досягаються за рахунок: розробки високоточних методів планування траєкторії руху, які враховують маневрені властивості судна; вдосконалення алгоритмів керування, котрі використовують системи підтримки прийняття рішення в режимі реального часу; використання автоматичного контролю відхилення центру ваги від заданого шляху високоточними способами; перерахунку високоточних координат місця супутникової антени визначення місця судна на центр ваги; використання високоточних способів розрахунку маневрених характеристик; візуалізації процесу руху і підвищення оперативності його коригування з єдиного пульту управління.Результати можуть бути використані на судах при створенні навігаційного пристрою плануванні переходу, в складі лоцманського індивідуального інформаційного пристрою і в тренажерах для підготовки судноводіїв до управління в умовах обмеженого простору.В работе рассмотрен навигационный комплекс планирования пути, который содержит впервые предложенные способы, методики разработки заданного алгоритма функционирования системы управления судном и контроля над процессом перемещения по траекториям движения, включая криволинейные участки. Приведены алгоритмы контроля над процессом движения и способы высокоточного контроля места судна при управлении. Созданы автоматические системы планирования и контроля места при криволинейном движении. Предложенная концепция дает новое направление для обеспечения безопасного плавания судов в любых условиях движения. Это дает возможность автоматизировать процесс планирования и управления судном при движении по траекториям произвольной кривизны. Указанные преимущества достигаются за счет: разработки высокоточных способов планирования траектории движения, которые учитывают маневренные свойства судна; совершенствования алгоритмов управления, использующих системы поддержки принятия решения в режиме реального времени; использования автоматического контроля отклонения центра тяжести от заданного пути высокоточными способами; пересчета высокоточных координат места спутниковой антенны определения места судна на центр тяжести; использования высокоточных способов расчета маневренных характеристик; визуализации процесса движения и повышение оперативности корректировки движения с единого пульта управления. Результаты могут быть использованы на судах при создании навигационного устройства планировании перехода, в составе лоцманского индивидуального информационного устройства и в тренажерах для подготовки судоводителей к управлению в стесненных условиях.The paper considers the navigational path planning complex, which includes new original methods of developing a given algorithm of ship handling system operation and control over the process of moving on motion paths, including curved portions. We propose the algorithms of control over the process of movement and precision control methods in the management of the ship's position. We created automatic place planning and control systems for curvilinear motion. The proposed concept gives a new direction to ensure the safe navigation of vessels in all driving conditions. This makes it possible to automate the process of planning and ship control when moving along the trajectories of arbitrary curvature. These benefits are achieved through: the development of high-precision methods of trajectory planning, which take into account the maneuvering characteristics of the vessel; improvement, using support systems control algorithms of decision-making in real-time; the use of automatic control of the center of gravity of the deviation from the set path precision methods; conversion of high-precision coordinate space satellite antenna on the determination of the vessel's center of gravity; the use of high-precision calculation methods maneuvering characteristics; visualization process of movement and improving the efficiency of adjustment movement with a single remote control. The results can be used on ships to create a navigation device transition planning, as part of the pilot of the individual information devices and simulators for training navigators to control in cramped conditions

    Constraining self-interacting dark matter with scaling laws of observed halo surface densities

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    The observed surface densities of dark matter halos are known to follow a simple scaling law, ranging from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters, with a weak dependence on their virial mass. Here we point out that this can not only be used to provide a method to determine the standard relation between halo mass and concentration, but also to use large samples of objects in order to place constraints on dark matter self-interactions that can be more robust than constraints derived from individual objects. We demonstrate our method by considering a sample of about 50 objects distributed across the whole halo mass range, and by modelling the effect of self-interactions in a way similar to what has been previously done in the literature. Using additional input from simulations then results in a constraint on the self-interaction cross section per unit dark matter mass of about σ/mχ0.3\sigma/m_\chi\lesssim 0.3 cm2^2/g. We expect that these constraints can be significantly improved in the future, and made more robust, by i) an improved modelling of the effect of self-interactions, both theoretical and by comparison with simulations, ii) taking into account a larger sample of objects and iii) by reducing the currently still relatively large uncertainties that we conservatively assign to the surface densities of individual objects. The latter can be achieved in particular by using kinematic observations to directly constrain the average halo mass inside a given radius, rather than fitting the data to a pre-selected profile and then reconstruct the mass. For a velocity-independent cross-section, our current result is formally already somewhat smaller than the range 0.550.5-5 cm2^2/g that has been invoked to explain potential inconsistencies between small-scale observations and expectations in the standard collisionless cold dark matter paradigm.Comment: 29 pages with jcappub.sty, 10 figures. Significantly improved discussion of method and limits. Version submitted to JCA

    A correction method for systematic error in metabolomic time-course data

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    The growing ubiquity of metabolomic techniques has facilitated high frequency time-course data collection for many cell culture applications. Although the increasing resolution of metabolic profiles has potential to reveal important details about cell culture metabolism, more detailed results are subject to greater influence from measurement and data processing error. A number of common errors, stemming from metabolite extraction and internal standard addition, take the form of a dilution effect, where all observed concentrations feature a constant deviation relative to the true values. We have developed a simple technique to deal with such errors. A nonparametric smoothing fit was applied to all metabolite concentrations, with percent deviations from the fit calculated for each observation. Taking the median of these percent deviations for each sample (across multiple compounds) allowed the estimation of a systematic bias in the relative concentration of all compounds – typical of a dilution error. To validate this method, we developed a general framework for simulating metabolomic experiments. The correction was applied to simulated data sets composed of 20-60 metabolites and 10-20 timepoints. Deviations as small as 2.5% were successfully identified, although greater accuracy was achieved when more data was available. Given the pronounced influence of a small concentration bias on metabolic flux calculation, we were also interested in the effect of similar measurement errors on Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA). To this end, a Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell model was used to simulate a set of realistic flux profiles, which were then perturbed with measurement error. Despite the considerable impact of measurement error on flux estimation, the standard χ2-test was not able to identify erroneous data beyond the significance level. Our findings reinforce the need for validation at earlier stages of analysis in the development of rational strategies for metabolic engineering and media supplementatio

    Phenomenology of GeV-scale scalar portal

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    We review and revise the phenomenology of the scalar portal -- a new scalar particle with the mass in GeV range that mixes with the Higgs boson. In particular, we consider production channels BSK1(1270)B\to S K_1(1270) and BSK0(700)B\to S K_0^*(700) and show that their contribution is significant. We extend the previous analysis by comparing the production of scalars from decays of mesons, of the Higgs bosons and direct production via proton bremsstrahlung, deep inelastic scattering and coherent scattering on nuclei. Relative efficiency of the production channels depends on the energy of the beam and we consider the energies of DUNE, SHiP and LHC-based experiments. We present our results in the form directly suitable for calculations of experimental sensitivities.Comment: Journal versio