353 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students of the Assessment Practices of Their Teachers

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    The paper addresses Finnish students’ perceptions of assessment practices in upper secondary school. We study what experiences students have about assessment, and how they assess their ability to use and understand teachers’ feedback. The data were gathered on a web-based questionnaire to 918 students in four upper secondary schools. The questionnaire contained both closed-ended and open-ended questions. According to students’ responses, most students consider that they are able to use and understand their teachers’ feedback, and that teachers are prone to apply traditional assessment methods. The results pave the way for enhancing versatility in assessment practices. At the end of this paper, we will discuss the important role of assessment in teaching and how teachers’ assessment literacy could be enhanced and made more visible. We also ponder whether alongside teachers’ assessment literacy we should also consider students’ assessment literacy.Peer reviewe

    Why Does Changing the Orientation of History Teaching Take So Long? : A Case Study from Finland

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    In this chapter, we outline the shifts in curricula and teaching orientation within the basic and upper secondary school levels in Finland throughout the past decades as well as how teachers have dealt with these changes. We also describe the results of the survey of history teachers’ contentment with the latest curricula. Our survey reveals that the change of the teaching orientation is starting to pay off. At the end of the chapter, we discuss and give some explanations for the question—why did changing the orientation of history teaching take so long?Peer reviewe

    Historical thinking skills : Finnish History teachers' contentment with their new curriculum

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    The new Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education emphasizes the acquisition of historical thinking skills. In this article, we present teachers’perceptions about the objectives, content descriptions and assessment criteria expressed in the curriculum. We focus our study on teachers’responses to the open-ended questions in an online survey carried out among history teachers in 2017. We studied the quantitative data by those respondents who provided written feedback to see if their responses differed from those who did not provide written feedback. Only one-third of the respondents provided responses to the open-ended questions and those who did gave relatively short but overall negative remarks. According to respondents’answers to the Likert scale statements, however, those who did not give written feedback had a more positive attitude towards the curriculum. In that respect, our study exposes Finnish teachers’relative contentment with it. The written feedback reveals that few respondents complained about teaching historical thinking skills as the key objective in the curriculum.Peer reviewe

    Historian opetuksen tavoitteet ja sisĂ€llöt muuttuvat – entĂ€ niiden arviointi?

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    Osnovno obrazovanje u budućnosti – promijenimo trend!

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    Basic education of the future – Let’s turn the trend! was a development project on compulsory education in Finland. The aim was to assess the current situation, examine the reasons for the drop in the learning outcomes at the national and international levels and study the needs to develop teaching and learning in the Finnish educational system. Two working groups coordinated by a broad-based steering group were set up for the purposes of the project. The objective of the working group on competence and learning was to discover means to improve learning outcomes, bridge the gap in the learning outcomes between girls and boys, ensure regional equality, safeguard equal opportunities for further studies and halt the trend of increasing disparities within and between schools. The project also examined the position of minorities and their learning outcomes in the Finnish educational system. The working group on motivation and teaching explored different learning environments, study materials including educational games, and innovations that support learning, investigated how learning motivation and well-being could be improved, and assessed the significance of motivation and school satisfaction for learning and school attendance. The group members also looked at the content and methods of education and pre- and in-service training for teachers. In the autumn an online survey was organized and 7,000 people responded. Also, six regional events were held in late autumn in 2014. The purpose of these events was to facilitate an extensive public discussion about the future of basic education. The working groups’ proposals as well as the results of the survey were presented in more detail at the beginning of March when the report on this development project was published. The proposals are to be exploited in the drawing up of the government programme after the next parliamentary elections in April 2015.Osnovno obrazovanje u budućnosti – Promijenimo trend! razvojni je projekt u osnovnom i srednjoĆĄkolskom obrazovanju u Finskoj. Cilj je procijeniti trenutnu situaciju, proučiti razloge za pad u ishodima učenja na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini i proučiti potrebe za razvojem poučavanja i učenja u finskom obrazovnom sustavu. Dvije radne skupine koordinira upravni odbor. Cilj radne skupine zaduĆŸene za kompetencije i učenje je pronaći načine za poboljĆĄanje ishoda učenja, premoơćivanje jaza između ishoda učenja djevojčica i dječaka, uspostavljanja regionalne ravnopravnosti; očuvanje jednakih mogućnosti za buduća istraĆŸivanja i zaustavljanja trenda povećanja nejednakosti unutar ĆĄkola i među ĆĄkolama. Projekt će također proučiti poloĆŸaj manjina i njihove ishode učenja u finskom obrazovnom sustavu. Radna skupina zaduĆŸena za motivaciju i poučavanje proučit će različita okruĆŸenja za učenje, zatim materijale koji uključuju obrazovne igre i inovacije koje potpomaĆŸu učenje, proučiti kako se motivacija za učenje i dobrobit mogu poboljĆĄati te ocijeniti vaĆŸnost motivacije i zadovoljstva ĆĄkolom za učenje i pohađanje ĆĄkole. Također će biti istraĆŸeni sadrĆŸaj i metode obrazovanja, zatim obrazovanje budućih nastavnika i nastavnika praktičara. Online anketa organizirana je proĆĄlu jesen i anketirano je 7000 ispitanika. Također, u kasnu jesen odrĆŸana su regionalna događanja. Svrha tih događanja je olakĆĄati opseĆŸnu javnu raspravu o budućnosti osnovnog obrazovanja. Prijedlozi radnih skupina kao i rezultati ankete bit će detaljnije prikazani početkom oĆŸujka 2015. kada će biti prikazan i izvjeĆĄtaj o razvojnom projektu. Prijedlozi će se razmatrati i putem razvoja Vladina programa nakon sljedećih parlamentarnih izbora u travnju 2015

    What the assessment of learning outcomes in history and social sciences are telling about textbooks, teaching materials and methods that are used during the lessons?

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    Profesija učitelja je u Finskoj regulirana i kvalifikacije potrebne za zanimanje učitelja su definirane zakonom. Od 1979 svi učitelji općeg obrazovanja imaju kvalifikaciju magistra. Obrazovanje učitelja u Finskoj podrazumijeva pedagoĆĄke studije i pedagoĆĄku praksu koja se provodi u sveučiliĆĄnim vjeĆŸbaonicama. Nedavno istraĆŸivanje pokazalo je da 89% finskih ravnatelja i učitelja smatra kako su kvalificirani za obavljanje svoji zadataka (Kumpulainen 2014, 33). Unatoč visokoj razini obrazovanja učitelja izgledno je da se učitelji teĆĄko nose s kontradiktornim očekivanjima u svakodnevnom ĆĄkolskom ĆŸivotu. S jedne strane od učitelja se očekuje da osiguraju tradicionalna znanja, a s druge strane očekuje se da koriste interaktivne metode i pomaĆŸu učenicima u kreativnom koriĆĄtenju digitalnog okruĆŸenja i materijala za e-učenje. U Finskom obrazovnom sustavu učitelji imaju veliku autonomiju, ĆĄto potvrđuje i Kurikulum za osnovno obrazovanje (2004) i za srednjoĆĄkolsko obrazovanje (2003). Učitelji se u praksi mogu koristiti raznovrsnim metodama i materijalima koji odgovaraju njima i učenicima. U ovom radu istraĆŸuju se miĆĄljenja učenika i učitelja o nastavnim materijalima metodama koji se koriste na nastavi DruĆĄtvenih znanosti i Povijesti. Rezultati su prikazani uz pomoć rezultata ocjene ishoda učenja. Kao dio procjene ishoda učenja učitelji i učenici zamoljeni su odgovoriti i na pitanja koja se odnose na metode poučavanja, udĆŸbenike i ostale materijale. Uzorak ispitanika u istraĆŸivanju je od 5% do 10% ukupne populacije učenika određene dobi (Jakku-Sihvonen 2013, 24) odnosno od 4000 do 6000 učenika. Ć kole uključene u istraĆŸivanje predstavljaju 15% od ukupnog broja osnovnih ĆĄkola u Finskoj (Ouakrim-Soivio 2013, 21). Isto tako 165 učitelja sudjelovalo je u istraĆŸivanju. Rezultati pokazuju kako su učiteljima nuĆŸni dodatni alati i usavrĆĄavanje tijekom tijekom rada u ĆĄkoli kako bi mogli razviti vjeĆĄtine i kompetencije nuĆŸne za budućnost.Teachers’ profession is regulated in Finland, and the qualifications required from teachers are defined in legislation. Since 1979 all teachers in general education are required a Master’s degree. Finish teacher education involves also pedagogical studies and guided teach- ing practice, which is implemented in the universities’ own teacher training schools. A recent survey showed that 89 % of the Finish principals and teachers were deemed to be qualified to perform their tasks (Kumpulainen 2014, 33). Despite of the good level of teacher training, it seems that teachers’ are struggling between contradictory expectations in everyday school life. On the one hand teachers are expected to provide traditional knowledge and the other hand they are expected to use interactive methods, to guide students in the creative use of digital learning environments and e-learning materials. In the Finish educational system the teachers have a large pedagogical autonomy, which is confirmed also in national Core Curricula for ba- sic education (2004) and for upper secondary education (2003). In practice teachers’ are able to choose any working method or teaching material according to their pupils. In this paper the pupils’ and teachers’ belief of teaching and working methods and materials that are used during history and social sciences classes are investigated. Results are presented with the help of assess- ment of learning outcomes. As a part of assessment of learning outcomes both the pupils and teachers were asked also the question concerning teaching and working methods, textbooks and other learning materials. The system of assessment of learning outcomes is sample based. It means that the sample size is form 5% to 10% of the age group (Jakku-Sihvonen 2013, 24) which means from 4000 to 6000 pupils. The schools represent around 15 % of all the schools that give basic education in Finland (Ouakrim-Soivio 2013, 21). Also 165 teachers were a part of this research. The results indicate that teachers need tools, such as in-service training, so they are able to develop skills and competences that are needed in future

    Toimivatko pÀÀttöarvioinnin kriteerit? : Oppilaiden saamat arvosanat ja Opetushallituksen oppimistulosten seuranta-arviointi koulujen vÀlisten osaamiserojen mittareina

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    This study investigated assessment differences between schools in relation to the grades given to pupils and to the competencies revealed by the assessment of learning outcomes conducted by the Finnish National Board of Education. The validity of the grades teachers gave were studied as a gauge of learning. The National Core Curriculum for Basic Education for Social Studies and History determined the learning objectives for these outcomes. The grades given to pupils in the final assessment and the competencies shown in the assessment of learning outcomes in social studies were compared to grades and outcomes in history. The background to this study has shown that since the beginning of the 21st century, frequent discrepancies have arisen in the assessment of learning outcomes with regard to competencies in mathematics and mother tongue. These discrepancies have been observed between the grades given to pupils and the competence shown in the follow-up assessment in different schools. Pupils at the same level of competence received a different grade. Similarly, the assessment of learning outcomes in social studies and history showed that systematic discrepancies in the social sciences exist between the competence shown in the follow-up study and the grades given by the schools. The sample in this study comprised 4 158 pupils: 3 616 from Finnish- language schools and 545 from Swedish- language schools. The research data in social studies and history enabled, for the first time, the comparison of two separate subjects using data produced by the same pupils and schools as well as by using two parallel measurements: school grades and the competence shown in the follow-up assessment. This research enabled a closer study of the validity of school grades as a measure of competence. This is because the data comprised grades and results of the assessment of the same pupils in two different subjects. Validity can be defined as an absence of systematic errors. Should systematic errors occur, the validity of at least one of the meters can then be questioned. The data collected in social studies and history made it possible to demonstrate conformity between the schools competence levels and grades: when a school s competence level was high, also the grades of its pupils were higher than the average. It seems that teachers adjust their grades to the general competence level of their class. When the description of key knowledge and skills does not serve as a basis for evaluation, one can argue that there is no resultant equity in final grading. To ensure consistent final assessment, the Core Curriculum should provide teachers with more support for evaluation, by for example, defining grading criteria more clearly or by creating separate material for criteria-based evaluation.PÀÀttöarvosanojen antaminen perustuu nykyisessÀ peruskoulujÀrjestelmÀssÀ siihen, ettÀ oppiainekohtaisilla pÀÀttöarvioinnin kriteereillÀ, arvosanalle 8, pyritÀÀn mÀÀrittÀmÀÀn yhdenmukaisesti se tieto- ja taitotaso, joka oppilaalla oletetaan olevan perusopetuksen pÀÀttövaiheessa hÀnen siirtyessÀ jatko-opintoihin tai työelÀmÀÀn. Oppilaan suorituksia ei siis enÀÀ verrata muiden oppilaiden suorituksiin, kuten aiemmin tehtiin, vaan arviointi kohdistuu siihen, miten oppilas on suoriutunut suhteessa ennalta asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Opetushallitus toteuttaa oppimistulosten seuranta-arviointeja, joiden tarkoituksena on tuottaa tietoa siitÀ, miten hyvin opetussuunnitelman perusteissa mÀÀritellyt koulutukselle asetetut tavoitteet on saavutettu. Oppimistulosarviointien aivan kuten arvosanojenkin lÀhtöoletuksena on, ettÀ ne mittaavat opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin kirjattuja tietoja ja taitoja, joita kaikkien oppilaiden oletetaan hallitsevan perusopetuksen pÀÀttövaiheessa. TÀssÀ vÀitöstutkimuksessa on analysoitu opettajien antamien pÀÀttöarvosanojen luotettavuutta mitata perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa mÀÀriteltyÀ osaamista. Tutkimuksen aineistolla (N = 4 158 oppilasta) ilmeni ettÀ yhteiskuntaopissa ja historiassa oli systemaattisia koulujen vÀlisiÀ eroja seuranta-arvioinnissa osoitetun osaamisen ja koulujen antamien arvosanojen vÀlillÀ. Kouluissa, joissa yhteiskuntaopin arvosanat annettiin esimerkiksi tiukemmin perustein kuin seuranta-arvioinnissa osoitettu keskimÀÀrÀinen osaaminen olisi antanut olettaa, annettiin tiukemmin perustein myös historian pÀÀttöarvosana. Siksi koulujen vÀlillÀ tuntuu olevan sellaisia oppiaineesta riippumattomia arviointikÀytÀnteiden eroja, jonka perusteella voidaan tulkita, ettÀ arvosanat eivÀt ole validi mittari mittaamaan koulujen vÀlisiÀ osaamiseroja. NÀyttÀÀ siltÀ, ettÀ opettajat suhteuttavat antamansa arvosanat valtakunnallisten kriteerien sijasta muiden oppilaidensa osaamistasoon, vaikka suhteellinen arviointi on poistunut normeista jo vuonna 1985. KansainvÀlisestikin mainetta niittÀnyt suomalainen peruskoulujÀrjestelmÀ, jonka lÀhtökohtiin on koko sen voimassaoloajan kuulunut koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus, joutuu koeteltavaksi, kun oppiaineesta annettujen arvosanojen ja seuranta-arvioinnissa osoitetun osaamisen vÀlillÀ on suuria koulujen vÀlisiÀ eroja. Yhdenmukaisen arvioinnin varmistamiseksi opetussuunnitelman perusteiden olisi tarjottava aiempaa enemmÀn tukea opettajan arviointityöhön. TÀmÀ toteutuu esimerkiksi mÀÀrittelemÀllÀ pÀÀttöarvioinnin kriteerit tarkemmin ja luomalla opettajille erillistÀ materiaalia kriteeripohjaisen arvioinnin tueksi

    Mera flexibilitet i den grundlÀggande utbildningen - att inleda JOPO-verksamhet och att fÄ den att rota sig

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    Boken om JOPO-verksamhet (pĂ„ fi nska: joustava perusopetus) har kommit till i samband med ett projekt som undervisningsministeriet inledde Ă„r 2006 i syfte att motverka skolavbrott. Syftet med JOPO-verksamheten Ă€r att stöda unga att gĂ„ ut grundskolan och att motverka att elever avbryter sin skolgĂ„ng efter grundskolan. Verksamheten kompletterar den normala utbildningsverksamheten, dess mĂ„l och innehĂ„ll. Vissa fl exibla verksamhetsmodeller tas i bruk och elevernas individuella behov och situationer beaktas. Samtidigt Ă€r syftet att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att den unga personen deltar i utbildning pĂ„ andra stadiet. Verksamhetsinriktade arbetsformer och studier i Ă€kta arbetsmiljö gynnas. Det övergripande temat Ă€r En gemensam skola för alla. Fokus ligger pĂ„ yrkesövergripande samarbete mellan olika organisationer. Grundskolor, representanter för ungdoms-, social- och hĂ€lsovĂ„rdsvĂ€sendet, lĂ€roinrĂ€ttningar inom yrkesutbildningen, gymnasier och verkstĂ€der för unga personer deltar. Samarbetet med förĂ€ldrarna intensifi eras ocksĂ„. PĂ„ olika sĂ€tt strĂ€var man efter att stödja förĂ€ldrarna i deras uppfostran. MĂ„lgruppen Ă€r unga personer som i sin utbildning gynnas av verksamhetsinriktade arbetsformer med inslag av praktiskt arbete. LĂ€sĂ„ret 2006 – 2007 deltog totalt 27 kommuner i olika delar av landet. LĂ€sĂ„ret 2007 – 2008 uppgĂ„r JOPO-gruppernas antal till 75. Undervisningsministeriet stöder varje grupp under tvĂ„ lĂ€sĂ„r. Utbildningsanordnarna har för sin del förbundit sig att göra verksamheten mera permanent. Flexibla utbildningsarrangemang inom den grundlĂ€ggande utbildningen inverkar pĂ„ kommunens och skolornas verksamhet samt lĂ€rarnas arbete. FrĂ„n de ungas perspektiv Ă€r syftet att motverka att skolmotivationen försvagas samt skolavbrott. Problemen uppmĂ€rksammas i ett tidigt skede. Stöd pĂ„ individuell nivĂ„ gör det enklare för eleven att inleda utbildning pĂ„ andra stadiet. FrĂ„n skolornas perspektiv Ă€r syftet att ta fram aktivitetsbaserade studieformer och att utnyttja inlĂ€rningsmiljöer dĂ€r den unga lĂ€r sig med hjĂ€lp av praktiskt arbete. Samarbetet mellan skolan och arbetslivet intensifi eras. FrĂ„n lĂ€rarnas perspektiv handlar det bl.a. om ökade möjligheter att uppmĂ€rksamma problem i ett tidigt skede. LĂ€rarnas yrkeskunskaper byggs ut till att omfatta yrkesövergripande satsningar. FrĂ„n kommunernas perspektiv frĂ€mjas ett samarbete mellan olika förvaltningsgrenar, t.ex. skol-, ungdoms- samt social- och hĂ€lsovĂ€sendet. En flexibel grundlĂ€ggande utbildning ordnas i grundskolan, i en grupp med cirka 10 elever. Eleverna gĂ„r pĂ„ klass 7 – 9. Gruppen följs Ă„t i cirka tvĂ„ fram tills dess att eleverna har gĂ„tt ut grundskolan. Eventuellt deltar elever inom pĂ„byggnadsundervisningen (klass 10) i gruppens arbete. Grunderna inom den grundlĂ€ggande utbildningens lĂ€roplan Ă€r riktgivande. Utbildningsarrangemangen skiljer sig dock frĂ„n traditionell utbildning. En del av utbildningen ges i skolan och en del pĂ„ arbetsplatser eller i andra inlĂ€rningsmiljöer i form av handledda studier. LĂ€gerskolor, studie- och arbetsplatsbesök, utbildningsexperiment o.dyl. Ă€r ocksĂ„ aktuella. Stoffet i lĂ€roplanen formas till inlĂ€rningsuppgifter i skolan och pĂ„ arbetsplatserna. De anpassas skilt för varje elev. Skolans rektor, gruppens lĂ€rare eller speciallĂ€rare och en heltidsanstĂ€lld inom kommunens ungdomssektor eller inom socialvĂ€sendet bildar ett team som ansvarar för utbildning och övrig verksamhet. De övriga lĂ€rarna i grundskolan och de personer som pĂ„ arbetsplatserna har hand om handledningen samarbetar nĂ€r undervisningen planeras. Ungdomssektorns eller socialsektorns representant skall rikta in sig pĂ„ att stöda den ungas tillvĂ€xt i socialt avseende, pĂ„ att samarbeta med familjerna och pĂ„ övrigt stöd- och rĂ„dgivningsarbete. Arbetsplatserna skall bilda ett nĂ€tverk. I normal ordning ansvarar lĂ€raren för undervisning och utvĂ€rdering. PĂ„ arbetsplatserna ansvarar en arbetstagare i handledande uppgifter för vĂ€gledning och stöd. Skolan informerar handledarna om hur de vĂ€gleder eleverna. De inlĂ€rningsuppgifter som eleven skall klara av pĂ„ en arbetsplats kommer man överens om skilt för sig. KlasslĂ€raren och ungdomsarbetaren besöker arbetsplatserna och följer upp elevens inlĂ€rning. InlĂ€rningsuppgifterna under arbetslivsperioderna utvĂ€rderas. Avtal ingĂ„s med arbetsplatserna. De individuella arrangemangen omfattar elevhandledning för att trygga att eleven gĂ„r vidare i sina studier. NĂ€r skolan slutar skall varje elev fortsatt utbildning utstakad för sig. En smĂ€rtfri övergĂ„ng frĂ„n ett skolstadium till ett annat förutsĂ€tter samarbete mellan lĂ€roanstalterna pĂ„ andra stadiet pĂ„ en viss ort eller i en viss region. Kompletterande utbildning erbjuds rektorer, lĂ€rare och representanter för ungdomseller socialsektorn pĂ„ landsomfattande nivĂ„ eller pĂ„ regionbasis. OcksĂ„ detta hjĂ€lper till att starta projektet och att köra in det. Uppföljning och utvĂ€rdering sammanstĂ€lls i augusti 2008
