469 research outputs found

    Fully automated real-time PCR for EGFR testing in non-small cell lung carcinoma.

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    Molecular testing for mutations in the EGFR gene is commonplace for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). These patients are often very sick and management decisions need to be made urgently. In many cases, the results of molecular testing are needed the same day, in order to start targeted therapy and allow maximum benefit for patients. The Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test offers rapid results within three hours of requesting. This study aimed to assess the concordance of Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test results with current standard tests. Forty formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded NSCLC tumour cases (20 EGFR mutant and EGFR 20 wild type) were analysed by the Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test (CE-IVD) and compared with PCR and NGS methodologies. The overall concordance between Idylla™ and standard testing was 92.5% (95% CI 80.14% to 97.42%) and the specificity of Idylla™ was 100% (95% CI 83.89% to 100%). The sensitivity was affected by loss of tumour content in tissue blocks in a small number of NGS cases; however, comparing Idylla™ with PCR alone, there was 100% concordance (95% CI 89.85% to 100%). The Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test shows comparative accuracy to routine PCR testing for the most common EGFR mutations in NSCLC. The Idylla™ also offers significantly reduced turn-around times compared with existing modalities and therefore the platform would be a useful addition to many molecular diagnostics units

    Genetic and environmental risk factors for atherosclerosis regulate transcription of phosphatase and actin regulating gene PHACTR1.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Coronary artery disease (CAD) risk is associated with non-coding genetic variants at the phosphatase and actin regulating protein 1(PHACTR1) gene locus. The PHACTR1 gene encodes an actin-binding protein with phosphatase regulating activity. The mechanism whereby PHACTR1 influences CAD risk is unknown. We hypothesized that PHACTR1 would be expressed in human cell types relevant to CAD and regulated by atherogenic or genetic factors. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate that PHACTR1 protein is expressed strongly in human atherosclerotic plaque macrophages, lipid-laden foam cells, adventitial lymphocytes and endothelial cells. Using a combination of genomic analysis and molecular techniques, we demonstrate that PHACTR1 is expressed as multiple previously uncharacterized transcripts in macrophages, foam cells, lymphocytes and endothelial cells. Immunoblotting confirmed a total absence of PHACTR1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Real-time quantitative PCR showed that PHACTR1 is regulated by atherogenic and inflammatory stimuli. In aortic endothelial cells, oxLDL and TNF-alpha both upregulated an intermediate length transcript. A short transcript expressed only in immune cells was upregulated in macrophages by oxidized low-density lipoprotein, and oxidized phospholipids but suppressed by lipopolysaccharide or TNF-alpha. In primary human macrophages, we identified a novel expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) specific for this short transcript, whereby the risk allele at CAD risk SNP rs9349379 is associated with reduced PHACTR1 expression, similar to the effect of an inflammatory stimulus. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that PHACTR1 is a key atherosclerosis candidate gene since it is regulated by atherogenic stimuli in macrophages and endothelial cells and we identify an effect of the genetic risk variant on PHACTR1 expression in macrophages that is similar to that of an inflammatory stimulus

    Suppressor of cytokine signalling protein SOCS3 expression is increased at sites of acute and chronic inflammation.

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    Treatment of cells with cytokines and growth factors leads to the synthesis of Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling (SOCS) proteins that act as potent negative regulators of signalling via the Jak/STAT pathway. We used immunohistochemistry to identify cells and pathologies where SOCS3 expression might influence acute and chronic inflammatory responses in human tissues. Epitope and GFP tagged SOCS3 fusion proteins were localised predominantly in the nucleus of transfected cells and a validated anti SOCS3 antiserum revealed the expression of SOCS3 in the nucleus and cytoplasm of macrophages, endothelial and epithelial cells in a wide range of normal tissues in tissue microarrays (n = 31 different tissues). Nuclear SOCS3 was only seen in cells expressing a high level of the protein. Comparative immunostaining of acute, chronically and granulomatously inflamed human tissues revealed higher levels of nuclear and cytoplasmic SOCS3 expression in inflamed than in corresponding normal tissues, particularly in recruited leukocyte populations, but also in epithelia. The staining appeared more intense, suggesting higher expression levels, in areas where inflammation was more acute, consistent with the time course of SOCS3 induction described in vitro. Expression of SOCS3 protein by leucocytes and other cell types in tissue sections could be a useful marker of cells undergoing acute or chronic stimulation by cytokines in vivo

    High glucose disrupts oligosaccharide recognition function via competitive inhibition : a potential mechanism for immune dysregulation in diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetic complications include infection and cardiovascular disease. Within the immune system, host-pathogen and regulatory host-host interactions operate through binding of oligosaccharides by C-type lectin. A number of C-type lectins recognise oligosaccharides rich in mannose and fucose – sugars with similar structures to glucose. This raises the possibility that high glucose conditions in diabetes affect protein-oligosaccharide interactions via competitive inhibition. Mannose binding lectin, soluble DC-SIGN & DC-SIGNR, and surfactant protein D, were tested for carbohydrate binding in the presence of glucose concentrations typical of diabetes, via surface plasmon resonance and affinity chromatography. Complement activation assays were performed in high glucose. DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR expression in adipose tissues was examined via immunohistochemistry. High glucose inhibited C-type lectin binding to high-mannose glycoprotein and binding of DC-SIGN to fucosylated ligand (blood group B) was abrogated in high glucose. Complement activation via the lectin pathway was inhibited in high glucose and also in high trehalose - a nonreducing sugar with glucoside stereochemistry. DC-SIGN staining was seen on cells with DC morphology within omental and subcutaneous adipose tissues. We conclude that high glucose disrupts C-type lectin function, potentially illuminating new perspectives on susceptibility to infectious and inflammatory disease in diabetes. Mechanisms involve competitive inhibition of carbohydrate-binding within sets of defined proteins, in contrast to broadly indiscriminate, irreversible glycation of proteins

    Rapid Artefact Removal and H&E-Stained Tissue Segmentation

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    We present an innovative method for rapidly segmenting hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue in whole-slide images (WSIs) that eliminates a wide range of undesirable artefacts such as pen marks and scanning artefacts. Our method involves taking a single-channel representation of a lowmagnification RGB overview of the WSI in which the pixel values are bimodally distributed suchthat H&E-stained tissue is easily distinguished from both background and a wide variety of artefacts. We demonstrate our method on 30 WSIs prepared from a wide range of institutions and WSI digital scanners, each containing substantial artefacts, and compare it to segmentations provided by Otsu thresholding and Histolab tissue segmentation and pen filtering tools. We found that our methodsegmented the tissue and fully removed all artefacts in 29 out of 30 WSIs, whereas Otsu thresholding failed to remove any artefacts, and the Histolab pen filtering tools only partially removed the pen marks. The beauty of our approach lies in its simplicity: manipulating RGB colour space and using Otsu thresholding allows for the segmentation of H&E-stained tissue and the rapid removal ofartefacts without the need for machine learning or parameter tuning

    Lipid-Induced Epigenomic Changes in Human Macrophages Identify a Coronary Artery Disease-Associated Variant that Regulates \u3cem\u3ePPAP2B\u3c/em\u3e Expression through Altered C/EBP-Beta Binding

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified over 40 loci that affect risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and the causal mechanisms at the majority of loci are unknown. Recent studies have suggested that many causal GWAS variants influence disease through altered transcriptional regulation in disease-relevant cell types. We explored changes in transcriptional regulation during a key pathophysiological event in CAD, the environmental lipid-induced transformation of macrophages to lipid-laden foam cells. We used a combination of open chromatin mapping with formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements (FAIRE-seq) and enhancer and transcription factor mapping using chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP-seq) in primary human macrophages before and after exposure to atherogenic oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), with resultant foam cell formation. OxLDL-induced foam cell formation was associated with changes in a subset of open chromatin and active enhancer sites that strongly correlated with expression changes of nearby genes. OxLDL-regulated enhancers were enriched for several transcription factors including C/EBP-beta, which has no previously documented role in foam cell formation. OxLDL exposure up-regulated C/EBP-beta expression and increased genomic binding events, most prominently around genes involved in inflammatory response pathways. Variants at CAD-associated loci were significantly and specifically enriched in the subset of chromatin sites altered by oxLDL exposure, including rs72664324 in an oxLDL-induced enhancer at the PPAP2B locus. OxLDL increased C/EBP beta binding to this site and C/EBP beta binding and enhancer activity were stronger with the protective A allele of rs72664324. In addition, expression of the PPAP2B protein product LPP3 was present in foam cells in human atherosclerotic plaques and oxLDL exposure up-regulated LPP3 in macrophages resulting in increased degradation of pro-inflammatory mediators. Our results demonstrate a genetic mechanism contributing to CAD risk at the PPAP2B locus and highlight the value of studying epigenetic changes in disease processes involving pathogenic environmental stimuli

    High Prevalence of Pre-Existing Liver Abnormalities Identified Via Autopsies in COVID-19: Identification of a New Silent Risk Factor?

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    A high prevalence of hepatic pathology (in 17 of 19 cases) was reported in post-mortem (PM) examinations of COVID-19 patients, undertaken between March 2020 and February 2021 by a single autopsy pathologist in two English Coronial jurisdictions. The patients in our cohort demonstrated high levels of recognised COVID-19 risk factors, including hypertension (8/16, 50%), type 2 diabetes mellitus (8/16, 50%) and evidence of arteriopathy 6/16 (38%). Hepatic abnormalities included steatosis (12/19; 63%), moderate to severe venous congestion (5/19; 26%) and cirrhosis (4/19; 21%). A subsequent literature review indicated a significantly increased prevalence of steatosis (49%), venous congestion (34%) and cirrhosis (9.3%) in COVID-19 PM cases, compared with a pre-pandemic PM cohort (33%, 16%, and 2.6%, respectively), likely reflecting an increased mortality risk in SARS-CoV-2 infection for patients with pre-existing liver disease. To corroborate this observation, we retrospectively analysed the admission liver function test (LFT) results of 276 consecutive, anonymised COVID-19 hospital patients in our centre, for whom outcome data were available. Of these patients, 236 (85.5%) had significantly reduced albumin levels at the time of admission to hospital, which was likely indicative of pre-existing chronic liver or renal disease. There was a strong correlation between patient outcome (length of hospital admission or death) and abnormal albumin at the time of hospital admission (p = 0.000012). We discuss potential mechanisms by which our observations of hepatic dysfunction are linked to a risk of COVID-19 mortality, speculating on the importance of recently identified anti-interferon antibodies

    MRI Based Localisation and Quantification of Abscesses following Experimental S. aureus Intravenous Challenge: Application to Vaccine Evaluation.

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    PURPOSE: To develop and validate a sensitive and specific method of abscess enumeration and quantification in a preclinical model of Staphylococcus aureus infection. METHODS: S. aureus infected murine kidneys were fixed in paraformaldehyde, impregnated with gadolinium, and embedded in agar blocks, which were subjected to 3D magnetic resonance microscopy on a 9.4T MRI scanner. Image analysis techniques were developed, which could identify and quantify abscesses. The result of this imaging was compared with histological examination. The impact of a S. aureus Sortase A vaccination regime was assessed using the technique. RESULTS: Up to 32 murine kidneys could be imaged in a single MRI run, yielding images with voxels of about 25 μm3. S. aureus abscesses could be readily identified in blinded analyses of the kidneys after 3 days of infection, with low inter-observer variability. Comparison with histological sections shows a striking correlation between the two techniques: all presumptive abscesses identified by MRI were confirmed histologically, and histology identified no abscesses not evident on MRI. In view of this, simulations were performed assuming that both MRI reconstruction, and histology examining all sections of the tissue, were fully sensitive and specific at abscess detection. This simulation showed that MRI provided more sensitive and precise estimates of abscess numbers and volume than histology, unless at least 5 histological sections are taken through the long axis of the kidney. We used the MRI technique described to investigate the impact of a S. aureus Sortase A vaccine. CONCLUSION: Post mortem MRI scanning of large batches of fixed organs has application in the preclinical assessment of S. aureus vaccines