61 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Volatile Profiles of Six Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Cultivars

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    CAUL read and publish agreement 2022fals


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted the education of disadvantaged groups, relegating already marginalized people. It required their teachers to rapidly develop digital competencies to ensure that their students could overcome potential challenges and succeed in their education. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the pandemic on the development of professional digital competence of teachers working with adult migrant learners. By analyzing responses from questionnaires, a workshop and interviews with Swedish Municipal Adult Education (MAE) teachers working in migrant-dense areas in Sweden, we identify notions and perspectives of Teachers’ Professional Digital Competence (TPDC). We explore the challenges they encountered and the skills they deemed essential for managing them. The findings show the necessity of teachers considering learners’ study conditions, development of digital literacy skills, and cultural awareness to ensure inclusive online education for migrant learners

    Nordiska på schemat: Kommunikation och undervisning i gränsöverskridande språkmöten

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    Grannspråk har varit ett skolämne i Skandinavien sedan 1850-talet. Grannspråksundervisning i form av autentiska språkmöten i teknik-medierade klassrum mellan Danmark, Norge och Sverige har visat sig skapa en naturlig nyfikenhet och härmed mer lustfyllt lärande. Det bidrar till att skapa utrymme till dialogiskt och reflekterande lärande. Eleverna utvecklar diverse språkförståelsestrategier och tekniker. Särskilt möjligheterna till att använda sig av kollaborativa ytor, direkta samtal och multimodala produktioner uppmuntrar till utveckling mot mer receptiv och medierad grannspråksundervisning. Det resulterar i en medveten grannspråksförståelse och en parallell utveckling av sociala, kulturella, kritiska och digitala kompetenser


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    Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP for Reading and Writing – Resources, Algorithms and Tools (SLTC 2008). Editors: Rickard Domeij, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Ola Knutsson and Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 3 (2009), iv-v. © 2009 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/4116

    Impact of Emergency Online Teaching on Teachers’ Professional Digital Competence: Experiences from the Nordic Higher Education Institutions

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nordic higher education institutions (HEIs) as any other learning providers had to abruptly switch from onsite in-person delivery strategies to a more ‘pandemic-friendly’ online mode. To manage these emergent transformations of learning environments successfully, development of teachers’ digital competence became pivotal. This study investigates the experiences of teachers and students from HEIs in the Nordic countries of the impact of the transition to online teaching during the pandemic crisis on teachers’ professional digital competence (TPDC). The findings indicate that the pandemic promoted teachers’ creativity and innovation, enabling individual initiatives, openness, and decentralization that demonstrates the Nordic HEIs readiness to mobilize relevant digital infrastructure and exert academic freedom in times of crises. The study further broadens the concept of TPDC involving aspects of well-being and physical environment as additional indicators, to ensure equality, inclusion, and sustainability in the future of online education in higher education

    Blueberry firmness: a review of the textural and mechanical properties used in quality evaluations

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    Firmness is an important parameter for fresh blueberries as it influences the quality perceived by consumers and postharvest storage potential. However, the blueberry research community has not yet identified a universal standard method that can evaluate firmness for quality purposes. Different mechanical tests have been considered, offering different perspectives on this quality trait. This review summarises the most common methods previously used to evaluate textural and mechanical properties of fresh blueberries as influenced by pre- and postharvest factors. In addition, this review intends to assist the blueberry research community and commercial supply chain when selecting suitable methods to measure blueberry firmness as a fruit quality response. Different research initiatives to develop, optimize or standardise instrumental methods to assess blueberry firmness and relate to consumer sensory perception are reviewed. Mechanical parameters obtained by compression tests are the most previously used techniques to evaluate the influence of genotype, maturity, calcium, and postharvest management on blueberry firmness or to relate to sensory descriptors. However, standardising operational settings (e.g., compression distance, loading speed, and calculation procedures) is required to make results comparable across data collection conditions. Whether other mechanical test methods such as penetration or a combination of tests can better characterise blueberry quality or the relationship with consumer acceptance remains unknown and is worth studyin

    Teaching in Flexible Spatial and Digital Conditions

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    This study explores the opportunities and challenges of teaching under flexible spatial and digital conditions of the learning environment of a newly build school analyzing how teaching is organized and what curricular genres can be discerned, what resources and practices are offered to stimulate students meaning-making and what framing, relations and accessibility can be discerned in the flexibility of furniture and classroom space. The analyses of one teacher team’s planning and teaching of the thematic work project on Space in years 2-3 (8-9 old children) reveals varied teaching strategies between teacher-led and student-centered forms offering students linguistic, visual and audiovisual resources to make meaning of shared content via different subjects. Spatial framing allows for free movement or static and focused teaching strategies of rather traditional forms of assignments and assessment. These young students practice reading comprehension, both of written texts and films, that also serves building their knowledge about space, thus engaging in skills discourse in combination with thinking and learning discourse.

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    Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP for Reading and Writing - Resources, Algorithms and Tools (SLTC 2008). Editors: Rickard Domeij, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Ola Knutsson and Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 3 (2009), i-ii. © 2009 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/4116

    Proceedings (all articles)

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    Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP for Reading and Writing – Resources, Algorithms and Tools (SLTC 2008). Editors: Rickard Domeij, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Ola Knutsson and Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 3 (2009), v+23 pp. © 2009 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/4116