18 research outputs found

    Measuring Employability for Disadvantaged Unemployed People? Evidence from Survey and Register Data

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    Disadvantaged unemployed Danes do not easily become re-employed. Previous literature has focused on unemployment versus employment. Expanding on this, the present article is a proposal to assess disadvantaged unemployed people’s employability. On the basis of the literature, I investigate whether variables measuring health, well-being, self-efficacy, alcohol use, and drug use can be included into this measure of employability measured as subsequent re-employment. Data are on disadvantaged unemployment cash benefit recipients from the Copenhagen Unemployment and Well-Being Panel Survey (2013, 2014, N = 2400, analytical sample N = 956) and detailed register data on employment status measured weekly. The results from the analysis reveal that only parts of the proposed indicator are linked with subsequent re-employment, and comprehensive robustness checks reveal that the indicator lacks stability. However, the findings from the study can inform future studies aiming at developing an indicator of employability for disadvantaged unemployed people in Denmark and the other Nordic countries

    Depicted welfare-recipient stereotypes in Norway and Denmark: a photo-elicitation study

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    Welfare recipients are continuously subjected to media debates and governmental campaigns drawing on images and symbols encouraging improved work ethic and individual responsibility. Only few studies, however, have analysed how welfare recipients as ‘othered’ citizens react to these often stereotypical symbols and images targeting them. In this study we have investigated how welfare recipients in Norway and Denmark, and caseworkers in Denmark, understand and account for images which, through the use of stereotypes, directly or indirectly may question welfare recipients’ work ethic and deservedness. Analysing photo-elicitation interview data, we have uncovered a variety of reactions characterized by ‘problematization’. The interviewees problematize the image and depicted stereotypes, which they link both with motif and symbols and with surrounding public debates on the work ethic and deservedness of welfare recipients. Furthermore, as photo-elicitation is a rarely used tool in welfare research, we address methodological aspects of using photo-elicitation in a study of ‘othered’ welfare recipients

    Measuring Employability for Disadvantaged Unemployed People? Evidence from Survey and Register Data

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    Disadvantaged unemployed Danes do not easily become re-employed. Previous literature has focused on unemployment versus employment. Expanding on this, the present article is a proposal to assess disadvantaged unemployed people’s employability. On the basis of the literature, I investigate whether variables measuring health, well-being, self-efficacy, alcohol use, and drug use can be included into this measure of employability measured as subsequent re-employment. Data are on disadvantaged unemployment cash benefit recipients from the Copenhagen Unemployment and Well-Being Panel Survey (2013, 2014, N = 2400, analytical sample N = 956) and detailed register data on employment status measured weekly. The results from the analysis reveal that only parts of the proposed indicator are linked with subsequent re-employment, and comprehensive robustness checks reveal that the indicator lacks stability. However, the findings from the study can inform future studies aiming at developing an indicator of employability for disadvantaged unemployed people in Denmark and the other Nordic countries

    The impact of self-reported health and register-based prescription medicine purchases on re-employment chances: A prospective study

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the influence of self-reported health and register-based prescription medicine purchases on re-employment chances, and whether these health indicators measure similar aspects of health in this analysis. Data came from a 2006 Danish unemployment survey among a random sample of unemployed individuals enriched with register data (2006–2008, N=1806). The survey participants all received unemployment benefits from the welfare system and had been unemployed for more than 20 weeks at the time of the interview in 2006. We combined these data with longitudinal register data on individual prescription medicine purchases for somatic illnesses and prescription medicine purchases for mental illnesses, information on re-employment and various socio-demographic variables. We conducted binary logistic regression analyses to investigate the impact of self-reported health and prescription medicine purchases measured in 2006 on re-employment chances in 2007 and 2008. Our analyses show that unemployed workers with poor self-reported health and workers who had prescription medicine purchases for mental illnesses were less likely to be re-employed in 2007 and 2008. Furthermore, the impact of both prescription medicine purchases for somatic illnesses and for mental illnesses increased when adding self-reported health to the model although prescription purchases for somatic illnesses became statistically insignificant. The impact of prescription medicine purchases for somatic illnesses was mediated by self-reported health, whilst prescription medicine purchases for mental illnesses was only partly mediated. Finally, SRH seemed a much stronger prediction than prescription medicines. From these results, we propose, when possible, the inclusion of both an indicator of self-reported health and an indicator of mental health in studies on re-employment

    Construct Validity of the Swedish Version of the Revised Piper Fatigue Scale in an Oncology Sample—A Rasch Analysis

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    AbstractObjectivesFatigue is a common and distressing symptom in cancer patients due to both the disease and its treatments. The concept of fatigue is multidimensional and includes both physical and mental components. The 22-item Revised Piper Fatigue Scale (RPFS) is a multidimensional instrument developed to assess cancer-related fatigue. This study reports on the construct validity of the Swedish version of the RPFS from the perspective of Rasch measurement.MethodsThe Swedish version of the RPFS was answered by 196 cancer patients fatigued after 4 to 5 weeks of curative radiation therapy. Data from the scale were fitted to the Rasch measurement model. This involved testing a series of assumptions, including the stochastic ordering of items, local response dependency, and unidimensionality. A series of fit statistics were computed, differential item functioning (DIF) was tested, and local response dependency was accommodated through testlets.ResultsThe Behavioral, Affective and Sensory domains all satisfied the Rasch model expectations. No DIF was observed, and all domains were found to be unidimensional. The Mood/Cognitive scale failed to fit the model, and substantial multidimensionality was found. Splitting the scale between Mood and Cognitive items resolved fit to the Rasch model, and new domains were unidimensional without DIF.ConclusionsThe current Rasch analyses add to the evidence of measurement properties of the scale and show that the RPFS has good psychometric properties and works well to measure fatigue. The original four-factor structure, however, was not supported

    The physical activity paradox revisited: a prospective study on compositional accelerometer data and long-term sickness absence

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    Background The 'physical activity paradox' advocates that leisure physical activity (PA) promotes health while high occupational PA impairs health. However, this paradox can be explained by methodological limitations of the previous studies-self-reported PA measures, insufficient adjustment for socioeconomic confounding or not addressing the compositional nature of PA. Therefore, this study investigated if we still observe the PA paradox in relation to long-term sick absence (LTSA) after adjusting for the abovementioned limitations. Methods Time spent on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and remaining physical behaviors (sedentary behavior, standing, light PA and time in bed) at work and in leisure was measured for 929 workers using thigh accelerometry and expressed as isometric log-ratios (ilrs). LTSA was register-based first event of >= 6 consecutive weeks of sickness absence during 4-year follow-up. The association betweenilrsand LTSA was analyzed using a Cox proportional hazards model adjusted for remaining physical behaviors and potential confounders, then separately adjusting for and stratifying by education and type of work. Results During the follow-up, 21% of the workers experienced LTSA. In leisure, more relative MVPA time was negatively associated with LTSA (20% lower risk with 20 min more MVPA,p = 0.02). At work, more relative MVPA time was positively associated with LTSA (15% higher risk with 20 min more MVPA,p = 0.02). Results remained unchanged when further adjusted for or stratified by education and type of work. Conclusion These findings provide further support to the 'PA paradox'

    El Sistema Hammarkullen: En kvalitativ studie om hur El Sistema bidrar till social inkludering

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    Social exkludering Ă€r ett aktuellt samhĂ€llsproblem lokalt liksom globalt. Det handlar i stort om individers och gruppers möjligheter till delaktighet i samhĂ€llet, vilket avgörs av sociala, ekonomiska, politiska och kulturella processer. Att se social exkludering som ett samhĂ€llsproblem Ă€r relevant för att förstĂ„ behovet av ett mer integrerat samhĂ€lle och behovet av satsningar för att Ă„stadkomma mer social inkludering. El Sistema Ă€r en social verksamhet som anvĂ€nder musik- och orkesterundervisning som verktyg för social och mĂ€nsklig utveckling. Verksamheten som 1975 startade i Caracas, Venezuela har utvecklats till en global rörelse. År 2010 pĂ„börjades i stadsdelen Hammarkullen i Göteborg Nordens första El Sistema-inspirerade projekt, vilket sedan dess kommit att bli en permanent verksamhet. Musikundervisningen riktar sig till barn och unga men ambitionen Ă€r att inkludera hela familjer i en social gemenskap. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att ta reda pĂ„ huruvida och pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt El Sistema Hammarkullen bidrar till social inkludering. För att ta reda pĂ„ detta har det genomförts en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex intervjupersoner inom förskola och grundskola, för att synliggöra deras uppfattningar om huruvida El Sistema bidrar till social inkludering. Undersökningens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar handlar om hur man ser pĂ„verkan pĂ„ barn, familjer och omrĂ„det/stadsdelen med avseende pĂ„ social inkludering. Det empiriska materialet bearbetades med tematisk analys i en induktiv metod och resultatet analyserades utifrĂ„n teorier om social exkludering. Resultatet visar att det finns uppfattningar om att deltagande barn, deras familjer och Ă€ven till viss del stadsdelen pĂ„verkas i en positiv bemĂ€rkelse av El Sistema. De intervjuade menade sig se att barnen pĂ„verkas genom en stĂ€rkt sjĂ€lvtillit och kĂ€nsla av grupptillhörighet och att familjer i Hammarkullen i större utstrĂ€ckning nu möts över kulturella grĂ€nser. Detta kan i förlĂ€ngningen Ă€ven bidra till en mer positiv sjĂ€lvbild för invĂ„narna i stadsdelen. Slutsatser: resultatet kan tolkas som att El Sistema Hammarkullen bidrar till ökad social inkludering i det hĂ€nseendet att det medverkar till skapandet av ett större socialt nĂ€tverk och ökad gemenskap i omrĂ„det vilket genererar kĂ€nslor av samhörighet och framtidstro