38 research outputs found

    Valuasi Ekonomi Manfaat Langsung Dan Tidak Langsung Kawasan Waduk Malahayu, Kabupaten Brebes

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    Malahayu reservoir is a reservoir that has an important role both for the citizens and the government around Brebes. This is because citizens of the community utilizing Malahayu Reservoir as a means of fulfilling their needs as the activities of fisheries, tourism, fresh water, transportation reservoirs and irrigated rice fields plantation. Therefore Reservoir Malahayu into reservoirs that need to be preserved its existence to keep the resources which have economic values. The study was conducted in January-February 2016 in Reservoir Malahayu which aims to determine the economic values of the direct and indirect economic benefits of Malahayu Reservoir area. The method used are the market price valuation method for the fisheries sector, method of travel costs for the tourism sector, the method Effect on Production Approach (EOP) for the water sector and the methods of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) for the irrigation sector. The method to determine the respondents used purposive sampling techniques for capture fisheries, convenience sampling for tourism, cluster sampling for clean water, census and convenience sampling for transporationt as well as purposive sampling for irrigation. The results showed the economic values of direct benefit fisheries sector is IDR 1,369,180,000 per year , the tourism sector is IDR 3,542,398,400/year, water sector amounting to IDR 210,360,000 per year and the transportation sector amounted to IDR 375,407,002 per year. The total values of the direct economic benefits of IDR 5,497, 345, 402 per year. The economic values of the indirect benefits of the irrigation sector that has economic values of IDR 1,101,500,000per year


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    Berbagai kendala dalam pelaksanaan konseling dialami oleh konselor di sekolah. Konselor belum mampu menerapkan konseling yang bermakna bagi konseli dan memiliki dampak yang signifikan bagi perubahan tingkah laku konseli. Hal ini salah satu penyebabnya adalah konselor melaksanakan layanan konseling dengan metode konvensional, sehingga konseli tidak dapat memiliki ketertarikan terhadap layanan konseling yang diberikan. Padahal, konselor dapat melakukan berbagai usaha untuk menciptakan konseling yang inovatif sehingga konseli memiliki ketertarikan untuk terlibat penuh dalam intervensi konseling. Salah satu usaha yang dapat dilakukan adalah konselor dapat mengintegrasikan seni kreatif dalam layanan konseling. Berbagai seni kreatif yang dapat diintegrasikan antara lain musik, permainan dan humor, serta seni visual. Konselor yang dapat mengintegrasikan seni kreatif dalam konseling diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan konseling sehingga keefektifan layanan konseling untuk membantu konseli keluar dari permasalahannya semakin meningkat

    Faktor-faktor Terjadinya Tuberkulosis

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    Kualitas pengobatan tuberkulosis di DIY berdasarkan laporan P2M, meskipun dari ta-hun ke tahun terus meningkat namun, tetap masih rendah, yaitu angka kesembuhan baru mencapai 84,07% (target 85%). Cakupan penemuan tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Depok 3 dirasa masih rendah pada tahun 2011 terdapat 23 kasus, tahun 2012 19 kasus, sedangkan pada tahun 2013 terdapat 25 kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeta-hui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kejadian tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Depok 3 Kabupaten Sleman. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan sampel case control yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 60 responden, dengan kasus sebanyak 20 responden, dan kontrol sebanyak 40 responden (perbandingan 1:2). Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji chi-square dan Fisher's exact test. Hasil menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan kepadatan hunian rumah (p value 0,422, OR 2,250), kebiasaan merokok (p value 1,000, OR 1,000) dan status ekonomi (p value 1,000, OR 1,123) dengan tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Depok 3 Kabupaten Sle-man. Kesimpulannya tidak ada hubungan kepadatan hunian, kebiasaan merokok, dan status ekonomi dengan tuberkulosis. The quality of tuberculosis treatment in the DIY province based on the report of P2M, although from year to year keep increasing but still low, the cure rate has reached 84.07% (target of 85%). Tubeculosis detection coverage in Depok 3 primer health centre (puskesmas) is still low, it's seen that in 2011 there were 23 cases, 19 cases in 2012, whereas in 2013 there were 25 cases. This study aims to determine what factors that have connection with the incidence of tuberculosis in Depok 3 Primer Health Care of Sleman distric. This research is an observational analytic sample case control in 2014. The study's sample were 60 respondents, with as many as 20 cases of respondents, and control as many as 40 respondents (ratio 1:2). Data analysis using chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. The result there was no relationship between the density of residential (p value 0,422, OR 2,250), smoking habits (p value 1,000, OR 1,000), occupation and economic status (p value 1,000, OR 1,123) with the occurrence of tuberculosis in Depok 3 Primer Primer Health Care of Sleman distric. Conclution there was no relationship between the density of residential, smoking habits, occupation, and economic status with tuberculosis

    Efektifitas Penambahan Curd Kefir terhadap Mutu Sabun dan Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan Escherichia coli pada Sabun Alami Berbahan Dasar Tallow

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    The ban on using triclosan as an antiseptic in bath soap in various countries has given rise to new ideas to apply natural ingredients as an alternative. Curd kefir, as a natural ingredient, can be used as an alternative antiseptic. In this study, the manufacturing of tallow-based soap has been developed by adding kefir curd as an antiseptic to improve the soap's quality and inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The results showed no significant difference in the soap's free alkali content, saponification number, and hardness. The inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli increased with the rise of kefir curd concentration.The ban on using triclosan as an antiseptic in bath soap in various countries has given rise to new ideas to apply natural ingredients as an alternative. Curd kefir, as a natural ingredient, can be used as an alternative antiseptic. In this study, the manufacturing of tallow-based soap has been developed by adding kefir curd as an antiseptic to improve the soap's quality and inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The results showed no significant difference in the soap's free alkali content, saponification number, and hardness. The inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli increased with the rise of kefir curd concentration

    Analisis Ekonomi Pemeliharaan Broiler dengan Pemberian Tepung Daun Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.)

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    Alternative feed ingredients that can replace commercial feed ingredients such as corn namely noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf which has a high enough metabolic energy content. This study aims to analyze the economics of the application Morinda citrifolia L. in broiler feed. This research was conducted in the broiler cage at Lampung State Polytechnic. In this study, there were four treatments that are T1 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 0%, T2 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 2%, T3 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 4% and.T4 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 6%. The results of the research on the application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) as much 2% in broiler feed is able to reduce production costs. Analyze of Break Even Point (BEP) product 15,16 kg, Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp 21.265,39, Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Rp 676.226,00, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) 1,74 and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 0,74.Alternative feed ingredients that can replace commercial feed ingredients such as corn namely noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf which has a high enough metabolic energy content. This study aims to analyze the economics of the application Morinda citrifolia L. in broiler feed. This research was conducted in the broiler cage at Lampung State Polytechnic. In this study, there were four treatments that are T1 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 0%, T2 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 2%, T3 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 4% and.T4 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 6%. The results of the research on the application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) as much 2% in broiler feed is able to reduce production costs. Analyze of Break Even Point (BEP) product 15,16 kg, Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp 21.265,39, Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Rp 676.226,00, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) 1,74 and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 0,74

    Infeksi Parasit Gastrointestinal pada Kambing (Capra aegagrus hircus) di Desa Rajabasa Lama Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    In developing countries such as Indonesia, the health of small ruminants such as goats is not given much attention because the medical costs are very high, it causing a farmer to prefer to sell their livestock, even though at relatively low prices if there are signs of infection, one of which is due to parasitic diseases. This research was carried out in the village of Rajabasa Lama. The study was conducted using a descriptive method by collecting feces from the goat pens in that area using native methode and sugar floatation method Furthermore, the examination was carried out using a native test and fecal floating examination using a fluid sugar medium. The results of the examination of gastrointestinal tract parasites that were found included parasites from the protozoan Entamoeba sp. and Eimeria sp. and also parasites from the Trematoda family, the eggs of the worm Fasciola sp.. Eimeria sp. is a parasite that quite often infects ruminants, including goats. This study showed that goats in Rajabasa Lama Village had gastrointestinal parasite infections including Eimeria sp., Entamoeba sp., Fasciola sp. worm eggs, and Trichuris sp. eggs.In developing countries such as Indonesia, the health of small ruminants such as goats is not given much attention because the medical costs are very high, it causing a farmer to prefer to sell their livestock, even though at relatively low prices if there are signs of infection, one of which is due to parasitic diseases. This research was carried out in the village of Rajabasa Lama. The study was conducted using a descriptive method by collecting feces from the goat pens in that area using native methode and sugar floatation method Furthermore, the examination was carried out using a native test and fecal floating examination using a fluid sugar medium. The results of the examination of gastrointestinal tract parasites that were found included parasites from the protozoan Entamoeba sp. and Eimeria sp. and also parasites from the Trematoda family, the eggs of the worm Fasciola sp.. Eimeria sp. is a parasite that quite often infects ruminants, including goats. This study showed that goats in Rajabasa Lama Village had gastrointestinal parasite infections including Eimeria sp., Entamoeba sp., Fasciola sp. worm eggs, and Trichuris sp. eggs

    Strategi Penerapan Konsep Adaptive Re-use pada Bangunan Tua Studi Kasus: Gedung PT P.p.i (Ex. Kantor PT Tjipta Niaga) di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta

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    Dewasa ini, pembangunan gedung-gedung baru di Jakarta sangatlah pesat. Hal ini mengakibatkanbeberapa bagian di sudut Jakarta menjadi terlupakan dan seolah-olah dibiarkan lapuk. Pelapukanbangunan ini umumnya terjadi pada bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah yang sudah tidakdifungsikan lagi sebagaimana mestinya. Maka dari itu diperlukan suatu gerakan pelestariankawasan bersejarah dengan langkah revitalisasi maupun konservasi di suatu kota bersejarahumumnya dan Jakarta khususnya. Karena kawasan bersejarah dapat menjadi identitas sebuah kotayang memiliki peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan kota yang terbentuk oleh suatu peradabanbudaya.Salah satu solusi yang tepat dalam menghidupkan kembali suatu kawasan bersejarah adalah denganlangkah membuat suatu fungsi baru dari fungsi lama pada bangunan-bangunan tersebut. Langkahini dikenal dengan istilah adaptive re-use yang kemudian disandingkan dengan konsep konservasi.Bahkan beberapa negara di dunia, sudah cukup lama menggunakan adaptive re-use sebagai upayamenyelamatkan aset bersejarah dan dapat dikategorikan berhasil. Tetapi tidak selamanya langkahini mudah dilaksanakan, karena pada umumnya akan muncul kendala yang menyebabkanhilangnya nilai-nilai sejarah. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika keaslian dari bentuk bangunan sengajadihilangkan atau mendapatkan respon negatif dari pihak luar

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Jagung Dalam Pembuatan Silase Limbah Daun Singkong Terhadap Perubahan Nutrisi, Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Protein Kasar Dan Serat Kasar Pada Kelinci Lokal

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    An experiment was done at Cage Rabbit Trial and Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Departement of Animal Husbandry, The State of Politechnic Lampung. The first experiment began in 10th until 30th July 2010. The second experiment began 27th August until 15 September 2010.The first experiment were conducted to know some treatments to made cassava leaf meal silage. The second experiment to know dry matter, crude protein, and crude fibre digestible on using of the cassava leaf meal silage in male local rabbit. The treatment and method two steps by used: In experiment 1, P1= 0% corn meeal, P2= 5% corn meal, P3= 10% corn meal, and P4=15% corn meal. In experiment 2, These used 16 male local rabbit. The rabbit were placed randomizely in battery cage. Parameter measured were : dry matter, crude protein , and crude fibre digestile. The nutrient digestibility determined by Harris (1983). The result of this experiment showed that ensilage processing increased quality of nutrien conten and its digestibility on local rabbit.

    Krim Ekstrak Etanol Biji Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia) Sama Efektifnya Dengan Krim Hidrokuinon Dalam Mencegah Peningkatan Jumlah Melanin Kulit Marmut (Cavia Porcellus) Yang Dipapar Sinar Ultraviolet B

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    : Ultraviolet B (UVB) ray may cause skin hyperpigmentation due to increased melanin level. Noni seeds (Morinda citrifolia) extract was a strong candidate as an antioxidant and whitening agent. This study was aimed to prove the effect of noni seeds extract cream in prevention the increase of melanin in UVB-exposed Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). This was a true experimental study using posttest only control group design. Subjects were 30 Guinea pigs divided into 3 groups, each of 10 Guinea pigs. Group 1, the control group, was treated with UVB exposure and basic cream; group 2 was treated with UVB and 4% noni seed cream; and group 3 was treated with UVB and 4% hydroquinone cream. A total of 390 mJ/cm2 ultraviolet B dosage was given for 2 weeks. Histopathological examination with Masson-Fontana staining was performed to evaluate the melanin areas with black color. The amount of melanin was calculated by the percentage of pixel areas of melanin and was compared with the pixels of all epidermal tissues. The results showed that the highest number of melanin was in group 1 (10.61±5.33%), while in group 2 was 1.4±0.65%, and in group 3 was 0.45±0.23%. There was a significant difference between the control group and group 2 as well as group 3 (P 0.05). Conclusion: The 4% noni seeds extract (Morinda citrifolia) cream could prevent the increase of skin melanin in UVB-exposed Guinea pig as effective as 4% hydroquinone cream

    Suplementasi Tepung Jangkrik Sebagai Sumber Protein Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Burung Puyuh (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)

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    This research aims to study and determine the effect of crickets flour supplementation of feed on performance of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The material used is Day Old Quail (DOQ) were 70 individuals (35 males and 35 females), commercial rations for laying hens and crickets flour. Experiments designed to completely randomized design factorial 2x5 pattern. The first factor gender (male and female), the second factor adding crickets flour into a commercial ration (0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% of the ration). Each treatment was repeated 7 times. Variables observed in this study is consumption, body weight gain, conversion and carcass percentage. Data were analyzed using the Fingerprint Variety of RAL factorial ANOVA. Further test of the simple effect or primary conducted using Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that supplementation of crickets flour in feed did not affect on feed consumption, but it influenced on body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and carcass percentage of male and female Japanese quail