28 research outputs found


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    Al-Quran is a way of life for Muslims, then of the Koran becomes important to study because it is considered as the practice of most of the renowned and as a source of Islamic law (mashâdîr al-Ahkâm) in resolving a problem. The device to be able to issue a law from the source (al-Quran) is called ijtihad. One of the main tasks of a mujtahid must understand the text (Nash), which is better to understand the meaning of a lafaz, area, object, and how the appointment lafaz on the meaning and the type and degree of his dilalah. Experts ushûl fiqh divide this theme into two parts, namely the appointment (di­lâlah) text on a meaning and appointment (di­lâlah) directly on the legal texts of syara‘. Appointment (di­lâlah) text on a meaning it includes the study ‘âmm and khâsh. Therefore, this paper will be focused on the concept and implementation of the 'Amm and khâsh in legal events in the present, so that there is clarity about the legal position that is not explicitly described in the al-Quran and al-Sunnah

    Muamalah Maliyah sebagai Rujukan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

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    Muamalah maliyah adalah bagian dari ilmu fikih.Sebagai ilmu, fikih muamalah maliyah dapat dibedakan dengan jelas dan terpilah-pilah dari ilmu yang lainnya. Salah satu alat untuk memilah itu adalah mabadi asyrah (sepuluh prinsip) yang sudah dikenal dalam tradisi kajian ilmu Islam. Mempelajari hukum ekonomi syariah harus dimulai dari menguasai fikih muamalah maliyah, kemudian ketentuan perundang-undangan berkaitan dengan hukum bisnis kontemporer, baik nasional maupun internasional

    Dinamika Fatwa Mudarabah dan Murabahah di Indonesia dan Malaysia

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    Buku ini berusaha memahami bagaimana fatwa dituntut dapat menjaga prinsip-prinsip syariah yang bersumber dari Alquran dan sunnah. Fatwa ideal adalah fatwa yang dapat mendayung di dua karang secara berimbang. Fatwa dituntut menjaga ketentuan syariah secara utuh dan menyeluruh. Dalam konteks ini, fatwa berkarakter menjaga yang sudah ada (konservatif) dan tidak berubah (immutable). Namun di sisi lain, fatwa dituntut untuk mendorong industri perbankan syariah berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien, dengan resiko yang kecil mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar. Tuntutan kedua ini mengharuskan fatwa bersifat menerima perubahan (adaptable) dan mendorong kemajuan (progresif). Bagaimana DSN-MUI dan MPS-BNM melakukan tugas dan wewenangnya dalam menghadapi dua tuntutan, menjaga dan mendorong, secara berimbang. Sehingga, industri perbankan syariah dapat tumbuh berkembang sekaligus tetap tunduk pada koridor normatif syariah. Dalam penelitian ini yang dimaksud dengan dinamika adalah perubahan sebagai jawaban atas realitas perkembangan industri perbankan syariah. Mengadaptasi kerangka perubahan sosial yang dikembangkan Eva Etzioni dan Amitai Etzioni, dinamika pada penelitian ini dibatasi pada tiga hal pokok yaitu sumber pembentukan fatwa, subtansi fatwa dan dampak fatwa terhadap perkembangan industri perbankan syariah dan masyarakat. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh DSN-MUI dan MPS-BNM sampai tahun 2017. Data itu adalah 13 fatwa tentang mudarabah dan 14 fatwa tentang murabahah yang ditetapkan DSN-MUI dan 13 fatwa mudarabah dan 5 fatwa murabahah yang ditetapkan MPS-BNM. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif sehingga memberi pemahaman yang utuh. Fatwa yang diteliti adalah fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh DSN-MUI dan MPS-BNM sampai tahun 2017. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi-kwalitatif. Disertasi ini menunjukan bahwa dinamika fatwa MPS Malaysia berangkat dari fatwa yang longgar ke arah fatwa yang ketat. Berbeda dengan MPS Malaysia, DSN Indonesia justru sebaliknya, fatwa yang ketat mengarah kepada fatwa yang lebih longgar. Namun dibalik realitas tersebut, fatwa yang ditetapkan oleh DSN-MUI dan MPS-BNM berusaha menyesuaikan diri dengan tuntutan industri perbankan syariah. Orientasi bank yang harus memaksimalkan profit dibatasi oleh norma yang harus menjaga perbankan syariah tetap patuh pada prinsip-prinsip syariah. Dua sisi yang saling tarik-menarik itu melahirkan model penyesuaian yang berbeda. Fatwa yang ditetapkan oleh DSN-MUI dan MPS-BNM tentang mudarabah dan murabahah telah membuktikan adanya adaptasi terhadap kebutuhan industri perbankan syariah agar dapat bertahan dan mendapatkan keuntungan dengan efektif dan efisien namun tetap berjalan dalam koridor syariah yang dipahami oleh DSN-MUI dan MPS-BNM


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    PUPR Ministerial Regulation No.16 / PRT / M / 2017 concerning Non-cash Toll Transactions on Toll Roads. Electronic Toll (E-Toll) is a program in the form of an electronic toll payment service in the form of an electronic card used to make payments for entering toll roads. The use of e-toll is only by using a card that is pasted and finished within 4 seconds. The e-toll card is issued by PT. Jasa Marga. The technology used by E-Toll cards is RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) where transactions can be done remotely (contactless). Toll cards do not need a PIN or signature. E-toll is made because of the congestion that always occurs at the toll gate with the aim of shortening the toll payment time so that there is no longer a long queue. The research framework in this study is to analyze the phenomenon of the emergence of PUPR Ministerial Regulation No.16 / PRT / M / 2017 concerning Transaction of Non-toll Toll Roads, which is linked to Law No.7 of 2011 concerning Currency in relation to the Al-Hurriyyah Principle. The writing method used is the empirical juridical method. That is research on legal identification (unwritten law) based on the laws that apply in society, namely customary law and Islamic law. In this study, researchers must deal with citizens who are the object of research so that many regulations are not written in the community. The results of this study indicate that (1) The birth of PUPR Ministerial Regulation No.16 / PRT / M / 2017 concerning Transaction of Non-cash Toll Roads, is an effort to realize a transparent, participatory government and also to develop electronic-based governance in the framework of improve the quality of public services effectively and efficiently. (2) Non-cash transactions on the toll road, provide more benefits than mafsadat. So basically the government program has provided a way out of traffic congestion problems, although at the same time it reduces user freedom

    Pemberdayaan Lembaga Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) melalui pembiayaan Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah

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    Jaminan kepastian eksistensi dan kepastian usaha bagi UMKM merupakan ruh dari UU nomor 20 tahun 2008 tentang UMKM mendapat dukungan secara nyata dari pihak perbankan syariah dengan memberikan kontribusi pembiayaan kepada sektor usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah lebih besar kepada non UMKM. Walaupun dengan ketentuan dan syarat yang sama UMKM menunjukan tingkat kolektibilitas pembiayaan yang tinggi. Mereka mampu menjadi nasabah pembiayaan yang amanah yang pada gilirannya akan menjadi modal penting dalam pengembangan usahanya


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    Harta Insan Karimah Islamic People's Financing Bank (BPRS) is a financial institution that applies the break even point method in an effort to prevent losses and make decisions in mudharabah financing. In its application, this method must be calculated carefully and thoroughly and know the magnitude of the benefits or its disadvantages and what if the calculations are wrong. Then the legal status is still being questioned. This study aims to determine the review of Islamic economic law on the application of the break-even point method in mudharabah financing at SRB HIK Parahyangan Cileunyi. The method used in this research is a descriptive case study. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the break-even point method cannot be made as a final decision because this method can only be used in a stable economic situation so as not to burden and cause injustice to. In a review of Islamic economic law, this method may be used because it is a business habit or 'urf that is known by business actors in the effort of risk loss management in stable economic conditions, this method is in accordance with the principles of muamalah namely principle' is or justice, principles antaradhin, the principle of manfaah (tabadu al-manafi '), the principle of ash-shiddiq and the principle of adam al-gharar and muamalah fiqh rules

    Model desa ecowisata halal

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    Desa Ecowisata Halal merupakan bentuk inovasi model pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis wisata yang dipadupadankan dengan lingkungan, budaya dan nilai-nilai religiusitas. Desa Ecowisata Halal berbeda dengan model wisata pada umumnya. Dalam konsep desa ecowisata halal, layanan tambahan terhadap muslim travelers menjadi hal yang sangat diperhatikan. Selain itu, hal yang menjadi pengelola wisata ini adalah masyarakat. Masyarakatlah yang menjadi aktor utama pengelolanya. Dan segala bentuk manfaat yang dihasilkan dari wisata ini kembali kepada masyarakat. Dari masyarakat, oleh masyarakat, dan untuk masyarakat

    Analysis of Buying, Selling, and Leasing Virtual Land in the Metaverse: A Perspective from Sharia Economic Law

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    This research aims to analyze the position of virtual land buying, selling, and leasing practices using cryptocurrency in the metaverse from the perspective of Islamic economic law. This study uses a descriptive analysis method with a normative juridical approach and data analysis techniques through three stages of analysis: focusing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusions. The research found that the practice of buying, selling, and leasing virtual land in the metaverse is permissible because it meets the conditions and pillars of a valid contract. The transactions carried out involve intangible assets, namely virtual land and cryptocurrency. In these transactions, there is an expansion of the object of the ijarah (lease) contract, which typically involves the benefit of tangible objects or assets but can also include the benefit of intangible objects or assets, provided that the intangible asset requires another object (a tangible object) or a process that enables the asset to have utility, thus fulfilling the purpose of the contract in accordance with the principles of muamalah maliyyah (financial transactions). The development of the object of the ijarah contract is a scientific contribution to the development of Islamic economic law theory. Therefore, further research is needed on the status of intangible assets as objects of contracts to explore their benefits and legal status in accordance with Sharia principles

    Sharia in Secular State The Place and Models for Practicing Islamic Law in Indonesia

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    In Islam, the complexity and uniqueness of relation of state and religion can be traced back in history of the relation of Islamic law and state. The purpose of this study is to describe the place of Islamic law in Unitary State of Republic Indonesia and the models or alternatives that can be used to practice Islamic law. This research is a kind of non doctrinal qualitative legal research which included some problems, policy and law reform based research. The subject of this study is the substance and norms of sharia that has been accommodated by Indonesia legal system or has been applied through its protection. Data was collected from the book or documents. From this study, it can be concluded that although officially, Indonesia is not religious state, philosophically the purpose of sharia has been accommodated in Indonesia legal system, legally there is no obstacle to absorb sharia values and norms into positive law as long as it is not contrary to the constitution. This study also concluded that practically, there are some alternatives that can be used by Muslims in practicing sharia. This result implies that there is no need for Muslim to establish an Islamic theocratic state in order to practice comprehensive shari

    Sharia Economic Law Perspective on Online Meeting Premium Account Leasing

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    In general, in leasing goods (ijarah ala al-a'yan) the object of the contract is the benefit that comes from tangible objects. However, it is different from renting a Zoom Meeting Premium account whose position is as application software. So that its position will have benefits if its use is collaborated with hardware as hardware. Meanwhile, if it is only the software that is being leased, how can the software have benefits as the object of an ijarah contract which is the benefit of an object. Therefore, this study will discuss the practice of renting a Zoom Meeting Premium account according to the perspective of sharia economic law. This research is a research that uses a descriptive case study method with an empirical juridical approach. The data analysis technique was carried out through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study find the fact that the position of Zoom Meeting is premium as an application software that is part of a computer program. While the computer program is part of the copyright in the form of intangible movable objects. So that there is the development of the object of the ijarah contract which is generally in the form of benefits derived from tangible objects which can also come from the benefits of intangible objects