76 research outputs found

    Interaction between Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterial peroxidase and its electron donor, the lipid-modified azurin

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    cofinanced by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728).The Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterial cytochrome c peroxidase plays a key role in detoxifying the cells from H2O2 by reducing it to water using the lipid-modified azurin, LAz, a small type 1 copper protein, as electron donor. Here, the interaction between these two proteins was characterized by steady-state kinetics, two-dimensional NMR and molecular docking simulations. LAz is an efficient electron donor capable of activating this enzyme. This electron transfer complex is weak with a hydrophobic character, with LAz binding close to the electron transferring heme of the enzyme. The high catalytic rate (39 ± 0.03 s−1) is explained by the LAz pre-orientation, due to a positive dipole moment, and by the fast-dynamic ensemble of orientations, suggested by the small chemical shifts.publishersversionpublishe

    YhjA - An Escherichia coli trihemic enzyme with quinol peroxidase activity

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    Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (Belspo) (grant to BD, IAP7/44, iPROS project). co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728).The trihemic bacterial cytochrome c peroxidase from Escherichia coli, YhjA, is a membrane-anchored protein with a C-terminal domain homologous to the classical bacterial peroxidases and an additional N-terminal (NT) heme binding domain. Recombinant YhjA is a 50 kDa monomer in solution with three c-type hemes covalently bound. Here is reported the first biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of YhjA and of the NT domain demonstrating that NT heme is His63/Met125 coordinated. The reduction potentials of P (active site), NT and E hemes were established to be −170 mV, +133 mV and +210 mV, respectively, at pH 7.5. YhjA has quinol peroxidase activity in vitro with optimum activity at pH 7.0 and millimolar range KM values using hydroquinone and menadiol (a menaquinol analogue) as electron donors (KM = 0.6 ± 0.2 and 1.8 ± 0.5 mM H2O2, respectively), with similar turnover numbers (kcat = 19 ± 2 and 13 ± 2 s−1, respectively). YhjA does not require reductive activation for maximum activity, in opposition to classical bacterial peroxidases, as P heme is always high-spin 6-coordinated with a water-derived molecule as distal axial ligand but shares the need for the presence of calcium ions in the kinetic assays. Formation of a ferryl Fe(IV) = O species was observed upon incubation of fully oxidized YhjA with H2O2. The data reported improve our understanding of the biochemical properties and catalytic mechanism of YhjA, a three-heme peroxidase that uses the quinol pool to defend the cells against hydrogen peroxide during transient exposure to oxygenated environments.publishersversionpublishe

    Source and reduction of nitrous oxide

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    PTDC/BBB-BQB/0129/2014. UID/QUI/50006/2019. UlD/Multi/04378/2019. MSPC acknowledges FCT/MCTES for funding her "Research Position" (signed with FCT NOVA in accordance with DL.57/2016 and Lei 57/2017). Sem PDF conforme despacho.Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas with a global warming impact 300-fold higher than carbon dioxide. Due to its exponential increase in the atmosphere and its implications in climate change there is the need to develop strategies to mitigate its emissions and to reduce it to the inert dinitrogen gas. Only three enzymes have been reported to be able to reduce nitrous oxide, namely nitrogenase, one multicopper oxidase and nitrous oxide reductase, with the latter being the only one with a relevant physiological activity. In this enzyme, reduction of nitrous oxide occurs in a unique catalytic tetranuclear sulfide center, named “CuZ” center, a complex center required to overcome the high activation barrier of this reaction. Nitrous oxide reductase can be isolated with “CuZ” center in two forms, CuZ*(4Cu1S) and CuZ(4Cu2S), that differ in their catalytic and spectroscopic properties. Recently, another step towards a better understanding of the catalytic and activation mechanism of this enzyme was taken by identifying and spectroscopically characterizing an intermediate species of its catalytic cycle, CuZ 0 . A different approach for N 2 O reduction can be attained using model compounds. The unique structural motif present in “CuZ” center, a Cu 4 (µ 4 -S), has been a challenge for inorganic synthesis but several synthetic clusters that mimic different forms of “CuZ” center have been reported. Model compounds for the oxidation states involved in N 2 O reduction are also available. The advances in this area will be discussed in light of the recent data, with structural and functional model compounds of N 2 OR active site.authorsversionpublishe

    Enzymatic activity mastered by altering metal coordination spheres

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    J Biol Inorg Chem (2008) 13:1185–1195 DOI 10.1007/s00775-008-0414-3Metalloenzymes control enzymatic activity by changing the characteristics of the metal centers where catalysis takes place. The conversion between inactive and active states can be tuned by altering the coordination number of the metal site, and in some cases by an associated conformational change. These processes will be illustrated using heme proteins (cytochrome c nitrite reductase, cytochrome c peroxidase and cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase), non-heme proteins (superoxide reductase and [NiFe]-hydrogenase), and copper proteins (nitrite and nitrous oxide reductases) as examples. These examples catalyze electron transfer reactions that include atom transfer, abstraction and insertion

    Multivalent enzymes that enable the use of hydrogen peroxide for microaerobic and anaerobic proliferation

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    This work was financed by national funds from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences - UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy - i4HB. FCT supported SRP through the projects PTDC/BIA-PRO/109796/2009 and PTDC/BIA-BQM/29442/2017, DSB and RNSO through the scholarships UI/BD/151168/2021, and “Verão com Ciência2020”, respectively.Bacterial peroxidases are responsible for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide to water. Found in the periplasm of gram-negative bacteria, they are one of the defense mechanisms against endogenous and exogenous peroxide stress under low oxygen tensions. Besides being involved in peroxide detoxification, bacterial peroxidases have been proposed to constitute an alternative pathway to the respiratory chain under anoxic conditions, as demonstrated in E. coli that can use hydrogen peroxide as an electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen. Bacterial peroxidases are c-type cytochromes with either two or three c-type hemes bound to the polypeptide chain, being divided into classical or non-classical, respectively. Orthologous to the classical bacterial peroxidases are the MauG enzymes that share some structural, spectroscopic and sequence similarities but have distinct physiological roles (though for most their function remains unknown). The spectroscopic and kinetic data on bacterial peroxidases are reviewed for both classes. Most classical bacterial peroxidases require reductive activation that consists in structural changes so that the catalytic heme becomes accessible to the substrate. However, non-classical enzymes are ready to bind the hydrogen peroxide as their catalytic center is penta-coordinated, which is also observed in their structural model. The few studies that report the involvement of bacterial peroxidases from pathogenic bacteria in biofilms, is an indication that these enzymes might contribute to their infection mechanism and thus can constitute alternative drug targetspublishersversionpublishe

    The tetranuclear copper active site of nitrous oxide reductase: the CuZ center

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    J Biol Inorg Chem (2011) 16:183–194 DOI 10.1007/s00775-011-0753-3This review focuses on the novel CuZ center of nitrous oxide reductase, an important enzyme owing to the environmental significance of the reaction it catalyzes, reduction of nitrous oxide, and the unusual nature of its catalytic center, named CuZ. The structure of the CuZ center, the unique tetranuclear copper center found in this enzyme, opened a novel area of research in metallobiochemistry. In the last decade, there has been progress in defining the structure of the CuZ center, characterizing the mechanism of nitrous oxide reduction, and identifying intermediates of this reaction. In addition, the determination of the structure of the CuZ center allowed a structural interpretation of the spectroscopic data, which was supported by theoretical calculations. The current knowledge of the structure, function, and spectroscopic characterization of the CuZ center is described here. We would like to stress that although many questions have been answered, the CuZ center remains a scientific challenge, with many hypotheses still being formed

    The electron transfer complex between nitrous oxide reductase and its electron donors

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    J Biol Inorg Chem (2011) 16:1241–1254 DOI 10.1007/s00775-011-0812-9Identifying redox partners and the interaction surfaces is crucial for fully understanding electron flow in a respiratory chain. In this study, we focused on the interaction of nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR), which catalyzes the final step in bacterial denitrification, with its physiological electron donor, either a c-type cytochrome or a type 1 copper protein. The comparison between the interaction of N2OR from three different microorganisms, Pseudomonas nautica, Paracoccus denitrificans, and Achromobacter cycloclastes, with their physiological electron donors was performed through the analysis of the primary sequence alignment, electrostatic surface, and molecular docking simulations, using the bimolecular complex generation with global evaluation and ranking algorithm. The docking results were analyzed taking into account the experimental data, since the interaction is suggested to have either a hydrophobic nature, in the case of P. nautica N2OR, or an electrostatic nature, in the case of P. denitrificans N2OR and A. cycloclastes N2OR. A set of well-conserved residues on the N2OR surface were identified as being part of the electron transfer pathway from the redox partner to N2OR(Ala495, Asp519, Val524, His566 and Leu568 numbered according to the P. nautica N2OR sequence). Moreover, we built a model for Wolinella succinogenes N2OR, an enzyme that has an additional c-type-heme-containing domain. The structures of the N2OR domain and the c-type-heme-containing domain were modeled and the full-length structure was obtained by molecular docking simulation of these two domains. The orientation of the c-type-heme-containing domain relative to the N2OR domain is similar to that found in the other electron transfer complexes

    Proton-coupled electron transfer mechanisms of the copper centres of nitrous oxide reductase from Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus – An electrochemical study

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    PTDC/BBB-BQB/0129/2014, FCT/MCTES, UID/Multi/04378/2019, UID/QUI/50006/2019, Centro de Quimica Estrutural multiannual funding 2020-2023, UID/QUI/00100/2019.Reduction of N2O to N2 is catalysed by nitrous oxide reductase in the last step of the denitrification pathway. This multicopper enzyme has an electron transferring centre, CuA, and a tetranuclear copper-sulfide catalytic centre, “CuZ”, which exists as CuZ*(4Cu1S) or CuZ(4Cu2S). The redox behaviour of these metal centres in Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus nitrous oxide reductase was investigated by potentiometry and for the first time by direct electrochemistry. The reduction potential of CuA and CuZ(4Cu2S) was estimated by potentiometry to be +275 ± 5 mV and +65 ± 5 mV vs SHE, respectively, at pH 7.6. A proton-coupled electron transfer mechanism governs CuZ(4Cu2S) reduction potential, due to the protonation/deprotonation of Lys397 with a pKox of 6.0 ± 0.1 and a pKred of 9.2 ± 0.1. The reduction potential of CuA, in enzyme samples with CuZ*(4Cu1S), is controlled by protonation of the coordinating histidine residues in a two-proton coupled electron transfer process. In the cyclic voltammograms, two redox pairs were identified corresponding to CuA and CuZ(4Cu2S), with no additional signals being detected that could be attributed to CuZ*(4Cu1S). However, an enhanced cathodic signal for the activated enzyme was observed under turnover conditions, which is explained by the binding of nitrous oxide to CuZ0(4Cu1S), an intermediate species in the catalytic cycle.authorsversionpublishe

    The effect of pH on Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus denitrification pathway and nitrous oxide reductase

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    PTDC/BBB-BQB/0129/2014 (IM). This work was supported by the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit-UCIBIO, and Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV, which is financed by national funds from FCT (UIDB/04378/2020 and UIDB/50006/2020, respectively).Abstract: Increasing atmospheric concentration of N2O has been a concern, as it is a potent greenhouse gas and promotes ozone layer destruction. In the N-cycle, release of N2O is boosted upon a drop of pH in the environment. Here, Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus was grown in batch mode in the presence of nitrate, to study the effect of pH in the denitrification pathway by gene expression profiling, quantification of nitrate and nitrite, and evaluating the ability of whole cells to reduce NO and N2O. At pH 6.5, accumulation of nitrite in the medium occurs and the cells were unable to reduce N2O. In addition, the biochemical properties of N2O reductase isolated from cells grown at pH 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 were compared for the first time. The amount of this enzyme at acidic pH was lower than that at pH 7.5 and 8.5, pinpointing to a post-transcriptional regulation, though pH did not affect gene expression of N2O reductase accessory genes. N2O reductase isolated from cells grown at pH 6.5 has its catalytic center mainly as CuZ(4Cu1S), while that from cells grown at pH 7.5 or 8.5 has it as CuZ(4Cu2S). This study evidences that an in vivo secondary level of regulation is required to maintain N2O reductase in an active state. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].preprintpublishe

    Genomic organization, gene expression and activity profile of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus denitrification enzymes

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    POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728Background. Denitrification is one of the main pathways of the N-cycle, during which nitrate is converted to dinitrogen gas, in four consecutive reactions that are each catalyzed by a different metalloenzyme. One of the intermediate metabolites is nitrous oxide, which has a global warming impact greater then carbon dioxide and which atmospheric concentration has been increasing in the last years. The four denitrification enzymes have been isolated and biochemically characterized from Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus in our lab. Methods. Bioinformatic analysis of the M. hydrocarbonoclasticus genome to identify the genes involved in the denitrification pathway. The relative gene expression of the gene encoding the catalytic subunits of those enzymes was analyzed during the growth under microoxic conditions. The consumption of nitrate and nitrite, and the reduction of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide by whole-cells was monitored during anoxic and microoxic growth in the presence of 10 mM sodium nitrate at pH 7.5. Results. The bioinformatic analysis shows that genes encoding the enzymes and accessory factors required for each step of the denitrification pathway are clustered together. An unusual feature is the co-existence of genes encoding a q- and a c-type nitric oxide reductase, with only the latter being transcribed at similar levels as the ones encoding the catalytic subunits of the other denitrifying enzymes, when cells are grown in the presence of nitrate under microoxic conditions. Using either a batch- or a closed system, nitrate is completely consumed in the beginning of the growth, with transient formation of nitrite, and whole-cells can reduce nitric oxide and nitrous oxide from mid-exponential phase until being collected (time-point 50 h). Discussion. M. hydrocarbonoclasticus cells can reduce nitric and nitrous oxide in vivo, indicating that the four denitrification steps are active. Gene expression profile together with promoter regions analysis indicates the involvement of a cascade regulatory mechanism triggered by FNR-type in response to low oxygen tension, with nitric oxide and nitrate as secondary effectors, through DNR and NarXL, respectively. This global characterization of the denitrification pathway of a strict marine bacterium, contributes to the understanding of the N-cycle and nitrous oxide release in marine environments.publishersversionpublishe