356 research outputs found


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    This research aims to determine and analyze the Balance Scorecard approach as a measurement the performance of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative at “Kopertis” Region VII in Surabaya. The Balance Scorecard approach takes into account financial and non-financial aspects that are neglected by traditional performance measurements. Data collection was carried out by interview method with related sections and documentation. The data analysis technique used a qualitative descriptive method with a Balance Scorecard approach through 4 perspectives, namely a financial perspective, a customer perspective, an internal business process perspective and a learning and growth perspective. The results indicate that the measurement of cooperative performance in terms of 4 perspectives as a whole is good; this is indicated by a total score of 9 for financial, customer and learning & growth perspectives, obtaining good scores and a total score of 3 for internal business process perspectives obtaining sufficient scores. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the measurement of performance in cooperatives is more comprehensive. The suggestion proposed is the “Kopertis” Region VII Civil Servant Cooperative in measuring performance using the Balance Scorecard in order to find out the potential that the cooperative has for the welfare of all members


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    indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Esta estructura asume el panel SIP como base de un módulo tridimensional y monomaterial, cuya repetición y asociación genera espacios habitables para el ámbito doméstico, con pérdidas de material mínimas.This structure is composed of three-dimensional, isotropic modules created from SIP boards. Their repetition and association creates inhabitable spaces built with minimum loss of material.http://ref.scielo.org/3fhc7


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    This report discusses the research on the chosen topic, which is User-Centered Mobile Application for Emergency Information. The objectives of this project is to study suitable user interface and navigation style for emergency mobile application, to design and develop an application as User-centered Mobile Application for Emergency Situation, and to test the user acceptance on the application. The problem statements of this project are the existing application for emergency in Play store contain words with long explanation, and the current application for emergency mostly used hub and spoke as their navigation style. The scope of study for those who have Android smartphone and use it for searching beside calling or messaging. The range of age between 15 to 30 years old. The literature review component talks about user interface, mobile applications, navigation styles, android, and lastly mobile app for safety info. In the methodology section, it is discussed about the software development methodology applied in developing this project and also the tools that have been used for develop the application. The project phases are also being discussed in detail. The part of result and discussion shows the findings of the questionnaire, and also the system prototyping. In future plan section, the entire related future plan and some improvements that can be done for the future of this project are listed and elaborated. The conclusion section concludes the overall project

    Museo Naval y Marítimo Cerro Artillería

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloEste encargo de la Armada de Chile tiene como fin la remodelación de una parte del Museo Naval y Marítimo de Valparaíso. Se incorporan nuevos programas, a través de estudios acabados en museografía, historia y sustentabilidad. Se desarrolla el proyecto patrimonial a través de una visión abierta y en diálogo con el pasado.This assignment of the Chilean Navy has as an objective, the remodeling of a part of the Naval and Marine Museum of Valparaiso. New programs are incorporated by means of completed studies in museology, history and sustainability. The hereditary project is developed by means of an open vision and in dialogue with the past.http://ref.scielo.org/rtnpp

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Soft Tissue Sarcomas

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    Background: To study diagnostic validity of fineneedle aspiration cytology in soft tissue sarcoma.Methods: In this descriptive study patients of allages and both gender with obvious soft tissueswellings and patient in whom both FNAC followedby histopathology, were included. Cases withobvious inflammatory lesions were excluded fromthe study. Immunohistochemistry was employedwhere required.The diagnosis made on FNAC wasthen compared with the diagnosis made onhistopathology.Results: Mean age of the patients was 28 years±16yrs. Lower extremity tumours were seen in 65%.Most common soft tissue sarcoma on FNAC wasspindle cell sarcoma (11 cases) followed by roundcell sarcoma(10 cases). Subsequent histopathology ofcases showed 55% of benign soft tissue tumours and45% of soft tissue sarcomas. Hence there were 4 falsenegative cases and one false positive case oncytology. On comparing with histopathologicalcorrelation diagnostic accuracy of FNAC indiagnosing soft tissue sarcoma came out to be92.3%.The sensitivity and specificity of FNAC in softtissue sarcoma was 86.2 % and 97.2% respectively.Conclusion: FNAC is a useful procedure in preoperativediagnosis of benign and malignant softtissue tumours , with a high sensitivity, specificityand diagnostic accuracy in soft tissue sarcomas

    Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Inovatif di SD Kusuma Putra Surabaya

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    Education is a very important learning process in human life. one of them with the use of appropriate learning media can influence the teaching and learning process to be more effective and fun. Kusuma Putra Surabaya Elementary School is a school located in Pogot Jaya, Kenjeran, Surabaya, East Java. At these schools have problems to improve effective teaching in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. The implementation method in community service activities this time has 3 stages, the first is the introduction method, the second is the method of carrying out innovative learning media with the game method, and the third is the assessment method. After the learning media were carried out for 2 months, the students who took part in the innovative learning media activities were very enthusiastic about the activities and had a positive impact on education, which is a very important learning process in human life. one of them with the use of appropriate learning media can influence the teaching and learning process to be more effective and fun. Kusuma Putra Surabaya Elementary School is a school located in Pogot Jaya, Kenjeran, Surabaya, East Java. At these schools have problems to improve effective teaching in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. The implementation method in community service activities this time has 3 stages, the first is the introduction method, the second is the method of carrying out innovative learning media with the game method, and the third is the assessment method. After the learning media were carried out for 2 months, the students who took part in the innovative learning media activities were very enthusiastic about the activities and had a positive impact on increasing grades

    Histomorphological Variants of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Upper Aero-digestive Tract

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    Background: To determine the site wise frequencyof squamous cell carcinoma variants in upper aerodigestivetract.Methods: In this observational study all the casesof diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of upper aerodigestive tract were included. All the cases wereformalin fixed and processed routinely to formparaffin blocks. Slides were made and stained withH&E.Results: Out of 41 cases, 33 cases showed the classicpattern of squamous cell carcinoma, which arosefrom Oral cavity, alveolar ridge, tongue, oesophagus,palate, pharynx, nose, larynx and bronchus. Most ofthe classic squamous cell carcinomas were ofkeratinizing type.Conclusions: Majority of cases of squamous cellcarcinomas in upper aero-digestive tract revealedclassical pattern


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    Desa Pagarluyung merupakan desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Gedeg Kabupaten Mojokerto, mayoritas penduduk desa berprofesi sebagai petani, buruh pabrik, swasta dan pedagang. Adanya pandemi yang disebabkan oleh virus corona ini membuat sebagian masyarakat kehilangan pekerjaan. Ibu lilik merupakan salah satu ibu rumah tangga yang mempunyai ide untuk membuat usaha keripik di desa tersebut. Bahan baku untuk keripik bonggol pisang ini melimpah di wilayah sekitar tempat tinggal ibu Lilik.  Kebun pisang kepok di Desa Pagarluyung di miliki oleh bapak Suroso dan bapak Deni, luas kebun pisang kepok yang ada di desa Pagarluyung adalah 20x120 m. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah produk keripik bonggol pisang tidak mempunyai kemasan yang menarik dan informatif dan penentuan harga jual yang berdasarkan perkiraan. Metode pelaksanaan ini terbagi dalam empat tahap yaitu, tahap persiapan, tahap pendampingan produksi, tahap pendampingan manajemen dan tahap luaran. Hasil dari Redesain pada kemasan produk dengan menambahkan informasi terkait produk dapat meningkatkan penjualan menjadi 70-75 bungkus/ minggu. Dengan pembukuan sederhana ibu Lilik dapat menentukan harga jual yang sesuai dan tidak menggunakan perkiraan