39 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran bongkahan batu kapur yang digunakan pada pengeringan absorpsi terhadap laju pengeringan fillet ikan patin.  Tiga macam ukuran bongkahan kapur api, yaitu 100 g per bongkah atau dengan luas permukaan 8.65 cm2/kg (U1), 50 g per bongkah atau dengan luas permukaan 10.40 cm2/kg (U2), dan 25 g per bongkah atau memiliki luas permukaan 13.09 cm2/kg (U3), ditempatkan pada bagian bawah lemari pengering dan dipisahkan dengan kawat kasa dari fillet ikan patin yang ditempatkan di rak bagian atas,.perbandingan kapur: ikan (5:1).  Untuk mencapai kadar air fillet ikan patin 12% basis basah, dibutuhkan waktu masing-masing selama 46, 38, dan 30 jam untuk luas permukaan bongkahan kapur 8.65, 10.40, dan 13.09 cm2/kg. Pengeringan fillet ikan patin terbagi dalam 4 periode, yaitu periode transisi (kondisioning), periode cepat (pengeringan air bebas), periode lambat (pengeringan air terikat tersier) dan periode sangat lambat (pengeringan air terikat sekunder). Pada batu kapur ukuran besar, proses kondisioning dan periode pengeringan air bebas cenderung lebih cepat tetapi setelah memasuki periode pengeringan air terikat, laju pengeringannya akan sangat lambat dibandingkan dengan penggunaan ukuran bongkahan yang lebih kecil

    Kajian Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Industri Kripik Singkong Perusahaan PT Inti Sari Rasa di Bekasi

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    Cassava is one of local prime comodity in Indonesia. Crispy chips of cassava is one of product was made from cassava. People interest in developing of it, for example, people in Bekasi. PT Inti Sari Rasa was built in 1981, it has a business in crispy chips of cassava industry. The company have an internal and external constraints to develop and awaken crispy chips of cassava industry (increasing competition power of product and business).  The aims of the study are: (1) to identify and evaluate the internal factor business of crispy chips of cassava industry in PT. Inti Sari Rasa which is become strength and weakness factors; (2) to identify and evaluate the external factors which is become opportunities and threats that can influence its developing; (3) to analyze strategy which was applied and formulate the alternative strategy for developing business of crispy chips of cassava. Data which was used in this analysis covered  primary and secondary data which have quantitave and qualitative character. The respondents were : (a) company management (5 persons); (b) agent (10 agents); (c) consumer (50 persons). The tools analysis used matrix of IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation), EFE (External Factor Evaluation), IE (Internal – External) and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesess, Opportunities and Threats) to arrange developing business strategy, also QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) to determine priority strategy which was chose. The result of IFE matrix calculation got score 2.703 and EFE 2.511. Based market on the mapping by IE matrix, position of the company in the cell V. Strategy that can apply in this cell are market penetration and developing product and market. The result of SWOT matrix are four types of strategy that done, they are : S-O strategy, to maintain consumer’s loyalty and increasing productivity; W-O strategy, to expand distribution area and market, to increase quality of human resource marketing, to apply accountancy system in the company's finance; S-T strategy, to increase product diversification to counter a new comer, to increase image product in order to implant consumer loyalty; W-T strategy, to increase promotion activity in order to catch the potential consumer, to fix the product price in order to meet the most people. Based on the alternative strategy that was formulated. QSPM used to choose priority strategy which can be applied, it is expanding distribution area and market (4,612). That strategy rely on strengthens and opportunities, also solve some weaknesses and anticipate threatens which come from company surroundin

    Model Kepuasan Pelanggan di PT Mediacomm Citra Perdana

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    To achieved customer satisfaction, therefore the performance and quality service must be employed according to the standard. PT Mediacomm Citra Perdana is a company  engaged in the communication sector with focusing on advertising. Competition is inevitable for PT. Mediacomm Citra Perdana while looking prospective client and advertise its task. Work culture while also serve as tradition but also play an important role in the terms of speed, accurate and professionalism. The study of Model of Customer Satisfaction in PT Mediacomm Citra Perdana is purposely conducted for: (1) To Identify Customer Perception; (2) To analyze the Effect of Product Quality; (3) To Identify Variables that Influenced Quality Products, Services and Marketing Power (in terms of Management) by PT Mediacomm Citra Perdana. The data collected by secondary data of using survey data with Likert scale to describe the characteristics of the consumer, the service and quality of the process (frequency, mean, percentage of cross tabulation, the average scores). Multiple linear regression are also used to analyze the influence of quality attributes on customer satisfaction. The data are also used for test the validity and the reliability. The characteristics of the clients are processed with Contigency Table and Spearman Rank Correlation. The assessment of importance  level and customer expectation is analyzed with Importance Performance Analysis. For overall satisfaction of customer with regards to product/service attribute analyzed with Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Validity result shows 14 valid attribute on reality-dimension while the other 20 is invalid on reality-dimension. On the expectation-dimensions, 23 attribute are recorded its validiy while the other 11 attribute in invalid. Correlation test shows, the three independent variables correlated with the dependent variable with a correlation coefficient > 0,4. Multiple regression shows, three independent variables explained > 50% change in the dependent variable. Customer Satisfaction Index are at level 76,84%. Based on the calculation, CSI result on 0,768 indicate the satisfaction level index are positioned in the range 0,66-0,88 which means PT. Mediacomm Citra Perdana gives excellent performance

    TIGA JENIS ALAT TANGKAP KEKUAK UNTUK TUJUAN KOMERSIAL DI BANGKA Studi Kasus Pebuar (Bangka Barat) dan P.Nangkabesar (Bangka Tengah)

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    This paper describes the research result about catching gears in traditional-commercial kekuak catch fishery in Bangka at two production centres, Pebuar and Nangkabesar. The objectives is exploring and comparing the gears which used for catching kekuak. Data were collected by observation at fishing activities and interview with key informans. The research found there are three kinds of gear: cucok, rangkang dan serampang. Cucok is the gear came from ancient tradition, but rangkang, and serampang came from fishermen innovation. The cucok is used at all of regions in Bangka, but the rangkang is used only at Pebuar, and the serampang only at Nangkabesa


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    Penelitian kerupuk dengan menggunakan 3 jenis ikan yaitu ikan remang(Congresoxtalabon), ikan kakap (Lates calcarifer) dan ikan belida (Nonpterus cbiktus) denganformulasi 0;25;40 dan 50o/o telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengehhui pengaruhnya dalam pengembangan volumetrik, kerenyahan dan rasa krupuk


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    This paper describes the research result on kekuak catching technique applied by Bangka fishermen at two production centres, Pebuar and Nangkabesar. The objectives is exploring and comparing the commercial kekuak catching techniques. Data were collected by observation at fishing activities and interview with key informans. This research found there are three kinds of technique: nyucok, ngerangkang, and nyerampang. Nyucok is the technique came from ancient tradition, but ngerangkang and nyerampang came from fishermen innovation. The nyucok applied at all of regions in Bangka, but the ngerangkang is applied only at Pebuar, and the nyerampang only at Nangkabesar. All of the techniques are not affect to the dry kekuak qualities, and the ngerangkang is the technique that produce the best wet (fresh) kekuak quality

    Teknologi penanganan dan pengolahan telur

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    xvi, 360 hal.: ilus,; 24 c

    Penilaian organoleptik

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    Organoleptik adalah ilmu yang membahas pemanfaatan e 5 indera atau panca indera yang dimiliki manusia untuk menguji atau menilai hasil pangan dan hasil pertanian lainnya. Bahkan penggunaannya ini telah meluas juga ke cabang-cabang industri lainnya.xii, 121 hal. : Ilus. ; 21 c

    Dasar-dasar Pengawasan Dan Standarisasi Mutu Pangan

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    xiii, 356 hal.; ill.; 24 cm