55 research outputs found

    Optimisasi Pembentukan Sel Diintegrasikan dengan Penempatan Mesin dan Penjadwalan di dalam Selular Manufaktur Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    Perindustrian di Indonesia belakangan ini semakin berkembang, hal ini mengantarkannya pada persaingan global, sehingga mendorong banyak Perusahaan untuk semakin memperbaiki dan meningkatkan USAhanya agar lebih efektif dan efisien. Salah satu yang berdampak signifikan pada keefektifan dan keefesianan suatu Perusahaan adalah perencanaan fasilitas. Cellular Manufacturing (CM) adalah salah satu metode yang telah terbukti mampu menambah efisiensi serta fleksibilitas dalam lingkungan produksi manufaktur. Diantara faktor-faktor yang diperlukan dalam selular manufaktur adalah Cell Formation (CF), Group Layout (GL), dan Group Scheduling (GS). Biasanya, tiga faktor ini diselesaikan dalam keadaan terpisah atau diselesaikan secara berurutan. Tugas ahir ini membahas tentang metode untuk penyelesaian CF, GL, GS secara bersamaan. A hierarchical genetic algorithm (HGA) digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut

    The Role of HLAC and NK Cells in Fetal Growth Restriction

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    Objective: To determine the role of HLA-C and NK cell expressions in fetal growth restriction (FGR). Methods: A cross sectional study design was used. This study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, its affiliated hospitals, and at the Pathological Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. A total of 40 samples were included in this study. The samples consisted of 20 normal pregnancies and 20 pregnancies with FGR. HLA-C expression in the trophoblast and NK cells in decidua of the subjects who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were examined using immunohistochemical method and statistical analysis with T test. Results: The mean expression of HLA-C in the trophoblast in the pregnant group with FGR was 9.021.30, normal pregnancy was 7.96 ± 0.97, p=0.01 (p<0.05). The mean expression of NK cells in decidua of pregnancy with FGR was 10.59 ± 2.11, normal pregnancy was 0.91 ± 8.18, with p=0.00 (p<0.05). Conclusion: The expressions of HLA-C in trophoblast and NK cells in decidua of pregnancy with FGR were higher compared with those of normal pregnancy. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 5-3: 142-148] Keywords: fetal growth restriction, HLA-C, NK cell

    Persepsi Ibu Mengenai Program Penimeangan Anak

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    ABSTRAK A research into mother\u27s perception on weighing program of under-five-year-old children has been carried out in Kelurahan Sidoluhur, Kec. Godean, Yogyakarta. The mothers mostly have understood the contents and instructions written in the "KEY\u27S". They, however, know less about the importance of evaluating the children\u27s health by examining their body-weight., eventhough they realize the danger of malnutrition in children. The mothers knowledge of "ASI" is fairly adequatewhile the knowledge of additional feeding and the effort to overcome some feeding troubles in children need to be increased. Diarrhoeal disease is considered to be something dangerous for childrenhence, most of the mothers have used ORT to overcome diarrhoeal disease suffered by their children. Almost all the children have got a basic vaccinationstill, many mothers do not understand the utility of the vaccination. For instance, from what kind of disease it can prevent the children. The effort in health education relating to weighing programme has been well carried-out by the health cadres and workers. Morever, many mothers regularly weigh their children in the weighing - posts. The reason why some mothers do not weigh their children is that they are busy. It is important, thus, to think of bringing the weighing time and the mothers free time in line. Key Words : Mother\u27s perception, Weighing Program, Mother\u27s knowledge, KM

    Upacara tradisional (upacara kematian) daerah Jawa Timur

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    Secara umum inventarisasi dan dokumentasi kebudayaan Daerah ini, bertujuan untuk menyediakan data dan informasi tentang nilai-nilai kehidupan tradisional masyarakat di Jawa Timur. Tujuan yang khusus adalah bermaksud mengumpulkan data serta mendeskripsikan upacara kematian yang masih ditradisikan serta dipelihara oleh masyarakat di Jawa Timur dewasa ini. Dengan upacara kematian itu dimaksudkan tata perbuatan yang berpola, diwujudkan dalam tingkah-laku, ucapan, anjuran, pantangan, serta penyertaan benda-benda tertentu, yang dilaksanakan dengan khidmat. Terhadap upacara itu masyarakat bersikap patuh, hormat, dan memeliharanya sebagai bagian yang sepantasnya dilakukan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Upacara kematian sebagai unsur budaya yang masih ditradisikan hingga sekarang, pada hakekatnya dapat merupakan wahana proses sosialisasi kehidupan sosial-budaya, berfungsi untuk mengukuhkan nilai-nilai, norma-norma, yang menyangkut aspek pendidikan nonformal, aspek kesatuan yang mengikat hubungan keluarga dan kerabat, serta memberi pedoman bagi anggota masyarakat, dalam menempatkan diri sebagai bagian dari kehidupan bersama. Diharapkan dengan pencatatan dan dokumentasi upacara tradisional tentang upacara kematian ini, dapat digunakan sebagai bahan untuk menyusun dan merumuskan kebijakan pembinaan serta pengembangan kebudayaan daerah, dalam rangka pelestarian dan pengembangan kebudayaan Nasional

    Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Daun Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) dalam Ransum terhadap Fraksi Lipid Darah dan Persentase Berat Organ Dalam Ayam Buras

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian tepung daun Senduduk (Melastoma malabathirium L.) dalam ransum terhadap fraksi lipid darah dan berat organ dalam pada ayam buras. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Mei 2018 sampai 10 Juli 2018 di Commercial Zone and Animal Laboratory (CZAL) dan Laboratorium Peternakan Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Penelitian ini menggunakan 100 ekor ayam buras berumur 5 minggu, terdiri 5 perlakuan 4 ulangan, setiap ulangan terdiri 5 ekor ayam buras. Perlakuan tersebut, TO: Kontrol, T1: menggunakan 1,5% daun Senduduk, T2: menggunakan 2,5% daun Senduduk, T3: menggunakan 3,5% daun Senduduk, T4: menggunakan 4,5% daun Senduduk. Paramater yang diukur pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 20 ekor ayam berumur 10 minggu yakni fraksi lipid darah terdiri trigliserida, kolestrol, HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein), VLDL (verry low- density lipoprotein), index perbandingan antara LDL dengan HDL, dan berat organ dalam terdiri berat liver, berat jantung, berat limfa, berat gizzard, berat usus, dan panjang usus. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan sidik ragam (ANOVA). Uji lanjut menggunakan Uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) dalam ransum berpengaruh sangat nyata (P0.05) terhadap kadar trigliserida, kadar HDL-c, kadar VLDL, dan juga tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05) terhadap persentase berat hati, jantung, limpa, gizzard, usus, dan panjang usus. Kata Kunci: daun Senduduk, ayam buras, fraksi lipid darah, organ dala

    Kebugaran dan Produktivitas Kerja Tenaga Kerja Wanita Selama Berpuasa Ramadhan

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    This study evaluated changes in nutrient intake of female labourers during Ramadhan fasting, in relation to the changes in iron status and blood glucose level which may affect fitness and productivity. A total of 40 female labourers were randomly chosen from 200 sample population, with the criteria: Hb value &gt;12 g%, not lactating or pregnant, nor had metabolic disorders. They had to follow the research agenda and had to fast during the Ramadhan month, 1417 H, except when they were in menstruation period. Data on food intakes, blood component, fitness, and total patch clothes sown were collected a week before, the first and third week during Ramadhan, and a month after Lebaran. Hemoglobin and hematocrite as indicators of iron status were determined. Average energy intake before fasting month was 142% of the RDA, while during the fasting month it was 124%. Most of the labourers used to have breakfast daily, which has an averages of 30% of their total daily intake. During fasting they had 40% of total energy intake from early breakfast (makan sahur). There were decrease in energy and vegetable protein but increase in animal protein, vitamin C, and iron consumption. Glucose level and iron status were decreased but did not cause hypoglycemia nor anemia. Productivity and fitness improved during the fasting month. Total patches sown as productivity indicator were increased by 17% during morning, but decreased by 10% during afternoon sessions. Fitness improved by one level, from low to average. This study concluded that energy intakes of female labourers were lower, but fitness and productivity were better during the fasting month
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